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<正>随着高清电视机的普及,用户对于高清节目的需求迅速增长,高清互动点播系统的推出为用户提供了多样化的需求,也提升了广电网络的竞争力,近期济宁分公司的高清互动点播平台已经搭建完成,只要用户家中是双向线路,即可通过高清机顶盒点播视频节目及时移回看。高清互动点播系统包括一个核心节点和多个边缘节点,其中核心节点位于省公司,主要完成视频内容的存储、管理,视频数据(IP信号)通过OTN波分系统与各  相似文献   

1引言视频点播是当前互动电视业务的重要表现形式,其经过多年的发展,在业务运营方面一般采用按次点播或包月点播的形式。其中按次点播是以单个节目为销售单元,在点播系统中为其设定销售价格,用户在点播界面上浏览并订购该节目,视频点播系统将记录该用户的购买历史,从订购开始的某段时间内用户可反复收看该节目而不会  相似文献   

苏兰电信计划与Xing软件技术开发公司合作开发交互式多媒体业务,如点播电视VOD、点播音乐MOD以及实况电视及无线节目等。他们打算先在芬兰的几千用户间进行试验;系统  相似文献   

徐宁 《电子与封装》2008,8(12):36-39
电子节目菜单(Electronic Program Guide,EPG),即电子版的未来节目索引。EPG的主要作用就是用户利用EPG提供的菜单,选择自己喜欢的组播频道,点播自己喜欢的视频节目,在线演唱自己喜欢的歌曲。本设计的目的在于针对现有技术的不足,研制开发一种可以通过网络进行节目指南自动下载并存放在刻录机中的新型EPG系统,即电子节目菜单,内容包括未来节目索引,节目信息介绍(节目导演、演员和基本剧情等),还可通过对节目名称、演员名称、剧种、热点节目等信息对节目进行快速搜索进而实现预制刻录。本设计的特点在于通过网络连接服务器下载EPG,快捷和可实现实时通讯,另可通过EPG显示的节目名称对未来节目进行预制刻录。  相似文献   

分析了智能电视人机交互的发展,提出了基于直播节目内容的语音切换频道系统设计原则和具体实现方法。该系统通过对智能电视语音控制及与节目信息服务器交互的创新设计,实现了智能电视机基于直播节目的节目内容信息,而非传统的频道号或频道名称进行节目切换,简化了用户查找和切换目标节目的操作,有效提升了智能电视的人机交互体验。  相似文献   

利用未改造的老网络 ,开展一些投资少、上马快、有市场、受欢迎的增值业务 ,也是增加收入 ,抢占市场 ,提高知名度 ,增强竞争力的有益举措。根据笔者的实践 ,利用未改造的网络可开展互动点播、图文电视、智力抢答、互动游戏、数据广播等多种业务。1 互动点播互动点播是利用电话线为上行通道 ,在电视上为有线电视用户播放点播的视频节目 ,如歌曲、小品、相声、动画片、卡拉OK、音乐、戏曲、精彩体育片断、生活常识等 ,此项业务广电网络公司可与信息台联办 ,也可独立经营。使用带计费功能的点播系统 ,自主计费 ,每月与电信公司结算 ,由电信…  相似文献   

视像点播(VOD)是当代信息技术,尤其是通信网络技术、多媒体技术和计算机技术发展的产物。VOD与普通电视的不同在于,它是一种观众与有线电视公司的节目交互作用系统。因此,VOD大大增强了用户在信息服务与提供中的主动性,用户可通过摇控器、机顶盒和屏幕上的菜单来收看自己点播的节目,利用它来购物、学习、享受各种信息服务。 VOD系统的构成与基本原理 VOD系统主要由信息制作与控制中心(或称交换中心)、传输网络、用户端三大块组成(图1)。  相似文献   

北京它山石电子科技开发中心是美国 Real Networks公司在中国的首家技术合作伙伴。 1999年初 ,它为电台、电视台量身定做 ,自主研发 ,推出了国内第一套能够在互联网上自动进行网络直播和点播的大型综合性视音节目站点的最新解决方案 :因特网视音频自动播出系统 (简称AV2 0 0 0 )。该系统支持的视音频站点面向世界范围的网络用户 ,提供 WWW网络浏览、视音频节目定时直播和点播、用户访问统计分析、插播网络广告等多种服务。功能简介(1)实现了由手工操作变微机控制的广播电视节目内容在国际互联网上滚动播和实时更新 ;(2 )实现了由微机和程…  相似文献   

计算机网络技术的应用使电视播出系统能实现更高效、更智能化的运作,提升内容传播和用户体验的质量。通过网络技术,电视台可以实现远程采访、视频直播、点播等功能,将丰富多样的内容传递给观众。观众可以根据自己的需求选择感兴趣的节目,提高了观众的参与度和满意度。基于此,本文详细分析了融媒体背景下电视播出系统中计算机网络技术的实施路径,以供参考。  相似文献   

所谓交互式电视ITV是一种受用户控制的视频分配业务,它使分布在不同地理位置上的用户可以交互式地访问远端服务器所存储的节目,在节目间和节目内用户能够作出选择和决定。节目间交互电视称为点播电视(VOD),它又可分为真点播电视(TVOD)和准点播电视(NVOD)。在真点播电视中,每个用户各自占有一套节目,每个人都要得到即时响应,对装设在信息中心和电视台视频盘和视频带上的节目可以随意控制,  相似文献   

本文以陕西省烟草专卖局(公司)的核心业务系统一卷烟营销系统的建设为背号,围绕烟草商业企业订单跟踪和质量评价的过程进行思考,从当前业务面临问题、信息系统建设现状,未来信息化一体化目标等方面进行综合分析,并结合当前业界主流的信息技术应用方向,提出了一种面向烟草商业企业订单跟踪和质量评价的建设思路,期望借以此文为烟草商业企业乃至所有快消品企业通过信息化手段提高订货效率、提升零售客户满意度、增强企业自身竞争力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The recent advent of networked home appliances has enabled enhanced on-demand multimedia services to be feasible. Especially, personal video recorders have made it more convenient to manage broadcast TV programs at home by storing them on their own disks. However, standalone PVRs have limitations on availability of TV programs due to limited reception channel and storage capacity. Networked PVR services can get over these limitations by storing all broadcast TV programs in remote storage systems that servers provide. Thus, these networked PVR services can have several advantages over standalone PVRs in terms of cost and availability. In this article we therefore propose an on-demand TV service architecture for networked PVRs to reduce response times to interactive operations and save network bandwidth. Finally, we show from simulation results that our proposed architecture both decreases the number of programs whose initial time-shifting operations are delayed and increases the hit ratio in cache servers significantly.  相似文献   

陈媛媛  王晶晶 《电子测试》2012,(11):23-26,36
本文基于Goodman提出的非合作博弈功率控制模型改进了代价函数。针对感知无线电系统(CR)中各用户的通信需求,采用多载波码分多址(MC-CDMA)感知无线电系统,解决感知用户对主用户干扰和通信中断等问题,为实现感知频谱资源的有效分配,提出了一种新的感知无线电系统功率控制博弈算法。通过仿真表明,该算法同几种经典算法相比,既满足不同种类用户SIR要求,又提高了系统吞吐量,实现了对不同用户发射功率的有效控制,且系统性能明显提高。  相似文献   

有效地管理和利用好设备已成为企业提高经济效益、提升竞争能力、促进企业发展的重要内容。而以计算机和Internet网络技术辅助设备管理已经被企业普遍采用,并取得了较好的效果。本文初步探讨了如何实现PCB设备管理信息化,利用设备信息化平台和设备管理方法,改善和提升设备效率。实践中,我们成功的开发和实施了设备信息化管理系统,在我司的钻孔工序投入使用,效果显著,有效提高了企业设备信息化的管理水平。最后,论文对基于网络和实时状态的设备综合管理理论及实现方法进行了总结,并对PCB设备管理信息化的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文通过整合中山市400万在网客户大数据资源,从用户分布、投诉热点、网络现状、用户流量等多维角度开展数据建模分析,并结合SQL数据库等大数据分析挖掘手段,基于网络投诉来分析非4G客户不转4G的痛点原因。从技术层面深度挖掘准4G用户在消费感知中遇到的问题,并以此快速定位需要针对性营销的目标用户,通过主动回访关怀或改善网络覆盖,从而提升用户感知,提升用户对移动4G网络的信心。实现市场网络一体化协同推广4G网络,促使非4G用户使用移动4G网络。  相似文献   

In an on-demand video system, the video repository generally has limited streaming capacities and may be far from the users. In order to achieve higher user capacity and lower network transmission cost, distributed servers architecture can be used, in which multiple local servers are placed close to user pools and, according to their local demands, dynamically cache the contents streamed from the repository. We study a number of caching schemes as applied in the local servers depending on whether the repository is able to multicast movie contents to the local servers or not, and whether the local servers can exchange their cached contents among themselves or not. Our caching schemes keep a circular buffer of data for the movie requested, and hence movies are partially cached. By adjusting the size of the buffer, such caching is able to achieve better tradeoff between network channels and local storage as compared to the traditional caching in which a movie is treated as an entity. For each caching scheme, we study the tradeoff between the local storage and the network channels, and address how the total cost of the system can be minimized by appropriately sizing the buffer. As compared to a number of traditional operations (request batching and multicasting, true-VOD, etc.), we show that distributed servers architecture is able to achieve much lower system cost to offer on-demand video services  相似文献   

A Cost-Efficient Scheduling Algorithm of On-Demand Broadcasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sun  Weiwei  Shi  Weibin  Shi  Bole  Yu  Yijun 《Wireless Networks》2003,9(3):239-247
In mobile wireless systems data on air can be accessed by a large number of mobile users. Many of these applications including wireless internets and traffic information systems are pull-based, that is, they respond to on-demand user requests. In this paper, we study the scheduling problems of on-demand broadcast environments. Traditionally, the response time of the requests has been used as a performance measure. In this paper we consider the performance as the average cost of request composed of three kinds of costs – access time cost, tuning time cost, and cost of handling failure request. Our main contribution is a self-adaptive scheduling algorithm named LDFC, which computes the delay cost of data item as the priority of broadcast. It costs less compared with some previous algorithms in this context, and shows good adaptability as well even in pure push-based broadcasts.  相似文献   

There is a growing need to understand why users discontinue using social media platforms. Understanding the antecedents of such decisions and the moderators that govern the antecedent effects can help users reach such decisions, and assist service providers in mitigating them. From a theoretical standpoint, there is a need to enrich the theoretical account of social media discontinuance phenomena. To address these issues, we integrate the “stimulus-organism-response” (S-O-R) framework and flow theory. We consequently portray the direct, indirect and moderating roles of flow experience in mitigating discontinuance intentions. We test this model via a survey of 502 WeChat users. The results support the S-O-R model and indicate that social overload, information overload, and communication overload (stimuli) increase the fatigue feelings (organism) of social media users, which, in turn, increase their social media discontinuance intentions (response). By combining the S-O-R perspective with flow theory, we show that flow experience not only help reduce users’ perceptions of fatigue and discontinuance intentions, but also moderate (weaken) the effects of fatigue on discontinuance intentions. Flow experience, therefore, serves as a means to inhibit the formation of social media discontinuance intentions, even when overload and fatigue persist. The present research also has several valuable theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

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