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Using counties as the basic analysis unit,this study established an evaluation index system for farmland function(FF) from economic,social,and ecological perspectives.The method combining entropy weighting and multiple correlation coefficient weighting was adopted to determine the weights,and the FF indices were calculated for each county.Subsequently,the spatio-temporal characteristics of farmland function evolution(FFE) were analyzed and the coupled relationships between the sub-functions were explored based on a coupling coordination model.At the same time,the dynamic mechanism of FFE was quantitatively analyzed using a spatial econometric regression analysis method.The following major conclusions were drawn:(1) The farmland economic function generally exhibited a declining trend during 1990–2010,and it is essential to point out that it was stronger in underdeveloped and agriculture-dominated counties,while it continuously weakened in developed areas.Farmland social function decreased in 60.29% of the counties,whereas some counties,which were mostly located in north of Zhengzhou and west of Dezhou and Cangzhou,Yantai,and Weihai,clearly increased.A dramatic decline in farmland ecological function occurred around Beijing,Tianjin,and Jinan.Areas located in the northern part of Henan Province and the central part of Shandong Province saw an increase in ecological function.(2) There was a significant spatial difference in the coupling degree and coordination degree of the sub-functions,and the decoupling phenomenon highlighted this.The changes in social function and ecological function lagged behind economic function in developed areas,but these were highly coupled in some underdeveloped areas.(3) FFE in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(HHHP) is resulted from the comprehensive effects of regional basic conditions and external driving factors.Furthermore,the transitions of population and industry under urbanization and industrialization played a decisive role in the evolution intensity and direction of farmland sub-systems,including the economy,society,and the ecology.According to the results mentioned above,promoting the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agricultureshould be regarded as an important engine driving sustainable development in the HHHP.Taking different regional characteristics of FFE into account,differentiated and diversified farmland use and management plans should be implemented from more developed urban areas to underdeveloped traditional agricultural areas.  相似文献   

经济发展、资源利用和生态保护之间存在着尖锐矛盾,而生态效率概念和评价体系构建为这一问题提供了解决方案。本研究基于超Slacks-BasedMeasure模型,评价了2005–2016年中国大陆30个省份生态效率的时空特征、区域差异性,并利用面板回归模型分析了其影响因素。研究发现:(1)2005–2016年各省份生态效率在研究时段总体呈现上升态势,伴有波峰变化,但各地区生态效率水平及其变化幅度的差异较为显著。东部地区生态效率明显高于中部地区、西部地区和东北部地区。(2)通过变异系数测算表明各省份生态效率差异在逐渐缩小,但空间分布仍不均衡。从区域内差异看,西部省份区域内差异均值最高,其次为东部地区和东北部地区,中部地区区域差异最小。(3)通过生态效率影响因素研究显示,工业结构、对外开放度、城镇化、技术创新和环境规制对生态效率产生积极影响,能源消费、交通对其产生消极影响,而在不同区域生态效率的影响因素呈现不同作用力。据此,提出各地区提升生态效率的相关政策建议,为缩小绿色发展差距及加快促进区域绿色可持续协调发展提供重要的实证参考。  相似文献   

Taking the emergy requirements of the five input indexes as the foundation, this paper analyzes the total temporal and spatial changes in cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone from 2000 to 2010. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Over a period of 10 years, the cultivated land use intensity has increased exponentially in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone; agricultural machinery intensity has been the largest proportion of the total inputs, comprising more than 99.50% and increasing year by year, which indicates that agricultural mechanization is a basic trend in agricultural development in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone.(2) The total number of counties belonging to the moderate- and low- intensity cultivated land use categories is the largest, while the number of counties belonging to the high-intensity cultivated land use and extensive cultivated land use categories is the smallest.(3) This zone can be divided into five areas: an eastern area of high-intensity cultivated land use, a central and eastern area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a central area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a southern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use, and a northern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use.(4) The counties which had a coordinated development between cultivated land use intensity and their socio-economic development level increase year by year, and the socio-economic development level had increasingly obvious effects on the cultivated land use intensity. Finally, this paper presents suggestions for the development of cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone, especially for different levels of intensity among counties.  相似文献   

近年来,耕地撂荒在全球众多国家和地区都呈现出严重的发展趋势,耕地撂荒已成为土地利用变化领域重要的研究问题之一。准确解析耕地撂荒的影响因素,构建科学的模型模拟耕地撂荒的态势,合理评估耕地撂荒的潜在影响,成为耕地撂荒研究关注的焦点问题。本文在全面总结耕地撂荒相关研究的基础上,综述了耕地撂荒的自然、人文与政策驱动因素,梳理了耕地撂荒模拟的主要模型及其优缺点。在此基础上,讨论了耕地撂荒的主要生态效应,并展望了相关研究未来的发展方向。研究发现:(1)对于耕地撂荒的影响因素,需要格外关注劳动力价格变化、劳动力老龄化对于耕地撂荒的影响;(2)对于耕地撂荒模拟模型,需要加强基于农户的撂荒机理模型与宏观大尺度撂荒预测模型的研制;(3)对于耕地撂荒的生态环境效应,除了需要关注耕地撂荒对粮食生产以及生态系统方面的影响外,还需要重视耕地撂荒对景观文化方面的影响。  相似文献   

运用耕地压力指数、变异系数、冷热点分析等方法分析了2008–2017年间珠江–西江经济带县域耕地压力的时空分异格局及其动态变化过程,并运用主成分分析方法对耕地压力影响因素进行测度。研究结果表明:研究期内珠江–西江经济带耕地压力一直处在“高压”状态,耕地压力指数呈持续上升趋势;珠江–西江经济带及各地级市耕地压力指数的变异系数均呈波动上升态势,区域内耕地压力总体空间差异不断扩大,两极分化明显,其中省会城市市辖区所在区域作为城市发展的核心区,同时也是耕地压力最大的区域;珠江–西江经济带耕地压力冷热点空间格局分异明显,其中珠江经济带为主要的热点集聚区,西江经济带则为主要的冷点集聚区;农民收入、固定资产投资、GDP、人口等社会经济因素是影响珠江–西江经济带耕地压力变动的主要驱动因素。除此之外,复种指数、粮食单产水平等耕作生产因素也会对耕地的压力变动产生重要影响。  相似文献   

河南省耕地集约利用时空分异及分区研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过构建耕地集约利用评价模型,采用Kernel密度曲线等深入分析1990年、2000年和2010年河南省126个县域的耕地集约利用程度及其时空规律,并采用双重自组织模型进行耕地集约利用分区。结果表明:1县域耕地集约利用度的Kernel密度曲线呈现典型的单峰分布模式,分布曲线由"尖峰形"向"宽峰形"发展并整体向右移动,表明河南省耕地集约利用整体水平上升,县域差异扩大。2耕地集约利用水平空间差异显著,"北高南低"、"东高西低"、"平原区高,山地丘陵区低"的特征明显;大多数县域耕地集约利用度随时间变化稳步提高,但提高水平差异较大;耕地投入强度和耕地产出效率的提升幅度较大,耕地利用强度和可持续性状况提升较慢。3采用双重自组织模型将126个县域划分为东部黄淮平原区、北部平原区、东南丘陵平原区、中南平原区、西部山地丘陵区等5个耕地集约利用区,并提出了相应的发展策略。  相似文献   

Based on the data of relative soil moisture in 653 agricultural meteorological stations during the period of 1993-2013 in China, the characteristics and regularity of spatial and temporal variation of relative soil moisture in China's farmland were analyzed and discussed using geostatistical methods. The results showed that the relative soil moisture of China's farmland has shown a fluctuant increasing trend since 1993. The relative soil moisture of China's farmland is more than 60% in general, its distribution area has been expanded northward and westward with the summer monsoon since mid-April and began to shrink eastward and southward in late October. The value of relative soil moisture increases with the increase of soil depth. On an interannual scale, the relative soil moisture of farmland increased fastest in summer and autumn, and its variation range decreased with the increase of soil depth. The relative soil moisture was positively correlated with precipitation, and negatively correlated with potential evaporation and temperature. The correlation between relative soil moisture and various meteorological factors weakened as soil depth increased. The meteorological factors have a great influence on relative soil moisture of dry land in spring, summer and autumn and they also have a greater impact on relative soil moisture of paddy fields in winter.  相似文献   

In order to advance land use and land cover change(LUCC) research in Nepal, it is essential to reconstruct both the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land cover as well as scenarios that can explain these changes at the national and regional levels. Because of rapid population growth, the status of agricultural land in Nepal has changed markedly over the last 100 years. Historical data is used in this study, encompassing soils, populations, climatic variables, and topography. Data were revised to a series of 30 m grid cells utilized for agricultural land suitability and allocation models and were analyzed using a suite of advanced geographical tools. Our reconstructions for the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land in Nepal reveal an increasing trend between 1910 and 2010(from 151.2 × 10~2 km~2 to 438.8 × 10~2 km~2). This expanded rate of increase in agricultural land has varied between different eco, physiographic, and altitudinal regions of the country, significantly driven by population changes and policies over the period of this investigation. The historical dataset presented in this paper fills an existing gap in studies of agricultural land change and can be applied to other carbon cycle and climate modeling studies, as well as to impact assessments of agricultural land change in Nepal.  相似文献   

为了响应国家十四五规划,更好地探索促进区域协调绿色发展的新战略,本文采用super-SBM模型和马尔可夫链对成渝经济圈2004–2018年的生态效率值进行了测算与时序分析,同时,利用地理加权回归模型对生态效率进行了空间分析。虽然成渝经济圈生态效率在研究期间有所提高,但其经济发展仍然是生态无效的,这意味着成渝迫切需要提高资源利用效率,促进技术创新。在研究期间,成渝经济圈的生态效率的演变呈现为“π”字形状,并伴随着“俱乐部趋同”的现象,此现象表明生态效率有保持原状的强烈趋势,说明生态效率缺乏足够的改善动力,因此很难实现跨越式转移。从空间上看,生态效率从西北向东南呈高–低–高效率分布,生态效率的时空差异缩小,但集聚效应相对较弱且呈现两极分化趋势。进一步的研究表明,城镇化发展水平、对外开放水平、技术水平、环境规制和产业结构高级化是导致生态效率空间差异的原因。成渝经济圈应针对各自弱点相应采取改善措施提高生态效率,从而促进整个区域的绿色发展。  相似文献   

山东省城市土地集约利用时空差异   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
结合山东省区域发展实际,从土地利用强度、土地利用投入和土地利用效益等方面出发构建区域城市土地集约利用综合评价体系,以山东省地级城市的土地利用数据为基础,采用主成分分析法、聚类分析法对省内区域城市土地集约利用水平进行综合评价,分析其时间和区域变化情况,为宏观指导城市土地资源集约利用、转变土地利用方式提供参考。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2005年山东省城市土地利用集约度不断提高,而2006年比2005年山东省城市土地集约利用度稍有下降;(2)山东省城市土地集约利用水平从沿海城市向内地递减,尤其以山东省西南部边缘城市集约度水平最低;(3)经济发展水平是影响土地集约利用重要的外部因素,济南和青岛等经济发达地区集约利用水平相对较高。  相似文献   

Land circulation is an important measure that can be utilized to enable agricultural management at a moderate scale.It is therefore imperative to explore spatiotemporal changes in land circulation and the factors that drive these variations in order to maintain and increase the vitality of the land rental market.An initial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in land circulation is presented in this study on the basis of data from 169,511 farm households between 2003 and 2013.The rural fixed observation point system advocated by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture was utilized for this analysis,and Heckman two-stage models were developed and estimated in order to identify the drivers of regional differences in land circulation at the national scale and at the levels of different terrains.The results of this study show that the rate of land circulation in China rose from 15.09% to 25.1% over the course of the study period,an average rate of 0.8%.More specifically,data show that the rate of land circulation in the south of China has been higher than in the north,that the average land rental payment was 4256.13 yuan per ha,and that 55.05% of households did not pay such a fee during the land circulation process.In contrast,the average rent obtained was 3648.45 yuan per ha nationally even though 52.63% of households did not obtain any payments from their tenants.The results show that land quality,geographic location,transaction costs,and household characteristics have significantly affected land circulation in different regions of China.Specifically,the marginal effects of land quality and geographic location were larger in the plain regions,while transaction cost was the key factor influencing land circulation in the hilly and mountainous regions.The signal identified in this study,rent-free land circulation,is indicative of a mismatch that has led to the marginalization of mountainous regions and higher transaction costs that have reduced the potential value of land resources.Thus,as the opportunity cost of farming continues to rise across China,the depreciation of land assets will become irreversible and the phenomenon of land abandonment will become increasingly prevalent in hilly and mountainous regions in the future.The transaction costs associated with the land rental market should be reduced to mitigate these effects by establishing land circulation intermediaries at the township level,and the critical issues of land abandonment and poverty reduction in hilly and mountainous regions should arouse more attention.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原农区土地利用转型及其动力机制(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Land use transition refers to changes in land use morphology, including dominant morphology and recessive morphology, of a particular region over a period of time driven by various factors. Recently, issues related to land use transition in China have attracted interest among a wide variety of researchers as well as government officials. This paper examines the patterns of land use transition and their dynamic mechanism in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during 2000–2010. First, the spatio-temporal patterns of land use transition, their characteristics and the laws governing them were analyzed. Second, based on the established conceptual framework for analyzing the dynamic mechanism of land use transition, a spatial econometric regression analysis method was used to analyze the dynamic mechanism of the five types of major land use transition in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain at the county level. Land use pattern changes in the study area were characterized by an increase in construction land, water body and forested land, along with a decrease in farmland, unused land and grassland. The changes during 2000–2005 were much more significant than those during 2005–2010. In terms of factors affecting land use transitions, natural factors form the basis, and they have long-term effects. Socio-economic factors such as population and GDP, however, tend to determine the direction, structure, size and layout of land use transition over shorter time periods. Land law and policy factors play a mandatory guiding and restraining role in land use transitions, so as to improve the overall efficiency of land use. Land resource engineering is also an important tool to control land use transitions. In general, the five types of major land use transition were the result of the combined action of various physical, social and economic factors, of which traffic condition and location condition had the most significant effects, i.e. they were the common factors in all land use transitions. Understanding the spatio-temporal process of land use transitions and their dynamic mechanisms is an important foundation for utilizing land resources, protecting regional ecological environment and promoting sustainable regional socio-economic development.  相似文献   

人口和人均食物需求的增加对全球耕地产生了显著的影响。利用欧空局提供的精度为300m的最新土地覆被产品,文章分析了1992-2015年全球耕地的时空变化趋势和耕地转化特征。结果显示:1)在1992-2004年间全球耕地面积增长迅速,而在2004-2012年间耕地增长缓慢,2012年后耕地有缓慢减少的趋势。2)在洲尺度上,非洲耕地有一直增长的态势,而其他洲耕地都经历了耕地转型,有先增长后下降的趋势;在收入较高的国家,耕地多有下降的趋势。3)全球耕地增长的热点区域主要分布在亚马逊林地、欧亚大草原和撒哈拉沙漠边缘。全球耕地减少的中心从欧洲转移到亚洲。由于迅速的城市化,亚洲耕地扩张侵占了大量农田。  相似文献   

The development of grass-feeding livestock breeding is the key to promoting the transition from grain-consumption type animal husbandry to grain-saving type animal husbandry in China, and to solving the problem of competition for grain between people and livestock. From the perspective of economic geography, this paper first defines the conversion standard for the breeding quantity of livestock, and then uses exploratory spatial data analysis technology and econometric models and methods to systematically investigate the sequential variation process, geographical aggregation characteristics, and influencing factors of grass-feeding livestock breeding in China. The study results show the following: 1) The breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in China has an obvious overall growth trend, but there is an obvious difference among the livestock species. During the period 1978–2012, the breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in China grew by 92.5%; and the breeding quantity within the same period was beef cattle sheep dairy cow. 2) On the county scale, the number of increasing areas of the breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock is larger than the number of decreasing areas, and the growth rate of breeding quantity of grass-feeding livestock in northern China is higher than that in southern China, which initially forms the pattern of "hot in the north and cold in the south". 3) The spatial Durbin model shows that the per capita output of grain, proportion of productive land area, urban per capita disposable income, agricultural mechanization level, agricultural labor productivity and policy factor have positive effects on the development of grass-feeding livestock breeding, while the per capita GDP, urbanization level and proportion of non-agricultural income have obvious negative effects on it. 4) Grass-feeding livestock breeding in China can be divided into six major types of areas, and each type of area should be regulated and controlled in terms of their respective focus of attention according to regional conditions and situation of agricultural production.  相似文献   

Geographically explicit historical land use and land cover datasets are increasingly required in studies of climatic and ecological effects of human activities. In this study, using historical population data as a proxy, the provincial cropland areas of Qinghai province and the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) for 1900, 1930, and 1950 were estimated. The cropland areas of Qinghai and the TAR for 1980 and 2000 were obtained from published statistical data with revisions. Using a land suitability for cultivation model, the provincial cropland areas for the 20 th century were converted into crop cover datasets with a resolution of 1 × 1 km. Finally, changes of sediment retention due to crop cover change were assessed using the sediment delivery ratio module of the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs(InVEST) model(version 3.3.1). There were two main results.(1) For 1950–1980 the fractional cropland area increased from 0.32% to 0.48% and land use clearly intensified in the Tibetan Plateau(TP), especially in the Yellow River–Huangshui River Valley(YHRV) and the midstream of the Yarlung Zangbo River and its two tributaries valley(YRTT). For other periods of the 20 th century, stability was the main trend.(2) For 1950–1980, sediment export increased rapidly in the Minhe autonomous county of the YHRV, and in the Nianchu River and Lhasa River basins of the YRTT, which means that sediment retention clearly decreased in these regions over this period. The results of this assessment provide scientific support for conservation planning, development planning, or restoration activities.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原耕地功能演变的时空特征及其驱动机制   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
本文以县域为基本研究单元,从经济、社会及生态三个维度构建了耕地功能评价指标体系,分析了黄淮海平原耕地功能演化的时空特征,利用耦合动态度模型探讨了耕地功能间耦合关系的演变。在此基础上,利用空间计量模型,对耕地功能演化的驱动机制进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:① 1990-2010年间,冀中南及豫东地区部分欠发达县市耕地经济功能明显增强,发达的城市群及其腹地受工业化及城镇化影响较大,耕地经济功能持续下降;60.29%的县域单元耕地的社会功能下降,增强区主要集聚于郑州北部、德州及沧州西部、烟台、威海等区域;生态功能变化在空间格局上基本形成了以豫北、山东中部山地丘陵区为核心的增长区以及以环京津、环济南地区为核心的持续下降区。② 黄淮海平原耕地经济、社会及生态功能的耦合度及协调度空间差异显著,且退耦化现象日渐突出;经济发达地区耕地的社会及生态功能演化速率普遍滞后于经济功能。③ 黄淮海平原耕地的功能演化是区域本底因素与外部驱动因素综合作用的结果;城镇化与工业化进程中人口、产业的转型对耕地经济、社会及生态功能演化的强度及方向起决定性作用。并指出:黄淮海平原应激活农业现代化、产业化发展动力,促进传统农业的转型升级,充分考虑耕地功能演化的区域分异特征,实行由发达城市地区到欠发达传统农区的差异化、多元化的耕地多功能利用与管理模式。  相似文献   

河南城市土地集约利用水平差异时空特征研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
城市土地集约利用是城市发展的必然要求.以河南省为研究对象,探讨了该省在1996年和2006年城市土地集约利用的时空格局与演变规律.结果表明:(1)全省城市土地集约利用水平呈现明显的上升态势.(2)与1996年相比,2006年全省各城市之间土地集约利用水平的差异有所扩大.(3)在不同的研究年份,土地投入水平、土地产出水平、土地利用水平和土地生态环境质量等在城市土地集约利用水平中发挥的作用有较大差异.(4)在研究期间,城市土地集约利用水平及其4个影响因素各自变化幅度差异显著,且同一地区各自的变化幅度也不完全一致.  相似文献   

Ambient air pollution brought by the rapid economic development and industrial production in China has exerted a significant influence on socio-economic activities and public health, especially in the densely populated urban areas. Therefore, scientific examination of regional variation of urban air quality and its dominant factors is of great importance to regional environmental management. Based on daily air quality index(AQI) datasets spanning from 2014 to 2016, this study analysed the spatiotemporal characteristics of air quality across different regions throughout China and ascertained the determinants of urban air quality in disparate regions. The main findings are as follows:(1) The annual average value of the urban AQI in China decreased from 2014 to 2016, indicating a desirable trend in air quality at the national scale.(2) The attainment rate of the urban AQI exhibited an apparent spatially stratified heterogeneity, wherein North China retained a high AQI value. The increase of Moran's I Index reported an apparent spillover effect among adjacent regions.(3) Both at the national and regional scales, the seasonal tendency of air quality in each year is similar, wherein good in summer and relatively poor in winter.(4) Results drawn from the Geographic Detector analysis show that dominant factors influencing AQI vary significantly across urban agglomerations. Topographical and meteorological variations in urban areas may lead to complex spatiotemporal variations in pollutant concentration. Whereas given the same natural conditions, the human-dominated factors, such as industrial structure and urban form, exert significant impacts on urban air quality.The spatial spillover effects and regional heterogeneity of urban air quality illustrated in this study suggest the governments and institutions should set priority to the importance of regional cooperation and collaboration in light of environment regulation and pollution prevention.  相似文献   

耕地资源保护利用对于保障中国粮食安全、生态可持续发展和社会稳定至关重要。本文以吉林省为研究区,以1980、1990、1995、2000、2005、2010、2015年遥感影像及统计数据为数据源,采用转移矩阵模型和耕地压力指数模型,对研究区耕地利用变化的时间特征、空间特征及耕地压力指数进行测算。研究结果表明:在时间尺度上,1980-2015年间耕地数量从701.88×104ha增加到762.82×104 ha,人均耕地面积从0.1524 ha增加到0.1707 ha,耕地压力指数从0.7922增加到0.7953;在空间尺度上,1980年及1990年吉林省耕地压力主要集中在南部地区,1995年集中在南部和东部地区,2000年集中在西南和东部地区,2005年集中在南部和东南地区,2010年和2015年集中在南部、东南部及中心地区。耕地压力变化的方向主要从吉林省的西北部向东南部转移。  相似文献   

The urban expansion process in China from the 1970 s to 2013 was retrieved based on remote sensing and GIS technology. With the latest zoning method used as reference, annual expansion area per city, urban expansion type, and fractal dimension index were employed to analyze the Chinese urban expansion characteristics and its spatial difference from the aspects of urban expansion process, influence of urban expansion on land use, and urban spatial morphological evolutions. Results indicate that 1) under the powerful guidance of policies, urban expansion in China went through six different stages, and cities in the eastern region entered the rapid expansion period the earliest, followed by cities in the central, northeastern and western regions; 2) cultivated lands and rural settlements and industrial traffic lands were the important land sources for urban expansion in China; the influence of urban expansion on land use in the eastern region was the strongest, followed by the central, northeastern and western regions; 3) urban spatial morphology tended to be complex and was directly related to the adopted spatial expansion mode. Infilling expansion became the main urban expansion mode in the western region first, then in the central and northeastern regions, and finally in the eastern region. This study establishes the foundation for an in-depth recognition of urban expansion in China and optimization of future urban planning.  相似文献   

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