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The reliability of the measurement of the distance between the posterior border of the acromion and the wall and the reliability of the modified lateral scapular slide test have not been studied. Overall, the reliability of the clinical tools used to assess scapular positioning has not been studied in musicians.


To examine the intertester reliability of scapular observation and 2 clinical tests for the assessment of scapular positioning in musicians.


Intertester reliability study.


University research laboratory.

Patients or Other Participants:

Thirty healthy student musicians at a single university.

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Two assessors performed a standardized observation protocol, the measurement of the distance between the posterior border of the acromion and the wall, and the modified lateral scapular slide test. Each assessor was blinded to the other''s findings.


The intertester reliability coefficients (κ) for the observation in relaxed position, during unloaded movement, and during loaded movement were 0.41, 0.63, and 0.36, respectively. The κ values for the observation of tilting and winging at rest were 0.48 and 0.42, respectively; during unloaded movement, the κ values were 0.52 and 0.78, respectively; and with a 1-kg load, the κ values were 0.24 and 0.50, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the measurement of the acromial distance was 0.72 in relaxed position and 0.75 with the participant actively retracting both shoulders. The ICCs for the modified lateral scapular slide test varied between 0.63 and 0.58.


Our results demonstrated that the modified lateral scapular slide test was not a reliable tool to assess scapular positioning in these participants. Our data indicated that scapular observation in the relaxed position and during unloaded abduction in the frontal plane was a reliable assessment tool. The reliability of the measurement of the distance between the posterior border of the acromion and the wall in healthy musicians was moderate.  相似文献   



Repetitive throwing at high velocities leads to altered range of motion (ROM) in the dominant shoulder compared with the nondominant shoulder in overhead-throwing athletes. Loss of glenohumeral internal rotation (IR), or glenohumeral internal-rotation deficit (GIRD), is associated with shoulder injuries. Therefore, GIRD should be evaluated during the clinical examination of the thrower''s shoulder.


To assess glenohumeral ROM in competitive baseball and softball athletes at 3 intervals over the course of an athletic season in order to (1) examine changes in ROM over time and (2) monitor the prevalence of GIRD.


Observational, repeated-measures study.


Collegiate athletic training room.

Patients or Other Participants:

Forty-eight healthy National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I or Division II athletes (age  =  19 ± 1 years, height  =  174 ± 14 cm, mass  =  77.8 ± 18.1 kg; 19 softball, 29 baseball players).

Main Outcome Measure(s):

We measured glenohumeral IR, external rotation (ER), total arc (ER + IR), and GIRD at 3 times: prefall, prespring, and postspring. We calculated GIRD in 2 ways: as the difference in IR between dominant and nondominant shoulders and as the percentage of the total arc.


In the dominant shoulder, ER increased during the season (F2,96  =  17.433, P < .001), but IR remained the same (F2,96  =  1.839, P  =  .17). The total arc in the dominant shoulder increased between time intervals (F2,96  =  14.030, P < .001); the mean difference between prefall and postspring measurements was 9.694° (P < .001), and the mean difference between prefall and postspring measurements was 10.990° (P < .001). In the nondominant shoulder, ER increased over the season (F2,96  =  23.395, P < .001), but IR did not change over the season (F2,96  =  0.087, P  =  .90). The total arc in the nondominant shoulder increased between prefall and prespring measurements and between prefall and postspring measurements (F2,96  =  18.552, P < .001). No changes were noted in GIRD over time. However, more athletes with GIRD were identified with the GIRD (IR difference) calculation in prefall (n  =  6) than in prespring (n  =  1) and postspring (n  =  4) (Cochran Q  =  5.2, P  =  .07). In addition, more athletes with GIRD were identified with the GIRD (% total arc) calculation in postspring (n  =  6) than in prefall (n  =  5) or prespring (n  =  4) (Cochran Q  =  2.6, P  =  .27).


Healthy NCAA Division I and Division II athletes did not display changes in glenohumeral IR over an athletic season. However, they gained in ER and total arc during the season in both shoulders. Future researchers should investigate changes over multiple seasons. The 2 methods of calculating GIRD identified different athletes as having GIRD, indicating that additional investigation is warranted to determine the clinical benefits of each method.  相似文献   



The stability of the scapula in relation to the entire moving upper extremity is the key in the throwing sequence. The importance of scapular positioning in volleyball players has been well documented in the literature, but no one has compared scapular positioning between volleyball players and sedentary people.


To compare measurements of scapular mobility obtained using the lateral scapular slide test between volleyball players and sedentary participants without shoulder impairments and to compare changes in scapular mobility in players according to the number of years of sport participation.


Cross-sectional study.


University research laboratory.

Patients or Other Participants:

A total of 121 people at a single university volunteered. Of these, 67 were sedentary (age = 24.3 ± 2.34 years, height = 1.69 ± 0.09 m, mass = 65.1 ± 11.91 kg); 54 were volleyball players from 4 professional teams and were separated into 2 groups according to their years of sport participation. The first group was named young players (n = 31; age = 17.7 ± 2.58 years, height = 1.83 ± 0.10 m, mass = 68.3 ± 12.21 kg, sport participation ≤ 9 years), and the second group was named old players (n = 23; age = 26.9 ± 3.39 years, height = 1.95 ± 4.38 m, mass = 90.7 ± 5.75 kg, sport participation ≥ 10 years).

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Study participants completed a rating scale for pain and a questionnaire about demographic and shoulder problems. One assessor performed the lateral scapular slide test and additional flexibility measurements around the shoulder girdle. Flexibility (external rotation, internal rotation) and scapular position (1, 2, 3) were compared among groups (young players, old players, sedentary people) and between sides (dominant, nondominant).


In sedentary participants, we found differences for position 1 (t66 = 3.327, P = .002), position 2 (t66 = 2.491, P = .004), position 3 (t66 = 2.512, P = .006), and internal rotation (t66 = 2.592, P = .001) between the dominant and nondominant sides. In old players, we found differences for position 2 between the dominant and nondominant sides (t22 = 2.956, P = .004). For position 2 (F2,118 = 4.265, P = .02) and position 3 (F2,118 = 4.702, P = .01), we found differences between young and old players. For internal rotation, we found differences between sedentary and old players (F2,118 = 6.578, P = .002) and between young and old players (F2,118 = 3.723, P = .01).


Clinicians evaluating overhead athletes need to remember that asymmetric scapular posture between the dominant and nondominant sides in unilateral overhead athletes might be normal and not necessarily related to injury.  相似文献   



Whole-body vibration machines are a relatively new technology being implemented in the athletic setting. Numerous authors have examined the proposed physiologic mechanisms of vibration therapy and performance outcomes. Changes have mainly been observed in the lower extremity after individual exercises, with minimal attention to the upper extremity and resistance training programs.


To examine the effects of a novel vibration intervention directed at the upper extremity as a precursor to a supervised, multijoint dynamic resistance training program.


Randomized controlled trial.


National Collegiate Athletic Association Division IA institution.

Patients or Other Participants:

Thirteen female student-athletes were divided into the following 2 treatment groups: (1) whole-body vibration and resistance training or (2) resistance training only.


Participants in the vibration and resistance training group used an experimental vibration protocol of 2 × 60 seconds at 4 mm and 50 Hz, in a modified push-up position, 3 times per week for 10 weeks, just before their supervised resistance training session.

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Isokinetic total work measurements of the rotator cuff were collected at baseline and at week 5 and week 10.


No differences were found between the treatment groups (P > .05). However, rotator cuff output across time increased in both groups (P < .05).


Although findings did not differ between the groups, the use of whole-body vibration as a precursor to multijoint exercises warrants further investigation because of the current lack of literature on the topic. Our results indicate that indirectly strengthening the rotator cuff using a multijoint dynamic resistance training program is possible.  相似文献   

NEO个性问卷修订本在中国的应用研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
目的:探讨以"大五因素"人格理论编制的NEO人格问卷修订本(NEO-PI-R)在中国大陆的实用性.方法:采用杨坚翻译的NEO-PI-R对909名21~81岁正常被试进行了测试.结果:NEO-PI-R中文本具有较好的信度,α系数从0.77(顺同性)至0.92(神经质),重测信度从0.81(开放性)至0.91(外向性);因子分析表明30种人格特质分量表基本上负荷了五个主要公共因子(可解释57.65%的总体方差);NEO-PI-R的神经质和外向性维度与EPQ的神经质和内外向维度的相关系数分别为0.744(P<0.01)和0.816(P<0.01).研究还发现性别、年龄和受教育程度对测验的结果均有明显的影响.结论:作者认为NEO-PI-R在个别条目稍加修改后很适合在中国大陆应用,并建议在标准化时应建立年龄常模.  相似文献   

电话版常识-记忆-注意测验用于痴呆的信效度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价电话版常识-记忆-注意测验(Telephone Information-Memory-Concentration test, T-IMCT)应用的信度和效度.方法:痴呆病人共65例,对照组健康老年志愿者67例.采用修改后T-IMCT在面访两周之后对全部受检对象电话访问一次.结果:时间重测信度相关系数为0.93(P<0.01),评定员重测信度相关系数为0.90(P<0.01).面访和电话访问评分的相关系数为0.92(P<0.01).T-IMCT电话评定痴呆的敏感性为80%,特异性为80.6%.T-IMCT与MMSE的相关系数为0.89(p<0.01).结论:T-IMCT具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于痴呆的筛查.  相似文献   

照顾者负担问卷的信度和效度检验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的:对照顾者负担问卷(CBI)的信度和效度进行评定。方法:按照量表翻译程序将CBI翻译成中文,运用中文版的CBI对59名居家痴呆病人的59位照顾者进行测定,对他们所照顾的痴呆病人的病理行为进行评定。同时使用Zarit照顾者负担问卷的中文版本测量该59个照顾者的负担。选取30名照顾者在第一次测评后的2周进行重测信度的测验。结果:折半信度为0.94,各评定指标得分和量表总分高度相关(r=0.70-0.90,P<0.01);各项条目得分和量表总分之间均相关,(r=0.38-0.76,均P<0.01)。同质性信度系数Cronbachα=0.92。重测信度为0.93。校标效度r=0.85,与病理行为问卷的得分相关性显著(r=0.51,P<0.01)。因子分析提取了5个特征根大于1的因子,各条目载荷的范围是0.49-0.76,五个因子累积贡献率为69.55%,能够合理地解释量表的结构。结论:CBI中译本有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   



The Upper Limb Physician''s Rating Scale (ULPRS) is a tool that assesses movement quality of the upper limbs. It is used as an outcome measure after botulinum toxin type A injection in children with cerebral palsy (CP). This study aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of the ULPRS in children with spastic CP.

Materials and Methods

Thirty children with spastic CP (M:F=17:13) aged 5 to 13 years old were recruited. The ULPRS was scored based on recorded videotapes by four physicians on two separate occasions. The Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (MUUL) was scored by an occupational therapist. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), 95% confidence intervals and weighted kappa statistics were calculated for the scores of ULPRS to obtain interrater and intrarater reliability. The relationship between ULPRS and MUUL was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients.


The ICCs for the total ULPRS scores were 0.94 between raters and 0.99 to 1.00 within raters. The weighted kappa statistics for subitem scores for the ULPRS ranged from 0.67 to 1.00 within raters and from 0.46 to 0.86 between raters. The relationship between ULPRS and MUUL was strong (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.751; p<0.05).


The results demonstrated the high reliability of the total ULPRS score within and between raters. A significant concurrent validity between ULPRS and MUUL also supports the clinical utility of the ULPRS as an outcome measure of spastic upper limb in children with CP.  相似文献   

亲密关系体验问卷修订版的信效度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:测定亲密关系体验问卷修订版(ECR—R)的信度和效度。方法:取286名本科生及研究生进行ECR—R的Cronbachd系数、分半信度及结构效度分析,取31名大学生测定重测信度,取32名病例组样本检验效标效度。结果:总量表和焦虑、回避分量表的Cronbachd系数分别为0.87、0.86、0.81,重测信度分别为0.75、0.82、0.61(P〈0.01)。两个分量表具有较好的区分效度。因素分析的结果验证了依恋的两因素学说,焦虑、回避两因素分别解释21.28%和11.20%的变异量。结论:ECR—R适用于中国青少年依恋心理研究。  相似文献   

目的:编制厌恶感量表,为评价正常人群的厌恶感提供量化工具.方法:根据厌恶感的概念构架,结合109名正常人的开放式问卷结果,对40名大学生进行初步测量后,初步确定能够反映个体厌恶感的条目,并在309名大学生被试中再次测试,分析信度、效度.结果:探索性因子分析,结果得到6个主要因子:排泄物、性、动物、魔幻思维、死亡、卫生(特征值大于1,累计贡献率为50.148%)(每个因子各有5题),负荷量>0.4的条目有30个,负荷量为0.414-0.752,量表的Cronbach α系数为0.6294-0.8837.与EPQ的神经质分量表及美国厌恶量表(Disgust Scale)中文版的相关系数分别为0.243,0.875.量表的重测信度为0.689.结论:厌恶感量表具有较好的信度和效度,可以用于正常人群厌恶感的测量.  相似文献   

目的:分析社会支持行为问卷(ISSB)中文版的信效度。方法:采用ISSB中文版对581名城市居民进行了测试,检验问卷的信度和效度。结果:问卷的内部一致性系数为0.88,各维度的a系数在0.72-0.80,重测信度在0.67-0.85。问卷各维度之间的相关为0.52-0.62,三个维度分别与问卷总分之间的相关为0.82-0.86。验证性因素分析显示,GFI和AGFI均大于0.90,RMSEA<0.08;相对拟合指数CFI、NFI、TLI(NNFI)、RFI和IFI均在0.87以上。结论:社会支持行为问卷中文版在大陆城市居民中具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

Beck绝望量表中文版在青少年中使用的信度和效度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:研究Beck绝望量表中文版在青少年中使用的信度和效度。方法:采用Beck绝望量表和自杀意向量表,在大连医科大学和辽宁省大连市庄河县分别选取了192名大学生和292名高中生。间隔一周后对其中的86个大学生样本进行重测。主要采用相关分析和因子分析评价量表的信度和效度。结果:20个项目与总分之间的相关系数在0.19-0.70之间,平均相关系数为0.52。量表的Cronbachα系数为0.85,重测信度为0.62(P<0.001)。绝望量表总分与自杀意念量表总分成正相关(r=0.35,P<0.001),无自杀意念被试绝望量表的平均得分低于有轻度自杀意念和有自杀意图被试绝望量表的平均得分(P=0.007和P<0.001)。探索性因子分析提取了动力丧失、对未来的感觉和对未来的期望3个因子(累计解释的方差为43.44%)。除了项目3、4,其他条目的负荷范围在0.47-0.77之间。项目3、6、7、14、18的归属与Beck的假设不一致。结论:Beck绝望量表中文版在青少年中使用有较好的信度和构想效度,但是仍然需要扩大样本在将来的研究中更深入地验证并改进其结构效度。  相似文献   

癫痫患者生活质量问卷-89中文版的信度和效度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:修订中文版成年癫痫患者生活质量问卷-89(QOLIE-89),并分析其信度和效度。方法:将英文版QOLIE-89修订成中文版QOLIE-89。用QOLIE-89量表现场及信函调查成年癫痫患者204例,考察量表的重测信度、内部一致性信度、结构效度和实证效度。结果:QOL-89中文版重测信度相关系数为0.63~0.95(P<0.001),Cronbach α系数为0.72~0.99;探索性因素分析获得17个因子,累计解释总方差的71.91%;将17个因子归纳为生理、心理和社会功能三个维度,验证性因子分析证实了三维的量表结构(CMIN/DF=2.17,GFI=0.98,AGFI=0.90,CFI=0.98,RMSEA=0.061)。从发作严重程度和药物副作用分析显示该量表具有良好的实证效度。结论:修订的QOLIE-89中文版与英文原版相似,具有良好的信度和效度,适合我国成年癫痫患者的生活质量的评价。  相似文献   

华文认知能力量表的信度和效度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:考查华文认知能力量表(CCAS)的信度和效度。方法:用CCAS对321名正常儿童、275名正常成人、32名脑损害病人和31名弱智儿童进行个别测试,其中26名成人和26名儿童同时接受了韦氏智力量表(WAIS-RC和WISC-CR)测试,计算稳定系数、分半相关、α系数、概化系数、效标效度和鉴别效度等指标。结果:儿童各分测验和量表粗分的重测信度分别为0.732-0.894和0.919-0.960,成人和老年人分测验和量表粗分的重测信度分别为0.859-0.937和0.968-0.981;儿童样本分测验和量表粗分的信度系数分别为0.810-0.976(分半)、0.737-0.965(α系数)和0.737-0.965(概化),成人和老年样本分测验和量表粗分的信度系数分别为0.829-0.979、0.747-0.967和0.747-0.967;CCAS的言语、操作和总智商与WAIS-RC(VIQ0.775,PIQ0.621,FIQ0.724)和WISC-CR(VIQ0.888,PIQ0.779,FIQ0.886)的相应智商有显著性相关,CCAS的平均智商低于WAIS-RC(5.3,9.2,7.8)和WISC-CR(2.0,7.2,5.0)的平均智商。与正常对照组相比,脑损害组(VIQ80.50,PIQ80.59,FIQ78.91)、和弱智组(VIQ43.68,PIQ49.77,FIQ44.06)的智力明显受损。结论:华文认知能力量表具有很好重测稳定性、内部一致性、效标效度和鉴别效度。  相似文献   

事件影响量表-修订版(IES-R)在女性犯人中的信度、效度分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的:建立事件影响量表-修订版22个条目量表(IES-R)的中文版。方法:439名经过至少1件创伤性事件的女犯人完成了IES-R,分析量表的重测信度和内部一致性、条目间平均相关系数;总分与各因子间的相关系数、内容区分效度,并进行划界分的诊断性评价。结果:IES-R中文版的重测信度为0·86,Cronbach'sα系数为0·96,条目间平均相关系数在0·42~0·60之间。总分与各因子的相关系数在0·84~0·91之间,各因子间的相关系数在0·75~0·89之间,PTSD组的总分明显高于非PTSD组。划界分35时,对PTSD和部分PTSD诊断预测的敏感度为0·86、特异度0·86、诊断效率0·85。结论:IES-R中文版具有良好的信、效度,在我国可以作为一种较好的创伤后应激症状的测评工具。划界分35,量表对PTSD和部分PTSD有一定的预测力。  相似文献   

亚健康状态躯体症状自评量表的编制及信度、效度检验   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的编制适用于亚健康状态躯体症状评估的自评量表。方法预调查量表经148例测试后,根据反馈信息及统计结果,形成包括16个条目的正式调查用量表,将量表在626名医院员工及104名大学生中施测;采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)作为效度参考;分析量表的重测信度、内部一致性信度、结构效度和效标关联效度。结果(1)亚健康状态躯体症状自评量表(简称简易症状量表)包括疲劳感觉、疼痛感觉、睡眠障碍及胃肠不适4个因子,共解释总方差的56.2%,因子载荷范围在0.380-0.849之间;量表及各因子的Chronbachα系数在0.908-0.515之间;重测信度在0.633-0.746之间。(2)量表疲劳感觉、疼痛感觉及胃肠不适因子与SCL-90的躯体化因子的相关系数在0.524-0.349之间,睡眠因子和PSQI总分的相关系数为0.719。(3)医院员工的量表总分及各因子分均高于大学生(38.79±18.98/28.13±14.5,18.55±9.64/14.21±8.14,P<0.01)。结论亚健康状态躯体症状自评量表有较好的信度和效度,可用于亚健康躯体症状的筛选及初步评估。  相似文献   

初中生吸烟相关态度量表的效度和信度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研制适用于中国初中生的吸烟相关态度量表。方法:参考国内外文献设计了16个条目的吸烟相关态度量表。用因子分析评价结构效度;比较尝试吸烟者与未吸烟者、男生与女生的差异来评价区分效度;用Cronbach'α系数和折半信度来评价量表的信度;比较前后两次测量的差异与相关系数来评价重测信度。结果:因子分析提取两个主成分解释总变异的46.2%,旋转后因子1定义为对烟草及吸烟相关行为的认同,因子2定义为对控烟措施的认同;女生态度得分高于男生,未吸烟者的得分高于尝试吸烟者。两个因子和所有条目的α系数分别为0.87、0.75和0.86,折半信度分别为0.71、0.59和0.72。重测(112人)相关系数分别为0.72、0.44和0.67,关联均有显著性;两次调查结果接近,差异无显著性。结论:该量表具有较好的效度和信度,可以为国内类似调查提供参考。  相似文献   



Internet-based assessment has the potential to assist with the diagnosis of mental health disorders and overcome the barriers associated with traditional services (eg, cost, stigma, distance). Further to existing online screening programs available, there is an opportunity to deliver more comprehensive and accurate diagnostic tools to supplement the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders.


The aim was to evaluate the diagnostic criterion validity and test-retest reliability of the electronic Psychological Assessment System (e-PASS), an online, self-report, multidisorder, clinical assessment and referral system.


Participants were 616 adults residing in Australia, recruited online, and representing prospective e-PASS users. Following e-PASS completion, 158 participants underwent a telephone-administered structured clinical interview and 39 participants repeated the e-PASS within 25 days of initial completion.


With structured clinical interview results serving as the gold standard, diagnostic agreement with the e-PASS varied considerably from fair (eg, generalized anxiety disorder: κ=.37) to strong (eg, panic disorder: κ=.62). Although the e-PASS’ sensitivity also varied (0.43-0.86) the specificity was generally high (0.68-1.00). The e-PASS sensitivity generally improved when reducing the e-PASS threshold to a subclinical result. Test-retest reliability ranged from moderate (eg, specific phobia: κ=.54) to substantial (eg, bulimia nervosa: κ=.87).


The e-PASS produces reliable diagnostic results and performs generally well in excluding mental disorders, although at the expense of sensitivity. For screening purposes, the e-PASS subclinical result generally appears better than a clinical result as a diagnostic indicator. Further development and evaluation is needed to support the use of online diagnostic assessment programs for mental disorders.

Trial Registration

Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN121611000704998; http://www.anzctr.org.au/trial_view.aspx?ID=336143 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/618r3wvOG).  相似文献   

焦虑敏感问卷中文版的信度和效度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:翻译和修订焦虑敏感问卷,测试中文版的信效度。方法:翻译焦虑敏感量表,通过对中学生的三次测试,对量表的因素结构、信度和效度进行了检验。结果:修编的焦虑敏感问卷中文版通过探索性因素分析将原量表由36题缩减为15题,共包括三个因素:对生理唤醒的恐惧;对认知失控的恐惧;对社会评价的恐惧;三个因素的累积贡献率为52.29%,项目的因素负荷率在0.63~0.98之间;因素彼此之间的相关在0.37~0.53之间,因素与问卷总分之问的相关在0.72~0.84之间,因素内部的相关在0.68~0.78之间。问卷在各个因素上的内部一致性系数在0.73~0.78之间.分半信度在0.71~0.76之间,重测信度在0.70~0.78之间。结论:问卷的中文简化版在中学生中具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

目的 :考核自编大学生艾滋病 /安全性行为知识、信念、行为意向问卷的信度和效度。方法 :基于该问卷在 5 98名大学生中的调查资料和 6 3名大学生中的重测资料 ,计算了该问卷的内部一致性、重测信度和结构效度。结果 :该问卷信度较好 ,多数部分的 Cronbachα系数达到 0 .7以上 ,重测系数基本达到 0 .6以上 ;效度尚可 ,公因子解释问卷全部内容的比例为 5 8.85 % ,与所依据理论的结构基本一致。结论 :该问卷可以用于测量大学生艾滋病 /安全性行为相关知识、信念和行为意向 ,但需进一步完善。  相似文献   

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