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颈肩反流轴型皮瓣修复颈胸部瘢痕切除后创面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨修复颈胸部瘢痕切除术后创面的较好方法。方法:应用颈肩反流轴型皮瓣对26例颈胸部瘢痕切除术后创面进行修复。结果:26例瘢痕切除术后创面均得到一期修复,所修复创面的皮肤颜色和质地与周围皮肤一致,供皮瓣区术后瘢痕不明显。结论:该方法对于修复颈胸部一定范围内的瘢痕切除后创面是一种简单易行的好方法。  相似文献   

以颈横动脉为蒂的颈肩背反流轴型皮瓣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对26例52侧尸体进行了解剖学观察,结果证明,颈横动脉的血流可经吻合支反向灌入旋肩胛动脉及肋间后动脉,足以滋养在颈肩背区形成的轴型皮瓣。临床用以修复颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形20例,其中1例应用双侧颈肩背皮瓣一次手术修复。除4例皮瓣的尖端发生血运障碍外,余均全部成活。  相似文献   

以颈横动脉为蒂的颈肩背反流轴型皮瓣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对26例52侧尸体进行了解剖学观察,结果证明,颈横动脉的血流可经吻合支反向灌入旋肩胛动脉及肋间后动脉,足以滋养在颈肩背区形成的轴型皮瓣。临床用以修复颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形20例,其中1例应用双侧颈肩背皮瓣一次手术修复。除4例皮瓣的尖端发生血运障碍外,余均全部成活。  相似文献   

目的:探讨获得较大面积的颈肩轴型皮瓣的可行性,为烧伤后大面积颈胸部瘢痕挛缩畸形提供理想的修复材料。方法:应用软组织扩张技术增加皮瓣的有效面积,设计以颈横动脉及其分支供血的对侧颈肩皮瓣修复颈胸部瘢痕挛缩。结果;临床应用8例,7例皮瓣完全成活。其中1例因超长扩张皮瓣远端出现血运障碍而效果欠佳。结论:由于颈肩背部血供的交叉性及丰富的吻合支存在,即使皮瓣的面积增大并逆主轴血管方向使用,仍能成活良好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈肩峰区跨区供血轴型扩张皮瓣的解剖学特征及应用于修复颈部瘢痕挛缩的临床效果.方法 应用颈横动脉分支和胸肩峰动脉吻合支跨区供血,形成前界为锁骨、后界为肩胛岗、外界为肩峰的颈肩峰区的扩张皮瓣,以颈侧为蒂转移修复较大面积的颈部软组织缺损.结果 15例患者的19个颈肩峰扩张皮瓣(面积最大为23 cm× 16 cm)全部成活,颈部畸形矫正良好.结论 颈肩峰区跨区供血的吻合支丰富,于深筋膜浅层进行扩张后皮下脂肪层及皮肤较薄,可以形成较大面积的扩张皮瓣,以颈横动脉颈段皮支为轴型血管,转移修复颈部较严重的瘢痕挛缩畸形,是一个良好的手术方法.  相似文献   

颈胸前筋膜皮瓣修复颈前瘢痕挛缩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

颈横动脉颈段皮支岛状扩张皮瓣修复颈部瘢痕挛缩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨以颈横动脉颈段皮支岛状扩张的皮瓣修复颈部瘢痕挛缩的方法、效果及注意事项。方法对11例颈部瘢痕挛缩患者先行Ⅰ期颈横动脉颈段皮支供血范围内的皮肤软组织预扩张术,Ⅱ期采用以颈横动脉颈段皮支为蒂的扩张岛状皮瓣(切取的扩张皮瓣最大17.5cm×8.0cm)和扩张后任意型皮瓣转移相结合,修复颈部瘢痕切除、挛缩松解后形成的创面,其中3例供区直接缝合,8例供区使用皮片覆盖。结果11例皮瓣全部成活,术后6~18个月随访,颈部轮廓和颈部功能获得明显改善。结论扩张的颈横动脉颈段皮支岛状皮瓣具有取材范围较大,旋转容易,相对隐蔽,皮瓣厚度、色泽、质地与颈部接近等优点;是修复颈部瘢痕挛缩较理想的方法。  相似文献   

以颈横动脉为蒂的颈肩背后流轴型皮瓣   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对26例52例尸体进行了解剖学观察,结果证明,颈横动脉的血流可经吻合支反向灌入旋肩胛动脉及肋间后动脉,足以滋养在颈肩背区形成的轴型皮瓣,临床用以修复颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形20例,其中1例应用双侧肩背皮瓣一次手术修复。除4例皮瓣的尖端发生血运障碍外,余均全部成活。  相似文献   

颈横动脉颈段皮支轴型皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

旋肩胛血管横支岛状皮瓣修复严重腋窝瘢痕挛缩畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨应用旋肩胛血管横支岛状皮瓣修复严重腋窝瘢痕挛缩畸形的可行性.方法 对12例患者共15侧严重腋窝瘢痕挛缩畸形采用旋肩胛血管横支为蒂的岛状皮瓣修复,皮瓣面积12 cm×5 cm至20 cm×10 cm,旋转180°覆盖创面,供瓣区直接拉拢缝合.结果 所有皮瓣全部成活,挛缩腋窝得到了基本纠正,8例患者随访1~3年,腋窝外观满意,肩关节功能良好.结论 旋肩胛血管横支岛状皮瓣是修复严重腋窝瘢痕挛缩的良好方法,特别适合于女性或不适宜选用旋肩胛血管降支或升支形成旋肩胛皮瓣的患者.  相似文献   

目的:探讨修复烧伤后会阴部瘢痕挛缩畸形的手术方法。方法:对1990年以来收治的38例会阴部烧伤后瘢痕挛缩畸形患者行瘢痕切除松解,21例患者单纯中厚或全厚植皮,4例患者单纯局部皮瓣转移修复,13例患者皮瓣转移配合植皮修复。结果:1例皮瓣尖端2cm坏死,2例部分皮瓣色暗紫,2例植皮部分成活欠佳,经换药及对症处理痊愈,余均疗效满意。结论:皮片移植及皮瓣转移为治疗会阴部瘢痕挛缩畸形的较好手术方法。  相似文献   

背阔肌游离皮瓣修复面颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
目的:研究背阔肌游离皮瓣在修复面颈部挛缩畸形中所起的重要作用。方法:10例面颈部瘢痕彻底松解后,采用游离的背阔肌肌皮瓣治疗,将胸背动静脉分别与面动静脉吻合,供瓣区采用中厚皮片移植,其中两例采用预扩张的背阔肌游离皮瓣进行修复。结果:9例背阔肌肌皮瓣游离移植后完全存活,1例背阔肌皮瓣远端部分坏死,术后患者的面颈部功能和外形得到明显的改善。结论:背阔肌游离皮瓣修复面颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形效果可靠。  相似文献   

Upper extremity contractures still happen and constitute one of the most trying challenges in burn patients. This series comprised of 4 radial forearm flaps, 14 dorsoulnar artery flaps, and 4 medial arm flaps, all of which were used in a reverse pattern for upper extremity postburn contractures. The reverse flow radial forearm flap (RRFF) was chosen for reconstruction of extensive palmar contractures after burn. The reverse flow dorsoulnar flap (RDUF) was used particularly for reconstruction of the hypothenar aspect of the hand which requires moderate size tissue transfer. The reverse medial arm flap (RMAF) was used for elbow contractures after burn. In the first RMAF, venous congestion occured and was finaly resolved with minimal flap loss, which was managed with STSG later. In the following 3 cases the flap was supercharged with anastomosis of the brachial vein into the antebrachial vein. Both RRFF and RDUF may provide a smooth and efficient solution. However, RMAF has a significant venous problem, which may result in flap loss, therefore, this flap should not be considered as a first option in the elbow area.  相似文献   

采用双蒂瘢痕组织皮瓣治疗关节部位的瘢痕挛缩畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍双蒂瘢痕组织皮瓣治疗关节部位的瘢痕挛缩。方法:2004年10月~2007年初,利用双蒂瘢痕组织皮瓣共治疗了5例关节部位瘢痕组织挛缩畸形的患者,1例为肘关节,2例为腋窝,2例为膝关节,手术均在伤后半年以上进行。术后随访3个月~1年,平均随访时间为6个月。结果:对所有患者,术后效果都是可以接受的。双蒂瘢痕皮瓣的优点是手术简单,皮瓣坏死可能性低,肢体固定时间短,瘢痕挛缩复发的可能性低。结论:这种双蒂瘢痕组织皮瓣可作为关节部位瘢痕挛缩治疗的选择方法之一。  相似文献   

局部皮瓣与皮片移植分区修复儿童颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨儿童严重颈部烧伤瘢痕畸形的手术治疗。方法:对2~11岁的颈部瘢痕畸形患者采用局部皮瓣转移与皮片移植相结合的方法,分区修复。结果:采用上述手术方法修复Ⅲ~Ⅳ度颈部瘢痕24例,其中随访23例,随访时间为6个月~2年,2例颈部后仰活动轻微受限,2例颈部瘢痕较为明显,3例所植皮片轻度挛缩,患者有紧缩感,但不影响功能。结论:对儿童严重颈部瘢痕畸形,局部皮瓣转移与皮片移植相结合分区修复为较好的手术方法。  相似文献   

瘢痕内松解治疗颈部瘢痕挛缩   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨瘢痕内松解治疗颈部瘢痕挛缩的可行性。方法:从2005年3月到2008年11月,应用自制的推刀对收治的6例Ⅱ度颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形的患者行瘢痕内切开,松解挛缩,术后应用颈部弹力套压迫防止瘢痕增生、继发挛缩。结果:头颈部活动度6例中4例明显改善,2例好转。平均随诊8个月(3~20个月)未见挛缩复发。颌颈部曲线自然,颏颈角清晰。结论:瘢痕内松解可增加瘢痕挛缩畸形颈部的活动度。对于轻度颈部瘢痕挛缩可改善外观和功能,患者满意率高。  相似文献   

Many surgical techniques exist for reconstruction of burn scar contracture of the antecubital fossa, such as Z plasty, VY plasty, lateral arm flap, and medial arm flap. Another option is direct release of the scar contracture and skin graft of the defect area, which requires prolonged splinting and risk of graft failure. Additionally, in the areas with exposed tendons or vessels, we cannot use grafts. Recurrence of contracture remains another drawback of this treatment, in this article we present a new, simple alternative method for treatment of these cases. In this clinical trial we introduce a new technique of bipedicle flap from scar tissue for coverage of the antecubital fossa with skin grafting of the proximal and distal parts of this bipedicle flap. From July 2002 to July 2005 we used this flap in 12 patients and efficacy and versatility of this flap was studied. Seven patients were female and 5 were male with mean age of 23.7 years. The mean time between burn and our reconstructive operation was 3.2 years. The mean surface area of antecubital burn scar tissue was 77.5%. Mean extension lag before operation was 66.5 degrees , mean extension lag during operation was 4.5 degrees and after operation was 5.4 degrees . Minor complication was observed in two cases with necrosis of the flap margin. Mean follow-up period was 17 months and the appearance of operated site in antecubital fossa was acceptable in all patients. The advantage of this bipedicle flap is its simple surgical technique. The risk of flap necrosis is negligible and it is a reliable flap. Splinting time is short and the risk of recurrence of contracture with this technique is minimal.  相似文献   



Axillary adduction contracture is caused by scars that tightly surround the shoulder joint impairing the function of the upper limb. Due to severe scar surface deficiency, contracture release presents a challenge for surgeons since a method of release is transfer of tissue in the form of a large pedicled or free flap(s). Thus, development of simpler, less traumatic techniques, using local tissues, persists.


Anatomic studies of shoulder adduction contractures after burn (pre-operative, during surgery, post-reconstruction) were done in 346 pediatric and adult patients. All were divided into three groups according to contracture types: with edge contractures (80%), medial (6%) and total (14%). Anatomical study covered peculiarities of total contractures and possibilities for their treatment using local scarred tissue.


Total contractures (48 patients) were caused by scars tightly surrounding the joint on three sides: anterior, posterior, and axillary. There were two specific forms of contracture: (a) shoulder close to the chest wall (22 of 48 patients) which was treated with thoracic pedicled or free flaps; (b) in 26 out of 48 patients a flat scar and skin graft surface laid along the shoulder and chest wall, in axillary projection, which were used for contracture release in the form of a subcutaneous pedicled quadrangular flap. The flap was mobilized only peripherally, descending to the apex of the axilla, forming the central axillary zone, and suspension of the axilla on a normal level. Wounds aside the flaps were covered with skin graft. Acceptable functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all 26 patients.


Total shoulder adduction contractures have two forms: (a) shoulder close/fused with the chest wall; and (b) along the chest wall and shoulder there is a flat surface, the tissue of which can be used for reconstruction in a form of scar subcutaneous pedicled quadrangular flap. Based on this flap, a new technique is described which is relatively easy to perform.  相似文献   

目的探讨一种安全而有效地修复儿童颈部重度瘢痕挛缩畸形的手术方法。方法将以颈横动脉主干及降支为蒂的扩张斜方肌肌皮瓣转移至颈部,修复儿童颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形,背部供区直接拉拢缝合。结果临床应用于10例患儿,1例患儿由于二期手术肌皮瓣超长转移达颈部对侧耳下,术后肌皮瓣远端部分坏死,其余9例挛缩畸形矫正较为彻底,获得满意效果。结论在保证肌皮瓣血供的基础上,本肌皮瓣适宜修复儿童颈部重度瘢痕挛缩畸形。  相似文献   

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