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为研究伺服系统对10 MW单桩式近海风力机地震动力特性的影响,以DTU 10 MW风力机为原型,建立考虑伺服系统的单桩式近海风力机模型,通过p-y曲线法构建分布式弹簧土-构耦合模型,并基于中国实测地震数据和风力机实际运行环境构建湍流风-波浪-地震伺服系统多物理场计算平台,研究其在不同状态下的动力特性。结果表明:无地震载荷作用时,当平均风速大于额定风速,风力机变桨伺服系统有效缓解了塔顶振动,并减弱了气动载荷对塔基弯矩的影响;地震载荷使风力机塔顶位移明显增加,平均增加71.66%,变桨伺服系统对塔顶位移的作用效果被削弱,使发电机转速发生更剧烈波动;地震及波浪载荷对塔基弯矩的影响很大,风浪震作用较仅湍流风载荷作用下风力机塔基弯矩最大值平均增加131.24%,不能忽略波浪载荷对塔基弯矩的影响。  相似文献   

以某10 MW桁架式海上风力机为研究对象,基于p-y曲线和Q-z曲线描述柔性土壤与桩基间的相互作用,构建桁架及单桩风力机的有限元模型,研究2种结构在地震及风-浪载荷作用下的结构动力学响应及承载特性。结果表明:桁架及单桩结构在风-浪载荷作用下,塔顶做偏心往复运动;地震的作用导致单桩结构塔顶侧向扰动偏心更严重,但桁架结构扰动幅度更大且应力卸载更快;桁架结构相较于单桩结构更稳定,但需要对局部承载压力部分进行降载。  相似文献   

开发了风力机地震仿真平台SAF(Seismic Analysis Framework),以DTU 10 MW海上风力机为研究对象,建立其地震激励下的动力仿真模型,分析4种水深(20~50 m)时20组不同强度地震、额定风速湍流风与波浪流联合作用下风力机塔架动力响应。研究表明:地震作用对横向塔顶位移及横向平面内的塔基弯矩影响较大,来流方向塔顶位移及来流平面内的塔基弯矩主要受湍流风影响;在存在地震激励时,塔架不同高度处位移、剪切力及弯矩响应均大于湍流风与波浪流作用时;地震强度较弱时,不同水深处风力机塔顶位移与弯矩差距较小,但塔基弯矩随着水深的增大而增大;地震强度较大时,水深对风力机塔顶位移与塔基弯矩影响很大,相同地震强度的响应深水大于浅水。  相似文献   

高鑫 《水电能源科学》2020,38(3):159-163
针对风力机叶片在较低空气密度下易出现失速等问题,在提前变桨控制策略的基础上,提出了实时调整提前变桨控制策略中的变桨微动角度的调节方法,并采用CFD数值仿真及现场试验进行验证。结果表明,实时调整提前变桨控制策略中变桨微动角度,提高了风力机组在不同运行条件下的适应性,改善了风力机叶片在低空气密度下的流动分离,减小了叶片的动态失速,提升了风力机功率,最大增幅为3.17%。  相似文献   

为探究湍流风与地震联合作用下单桩式海上风力机的结构动力学响应与振动控制,以单桩式NREL5 MW海上风力机为研究对象,采用有限元法建立三维壳模型并基于二次开发将体等效线性模型集成于ABAQUS中,通过附加粘滞阻尼器对地震诱导风力机振动进行控制.结果表明:粘滞阻尼器能够大幅降低地震导致的风力机塔顶振动,但对湍流风引起的塔...  相似文献   

为研究高面板堆石坝的地震易损性,基于增量动力分析(IDA)与支持向量机(SVM)相结合的方法,首先利用拉丁超立方抽样(LHS)方法从人工生成的100条地震动中随机选取30条,选定PGA为地震动强度指标,坝顶竖向位移为性能指标,通过对每条地震动进行等间距调幅,对面板坝进行有限元计算及对结果进行IDA分析,提取各条地震动在所选性能指标不同极限状态下的PGA;然后引入SVM,以代表地震动特性的参数为输入,以PGA为输出,训练并测试SVM模型;最后利用SVM模型做快速预测,在考虑不同地震动数目的条件下,分析面板坝的地震易损性,并绘制地震易损性曲线。研究结果表明,IDA-SVM方法在分析大坝易损性的问题上具有可行性和有效性,且考虑不同地震动数目所得的地震易损性曲线不尽相同。  相似文献   

为保障极端复杂环境下风力机塔架的结构安全,以NREL 5 MW风力机为研究对象,基于开源软件FAST预留数据接口开发地震载荷计算模块,研究气动阻尼和地震对风力机结构响应的影响,并在机舱和基础平台安装调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD),对塔架的振动进行控制。结果表明:塔顶响应主要受地震载荷影响,气动载荷对其影响较小,且气动阻尼在一定程度上可以抑制塔架的动力响应,风-震耦合效应不可忽略;地震诱导塔架振动,安装TMD可有效减缓塔架振动和降低塔架弯矩,保证风力机的结构安全和运行稳定。TMD与结构质量比u=0.01,阻尼系数ξ=0.1时,减振控制效果最佳。  相似文献   

为研究湍流风与地震联合作用下风力机塔架动力响应规律,以AOC 50 kW、WindPACT 1.5 MW和NREL 5 MW 3种不同容量风力机为研究对象,考虑土-构耦合模型效应,基于开源软件FAST预留数据接口,编译地震载荷计算模块,建立了湍流风与地震激励实时耦合的动力仿真模型。基于ASCE标准地震反应谱,得到20种不同强度的地震加速度,计算了不同强度地震与湍流风联合作用下的风力机塔架动力学响应。结果表明:地面加速度峰值(Peak Ground Acceleration,PGA)为0.3g时,湍流风与地震联合作用对塔基剪切力和弯矩影响较大;随地震强度的增大,塔架不同高度处的最大弯矩与高度之间的关系逐渐由线性转变为非线性;发现国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission,IEC)和美国风能协会/美国土木工程师协会(American Wind Energy Association/The American Society of Civil Engineers,AWEA/ASCE)对地震载荷与风载荷共同作用下的载荷预估模型结果误差较大,并提出了新的高精度模型,可为风力机塔架载荷预估及预防地震风险提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

目的  世界范围内已经建成的海上风场大部分位于浅水区域(水深<30 m),主要以单桩等固定式基础为主。随着风电技术的不断成熟,海上风电逐渐走向机组大型化趋势,而单桩海上风机的基础直径也将随着机组大型化而增加。其所受到的环境载荷和土质条件要求也愈加严苛,对于大直径单桩式海上风机的桩土相互作用的研究成为海上风电技术的关键技术问题之一。方法  拟对浅水水域10 MW大型海上风机,研究不同桩土模型对大型单桩海上风机的动力响应的影响。结果  结果表明,宏单元法考虑了非线性的刚度与塑性,在特征频率附近的功率谱密度总和大,对比其他传统桩土模型时有很大的优势。结论  所做研究对风机的整体安全运行具有深远的理论价值与工程应用前景。  相似文献   

基于非线性PI理论,针对风力发电机组电动变桨距伺服系统中执行电机的非线性特性,提出了一种新的非线性控制方法。该方法基于对象的非线性模型,通过简单的非线性变换,把串励直流电机控制器的设计简化为线性系统问题。通过对变桨距电机负载所受驱动力进行了详细分析,进一步设计了控制器,在Matlab/Simulink环境下进行的数字仿真表明,此伺服系统具有良好的动态性能。  相似文献   

Considering nonlinear soil–pile interaction, seismic fragility analysis of offshore wind turbine was performed. Interface between ground soils and piles were modeled as nonlinear spring elements. Ground excitation time histories were applied to spring boundaries. Two methods of applying ground motion were compared. Different time histories from free field analysis were applied to each boundary in the first loading plan (A). They were compared with the second loading plan (B) in which the same ground motion is applied to all boundaries. Critical displacement for wind turbine was proposed by using push-over analysis. Both the stress based and the displacement based fragility curves were obtained using dynamic responses for different peak ground accelerations (PGAs). In numerical example, it was shown that seismic responses from loading plan A are bigger than from plan B. It seems that the bigger ground motion at surface can cause less response at wind turbine due to phase difference between ground motions at various soil layers. Finally, it can be concluded that layer by layer ground motions from free field analysis should be used in seismic design of offshore wind turbine.  相似文献   

变速风力发电机组一般采用变桨距控制来稳定输出功率,但是桨距角的改变会引起攻角的改变,从而引起叶片气动性能的改变,所以在变桨距控制过程中,必须保证合适的攻角,以确保风力机具有良好的气动性能。采用统一变桨距控制方法,在matlab/simulink环境下,通过预测攻角仿真研究了变速风力发电机组的变桨距控制过程,结果表明,该控制模型能正确模拟各种风速下风力发电机组变桨距的动态过程,为进一步研究变速风力发电机的功率控制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

百千瓦级叶片一般采用定桨方式运行,依靠叶片失速进行功率控制,机组运行过程中无法维持较高的效率。基于100 kW变速变桨机组的运行特征,提出了一种100 kW级中型叶片的设计方法。气动设计采用了BEM方法,利用Harp_opt中的优化算法获得较高的气动性能;结构及载荷设计参考IEC标准进行,采用Focus进行铺层设计及结构特性分析。所设计叶片的长度为10.029 m左右,极限及疲劳载荷特性满足GL IIA类风场的运行要求。  相似文献   

为探究大型水平轴风力机达到切出风速停机后变桨故障叶片的气动特性及准静态结构响应,基于计算流体力学方法对NREL 5 MW风力机变桨故障/成功叶片气动侧状态进行分析,并利用双向弱流固耦合及曲屈分析对典型方位角下变桨故障叶片展开研究。结果显示:切出风速下变桨故障叶片挥舞力矩平均值为变桨成功叶片的13.8倍,且前者的流场尾迹更为明显。此外,180°方位角变桨故障叶片较之0°方位角变桨故障叶片应力及叶尖位移分别减小29.8%和32.7%,一阶屈曲因子增加20.2%。  相似文献   

利用有限元分析软件对风力机叶片在不同平均风速作用下的挠度和应力进行了分析。采用Davenport脉动风速谱模拟出不同平均风速,并计算出叶片各部位的挠度及其应力分布。计算结果表明,叶片的振动主要以挥舞振动为主,随着工作风速的增大,叶片挥舞振幅增大,叶片承受的mises应力主要集中在叶片迎风面的中部位置。该研究为风力机叶片的安全设计提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of three pitch system faults on two classes of wind turbines, one is an onshore type and the other a floating offshore spar‐type wind turbine. A stuck blade pitch actuator, a fixed value fault and a bias fault in the blade pitch sensor are considered. The effects of these faults are investigated using short‐term extreme response analysis with the HAWC2 simulation tool. The main objectives of the paper are to investigate how the different faults affect the performance of wind turbines and which differences exist in the structural responses between onshore and floating offshore wind turbines. Several load cases are covered in a statistical analysis to show the effects of faults at different wind speeds and fault amplitudes. The severity of individual faults is categorized by the extreme values the faults have on structural loads. A pitch sensor stuck is determined as being the most severe case. Comparison between the effects on floating offshore and onshore wind turbines show that in the onshore case the tower, the yaw bearing and the shaft are subjected to the highest risk, whereas in the offshore case, the shaft is in this position. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi-rotor floating wind turbines are among the innovative technologies proposed in the last decade in the effort to reduce the cost of wind energy. These systems are able to offer advantages in terms of smaller blades deployed offshore, cheaper operations, fewer installations, and sharing of the floating platform. As the blade-pitch actuation system is prone to failures, the assessment of the associated load scenarios is commonly required. Load assessment of blade-pitch fault scenarios has only been performed for single-rotor solutions. In this work, we address the effect of blade-pitch system faults and emergency shutdown on the dynamics and loads of a two-rotor floating wind turbine. The concept considered employs two NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbines and the OO-Star semi-submersible platform. The blade-pitch faults investigated are blade blockage and runaway, that is, the seizure at a given pitch angle and the uncontrolled actuation of one of the blades, respectively. Blade-pitch faults lead to a significant increase in the structural loads of the system, especially for runaway fault conditions. Emergency shutdown significantly excites the platform pitch motion, the tower-bottom bending moment, and tower torsional loads, while suppressing the faulty blade flapwise bending moment after a short peak. Shutdown delay between rotors increases significantly the maxima of the torsional loads acting on the tower. Comparison of blade loads with data from single-rotor spar-type study show great similarity, highlighting that the faulty blade loads are not affected by (1) the type of platform used and (2) the multi-rotor deployment.  相似文献   

This paper deals with numerical modeling of the hydraulic blade pitch actuator and its effect on the dynamic responses of a floating spar‐type wind turbine under valve fault conditions. A spar‐type floating wind turbine concept is modeled and simulated using an aero‐hydro‐servo‐elastic simulation tool (Simo‐Riflex [SR]). Because the blade pitch system has the highest failure rate, a numerical model of the hydraulic blade pitch actuator with/without valve faults is developed and linked to SR to study the effects of faults on global responses of the spar‐type floating wind turbine for different faults, fault magnitudes, and environmental conditions. The consequence of valve faults in the pitch actuator is that the blade cannot be pitched to the desired angle, so there may be a delay in the response due to excessive friction and the wrong voltage, or slit lock may cause runaway blade pitch. A short circuit may cause the blade to get stuck at a particular pitch angle. These faults contribute to rotor imbalance, which result in different effects on the turbine structure and the platform motions. The proposed method for combining global and hydraulic actuator models is demonstrated in case studies with stochastic wind and wave conditions and different types of valve faults.  相似文献   

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