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Resins based on melamine-formaldehyde and related analogues such as methylolated melamine are used to cross-link coatings used inside food cans and on the metal closures of glass jars. Thirteen commercially coated cans and closures representing 80% of the European market were tested using simulants under realistic industrial heat-processing conditions for canned and jarred foods. The food simulants and the retort conditions used were 3% acetic acid for 1?h at 100°C and 10% ethanol for 1?h at 130°C. The highest migration level seen for melamine into simulant was 332?µg?kg?1. There was no detectable migration of the melamine analogues cyanuric acid (<1?µg?kg?1) or ammelide (<5?µg?kg?1) from any sample. Twelve of the thirteen samples released no detectable ammeline (<5?µg?kg?1) but the coating giving the highest release of melamine did also release ammeline at 8?µg?kg?1 with the higher of the two process temperatures used. Migration experiments into food simulant and foods themselves were then conducted using two experimental coatings made using amino-based cross-linking resins. Coated metal panels were exposed to the food simulant 10% (v/v) aqueous ethanol and to three foodstuffs under a range of time and temperature conditions both in the laboratory and in a commercial food canning facility using proprietary time and temperature conditions. The highest migration into a food was 152?µg?kg?1 from the first coating processed for a long time at a moderate sterilisation temperature. The highest migration into simulant was also from this coating at 220?µg?kg?1 when processed at 134°C for 60?min, dropping to 190?µg?kg?1 when processed at 123°C for 70?min. Migration from the second coating was quite uniformly two to three times lower under all tests. These migration results were significantly higher than the levels of melamine extractable using 95% ethanol at room temperature. The experiments show that commercial canning and retorting can be mimicked in an acceptable way using laboratory tests with an autoclave or a simple pressure cooker. The results overall show there is hydrolytic degradation of the melamine cross-linked resins to release additional melamine. There is a strong influence of the temperature of heat treatment applied with foods or simulants but only a minor influence of time of heating and only a minor influence, if any, of food/simulant acidity.  相似文献   

食品罐内涂层中的双酚A及其环氧衍生物会向食品内容物迁移,对人体健康造成危害。本文综述了近年来国内外食品罐内涂层中双酚A及其环氧衍生物的迁移规律、与食品的反应及提取与分析方法等方面的最新研究进展,并在分析目前不足之处的基础上展望了未来研究的方向。   相似文献   

Recycled board plays an important role in food packaging, but the great variety of organic impurities must be considered as potential food contaminants. The diffusion behaviour of the impurities is significantly different from that in plastic materials. The two-layer concept for paper and board introduced recently is now treated in more detail. In the rate-determining surface region the diffusion coefficients of the n-alkanes in the homologous series with 15–35 carbon atoms decrease proportionally as their vapour pressures. This leads to a different equation of the diffusion coefficients in comparison with that for the core layer. Different polarities of the migrants have additional influences on the diffusion due to their interactions with the fibre matrix. A new analytical method for the quantification of aromatic impurities has previously been developed. Based on this method and on the described diffusion behaviour, a migration model for specific and global mass transfer of impurities from recycled board into dry food and food simulants is given.  相似文献   

The migration of trimellitic acid and its esters from epoxy anhydride coatings was determined in simulants as well as in canned foods. The most appropriate simulant was a combination of EC simulants B and C: 2% acetic acid/10% ethanol in water. The average migration into food was 900 μg kg-1. This far exceeds the 50 μg kg-1 for which the safety of trimellitic acid and its anhydride is ensured and the Swiss legal limit (QM(T) of 5 mg kg-1 coating). Furthermore, much trimellitic acid migrated as (unidentified) esters, i.e. toxicological testing of free trimellitic acid is inadequate for the material that in reality migrates.  相似文献   

Metal cans for food use can be coated with lacquers based on polyester resins. Recent research has focussed on the identification and quantification of migrants released by coatings that are potentially absorbable (below 1000 Da). The presented method describes a procedure that was optimized to hydrolyse the polyester migrants into their monomers, polyvalent acids and polyols. The polyols were identified by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection GC-FID and the acids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with an ultraviolet and an electrospray ionization-mass selective detector (HPLC-ESI-MSD/UVD), respectively. With the knowledge of the polyester monomers, it was possible — at least tentatively — to identify the main components in the migrate as cyclic oligoesters by HPLC-ESI-MSD/UVD. A cyclic oligomer, CYCLO [3IPA (isophthalic acid) 3EG (ethylene glycol)] was synthesized and characterized by infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry as well as by elementary analysis for further confirmation. To determine the amount of migrating cyclic oligoesters, the response of the migrating substances was compared using different detectors, UVD, MSD and evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). The response of the ELSD was dependent on the molecular weight of the analytes that reduced the accuracy of this detection type. The wavelength with the same absorption coefficient for IPA and terephthalic acid (TPA) was obtained at 232 nm. The UV232nm response of an oligoester is proportional to the number of its IPA/TPA moieties, which was verified for several TPA/IPA esters. The amount of the migrating oligoesters was determined using an UV232nm calibration of a commercially available TPA ester and the number of IPA/TPA moieties molecules gained from the ESI-MSD spectra. According to this method, the amount of migrating oligoesters below 1000 Da in the 95% ethanol migrate varied from 0.1 to 0.6 mg dm-2 (0.6-3.6 mg kg-1 food) in the examined coatings. The determined amounts account for about 50% of the total migrate below 1000 Da.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an important monomer used in the manufacture of epoxy resins for internal food can linings. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different storage conditions and can damage on the migration of BPA to foods. These experiments were conducted in a systematic fashion by filling empty epoxyphenolic coated cans with four foods: soup, minced beef, evaporated milk and carrots and a food simulant (10% ethanol). Filled cans of each food type or simulant were then sealed and processed using appropriate conditions, before storage at three different temperatures: 5°C, 20°C and 40°C. For each of the storage regimes, 50% of the cans were dented to establish if this would lead to increased BPA migration. Cans were removed from these stocks at intervals of 1, 3 and 9 months storage at 5°C and 20°C or 10 days, 1 and 3 months at 40°C. Some initial problems of heterogeneity between samples was overcome by determining the amount of BPA in food as well as in the can lining. It was found that 80-100% of the total BPA present in the coating had migrated to foods directly after can processing by pilot plant filling with food or simulant, sealing and sterilization. This level was not changed by extended storage (up to 9 months) or can damage, indicating most migration was occurring during the can processing step. There was no noticeable difference, in this respect, between the different foods or the food simulant. Analysis of control samples (foods fortified with ∼0.1 mg kg-1 BPA and contained in Schott bottles) showed that BPA was stable under both processing and storage. Experiments were also conducted to investigate the potential effects, on the migration of BPA from can coatings, of cooking or heating foods in the can prior to consumption. Food cans were purchased and the food either cooked or heated in the can. BPA was analysed prior to and after the heating/cooking process. It was concluded from the results that there were no appreciable differences in the BPA level before and after cooking or heating.  相似文献   

In a surveillance study from 2008 to 2011, in total 310 food products, predominately packed in cartonboard, were collected from the German market. First, the packaging materials were analysed for their content of six photo-initiators and five amine synergists by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). If high amounts of these substances were detected, subsequently the foodstuffs were analysed by means of HPLC-MS or tandem MS, respectively. Benzophenone (BP) was detected in 49% of the packaging materials and was thus the most often determined compound, followed by 4-methylbenzophenone (MBP, 8%), 1-hydroxy-cyclohexylphenylketone (HCHPK, 7%) and methyl-o-benzoylbenzoate (MOBB, 5%). In total, 99 foodstuffs were analysed and in 20 cases one or more photo-initiators and/or amine synergists were detected in quantities above the legally acceptable limits in food. This resulted in several notifications in the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF); the best known is MBP in breakfast cereals. Contamination of the foodstuff by the photo-initiators and/or amine synergists also occurred when it was in indirect contact with the printed packaging material and no adequate barrier material was used to prevent migration. The data also clearly demonstrate that polyethylene films are not suitable to inhibit migration. Storage of samples until the best before date showed that HCHPK, BP and MBP migrate very easily via the gas phase. In contrast, 4-phenylbenzophenone and 4,4′-bis(diethylamino)benzophenone migrated only very slowly or, respectively, not in quantifiable amounts into the foodstuffs. Differences in transfer rates for HCHPK, BP and MBP from several packagings into food and Tenax®, respectively, lead to the assumption that both the food matrix as well as the extent of cross-linking of the printing ink during curing may have an influence on the level of migration.  相似文献   

The Council of Europe Resolution on coatings suggests a limit of 10 mg dm-2 for the sum of substances migrating into food simulants from an internal can coating. The Scientific Committee on Food differentiates the migrants into the substances with a molecular weight below 1000 Da, potentially being of toxicological concern, and the less toxicologically relevant species above 1000 Da. Hitherto, the determination of overall migration was based on a gravimetric method. A new method is described for the simultaneous determination of both overall migration and the migration of substances below 1000 Da based on separation by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) followed by ultraviolet detection (UVD) and evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD). The method is suitable for all volatile extraction media and simulants recommended by the European Union. For statistical comparison of both methods, the slightly modified reference method was validated in-house and extended to an additional gravimetric measurement of the migrants below 1000 Da. For the determination of the overall migration, both methods provided similar reproducibility (validated gravimetry: standard deviation (SD) = 0.16 mg dm-2; SEC-ELSD/UVD: SD = 0.12 mg dm-2) but significantly better results were obtained by the SEC-ELSD/UVD method. For migrating substances below 1000 Da, the gravimetric determination provides a poor sensitivity (limit of detection = 0.35 mg dm-2) compared with the SEC-ELSD/UVD method (limit of detection = 0.04 mg dm-2). The new method offers a lower limit of detection and higher precision as well as being less time consuming and easier to use.  相似文献   


Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is increasingly used as food-contact material in, for example, containers for beverage such as bottles for soft drinks, mineral water, juices and beer. Mass transport of substances present in packaging materials into the packed food and beverages is monitored to verify the food law compliance of the materials. PET is known to contain or give rise to migrants that are oligomers derived from the polymeric material. Until now their actual migration potential has been investigated only poorly. A convenient way to determine their migration would be by using models. To verify existing models with experimental data, a migration kinetic study of PET oligomers was conducted. PET bottle material was submerged in 50% ethanol at 80°C for 15 h. The oligomer content in the migration solutions was determined every hour using LC-MS with the first-series cyclic PET trimer as standard. Diffusion coefficients of five PET oligomers (first-series dimer and trimer, second-series dimer and trimer, and third-series dimer) were calculated from the obtained data and compared with the calculated diffusion coefficients using the models of Welle and Piringer. This is the first study to provide diffusion characteristics of oligomers in PET other than the first-series cyclic trimer.  相似文献   

Different silicone baking moulds (37 samples) were characterized with respect to potential migrating substances using 1H-NMR, RP-HPLC–UV/ELSD and GC techniques. In all cases cyclic organosiloxane oligomers with the formula [Si(CH3)2–O] n were identified (n = 6 … 50). Additionally, linear, partly hydroxyl-terminated organosiloxanes HO–[Si(CH3)2–O] n –H (n = 7 … 20) were found in 13 samples. No substances other than siloxanes could be detected, meaning the migrants mainly consist of organopolysiloxanes. Based on this knowledge, a 1H-NMR quantification method for siloxanes was established for the analysis of both simulants and foodstuffs. Validation of the 1H-NMR method gave suitable performance characteristics: limit of detection 8.7 mg kg–1 oil, coefficient of variation 7.8% (at a level of 1.0 mg kg–1 food). Migration studies were carried out with simulants (olive oil, isooctane, ethanol (95%), Tenax) as well as preparation of different cakes. From the 1st to 10th experiment, siloxane migration into cakes only slightly decreased, with a significant dependence on fat content. Migration never exceeded a level of 21 mg kg–1 (3 mg dm–2) and was, therefore, well below the overall migration limit of 60 mg kg–1 (10 mg dm–2). However, migration behaviour into simulants differed completely from these results.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A-derived glycidyl ethers as well as its reaction products with other lacquer components can migrate into the packed food from epoxy-based can coatings. A sensitive and selective method is presented using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet light, fluorescence and electrospray ionization-mass selective detection for the identification and quantification of all migrants with a bisphenol A backbone and a molecular weight below 1000 Da, an estimated boundary for the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The identification of migrants was confirmed by microreactions of technical bisphenol A diglycidyl ether with solvents and phenols, which provided the fragmentation pattern of the mass selective detection and relative retentions of 42 different bisphenol A-related substances. It was shown by calibration of different isolated and synthesized bisphenol A derivatives that the fluorescence response relies on the amount of bisphenol A moiety in the respective molecule. Therefore, all migrating bisphenol A-related substances below 1000 Da were determined as bisphenol A diglycidyl ether equivalents using a calibration (fluorescence detection) of the commercially available bisphenol A diglycidyl ether monomer. The limit of quantification was set at 5 μg bisphenol A diglycidyl ether equivalents kg-1 (or 0.8 μg dm-2). This method was validated for epoxy coatings (0.1 μg dm-2 limit of detection and 24 μg bisphenol A-related substances below 1000 Da dm-2 standard deviation, corresponding to 4.4% relative standard deviation). The quantification could be extended by combining the fluorescence response and structural information gained from the mass spectra, which provides more accurate results for each migrant. The calculation is based on the calibration of the bisphenol A chromophore content of the molecule. According to this method, the amount of migrating bisphenol A-related substances below 1000 Da in the acetonitrile extract (assuming a worst case) varied from about 0.4 to 0.7 mg dm-2 in the examined coatings. The determined amounts comply with about 50% of the total migrate below 1000 Da.  相似文献   

The mass transport process (migration) of a model substance, benzophenone (BZP), from LDPE into selected foodstuffs at three temperatures was studied. A mathematical model based on Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion was used to simulate the migration process and a good correlation between experimental and predicted values was found. The acquired results contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon and the parameters so-derived were incorporated into the migration module of the recently launched FACET tool (Flavourings, Additives and Food Contact Materials Exposure Tool). The migration tests were carried out at different time–temperature conditions, and BZP was extracted from LDPE and analysed by HPLC-DAD. With all data, the parameters for migration modelling (diffusion and partition coefficients) were calculated. Results showed that the diffusion coefficients (within both the polymer and the foodstuff) are greatly affected by the temperature and food’s physical state, whereas the partition coefficient was affected significantly only by food characteristics, particularly fat content.  相似文献   

The analysis of migrates from the internal coatings of food cans showed that the present regulation is not sufficient to ensure safety of food contact polymers. The migrates often consist of complex mixtures of reaction products and impurities, and their harmlessness cannot be deduced from the use of non-toxic starting substances compiled in positive lists. The regulation proposed herein asks producers to analyse the composition of the migrates. It includes an upper limit for the molecular weight (e.g. 1000Da) and thresholds defining concentrations in the foods down to which components must be identified and evaluated. Primarily considering feasibility at reasonable costs, thresholds of 30 mu g/kg for individual components and 300 mu g/kg for the sum of the unidentified materials are proposed. Producers must be able to demonstrate that the individual components or mixtures exceeding this limit, including reaction products with food components, have no toxic effect.  相似文献   

This paper presents the outcome of the development, optimisation and validation at European Union level of an analytical method for using poly(2,6-diphenyl phenylene oxide – PPPO), which is stipulated in Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011, as food simulant E for testing specific migration from plastics into dry foodstuffs. Two methods for fortifying respectively PPPO and a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film with surrogate substances that are relevant to food contact were developed. A protocol for cleaning the PPPO and an efficient analytical method were developed for the quantification of butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), benzophenone (BP), diisobutylphthalate (DiBP), bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) and 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, diisononyl ester (DINCH) from PPPO. A protocol for a migration test from plastics using small migration cells was also developed. The method was validated by an inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) with 16 national reference laboratories for food contact materials in the European Union. This allowed for the first time data to be obtained on the precision and laboratory performance of both migration and quantification. The results showed that the validation ILC was successful even when taking into account the complexity of the exercise. The results showed that the method performance was 7–9% repeatability standard deviation (rSD) for most substances (regardless of concentration), with 12% rSD for the high level of BHT and for DiBP at very low levels. The reproducibility standard deviation results for the 16 European Union laboratories were in the range of 20–30% for the quantification from PPPO (for the three levels of concentrations of the five substances) and 15–40% from migration experiments from the fortified plastic at 60°C for 10 days and subsequent quantification. Considering the lack of data previously available in the literature, this work has demonstrated that the validation of a method is possible both for migration from a film and for quantification into a corresponding simulant for specific migration.  相似文献   

Migration experiments with small sheets cut out from ovenable PET trays were performed in two-sided contact with 3% acetic acid as food simulant at various temperatures. The fraction of diffusible antimony (Sb) was estimated to be 62% in the PET sample under study. Apparent diffusion coefficients of Sb in PET trays were determined experimentally. Measurement of migration between 20 and 150°C yielded a linear Arrhenius plot over a wide temperature range from which the activation energy (E a) of 188?±?36?kJ?mol?1 and the pre-exponential factor (D 0) of 3.6?×?1014?cm2?s?1 were determined for diffusing Sb species. E a was similar to previously reported values for PET bottles obtained with a different experimental approach. E a and D 0 were applied as model parameters in migration modelling software for predicting the Sb transfer in real food. Ready meals intended for preparation in a baking oven were heated in the PET trays under study and the actual Sb migration into the food phase was measured by isotope dilution ICP-MS. It was shown that the predictive modelling reproduces correctly experimental data.  相似文献   

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