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高磷软锰矿磁选-微生物脱磷工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许定胜  杨康  方勇 《中国锰业》2009,27(3):21-23
对高磷软锰矿首先采用强磁选提高锰品位并初步脱磷,然后用微生物深度脱磷.对含锰17.4%,P/Mn为0.010 9的软锰矿,经强磁选后,锰精矿中Mn品位提高到22%以上,P/Mn降低至0.008 0;用一种解磷菌对磁选锰精矿进行细菌脱磷,脱磷率最高可达85%,脱磷后锰精矿中P/Mn达到0.001 5,符合冶金用锰P/Mn为0.003的要求.  相似文献   

杨双平  杜新  刘杰  汪剑 《钢铁》2014,49(3):42-45
 在实验室高温箱式炉的条件下,以CaO-Fe2O3-CaF2为主要的渣系,对脱磷剂的配比、加入量、熔化温度、碱度进行试验研究。试验结果表明,温度为1450℃的条件下,w(CaO)/w(Fe2O3)= 2.5,碱度为2.5,脱磷剂加入量为12%,并加入一定量的助熔剂,从而使生铁磷质量分数由原来的1.02%降低到0.47%。最后,调整脱磷剂的用量,得出脱磷剂的最佳配比。  相似文献   

高磷锰矿脱磷技术研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了高磷锰矿石脱磷技术的现状,对强磁选-反浮选、强磁选-焙烧、强磁选-黑锰矿、炉外脱磷、还原焙烧-氨浸和微生物脱磷技术进行了分析,认为微生物脱磷能耗低,无污染,锰回收率高,是值得重视和深入研究的方法。  相似文献   

高磷贫碳酸锰矿石中微生物脱磷的可行性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
简要回顾了我国锰资源及其选冶的状况;讨论了微生物脱磷的地球化学和生化基础,探讨了微生物脱磷的机理;确认了一种芽孢杆菌具有显著的分解磷灰石的能力。  相似文献   

采用小球烧结方法研究不同因素对高磷赤铁矿烧结气化脱磷的影响。结果表明:气化脱磷反应主要是气固相反应的过程。在弱氧化气氛条件下,高磷赤铁矿的气化脱磷率随反应温度升高、碱度降低、恒温时间延长而增加。在脱磷剂加入量6.8%的条件下,比较适宜的气化脱磷工艺参数为配碳4%、反应温度1 250℃、碱度1.2、恒温时间30 min,此时气化脱磷率达到了23.8%。并对最终焙烧产物进行了XRD微观检测分析,证实了气化脱磷反应的发生。  相似文献   

高磷铁矿处理及高磷铁水脱磷研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了高磷铁矿选矿脱磷和炼钢脱磷反应机理研究的最新进展,对生产低磷钢的各个环节如铁水预处理,转炉冶炼,钢水炉外脱磷尤其是炉外脱磷的渣系组成及脱磷工艺进行了详细的论述.探讨了高磷铁水炼钢的可行性.  相似文献   

杨双平  刘海金  王苗  刘起航  张攀辉 《钢铁》2021,56(10):65-73
 针对高磷鲕状赤铁矿石矿物结构复杂导致的脱磷困难现状,为实现深度脱磷的目的,探索矿物还原过程中磷的形态及微观脱磷过程。以铁品位为44.78%、磷的质量分数为0.92%的高磷鲕状赤铁矿为研究对象,根据其面扫描电镜及矿相结构图可知,矿物之间嵌布紧密、逐层形成鲕状结构,石英、鲕绿泥石与赤铁矿等互相包裹,磷元素集中分布在鲕粒内部的氟磷灰石中。通过对焙烧产物做扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱分析(EDS),对高磷鲕状赤铁矿脱磷机理进行研究。研究结果表明,当YM-1脱磷剂质量分数为16%,还原过程中鲕状结构被破坏,金属铁逐渐从鲕粒中析出聚集,脉石与铁颗粒分离明显,磷化为不同形态被脱除。磁选后尾矿、铁分离完全,磷元素几乎全部进入尾矿,添加复合脱磷剂YM-1焙烧磁选后铁精矿的铁品位为90.16%,铁回收率为91.25%,磷质量分数为0.056%,脱磷率为93.91%。铁精粉各项指标满足工业冶炼要求。  相似文献   

栗聖凯  郝赳赳 《山西冶金》2021,44(4):16-17,55
含磷量高的钢材可塑性和韧性水平都较低,因此为了降低磷含量,避免低温环境下钢材冷脆断裂的风险,提升优质钢材产量,就必须要从炼钢工艺上进行优化.基于脱磷热力学的基本原理,分析了在大型转炉平台上探索稳定创新优质脱磷工艺,实现了生产低磷洁净钢材的工艺路径.  相似文献   

针对铁水预处理工艺并基于喷粉冶金原理,建立了高磷铁水预处理脱磷动力学模型。通过将实验室试验结果与模型计算结果对照,验证了模型的有效性,并应用模型计算分析了熔渣脱磷能力和工艺条件对脱磷效果的影响。结果表明:铁水温度控制在1 350℃、渣中w(CaO)控制在50%、高磷铁水预处理的初始w(P)为0.35%、w(FeO)为5%左右,碱度为3具有较强的脱磷能力。  相似文献   

高磷铁矿脱磷技术现状及磷资源化提取新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄凯  修祎帆  郭占成  朱鸿民 《钢铁》2016,51(10):1-5
 为了提高磷铁矿作为炼铁原料的使用率,对高磷铁矿中磷元素的降低和脱除技术(选矿法、化学浸出法、生物浸出法、高温脱磷法)的特点及发展现状进行了综合评述,并从磷的资源化利用的角度探讨其提取与利用的可能性。介绍了一种基于湿法酸浸-生物吸附方法提取高磷铁矿或高温脱磷渣中磷资源新工艺技术,对其基本原理、工艺流程与技术特点进行了讨论。该提磷新方法的最大优势在于可以从pH值为1~2的酸浸溶液中直接选择性地吸附脱磷,使酸液得以循环使用,而磷也可解吸成高纯度的磷酸盐得以回收,吸附剂本身则可以多次循环使用。  相似文献   

Thedephosphorizationofferoaloysisfarmoredificultthanthatofsteels,whilePcontentofferoaloyshasdirectinfluenceonthatofsteelprod-...  相似文献   

介绍了高炉锰铁炉外还原脱磷和炉外氧化脱磷技术,论述了高炉锰铁炉外脱磷的影响因素等。  相似文献   

转炉渣用于铁水预脱磷的工艺实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 研究了转炉渣剂的组成及相关工艺因素对铁水脱磷率的影响。结果表明:为降低转炉渣的熔化温度以适应铁水预处理温度的要求,转炉渣的CaF2添加量应控制在15%~20%;采用80%的转炉渣和20%的CaF2配制的转炉渣剂对铁水进行脱磷处理时,脱磷率可达到78%左右;另外,转炉渣剂中的P2O5能显著降低铁水脱磷率。  相似文献   

影响转炉脱磷的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从转炉脱磷的理论分析入手,探讨了炉渣碱度、FeO的质量分数和冶炼过程温度对磷质量分数的影响及回磷的原因、影响因素及防止措施等。同时本文指出应控制炉渣碱度、FeO、终点温度在合理范围内,并应重视钢水回磷问题。  相似文献   

高磷低品位锰矿浓酸熟化脱磷试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出用拌浓酸熟化的方法对难选贫锰矿进行脱磷正交试验研究,考察了浓酸用量、熟化时间、矿石粒度对脱磷效果的影响。实验表明:浓酸用量和矿石粒度对脱磷效果影响显著。该锰矿拌浓酸熟化处理最优工艺条件:浓硝酸用量100%,时间12h,粒度-0.125+0.1mm。在最优工艺条件下,锰矿品位从11.56%提至44.23%,P/Mn从0.0126降至0.0056,锰回收率达93.68%,达到,台金用锰矿石标准AMn45Ⅲ的技术指标。  相似文献   

In the scale of ironmaking and steelmaking, the dephosphorization can be divided into four classes. The first level which is known very well by metallurgists is the dephosphorization for carbon steels and low alloy steels. The second level is that included in the pretreatment process of hot metal. It differs from the first level as it must consider how to treat the selective oxidation of [P] and [C]. Furthermore, The contradictory of dephosphorization and desulphurization has to be harmonized. The third level is that for high alloy steels and the fourth is that for ferroalloys. In these cases, two technical ways either oxidizing dephosphorization or reducing dephosphorization can be selected. Whether which one is chosen, the key problem is to lower down phosphorous content efficiently meanwhile to keep the concentration of Cr and/or Mn almost lossless.   The cheapest raw materials for the production of high alloy steel are the returning scrap of that steel. Raising the proportion of the returning scraps in the total amount of raw materials is a very important measure to decrease the production cost. In order to avoid an obvious oxidation of Cr, Mn and so on during that melting process it is impossible to adopt the oxidational dephosphorization procedures which is generally carried out in the production of low alloy steel. In this case, after returning several times the phosphorous content in the scraps is accumulated. And then it gradually approaches to the level specified in the standard of the steel. Finally, it will become a waste. It was estimated that the market demand on high alloy steels as stainless steels would rapidly grow. So the scraps containing low phosphorous is urgently needed in a great deal.   On the other hand, the standards of some high alloy steels, which are designated for extremely severe environment only, allow a very low phosphorous content. For example, it is claimed that W[P]<0.015 %—0.020 % if the stainless steel products will contact with urea or nitric acid. If the resistance to corrosive fatigue and welding crack is highlighted the phosphorous content should be decreased to less than (100—50)×10-4 %. And Koros P J et al estimated that dephosphorous to 14×10-4 % will be wanted[1].   So far no technology for dephosphorization of stainless steels can be widely adopted in industrial scale. This will be one of the major research projects in the coming century. This paper devotes to a discussion on the strategy of oxidational dephosphorization and the improvement of the reductional dephosphorization.  相似文献   

High pressure roll grinding (HPRG)and ball milling were compared to investigate the influence of me-chanical activation on the acid leaching dephosphorization of a high-phosphorus iron ore concentrate,which was man-ufactured through magnetizing roasting-magnetic separation of high-phosphorus oolitic iron ores.The results indica-ted that when high-phosphorus iron ore concentrates containing 54·92 mass% iron and 0·76 mass% phosphorus were directly processed through acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 55·74 mass% iron and 0·33 mass%phosphorus with an iron recovery of 84·64% and dephosphorization of 63·79% were obtained.When high-phosphor-us iron ore concentrates activated by ball milling were processed by acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 56·03 mass% iron and 0·21 mass% phosphorus with an iron recovery of 85·65% and dephosphorization of 77·49%were obtained.Meanwhile,when high-phosphorus iron ore concentrates activated by HPRG were processed by acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 58·02 mass% iron and 0·10 mass% phosphorus were obtained,with the iron recovery reaching 88·42% and the dephosphorization rate reaching 88·99%.Mechanistic studies demonstrated that ball milling can reduce the particle size,demonstrating a prominent reunion phenomenon.In contrast,HPRG pretreatment contributes to the formation of more cracks within the particles and selective dissociation of iron and P bearing minerals,which can provide the favorable kinetic conditions to accelerate the solid-liquid reaction rate.As such,the crystal structure is destroyed and the surface energy of mineral particles is strengthened by mechanical ac-tivation,further strengthening the dephosphorization.  相似文献   

通过对100 t顶吹转炉双渣法深脱磷的工业性试验研究,结合不同吹炼时期冶炼特点,确立了吹炼过程需要控制的原料及操作制度等关键措施。控制倒炉温度、碱度、炉渣中的ω(FeO)及熔渣流动性等因素均是取得良好脱磷效果的重要保证。应用双渣法深脱磷生产试验取得了转炉出钢磷含量平均达到63×10-6,成品平均磷含量达到85×10-6的实绩。  相似文献   




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