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Specific molecular recognition events, detected by atomic force microscopy (AFM), so far lack the detailed topographical information that is usually observed in AFM. We have modified our AFM such that, in combination with a recently developed method to measure antibody-antigen recognition on the single molecular level (Hinterdorfer, P., W. Baumgartner, H. J. Gruber, K. Schilcher, and H. Schindler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:3477-3481 (1996)), it allows imaging of a submonolayer of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in adhesion mode. We demonstrate that for the first time the resolution of the topographical image in adhesion mode is only limited by tip convolution and thus comparable to tapping mode images. This is demonstrated by imaging of individual ICAM-1 antigens in both the tapping mode and the adhesion mode. The contrast in the adhesion image that was measured simultaneously with the topography is caused by recognition between individual antibody-antigen pairs. By comparing the high-resolution height image with the adhesion image, it is possible to show that specific molecular recognition is highly correlated with topography. The stability of the improved microscope enabled imaging with forces as low as 100 pN and ultrafast scan speed of 22 force curves per second. The analysis of force curves showed that reproducible unbinding events on subsequent scan lines could be measured.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen plays a central role in surface-induced thrombosis. However, the interactions of fibrinogen with different substrata remain poorly understood because of the difficulties involved in imaging globular proteins under aqueous conditions. We present detailed three dimensional molecular scale images of fibrinogen molecules on a hydrophobic surface under aqueous conditions obtained by atomic force microscopy. Hydrated fibrinogen monomers are visualized as overlapping ellipsoids; dimers and trimers have linear conformations predominantly, and increased affinity for the hydrophobic surface compared with monomeric fibrinogen. The results demonstrate the importance of hydration on protein structure and properties that affect surface-dependent interactions.  相似文献   

Photodynamics of individual fluorescence molecules has been studied using an aperture-type near-field scanning optical microscope with two channel fluorescence polarisation detection and tuning fork shear-force feedback. The position of maximum fluorescence from individual molecules could be localised with an accuracy of 1 nm. Dynamic processes such as translational and rotational diffusion were observed for molecules adsorbed to a glass surface or embedded in a polymer host. The in-plane molecular dipole orientation could be determined by monitoring the relative contribution of the fluorescence signal in the two perpendicular polarised directions. Rotational dynamics was investigated on 10 ms-1000 s timescale. Shear-force phase feedback was used to obtain topographic imaging of DNA fragments, with a lateral and vertical resolution comparable to scanning force microscopy. A DNA height of 1.4 nm has been measured, an indication of the non-disturbing character of the shear force mechanism.  相似文献   

A focus on the importance of leisure in the development of student nurses has been neglected in the 1990s. This study considers 444 prospective nurses on conventional, diploma and degree courses in two areas of England. It examines their activities associated with socializing, their social support networks and their use of clubs, sports and hobbies before entering nursing. It is evident that students enter nurse training with a wide variety of leisure experiences. Changing recruitment patterns and the structure of nurse training has an effect on the leisure needs of prospective nurses which must be addressed.  相似文献   

Application of atomic force microscopy (AFM) to biological objects and processes under physiological conditions has been hampered so far by the deformation and destruction of the soft biological materials invoked. Here we describe a new mode of operation in which the standard V-shaped silicon nitride cantilever is oscillated under liquid and damped by the interaction between AFM tip and sample surface. Because of the viscoelastic behavior of the cellular surface, cells effectively "harden" under such a tapping motion at high frequencies and become less susceptible to deformation. Images obtained in this way primarily reveal the surface structure of the cell. It is now possible to study physiological processes, such as cell growth, with a minimal level of perturbation and high spatial resolution (approximately 20 nm).  相似文献   

Contact and tapping mode atomic force microscopy have been used to visualize the surface of cultured CV-1 kidney cells in aqueous medium. The height images obtained from living cells were comparable when using contact and tapping modes. In contrast, the corresponding, and simultaneously acquired, deflection images differed markedly. Whereas, as expected, deflection images enhanced the surface features in the contact mode, they revealed the presence of a filamentous network when using the tapping mode. This network became disorganized upon addition of cytochalasin, which strongly suggests that it corresponded to the submembraneous cytoskeleton. Examination of fixed cells further supported this assumption. These data show that, in addition to the structural information on the cell surface, the use of the tapping mode in liquid can also provide a good visualization of the membrane cytoskeleton. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy appears to be a promising technique for studying interactions between cell surface and subsurface structures, a critical step in many biological processes.  相似文献   

Condensation of DNA by multivalent cations can provide useful insights into the physical factors governing the folding and packaging of DNA in vivo. In this work, local ordered structures of spermidine-DNA complexes prepared from different DNA concentrations have been examined by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and polarizing microscopy (PM). Two types (I and II) of DNA condensates, significantly different in sizes, were observed. It was found that for extremely dilute solutions (DNA concentrations around 1 ng/microl or below), the DNA molecules would collapse into toroidal structures with a volume equivalent to a single lambda-DNA (type I). In relatively dilute solutions (DNA concentrations between 1 and 10 ng/microll), a significantly larger structure of multimolecular toroids (circular and elliptical, type II) were formed, which were constructed by many fine particles. Measurements show that the average diameter of these fine particles was similar to the outer diameter of the monomolecular toroids observed in extremely dilute solutions, and the thickness of the multimolecular toroids had a distribution of multi-layers with height increments of 11 nm, indicating that the multimolecular toroidal structures have lamellar characteristics. Moreover, by enriching the DNA-spermidine complexes in very diluted solution, branch-like structures constructed by subunits were observed by using AFM. The analysis of the pellets in polarizing microscopy reveals a liquid-crystal-like pattern. These observations suggest that DNA-spermidine condensation could have multiple stages, which are very sensitive to the DNA and spermidine concentrations.  相似文献   

The 6-years results are described of intraoperative ultrasonic imaging of the brain tumors and are compared with the results of preoperative computerized tomography. On the basis of 169 cases it was shown that the lesions well visible in preoperative CT (with or without contrast) were also well delineated in USG. In cases of presence in CT with or without contrast of extensive isodense or hypodense area, USG could localize in all patients the tumor with suggestion of its morphology. Intraoperative ultrasonic investigation is a valuable method supplementing preoperative diagnostic procedures, facilitating the localization of isomorphic tumors, reducing brain traumatization and making possible control of radical removal of the lesions.  相似文献   

We have used self-assembled purines and pyrimidines on planar gold surfaces and on gold-coated atomic force microscope (AFM) tips to directly probe intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and thermal programmed desorption (TPD) measurements of the molecular layers suggested monolayer coverage and a desorption energy of about 25 kcal/mol. Experiments were performed under water, with all four DNA bases immobilized on AFM tips and flat surfaces. Directional hydrogen-bonding interaction between the tip molecules and the surface molecules could be measured only when opposite base-pair coatings were used. The directional interactions were inhibited by excess nucleotide base in solution. Nondirectional van der Waals forces were present in all other cases. Forces as low as two interacting base pairs have been measured. With coated AFM tips, surface chemistry-sensitive recognition atomic force microscopy can be performed.  相似文献   

Laminins are a family of multifunctional extracellular matrix glycoproteins that play important roles in the development and maintenance of tissue organization via their interactions with cells and other extracellular matrix proteins. To understand the structural basis of laminins' functions, we examined the motion of laminin-1 (Ln-1) in physiological buffers using atomic force microscopy. While many Ln-1 molecules assumed the expected cruciform structure, unexpected dynamic movements of the Ln-1 arms were observed in aqueous environments. These dynamic movements of the Ln-1 arms may contribute to the diversity of laminin functions.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria are protected by an outer membrane in which trimeric channels, the porins, facilitate the passage of small solutes. The pores are formed by membrane-spanning antiparallel beta-strands, which are connected by short turns on the periplasmic side and long loops on the extracellular side. Voltage and pH-dependent conformational changes of these extracellular loops have now been visualized by atomic force microscopy of two-dimensional crystals of Escherichia coli porin OmpF. The observed conformational changes accompany the closure of the channel entrance, and suggest that this is a mechanism that the cells have evolved to protect themselves from drastic changes of the environment.  相似文献   

Details in the living animal can be compared with respective histologic section taken after death. In less than 35 min, 12 to 16 coronal and transverse images through the brain can be obtained, each with an in-plane resolution of 100 x 200 microns and a slice thickness of 900 microns. The experimental parameters can be manipulated not only to achieve different tissue contrast but also to access any desired plane.  相似文献   

We have examined dynamic events that occur on a time scale of minutes in an epithelial monolayer of Madine-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells and in ras-transformed MDCK cells by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Cells were imaged under physiological conditions, and time-lapse movies representing approximately 60 s real time per frame were assembled. In normal MDCK cells, two types of protrusions in the apical plasma membrane exhibit dynamic behavior. First, smooth bulges formed transiently over the time scale of minutes to tens of minutes. Second, spike-like protrusions appear initially as bulges, extend well above the apical surface and, finally, seem to detach. R5, an oncogenic transformant derived from MDCK cells, grows very flat on glass. During AFM imaging, these cells sometimes round up and detach from the substrate. In light microscopic observations of parallel preparations, cells rarely detach, suggesting that this is an active response of these cells to irritation by the AFM tip. R5 cells often extend processes that are supported by actin stress fibers. During imaging with the AFM, these processes withdraw at a rate of 1-5 microns/min, similar to that observed by light microscopy. During the withdrawal, movement of the stress fibers can be clearly seen. In the flat periphery of these cells, the transport of intracellular particles along cytoskeletal elements was seen. In addition, we have observed two types of wave-like movements through the cell, which appear to be an organized rearrangement of cytoplasm. One type of wave moves radially out from center of the cell while the other moves circularly along the cell periphery.  相似文献   

Helper T cells (Th) are classified as type 1 (Th1) and type 2 (Th2) according to the cytokines they produce; interferon-gamma is produced by Th1, and interleukin-4 by Th2. We counted the circulating CD4-positive Th cells that produce interferon-gamma or interleukin-4 with an enzyme-linked immunospot assay. CD4-positive T cells isolated from patients with chronic hepatitis B (n = 10), chronic hepatitis C (n = 16), and healthy subjects (n = 10) were stimulated with anti-CD3 antibody in vitro. The number of interferon-gamma-producing Th cells was significantly lower in patients with chronic hepatitis C than in healthy subjects (P = 0.0024), whereas in patients with chronic hepatitis B, the number was similar to that in healthy subjects (P = 0.8530). The number of interleukin-4-producing Th cells was significantly higher in patients with chronic hepatitis C (P = 0.0010) and chronic hepatitis B (P = 0.0089) than in healthy subjects. In chronic hepatitis C, the number of interferon-gamma-producing Th cells was increased after incubation of the cells with interferon-alpha (P = 0.008) or with recombinant interferon-gammala (P = 0.024), but not with interferon-beta (P = 0.051). The number of interleukin-4-producing Th cells was decreased after incubation with interferon-alpha (P = 0.0004), with interferon-beta (P = 0.003), and with recombinant interferon-gammala (P = 0.0004). Changes in the numbers of interferon-gamma- or interleukin-4-producing Th cells in vitro were more evident in sustained responders to interferon therapy than in non-responders. These results suggest that Th2 cells are the predominant cell type in chronic hepatitis C, and that their activity may be suppressed by the administration of interferon.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis reduces respiratory tract infections (RTI) and overall mortality in an unselected adults intensive care population. SEARCH STRATEGY: Systematic literature search in peer-reviewed journals indexed in MEDLINE, examination of relevant proceedings of scientific meetings and personal contact with trialists. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised clinical trials (RCTs), published and unpublished, comparing different forms of antibiotic prophylaxis used to reduce RTIs and mortality in unselected adult intensive care units (ICUs) populations. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Out of the 32 RCTs eligible for this review data have been extracted from published reports and then complemented with information provided by study investigators for 29 trials. Data were available only from published reports in the remaining three RCTs. For each trial the following information has been sought: a) method of randomisation; b) use of blinding techniques; c) number of randomised patients; d) number of patients with RTIs; e) number of deaths; f) number of patients excluded from the published analysis; g) number of RTIs and number of deaths among excluded patients. Pooled estimates of treatment effects across trials have been calculated after grouping RCTs in two main, mutually exclusive, categories: a) 15 trials testing the effect of a combination of a topical and a systemic antibiotic against no prophylactic treatment; b) 17 trials where the experimental treatment was a topical antimicrobial preparation. Crude proportions of RTIs and mortality were used to calculate the overall treatment effect. We also computed the number of ICU patients who need to be treated in order to prevent one infection and one death. MAIN RESULTS: Overall 32 RCTs including 5639 patients were identified. Pooled estimates of the 15 RCTs (including 3273 patients) testing the effect of the topical and systemic antibiotic combination indicate a strong significant reduction of both RTIs (OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.30-0.43) and total mortality (OR = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.68-0.93). Five and 23 patients need to be treated to prevent one infection and one death, respectively, using this treatment. When data on the effect of the combination based on topical antimicrobials were pooled from the 17 available trials (including 2366 patients) a marked reduction on RTIs (OR = 0.57, 95% CI = 0.46-0.69) also emerged but no corresponding effect on overall mortality (OR = 1.01; 95% CI = 0.84-1.22) was found. CONCLUSIONS: After 15 years of clinical research this meta-analysis of 32 RCTs shows that a regimen of antibiotic prophylaxis based on a combination of a systemic and topical antibiotic can reduce both RTIs and overall mortality in ICU patients in a way that is both statistically significant and humanly worthwhile. Over and above their personal opinions intensivists should take this evidence into account when defining their policies.  相似文献   

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