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Resolving the initial phase ambiguities of GPS carrier phase observations was always considered an important aspect of GPS processing techniques. Resolution of the so-called wide-lane ambiguities using a special linear combination of theL 1 andL 2 carrier and code observations has become standard. New aspects have to be considered today: (1) Soon AS, the so-called Anti-Spoofing, will be turned on for all Block II spacecrafts. This means that precise code observations will be no longer available, which in turn means that the mentioned approach to resolve the wide-lane ambiguities will fail. (2) Most encouraging is the establishment of the new International GPS Geodynamics Service (IGS), from where high quality orbits, earth rotation parameters, and eventually also ionospheric models will be available. We are reviewing the ambiguity resolution problem under these new aspects: We look for methods to resolve the initial phase ambiguities without using code observations but using high quality orbits and ionospheric models from IGS, and we study the resolution of the narrow-lane ambiguities (after wide-lane ambiguity resolution) using IGS orbits.  相似文献   

Ionospheric activity is a significant concern for reliable operation of GPS positioning applications, particularly at high latitudes. In order to monitor high latitude ionospheric activity for GPS users, researchers at the University of Calgary have installed the Canadian GPS Network for Ionosphere Monitoring (CANGIM). This network has been operational since 2003 and consists of a number of reference stations, each equipped with a specialized GPS receiver capable of providing near real-time observations of ionospheric parameters and raw GPS data. Potential exists to provide ionospheric warnings and near real-time measures of associated impacts on positioning and navigation applications for GPS users. This paper provides an overview of ionospheric limitations for high latitude GPS users, and describes the ionospheric monitoring services developed for the CANGIM.  相似文献   

IGS 电离层 VTEC 产品内插算法解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IGS电离层V T EC产品对电离层相关研究具有重要应用价值,其全球用户呈不断快速增长趋势。由于缺乏较详细的内插算法介绍,结合IO N EX1.0格式说明文件和瑞士BERN大学源代码对内插算法进行了解析,并以2013年5月16日产品为例说明了四种内插算法的差异,为准确使用IGS电离层V T EC产品提供了参考。  相似文献   

IGS于2013年4月正式发布针对GPS/GLONASS广播星历的实时改正数产品,进一步扩展了实时精密定位的应用领域。目前对IGS实时改正数的研究主要集中在精密单点定位、GPS气象等方面,还没有动态差分定位方面的研究。本文首先分析了IGS实时轨道和时钟改正数的精度,然后对其用于车载动态伪距差分定位的精度进行了研究。试验结果表明,IGS实时轨道精度可以达到5 cm,时钟精度在0.5 ns以内;使用IGS实时服务的车载动态伪距差分定位平面精度可以达到亚米级,高程精度优于1.5 m。  相似文献   

Selective Availability (SA), the intentional degradation of the accuracy of the single-frequency GPS position by the DoD, was ended on May 2, 2000. This major policy decision, promised to occur some time in the next 5 years, had an instantaneous and dramatic impact on the users of single-frequency GPS. Figure 1 shows the “before and after” of the turn-off of SA, and illustrates how significant and error source SA was. SA was turned off at 0400 UTC, the point on the graph at which the horizontal and vertical errors were markedly reduced. The magnitudes of the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) circular error probable (CEP), and sperical error probable (SEP) – the uncertainty in a fix – were reduced to less than 5 meters. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

基于IGS超快速星历的高精度实时GPS测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IGS的几种星历产品中,精密星历精度虽然高,但不能实时获得,并且它是影响高精度实时测量应用的主要因素。讨论几种星历产品数值上的差异,在实际计算中使用超快预报星历替代精密星历,并比较它们基线解算结果和天顶延迟解算结果。结果证明:两种星历计算的基线差别非常小,因此,在高精度GPS数据处理中可以直接使用超快预报星历,得到高精度的实时坐标。同样可以应用在GPS气象中,用超快事后星历实现对流层实时监测。  相似文献   

IGS基准站的选取问题是目前GPS数据处理中讨论的热点问题.文中从基准站选取的几何意义、统计意义和物理意义3个方面分析讨论了IGS基准站的选取问题.并通过对理论及大量算例的分析,提出了IGS基准站选取的一般原则.  相似文献   

GPS数据处理中IGS基准站的选取   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
IGS基准站的选取问题是目前GPS数据处理中讨论的热点问题。文中从基准站选取的几何意义、统计意义和物理意义3个方面分析讨论了IGS基准站的选取问题。并通过对理论及大量算例的分析,提出了IGS基准站选取的一般原则。  相似文献   

GPS35卫星的SLR轨道与IGS轨道的联合比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
GPS35卫星的对地一侧安装了激光后向反射器阵,使得这颗卫星不仅可以播发GPS导航定位信息,还可实施激光测距(SLR)观测,对由激光测距数据所确定的SLR轨道与由GPS数据所确定的IGC轨道进行了比较,得出了这两轨道的差值约为1m,并对此差值进行了分析。  相似文献   

近年来,IGS基准站的选取是GPS数据处理中讨论的热点问题。但到目前为止,该问题仍然没有得到解决。从理论和实践两个方面对该问题进行研究,首先从理论上分析IGS基准站选取的几何意义和统计意义,然后利用已知精确坐标的IGS站点的GPS观测数据作为试验数据,从不同分布情况以及不同IGS站点个数两个方面,分析IGS站点选取对坐标内外符合精度的影响,最后给出对于不同要求高精度GPS数据处理的IGS站点选取原则。  相似文献   

The International GNSS Service (IGS) provides Ultra-rapid GPS & GLONASS orbits every 6 h. Each product is composed of 24 h of observed orbits with predicted orbits for the next 24 h. We have studied how the orbit prediction performance varies as a function of the arc length of the fitted observed orbits and the parameterization strategy used to estimate the empirical solar radiation pressure (SRP) effects. To focus on the dynamical aspects of the problem, nearly ideal conditions have been adopted by using IGS Rapid orbits and known earth rotation parameters (ERPs) as observations. Performance was gauged by comparison with Rapid orbits as truth by examining WRMS and median orbit differences over the first 6-h and the full 24-h prediction intervals, as well as the stability of the Helmert frame alignment parameters. Two versions of the extended SRP orbit model developed by the Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) were tested. Adjusting all nine SRPs (offsets plus once-per-revolution sines and cosines in each satellite-centered frame direction) for each satellite shows smaller mean sub-daily, scale, and origin translation differences. On the other hand, eliminating the four once-per-revolution SRP parameters in the sun-ward and the solar panel axis directions yields orbit predictions that are much more rotationally stable. We found that observed arc lengths of 40–45 h produce the most stable and accurate predictions during 2010. A combined strategy of rotationally aligning the 9 SRP results to the 5 SRP frame should give optimal predictions with about 13 mm mean WRMS residuals over the first 6 h and 50 mm over 24 h. Actual Ultra-rapid performance will be degraded due to the unavoidable rotational errors from ERP predictions.  相似文献   

基于GPS的南极电离层电子总含量空间分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南极区域内的中国中山站GPS常年跟踪站(ZHON)和国际GPS服务站GPS观测数据,计算出2000-2006年期间南极地区上空高精度电离层电子总含量值,分别对极光区内、极光区外、极隙、极盖区的电离层电子总含量进行分析比较.结果表明,极光区外的电子总含量峰值要大于极光区内,极光区内的电子总含量峰值又大于极盖区,而每日...  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的持续完善及其在多领域内的大量应用,拓展了国际GNSS服务组织(IGS)连续监测站的服务领域,从而提升了对其观测数据的质量要求,因此有必要对大范围内IGS站点卫星观测数据质量进行分析.结合目前各GNSS的全球覆盖程度以及发展成熟度,本文以GPS为对象,对全球范围IGS站点该系统的原始观测数据质量进行评价,包括数据所受多径影响、数据观测完整程度以及数据中跳变比例三方面,得出了关于IGS站点GPS数据质量的分析结果,该结果可为地学研究及工程应用过程中站点的选取作参考.  相似文献   

全球IGS站数据与GPS区域网数据的联合处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦文海  王刚  贾小林 《测绘学报》2000,29(Z1):90-95
为了使区域GPS网建立的参考框架与国际地球参考框架(ITRF)更加接近,利用全球IGS站观测数据无疑是一条最佳途径。本文对处理大尺度GPS网数据时如何利用全球分布均匀的IGS站观测数据以及如何选择全球基准站的问题进行了研究。给出了利用全球IGS站数据的数学模型,分析了国内专家选择基准站时存在的一些问题,提出了选择基准站的新方法,这一方法适合于建立我国新的地心参考框架。实测数据计算结果表明,这种方法计算的未知站地心坐标精度相对于ITRF96参考框架约±2 cm。  相似文献   

Site-specific multipath characteristics of global IGS and CORS GPS sites   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The site-specific multipath characteristics of 217 Global Positioning System (GPS) sites worldwide were analyzed using the variability of the post-fit phase residuals. Because the GPS satellite constellation returns to the same configuration in a sidereal day (23 h 56 min 4 s), the multipath repeats on that period. However, daily GPS position estimates are usually based on the solar day. When several days of GPS data are processed, this steady change in the orientation of the satellite constellation with respect to the station manifests itself in the form of patterns in the post-fit phase residuals which shift by 3 min 56 s per day. It was found that the mean root mean square of the time-shifted post-fit phase residuals is highly dependent on the GPS antenna type. The conclusions derived from the analysis of the time-shifted post-fit residuals were verified by performing a cross-correlation of the post-fit residuals across many days for selected sites.  相似文献   

介绍了建立格网电离层延迟模型的基本原理,着重阐述了多面函数算法、距离加权算法的原理以及用这2种算法建立区域格网电离层延迟模型的方法,并利用地壳网络观测数据对这2种算法进行检核。结果表明这2种模型均可达到±0.5 m 的精度。  相似文献   

针对单频GPS接收机受电离层影响较大的特点,从定性的角度比较、分析了两种常用经验电离层模型的使用特点和改正精度。利用4个IGS测站的多天GPS实测数据,采用单点定位的方法,从定量的角度,研究了两种常用经验电离层模型应用于单频GPS用户定位时的改正效果,为单频GPS用户修正电离层延迟,选择合适的电离层模型提供了参考性建议。  相似文献   

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