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仲颖  施夏清 《物理学报》2020,(8):112-119
在生物体系的活性系统中,杆状粒子在弹性半柔性边界中的受限行为极为常见.本文研究了二维情况下,自驱动杆状粒子受限在半柔性弹性环中的集体行为.改变系统的粒子数及噪声强度,系统显示明显的自驱吸附有序态、无序态及中间的过渡态.通过表征弹性环内部粒子的径向极性大小和空间分布的非球度性对这些状态进行了刻画.进一步对弹性环中心附近粒子密度的分析,发现环中心气态粒子分布存在一个与边界高密度区域共存的饱和平台,出现类似吸附转变的粒子分布.在过渡区间,体系内存在较大的涨落会导致弹性环出现异常形变.非对称的粒子分布对弹性环整体的迁移具有重要贡献,系统在过渡区间能获得相对较强的定向迁移.  相似文献   

Vertically vibrated rod-shaped granular materials confined to quasi-2D containers self-organize into distinct patterns. We find, consistent with theory and simulation, a density dependent isotropic-nematic transition. Along the walls, rods interact sterically to form a wetting layer. For high rod densities, complex patterns emerge as a result of competition between bulk and boundary alignment. A continuum elastic energy accounting for nematic distortion and local wall anchoring reproduces the structures seen experimentally.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of the swirling turbulent wake degeneration past a self-propelled body has been carried out. It has been shown that starting from the distances of the order of 100 diameters from the body, the flow becomes practically shearless. A simplified mathematical model of the far swirling wake past a self-propelled body has been constructed.  相似文献   

A geometrically polar granular rod confined in 2D geometry, subjected to a sinusoidal vertical oscillation, undergoes noisy self-propulsion in a direction determined by its polarity. When surrounded by a medium of crystalline spherical beads, it displays substantial negative fluctuations in its velocity. We find that the large-deviation function (LDF) for the normalized velocity is strongly non-Gaussian with a kink at zero velocity, and that the antisymmetric part of the LDF is linear, resembling the fluctuation relation known for entropy production, even when the velocity distribution is clearly non-Gaussian. We extract an analogue of the phase-space contraction rate and find that it compares well with an independent estimate based on the persistence of forward and reverse velocities.  相似文献   

We investigate nematic order in vibrated granular rods confined to a small quasi-2D container less than 10 rod lengths in diameter. As rod density ρ increases, patterning shifts from bipolar to uniform alignment. We find that a continuum liquid crystal free energy functional captures key patterning features down to almost the particle size. By fitting theory to experiments, we estimate the relative values of bend and splay elastic constants and wall anchoring. We find that splay is softer than bend for all ρ and rod lengths tested, while the ratio of the average elastic constant to wall anchoring increases with ρ.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation of the rupture of multiple receptor-ligand bonds between two PMN cells suspended in a Newtonian fluid is performed. In the presence of a hydrodynamic drag force acting on two PMN cells the interplay of multiple receptor-ligand bonds between these cells leads to a bimodal distribution of the bond rupture force at certain loading rates. Specifically, it is found that the interplay of multiple bonds between two PMN cells in the presence of hydrodynamic drag force acting on these cells modifies the bond energy landscape in such a way as to lead to a bimodal distribution of the bond rupture force where a low force peak switches to a high force peak as the loading rate is increased progressively, characteristics of two-state systems.   相似文献   

One of the characteristic features of interacting self-propelled particles is that homogeneous ordered state is unstable near the order-disorder transition thereshold. Traveling bands are formed spontaneously as a localized dynamical structure. Since there is no counter state in phase transitions in thermal equilibrium, to study the properties of traveling bands is of great importance from the view point of nonlinear dynamics far from equilibrium. Based on numerical simulations in two dimensions, we discuss three kinds of traveling bands, normal band, inverse band and robust band, each of which appears in different conditions. One of our recent findings is that the robust traveling bands survive head-on collisions.  相似文献   

An analysis of the dynamics of prolate swimming particles in laminar flow is presented. It is shown that the particles concentrate around flow regions with chaotic trajectories. When the swimming velocity is larger than a threshold, dependent on the aspect ratio of the particles, all particles escape from regular elliptic regions. For thin rodlike particles the threshold velocity vanishes; thus, the arbitrarily small swimming velocity destroys all transport boundaries. We derive an expression for the minimum swimming velocity required for escape based on a circularly symmetric flow approximation of the regular elliptic regions.  相似文献   

华昀峰  章林溪 《物理学报》2017,66(19):190701-190701
在许多纳米复合材料体系中熵力(entropy force)是普遍存在的,但由于熵力的存在会导致纳米颗粒的凝聚从而降低其许多性能,因此在大多数情况下熵力的存在对体系并无益处,所以研究如何减小熵力对体系的影响是非常重要的.不带角速度的自驱动粒子在熵力作用下会集聚在纳米颗粒(或者纳米棒)周围,这会对纳米颗粒(或者纳米棒)产生很大的相互作用力.对于纳米颗粒,在不带角速度的自驱动粒子体系中存在着非常大的排斥力.而对于纳米棒,由于纳米棒内外的不对称性,使得两个纳米棒之间会产生吸引-排斥转变,同时这个吸引-排斥转变与纳米棒之间的距离有关.当自驱动粒子加上一个自转角速度ω之后,熵力的作用就大大减弱,纳米颗粒不再集聚.研究结果有助于对非平衡态下纳米颗粒(或纳米棒)之间熵相互作用力的认识.  相似文献   

In the context of social organisms, a school refers to a cohesive group of organisms that share a common speed and direction of motion, as well as a common axis of body alignment or polarization. Schools are also noted for the relatively fixed nearest-neighbour distances between individuals. The rules of interaction that lead to the formation and maintenance of a school structure have been explored experimentally, analytically, and by simulation. Interest in biological examples, and non-biological “self-propelled particles” such as robots, vehicles, or autonomous agents leads to the question of what are the simplest possible sets of rules that can assure the formation and the stability of the “perfect school”: an aggregate in which the nearest-neighbour distances and speeds are identical.Here we explore mechanisms that lead to a perfect school structure in one and two dimensions. We consider distance-detection as well as velocity-detection between the interacting pairs of self-propelled particles. We construct interaction forces and formulate schooling equations. In the simplest cases, these equations have analytic solutions. In many cases, the stability of the perfect school can be explored. We then investigate how these structures form and evolve over time from various initial configurations using simulations. We study the relationship between the assumed interaction forces and the school patterns that emerge. While true biological schools are far from perfect, the insights gained from this investigation can help to understand some properties of real schools, and to suggest the appropriate properties of artificial schools where coordinated motion is desired.  相似文献   

Using Brownian dynamics computer simulations, we show that a two-dimensional suspension of self-propelled ("active") colloidal particles crystallizes at sufficiently high densities. Compared to the equilibrium freezing of passive particles, the freezing density is both significantly shifted and depends on the structural or dynamical criterion employed. In nonequilibrium the transition is accompanied by pronounced structural heterogeneities. This leads to a transition region between liquid and solid in which the suspension is globally ordered but unordered liquidlike "bubbles" still persist.  相似文献   

We construct the hydrodynamic equations for suspensions of self-propelled particles (SPPs) with spontaneous orientational order, and make a number of striking, testable predictions: (i) Nematic SPP suspensions are always absolutely unstable at long wavelengths. (ii) SPP suspensions support novel propagating modes at long wavelengths, coupling orientation, flow, and concentration. (iii) In a wave number regime accessible only in low Reynolds number systems such as bacteria, polar-ordered suspensions are invariably convectively unstable. (iv) The variance in the number N of particles, divided by the mean , diverges as (2/3 ) in polar-ordered SPP suspensions.  相似文献   

Processes of vortex reconnection on a helical vortex, which is formed in a swirling flow in a conical diffuser, have been studied experimentally. It has been shown that reconnection can result in the formation of both an isolated vortex ring and a vortex ring linked with the main helical vortex. A number of features of vortex reconnection, including the effects of asymmetry, generation of Kelvin waves, and formation of various bridges, have been described.  相似文献   

Deformable self-propelled particles provide us with one of the most important nonlinear dissipative systems, which are related, for example, to the motion of microorganisms. It is emphasized that this is a subject of localized objects in non-equilibrium open systems. We introduce a coupled set of ordinary differential equations to study various dynamics of individual soft particles due to the nonlinear couplings between migration, spinning and deformation. By introducing interactions among the particles, the collective dynamics and its collapse are also investigated by changing the particle density and the interaction strength. We stress that assemblies of self-propelled particles also exhibit a variety of non-equilibrium localized patterns. It is our great pleasure to dedicate the present article to Professor Helmut R. Brand on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Professor Brand has made outstanding efforts for the scientific interaction in the field of non-linear and non-equilibrium physics between Japan and Germany for the past thirty years.  相似文献   

We report a novel morphological transition in a Bacillus subtilis colony initially growing under ambient conditions, after ultraviolet radiation exposure. The bacteria in the central regions of the colonies are observed to migrate towards the colony edge forming a ring during uniform spatial exposure. When the radiation is switched off, the colonies were observed to grow both inward into the evacuated regions as well as outward indicating that the pattern is not formed due to depletion of nutrients at the center of the colony. We also propose a reaction-diffusion model in which waste-limited chemotaxis initiated by the UV radiation leads to the observed phenomenology.  相似文献   

An important characteristic of flocks of birds, schools of fish, and many similar assemblies of self-propelled particles is the emergence of states of collective order in which the particles move in the same direction. When noise is added into the system, the onset of such collective order occurs through a dynamical phase transition controlled by the noise intensity. While originally thought to be continuous, the phase transition has been claimed to be discontinuous on the basis of recently reported numerical evidence. We address this issue by analyzing two representative network models closely related to systems of self-propelled particles. We present analytical as well as numerical results showing that the nature of the phase transition depends crucially on the way in which noise is introduced into the system.  相似文献   

Using linear instability theory and nonlinear dynamics, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability of variable density swirling flows is studied. It is found that the flow topology could be predicted, when the instability sets in, using a function χ dependent on density and axial and azimuthal velocities. It is shown that even when the inner axial-flow is heavier than the outer one (a favorable case for the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability thanks to the centrifugal force) the instability is not necessarily Rayleigh-Taylor-dominated. It is also shown that when the Rayleigh-Taylor instability develops, it is helical.  相似文献   

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