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京津冀地区陆路交通网络发展过程及可达性演变特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从中国近代交通发展之初到高速交通网络化时代,京津冀地区陆路交通发展一直占据全国领先地位,为探究其长期演化的特征,以百年时间尺度系统梳理了京津冀地区陆路交通网络发展过程,并以13个地市为中心,采用考虑跳跃式交通运输方式的时间距离计算模型探讨了其可达性演变过程。研究表明:(1)京津冀地区陆路交通网络发展经历了交通近代化起步时期(1881-1937年)—交通发展停滞时期(1937-1949年)—路网拓展时期(1949-1980年)—主干构筑时期(1980-1995年)—高速交通网络发展时期(1995-至今)五个阶段,以北京为中心的路网结构早在近代交通发展之初就已形成;(2)京津冀地区区域可达性空间格局从沿交通廊道拓展向同心圆结构演变,中心城市交通圈层结构逐渐形成连片发展格局;(3)中心城市的交通圈层结构具有明显的等级差异,北京一直具有最高的地位,而张家口的地位自新中国成立后明显下降。京津地区一直是短时交通圈最先形成的区域,而处于区域腹心的冀中地区交通区位优势一直不突出。  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal patterns of drought from 1961 to 2013 over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) region of China were analyzed using the Palmer Drought Severity index(PDSI) based on 21 meteorological stations. Overall, changes in the mean-state of drought detected in recent decades were due to decreases in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The Empirical Orthogonal Functions(EOF) method was used to decompose drought into spatio-temporal patterns, and the first two EOF modes were analyzed. According to the first leading EOF mode(48.5%), the temporal variability(Principal Components, PC1) was highly positively correlated with annual series of PDSI(r=+0.99). The variance decomposition method was further applied to explain the inter-decadal temporal and spatial variations of drought relative to the total variation. We find that 90% of total variance was explained by time variance, and both total and time variance dramatically decreased from 1982 to 2013. The total variance was consistent with extreme climate events at the inter-decadal scale(r=0.71, p0.01). Comparing the influence of climate change on the annual drought in two different long-term periods characterized by dramatic global warming(P1: 1961–1989 and P2: 1990–2013), we find that temperature sensitivity in the P2 was three times more than that in the P1.  相似文献   

Megaregion has become a prominent feature of modern China. Reflecting upon China's recent path of transport infrastructure construction, this research examines the spatiotemporal characteristics of transport network development and its accessibility impacts in China's ten megaregions from 1982 to 2010. Using historical transport network data and multiple national censuses(1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010), we computed two levels of indicators of megaregional transport network: megaregion level and county level, and analyzed the intra-megaregion and inter-megaregion disparities of transport network of the ten megaregions of China. Transport networks at the megaregion level are measured by three indicators: 1) transport network density; 2) infrastructure endowment per capita; and 3) size of transport network's standard ellipse. Two accessibility indicators for measuring transportation network at the county level are calculated: weighted average travel time and potential accessibility. The research results show the following: 1) Road and rail network densities witnessed the greatest growth during the 2000–2010 period, and growth was more significant for railway network. 2) By 2010, average road endowments per capita in inland megaregions became higher than in coastal megaregions, while average rail endowments per capita in coastal megaregions became higher than in inland megaregions. 3) The sizes and directions of the standard deviational ellipses of road and rail network changed continuously during the study period. However the changes of road network ellipses were relatively small, while the changes of railway network ellipses were more significant. 4) Megaregions have all benefited significantly from transportation infrastructure improvement in the past few decades in terms of WATT and potential accessibility, but the three giant megaregions benefited most.  相似文献   

基于交通地理学的基本理论和GIS技术,构建跨省山区空间阻隔可达性模型,并以跨滇川黔三省的乌蒙山区42个县(市、区)为研究个案进行分析。结果表明:1区内可达性表现出显著的中心外围递减的圈层空间格局特征;2区外可达性表现出显著的东西分异格局特征;3乌蒙山区综合交通可达性整体水平较低,中心城镇可达性水平相对较好,整体差异不大,可达性水平表现出明显的低均衡性特征。综合交通可达性具体表现出"核心-外围"圈层分异结构特征和东部与西部分异结构特征。建议从跨省区域交通网络合作、快速交通网络大通道、区域交通网络联通率、全域交通运输方式的变革等方面重视跨省山区交通网络建设。  相似文献   

2017年京津冀三地联合开展散煤综合治理工作,全面治理散煤污染。本文采用合作博弈论研究2017年度京津冀区域散煤综合治理中如何选择合适的策略才能使环境效益最大化的均衡问题。本文根据2017年度京津冀地区散煤治实际使用量、散煤燃烧对PM2.5的影响情况以及散煤实际治理成本,利用合作博弈模型中线性优化、博弈理论和Shapley值法研究京津冀地区散煤的治理总成本最小化以及治理资金在京津冀三省市之间合理分配及转移的问题。研究结果显示,在治理的过程中河北省的任务量最大,所需资金也最多,需要得到其他两市的资金支持,增资额度约为6亿元。同时,经计算得出天津优化后节省的成本最多,可以适当调整资金额度给予河北省散煤治理工作。本文的模型构建可以探讨解决京津冀地区散煤使用量的问题,还能通过对资金的有效分配使得三个省市达到合作共赢。  相似文献   

近年来,经济增长与电力消费之间的因果关系受到越来越多的关注。本文利用单位根检验,Johansen协整检验和Granger因果关系检验方法,研究了北京-天津-河北地区1982-2008年期间电力消费与经济增长之间的因果关系。实证结果表明,北京、天津和河北三区的电力消费与经济增长的时间序列都是一阶平稳的。Johansen协整检验的结果表明,在河北和天津,电力消费和经济增长之间存在着协整关系,而在北京,电力消费和经济增长之间则不存在协整关系。我们发现,三个地区均存在着从电力消费到经济增长方向的因果关系,而从经济增长到电力消费方向的因果关系只存在于河北和北京。这意味着,在河北和北京,电力消费的增长将直接影响经济的增长,同时经济增长也将进一步刺激电力消费;但是在天津,电力消费的增加可以直接影响经济的增长,而经济增长则不能影响电力消费。本研究对于发展循环经济和构建资源节约型社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

京津冀地区民用机场交通可达性空间特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了定量研究京津冀地区民用机场交通可达性的空间特征,基于京津冀地区公路网数据、铁路网数据和城市地铁网数据,在总结前人研究的基础上,运用Arc GIS的空间分析模块,进行成本距离分析,生成京津冀地区民用机场可达性空间分布图并进行深入分析。结果表明,京津冀机场可达性呈现南高北低、东高西低、中间地区强于边缘地区的态势,其中东部机场可达性最好,北部机场可达性最差,机场时间可达性集中在1.5h-6h时段,约占整个区域的51.1%,京津冀地区机场可达性整体较差;按照本研究定义的有效服务面积,该地区机场有效服务面积分为三个梯队,第一梯队为正定机场、首都国际机场和滨海国际机场;第二梯队为邯郸机场、三女河机场;第三梯队为宁远机场和山海关机场。从该地区机场可达性时段来看,在0-1.5h范围内,首都国际机场的服务面积最大,约占该范围面积25.23%;在1.5-3h和3-4.5h范围内,正定机场的服务面积最大,约占23.5%和21.9%。从研究结果来看,京津冀地区民用机场发展不平衡,需要改善京津冀地区的机场布局,在北部和西部增加机场,扩展有效服务面积;其次着力改善机场所在区域的交通网络建设,扩大现有机场的有效服务区域;最后,明确京津冀区域现有和新建民用机场的功能定位,大力发展区域枢纽机场,提高航空服务资源使用效率。  相似文献   

王慧  张梅青 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1615-1624
考虑市内交通衔接和乘客出行行为选择,通过加权平均旅行时间、经济潜力和空间自相关分析方法相结合,从不同尺度分析高铁建设对京津冀地区可达性的变化和经济活动空间分布格局的演变。结果表明:① 京津冀地区市域和县域的可达性水平得到明显的改善,形成以京津、京广、京沪方向为轴线向外扩展的不规则环状分布格局,且可达性水平呈现南高、北低的特征。② 高铁对沿线核心城市的经济潜力提升作用明显高于边缘城市,呈现出由中心向外圈层式递减,且以北京为顶点的“倒V”的空间格局。③ 随着可达性时间范围的扩大,京津冀区县的经济活动的空间集聚逐渐弱化,且最优辐射范围在3.5 h以内。  相似文献   

生态补偿作为一种重要的环境保护工具,已经被国内外学者广泛认可。依据现有文献中对生态补偿的各种定义,我们概括了生态补偿的四条原则,包括对等性、可测性、额外性和条件性,然后又构建了生态补偿标准的计算公式。与此同时,京津冀地区如何实现增长与保护之间的均衡,是我国面临的一项重要课题,因为京津冀协同发展,如同"一带一路"倡议一样,已经成为国家战略之一。本文计算了京津冀地区中三个省级政府各自应该支付或得到的横向生态补偿净额。结果表明,2016年,依国际通用的生态系统服务经济价值估算标准,北京和天津应分别向河北支付104.4亿元(占北京地区生产总值的0.4%)和165.6亿元(占天津地区生产总值的0.93%)。  相似文献   

As the Rural Revitalization Strategy is gradually implemented, China's rural areas are set to have more diverse function requirements. This paper selects the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region(Chang-Zhu-Tan) consisting of 23 county-level units) as a case study and looks at its economic development, agricultural product supply, social security and ecological service functions during 1996–2016. It then constructs an index system to evaluate the temporal evolution of the region's rural functions. SPSS 19.0 and DPS 7.05 software, as well as Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, system clustering, optimal segmentation of ordered samples and other methods, are used to study the evolution traits, regional differentiation characteristics and driving forces of rural functions in the region. The results show, first of all, that the overall evolution trend is increasing in functions with periodic characteristics, the key nodes being 2000 and 2008. Second, there is clear geographical differentiation in the evolution of rural functions. The economic development function shows rapid growth in the urban agglomeration's center and relatively weak growth at the periphery; the agricultural product supply function and ecological service function are concentrated in county-level units with abundant cultivated and forest land; and the social security function displays similar geographical differentiation to the economic development function. Overall, there is an obvious discrepancy in the degree of development of rural functions among county-level units of the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration; the rural functions of the agglomeration and peripheral county-level units have different development traits; and county-level units display functional differentiation. Third, rural functions have evolved as a result of interactions between various factors, such as natural resources, socio-economic conditions and local transport conditions. The new driving forces caused by urbanization are ultimately leading the evolution of rural functions toward multi-functional comprehensive development.  相似文献   

城乡融合发展是实现乡村振兴和农业农村现代化的重要手段之一,充分了解不同地区的城乡融合发展水平对制定城乡融合发展战略至关重要。以河北省118个县域为研究对象,构建河北省县域城乡融合水平测度指标体系,运用熵值法、核密度分析、ESDA空间探索性数据分析方法和地理探测器审视并分析了2005-2020年河北省县域城乡融合水平、时空演变特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)河北省县域城乡融合发展推进有序且态势良好,2005-2020年16年间城乡融合指数呈波动上升趋势。其中,2005-2010年为波动发展阶段,2011-2020年为城乡融合水平快速发展阶段。(2)河北省县域城乡融合水平呈现一定的高低值锁定现象,发展较快的地区恒快,较慢的地区恒慢。(3)河北省城乡融合水平影响因素逐渐趋向多元化演变,主导因素从相对单一逐渐转变为相对多元化。  相似文献   

Potential evapotranspiration(ET_0) is vital for hydrologic cycle and water resource assessments as well as crop water requirement and irrigation demand assessments. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region(Jing-Jin-Ji)–an important, large, regional, economic community in China has experienced tremendous land use and land cover changes because of urbanisation and ecological restoration, affecting the hydrologic cycle and water resources of this region. Therefore, we analysed ET_0 in this region using climate data from 22 meteorological stations for the period 1991–2015 to understand this effect. Our findings show that ET_0 increased significantly at a rate of 7.40 mm per decade for the region. Based on the major land use type surrounding them, the meteorological stations were classified as urban, farmland, and natural stations using the 2015 land use dataset. The natural stations in the northern mountainous area showed a significant increase in ET_0, whereas most urban and farmland stations in the plain area showed a decrease in ET_0, with only a few of the stations showing an increase. Based on the different ET_0 trends for different land use types, these stations can be ranked as follows: urban stations(trend value:-4.663 to-1.439) natural stations(trend value: 2.58 to 3.373) farmland stations(trend value:-2.927 to-0.248). Our results indicate that land use changes affect meteorological parameters, such as wind speed and sunshine duration, which then lead to changes in ET_0. We noted that wind speed was the dominant parameter affecting ET_0 at all the natural stations, and wind speed and sunshine duration were the dominant parameters affecting ET_0 at most of the urban stations. However, the main controlling parameters affecting ET_0 at the farmland stations varied. These results present a scope for understanding land use impact on ET_0, which can then be applied to studies on sustainable land use planning and water resource management.  相似文献   

交通部门是我国第三大能源消费部门,应重点减少该部门二氧化碳和空气污染物的排放。本文基于LEAP模型分析和预测了京津冀地区四个运输部门(公路、水路、铁路和航空)的能源消耗、CO2和常规空气污染物(CO、NOX、SO2、PM2.5)排放,并比较了2020–2060年间不同运输部门在不同情景下的减排潜力,最后探讨了不同控制措施对CO2和四种污染物的协同减排效果。结果表明,基准情景下京津冀地区交通运输部门的CO2排放量将呈现明显的上升趋势。据估计,到2060年,北京、天津和河北省的二氧化碳排放量将分别增加263.72%、225.87%和405.43%。在综合情景下,京津冀三地最大减排率分别为88.78%、76.86%和83.20%,而污染物最大减排率预计达到78.73%–99.34%。未来京津冀地区CO2和污染物减排潜力较大主要是航空和公路运输部门,分别占总减排量的38.19%–99.85%。且未来对公路运输部门和航空部门实行优化能源结构措施...  相似文献   

Understanding the past variations in extreme drought is especially beneficial to the improvement of drought resistance planning and drought risk management in China. Based on the monitoring data of meteorological stations from 1961 to 2015 and a meteorological drought index, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI), the spatio-temporal variations in extreme drought at inter-decadal, inter-annual and seasonal scales in China were analyzed. The results revealed that 12 months cumulative precipitation with 1/2 to 5/8 of average annual precipitation will trigger extreme drought. From the period 1961–1987 to the period 1988–2015, the mean annual frequency of extreme drought(FED) increased along a strip extending from southwest China(SWC) to the western part of northeast China(NEC). The increased FED showed the highest value in spring, followed by winter, autumn and summer. There was a continuous increase in the decadal-FED from the 1990 s to the 2010 s on the Tibetan Plateau(TP), the southeast China(SEC) and the SW. During the period 1961–2015, the number of continuous drought stations was almost the same among 4 to 6 months and among 10 to 12 months of continuous drought, respectively. It can be inferred that drought lasting 6 or 12 months may lead to more severe drought disasters due to longer duration. The range of the longest continuous drought occurred in the 21 st century had widely increased compared with that in the 1980 s and the 1990 s. Our findings may be helpful for water resources management and reducing the risk of drought disasters in China.  相似文献   

Using counties as the basic analysis unit,this study established an evaluation index system for farmland function(FF) from economic,social,and ecological perspectives.The method combining entropy weighting and multiple correlation coefficient weighting was adopted to determine the weights,and the FF indices were calculated for each county.Subsequently,the spatio-temporal characteristics of farmland function evolution(FFE) were analyzed and the coupled relationships between the sub-functions were explored based on a coupling coordination model.At the same time,the dynamic mechanism of FFE was quantitatively analyzed using a spatial econometric regression analysis method.The following major conclusions were drawn:(1) The farmland economic function generally exhibited a declining trend during 1990–2010,and it is essential to point out that it was stronger in underdeveloped and agriculture-dominated counties,while it continuously weakened in developed areas.Farmland social function decreased in 60.29% of the counties,whereas some counties,which were mostly located in north of Zhengzhou and west of Dezhou and Cangzhou,Yantai,and Weihai,clearly increased.A dramatic decline in farmland ecological function occurred around Beijing,Tianjin,and Jinan.Areas located in the northern part of Henan Province and the central part of Shandong Province saw an increase in ecological function.(2) There was a significant spatial difference in the coupling degree and coordination degree of the sub-functions,and the decoupling phenomenon highlighted this.The changes in social function and ecological function lagged behind economic function in developed areas,but these were highly coupled in some underdeveloped areas.(3) FFE in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(HHHP) is resulted from the comprehensive effects of regional basic conditions and external driving factors.Furthermore,the transitions of population and industry under urbanization and industrialization played a decisive role in the evolution intensity and direction of farmland sub-systems,including the economy,society,and the ecology.According to the results mentioned above,promoting the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agricultureshould be regarded as an important engine driving sustainable development in the HHHP.Taking different regional characteristics of FFE into account,differentiated and diversified farmland use and management plans should be implemented from more developed urban areas to underdeveloped traditional agricultural areas.  相似文献   

Construction of road infrastructure is fundamental to city operation and development, as well as an important pathway and focus in physical urban-rural integration. The long-term implementation of a system of ring roads plus radiating roads in Beijing has strongly impacted urban infrastructure construction and space-time accessibility. Particularly, recent rapid growth of private car ownership in Beijing has imposed greater loads on its road system, seriously hampering urban commuting efficiency and negatively impacting quality of life. To address such challenges and enhance the rapid development of transport infrastructure, Beijing has accelerated rail transit construction since 2008 in an effort to improve commuting capacity. This paper aims to measure time accessibility and its spatial characteristics in urban areas of Beijing by applying a comprehensive method that combines vector and raster attribute data generated from road network and subway transport infrastructure. By using a dual index of accessibility and road density, the study further reveals the features of and differences in spatial accessibility and the construction of road systems in urban areas of the northern and southern parts of Beijing. The findings of this study can provide a scientific basis for future urban planning and road system construction both in general and with respect to Beijing, given its aspirations to become a world city.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the features and dynamic changes of the spatial layout of air transportation utilization among different provinces in China. It makes use of data for the airport throughput and socio-economic development of every province throughout the country in the years 2006 and 2015, and employs airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per unit of GDP as measures of regional air transportation utilization, which is significant for refining indicators of regional air transportation scale and comparing against them. It also analyzes the spatial differences of coupling between the regional air transportation utilization indicators and the key influencing factors on regional air transportation demand and utilization, which include per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Based on these key influencing factors, it establishes a multiple linear regression model to conduct forecasting of each province's future airport passenger and cargo throughput as well as throughput growth rates. The findings of the study are as follows:(1) Between 2006 and 2015, every province throughout the country showed a trend of year on year growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita. Throughput per capita grew fastest in Hebei, with a rise of 780%, and slowest in Beijing, with a rise of 38%. Throughput per capita was relatively high in western and southeastern coastal regions, and relatively low in northern and central regions. Airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP showed growth in provinces with relatively slow economic development, and showed negative growth in provinces with relatively rapid economic development. Throughput per unit of GDP grew fastest in Hebei, rising 265% between 2006 and 2015, and Hunan had the fastest negative growth, with a fall of 44% in the same period. Southwestern regions had relatively high throughput per unit of GDP, while in central, northern, and northeastern regions it was relatively low.(2) Strong correlation exists between airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Throughput per capita has positive correlation with per capita GDP and urbanization rate in all regions, and positive correlation with population density in most regions. Meanwhile, there is weak correlation between airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density, with positive correlation in some regions and negative correlation in others.(3) Between 2015 and 2025, it is estimated that all provinces experience a trend of rapid growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput. Inner Mongolia and Hebei will see the fastest growth, rising221% and 155%, respectively, while Yunnan, Sichuan, and Hubei will see the slowest growth, with increases of 62%, 63%, and 65%, respectively.  相似文献   

The risk posed by natural disasters can be largely reflected by hazard and vulnerability. The analysis of long-term hazard series can reveal the mechanisms by which risk changes. Drought disasters are one of the main types of disaster in the Tibet Region(TR) of China. In this study, using statistical drought disasters data in the TR from 1912 to 2012 and socio-economic statistics for five periods between 1965 and 2015, and adopting standard statistical analyses, a wavelet analysis, and a risk assessment model, we first construct the index system for drought disaster risk assessment, and then assess the risk of drought disasters and analyze the mechanisms of changes in risk. The results showed that the occurrence of drought in the TR had three distinct cycles during this study periods, with durations of 5, 15, and 27 years respectively. The frequency of drought in the TR showed increasing trends, and the cycle of drought had been prolonged. From 1965 to 2015, the risk of drought disaster in the TR is significantly increased with the growth rate of 6.8% in high-risk area. In addition, the severity of drought had enhanced, especially in Qamdo. The increased vulnerability locally and significantly enhanced hazard of drought disaster, with a shrinkage of 16.3% in the low-value area and an expansion of 7.4% in the high-value area, being the determinants of drought disaster risk. Therefore, agricultural areas of the TR are the focal locations where risk of drought disaster needs to be managed.  相似文献   

生态旅游发展的复杂性要求人们了解影响其发展效果的各类因素,因此,公共部门逐渐关注相关政策的制定以推动生态旅游发展并进行效果评估。本文的目的在于通过对各阶段中国生态旅游政策的梳理探究中国生态旅游政策的演进特征以及政策演进与生态旅游发展的关系。本文对1994–2016年中央政府及相关部委生的91个生态旅游政策样本统计数据入手,对样本政策的数量与内容结构、政策力度、政策工具以及政策制定部门进行统计分析。结果显示:(1)政策演化中国体现生态旅游发展的目标、内容和方式的转变;(2)政策主题主要围绕生态保护,演进方式为渐进调适;(3)政策工具由微观规制向宏观调控过渡,但未能形成较为完整的政策体系;(4)政策制定部门范畴不断扩大,政策力度值稳步提升。在生态文明建设和《旅游法》实施双重背景下,宏观调控、微观自主是未来生态旅游政策的发展方向,认证标准体系建设是生态旅游政策完善的重点,多部门参与协同是生态旅游政策制定和执行的有力保障,生态旅游发展中的业态融合、利益相关者福利与行为规制、生态旅游发展模式及配套等将是未来中国生态旅游政策关注的重点。  相似文献   

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