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It has been suggested that mood disorders and depressive status may be accompanied by lowered zinc status in the body, and adequate consumption of zinc increases a general perceived well-being. The main objective of this study was to assess the correlation between serum zinc concentrations and dietary zinc intakes with depression scores in university female students. In the first phase, Beck's depression questionnaire was applied in a random sampling of 308 selected 20–25-year-old female students (one third of total students in Ahvaz Jondi-Shapour University of Medical Sciences Golestan dormitories) to assess the major depressive disorder (MDD) scales. Then, in the second phase, 23 students who identified as having moderate and severe depression were selected as the case group, and 23 healthy age matched were chosen as the controls. Each of them completed a 12-item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire containing the main food sources of zinc in the usual dietary patterns and also a 24-h food recall questionnaire to assure the daily zinc intakes. Daily zinc intakes were obtained by multiplying each portion size by its zinc content using food tables. A 5-ml blood sample was taken for further serum zinc status using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique. Pearson's r was used to show the correlation between quantitative variables. Both daily zinc intake and serum zinc concentrations of MDD group were about two thirds of healthy index (p < 0.01). Depressed individuals used to eat lower servings of red meats and chicken as the main food sources of zinc in students' usual diets (p < 0.001). Consumption of other foods as the sources of zinc was not significantly different in two groups. A linear significant correlation between dietary zinc intakes and its serum levels was seen in samples (r = 0.62; p < 0.001) and MDD students (r = 0.55; p < 0.001). There was a linear inverse correlation between Beck questionnaire scores and serum zinc concentrations in all of the investigated students(r = -0.65; p < 0.001) and MDD girls (r = −0.71; p < 0.001). Beck questionnaire scores and diatary zinc intakes were also inversly correlated (r = −0.58; p < 0.001). However, no statistical correlation was seen between these two variables in MDD cases. In depressed female students, dietary zinc intake is correlated to its serum concentrations; however, the serum zinc levels are inversely correlated to depression scales. Consumption of the main dietary sources of zinc such as red meats and chicken should be encouraged in young depressed girls.  相似文献   

Depression is an important cause of morbidity, and World Health Organization has predicted that it will be the second leading contributor to the global burden of disease by 2020. Postgraduate students are at high risk for depression caused by the stress of examinations, the academic environment, and relationship problems with peers, lecturers, and family members. Physical inactivity, advancing age, unmarried status, and many other factors contribute to the development of depression in humans. Associations between symptoms of depression and the intake of nutrients such as magnesium have been investigated; however, the relationship between zinc intake and depression has not received as much attention. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between dietary intake of zinc and depression in postgraduate students. This study was conducted on 402 participants with a mean age of 32.54 ± 6.22 years, including 173 (43%) women and 229 (57%) men. In this study, we found an inverse relationship between dietary intake of zinc and depression. The results persisted even after we controlled for several potential confounding variables related to depression symptoms, including age, sex, years of education, smoking status (current and past), and physical activity. The results of this study show that long-term intake of zinc may modulate symptoms of depression.  相似文献   

The association of giardiasis with the malabsorption of zinc remains controversial. This study investigated changes in serum zinc levels in Giardia-infected mice subjected to different dietary zinc regimens. Thirty-five mice (strain C3H/HeJ) were randomly categorized into two groups. The first group was inoculated with 5 × 106 Giardia trophozoites (n = 18), and the second group remained Giardia free (n = 17). Each group (Giardia infected and Giardia free) was randomly classified into three subgroups and given low (9 mg Zn/kg), normal (33 mg Zn/kg), and high levels (288 mg Zn/kg) of dietary zinc over a 2-week period for acclimation. Fourteen days post-Giardia infection, all of the mice were euthanized and blood samples were collected. The number of trophozoites was quantified (hematocytometer), and serum zinc levels were determined via atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Significant increases in the median weights were only found in the Giardia-free mice (p < 0.05). A higher final median weight was found in the Giardia-free group when compared with that of the Giardia-infected group given low dietary zinc (p = 0.013). In the Giardia-infected group with low dietary zinc, the geometric mean of trophozoites was 3,498 ± 101 (SE) per milliliter. The Giardia-infected group had lower serum zinc levels than did the Giardia-free group with the high dietary zinc regimens (p < 0.05). Our results are consistent with studies among human populations, but further studies are required to elucidate the actual mechanism governing the zinc–giardiasis interaction.  相似文献   

Women in low-income settings, common in India, are at risk of inadequate zinc intake due to poor diet quality and low consumption of flesh foods rich in zinc. The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence of zinc status of non-pregnant rural and tribal women living in central India and to identify dietary and non-dietary factors associated with the biochemical zinc status of these women. Rural and tribal non-pregnant women 18–30 years of age were selected using proportion to population sampling near Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Sociodemographic, biochemical (serum zinc), clinical, and dietary data (1-day interactive 24-h recall) were collected. The mean age of women (n?=?109; rural?=?52; tribal?=?56) was 23.2 years and mean BMI was 17.9 kg/m2. The majority of the participants identified as being non-vegetarian (72 %). The mean?±?SD serum zinc concentration was 10.8?±?1.6 μmol/L, and 52 % of participants had a low serum zinc concentration according to the International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group (IZiNCG). The median (first and third quartile) energy, zinc intake, and phytate/zinc molar ratio was 5.4 (4.2, 6.7)?MJ/day, 5.3 (3.8, 7.0)?mg/day, and 26 (22, 28), respectively. Zinc intakes were well below IZiNCG recommendations for dietary zinc of 9 mg/day for non-pregnant women aged 14–18 years and 7 mg/day for non-pregnant women aged ≥19 years. Using linear regression analysis to identify non-dietary and dietary factors associated with serum zinc, a significant association was only found for current lactation (p?=?0.012) and energy intake (p?相似文献   

Zinc, as an essential trace element for health, plays various biological roles in human body functions. Serum zinc reference values are essential for assessing zinc-associated abnormalities and the prevalence of zinc deficiency. This study aims at determining age- and sex-specific reference values for serum zinc concentrations in adult Iranian subjects. Serum zinc concentration was measured by flame atomic absorption spectrometry in 4,698 adult subjects, aged 20?C94?years, randomly selected from the population of the Tehran, Lipid, and Glucose Study. After application of exclusion criteria, reference values for serum zinc were determined in 2,632 apparently healthy subjects according to guidelines of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (nonparametric method). Dietary zinc was assessed in 2,906 individuals, of which 1,685 were healthy subjects, using a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Reference values for serum zinc concentrations ranged between 9.6 and 31.6, 8.9 and 29.9, and 9.3 and 30.8???mol/L in men, women, and the total population, respectively. Prevalence of serum zinc deficiency was 3.0 and 2.4?% in men and women, respectively (p?=?0.267); in men, but not in women, the prevalence increased significantly with age (p for trend <0.001). Of the total participants, 10.3?% (6.5 men and 3.8?% women, p?<?0.01) had lower zinc intake compared to dietary reference intakes. The zinc density of the population was 6.3?mg/1,000?kcal. In conclusion, this study presents reference values for serum zinc concentration in adult Iranian subjects for both sexes and different age groups. Prevalence of serum zinc deficiency and dietary zinc inadequacy seems to be lower in Iranians, compared to some other populations.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether Body Mass Index (BMI) was associated with various aspects of psychological functioning in a sample of largely Caucasian adolescent girls. Three hundred sixty-five adolescent girls ranging from ages 14 through 19 were assessed for general psychological functioning utilizing the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), and functioning specific to eating, shape and weight utilizing the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI). Excess weight was associated with higher scores on the Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Thinness subscales of the EDI. Excess weight was not, however, associated with general psychopathology or any of the subscales of the SCL-90-R. The results suggest that excess weight may carry risk for pathology specifically related to eating, shape and weight in adolescent girls, but not for general forms of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Among various factors influencing mood disorders, the impact of micronutrient deficiencies has attracted a great attention. Zinc deficiency is considered to play a crucial role in the onset and progression of mood disorders in different stages of life. The main objective of this study was to assess the correlation between serum zinc levels and mood disorders in high school female students. This cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of 100 representative high school female students. The participants completed 24-h food recall questionnaires to assess the daily zinc intakes. Serum zinc status was assessed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and zinc deficiency was defined accordingly. Mood disorders were estimated by calculating the sum of two test scores including Beck’s depression inventory (BDI) and hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS) tests. General linear model (GLM) and Pearson’s regression test were applied to show the correlation of serum zinc levels and mood disorder scores and the correlation between zinc serum levels and BDI scores, respectively. Dietary zinc intake was higher in subjects with normal zinc concentrations than that of zinc-deficient group (p = 0.001). Serum zinc levels were inversely correlated with BDI and HADS scores (p < 0.05). Each 10 μg/dL increment in serum zinc levels led to 0.3 and 0.01 decrease in depression and anxiety scores, respectively (p < 0.05). Serum zinc levels were inversely correlated with mood disorders including depression and anxiety in adolescent female students. Increasing serum levels of zinc in female students could improve their mood disorders.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the prevalence of night eating in a community cohort of black and white girls, using different definitions of night eating as described in the literature. Research Methods and Procedures: Three‐day food diaries collected as part of the National Growth and Health Study were examined to identify episodes of night eating, which was defined in five different ways: eating >25% of daily caloric intake after the last evening meal, eating >25% of daily caloric intake after 7 pm, eating >50% of daily caloric intake after the last evening meal, eating >50% of daily caloric intake after 7 pm, or eating between 11 pm and 4:59 am. Results: Frequency of night eating varied tremendously depending on how the behavior was defined. For the least restrictive definition (>25% of total intake after last meal), 50% to 70% of girls reported one night eating event; for the most restrictive (>50% of total intake after last meal), only 1.5% of 11‐year‐old girls' diaries and 3.5% of 19‐year‐old girls' diaries contained a night eating event. The frequency of night eating decreased dramatically (typically by a factor of 10) if the inclusion criteria required multiple night eating events in a given week. Discussion: A standard definition of night eating behavior is needed to advance the field. An agreed‐on operationalized definition that includes time of day, amount of calories consumed, and a frequency criterion would enable cross‐study comparisons and encourage the examination of developmental and clinical considerations of night eating behavior.  相似文献   

This study was performed in order to analyze the relationships between hair zinc, lead, and cadmium with the kind of diet consumed (by recall of the diet consumed the previous 14 days), living area (urban or rural), tobacco smoking, and body mass index (BMI) among 419 individuals of the Canary Archipelago. Median values and interquartile range were 43 μg/g (18.50–132.50) for zinc, 4.09 μg/g (2.19–8.38) for lead, and 0.128 μg/g (0.05–0.30) for cadmium. We observed that hair zinc was markedly elevated among those consuming fish more frequently and, to a lesser amount, among those who consumed meat frequently, among those living in urban areas, and among those with BMI over 25 kg/m2, keeping a significant relationship with BMI. Hair lead was also higher among fish consumers, showed a trend to higher values among inhabitants of urban areas, and was lower among obese individuals. Hair cadmium was higher among those who consumed less vegetables and fruits. By multivariate analysis, introducing the variables meat, fish, and vegetable consumption, urban/rural; sex; age; and BMI values, we observed that fish consumption (beta?=?0.15) was the only variable independently associated to higher zinc levels; fish consumption (beta?=?0.15) and meat consumption (beta?=?0.17) were related to high cadmium levels, whereas meat consumption was significantly associated to higher hair lead levels (beta?=?0.15). Therefore, we conclude that hair zinc, cadmium, and lead seem to depend more heavily on dietary habits than on tobacco consumption or living in rural or urban areas.  相似文献   

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a multifactorial disease affecting approximately 1–4% of teenagers especially girls at the age of 10–16, but its etiopathogenesis remains uncertain. Previous study has revealed that the cortical thickness in AIS patients is different from that in normal controls. Cortical thickness measurements are known to be strongly correlated between regions that are axonally connected. Hence, a hypothesis is proposed to study the possibility to demonstrate abnormal structural network revealed by cortical thickness in AIS patients. The aim of the study is to investigate abnormalities in the organization of the brain cortical network in AIS patients. This study included 42 girls with severe idiopathic scoliosis (14.7±1.3 years old) and 41 age-matched normal controls (NC, 14.6±1.4 years old). The brain cortex was partitioned into 154 cortical regions based on gyral and sulcal structure. The interregional connectivity was measured as the statistical correlations between the regional mean thicknesses across the subjects. We employed the graph theoretic analysis to examine the alteration in interregional correlation, small-world efficiency, hub distribution, and regional nodal characteristics in AIS patients. We demonstrated that the cortical network of AIS patients fully preserved the small-world architecture and organization, and further verified the hemispheric asymmetry of AIS brain. Our results indicated increased central role of temporal and occipital cortex and decreased central role of limbic cortex in AIS patients compared with controls. Furthermore, decreased structural connectivity between hemispheres and increased connectivity in several cortical regions were observed. The findings of the study reveal the pattern of structural network alteration in AIS brain, and would help in understanding the mechanism and etiopathogenesis of AIS.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between zinc levels and depression. Thalassemic patients are at risk of zinc deficiency due to various causes including Desferal injection. The aim of this study, therefore, is to investigate hair zinc levels in thalassemic patients and their association with depression. For the purposes of this survey, 50 patients with major thalassemia between 10-20 years old were selected randomly. The patients' hair zinc concentration was compared with a control group of similarly aged healthy individuals. Simultaneously, their psychological status was evaluated with either the "Beck" or "Marya Kovacs" test (according to age) so that the relation between depression and zinc concentration could be assessed. The mean hair zinc concentration in patients was more than the controls (193.96 +/- 92.4 ppm vs 149.6 +/- 72.21 ppm). Zinc deficiency was present in 10% of the patients, and 52% had some degree of depression. There was a reverse correlation between zinc deficiency and blood transfusion rate (p < 0.05). Also, while there were more incidences of depression among the zinc deficient patients, the difference was not significant. Regarding the high prevalence of depression and insignificant relation to the zinc deficiency in these thalassemic patients, this research suggests the need for further consideration concerning patients' psychological status, the risk factors of zinc deficiency, as well as extended assessment into other causes of depression.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine sedentary and light activity in relation to overweight in adolescent girls. Adolescent girls were randomly recruited from 36 schools participating in the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG). Assessments included age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and body composition estimated from weight, height, and triceps skinfold. Sedentary and light activity was measured for 6 days using accelerometry in 6th and in 8th grade among two randomly sampled cross‐sections of girls. Sedentary activity increased from the 6th to 8th grade by 51.5 min/day. In the 8th grade, a significantly higher number of hours in sedentary activity for each of the 6‐days of measurement were evident with higher tertiles of percent body fat (30–35%, >35% fat) (P < 0.05), but not across all increasing tertiles of BMI (5th to 85th, 85th to 95th, and >95th percentiles). The increase in sedentary activity was observed on weekdays, but not on weekends for percent body fat tertiles. In the cohort of girls measured in both 6th and 8th grades, the mean cross‐sectional coefficient estimates were significant for percent body fat, but not BMI for sedentary and light activities. Adolescent girls from the 6th to 8th grade are shifting their time from light to more sedentary activity as measured by accelerometers. In addition, the increase in sedentary activity is not associated with an adverse effect on BMI or percent body fat. The eventual impact of this shift to a more sedentary lifestyle on body composition and other outcomes needs to be evaluated further.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFAs) seem to be helpful in the therapy of depression. Zinc (Zn) may be one co-factor contributing to their antidepressive effect. Zn acts lipid protective and is a constituent of fatty acid metabolism enzymes. In animals, an antidepressive effect of Zn was already demonstrated. Therefore, if and how Zn and PUFAs correlate in depressive patients or in individuals from the general population was investigated. Blood samples were collected from 88 depressive in-patients and 88 volunteers from the general population matched for age-group and gender (each 32 men and 56 women, 21–70 years) for measurement of Zn (colorimetric) and of 12 fatty acids (FAs) (by capillary gas-chromatography). Severity of depression in patients was assessed by Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Zn concentration was independent of age, gender and body-mass-index and significantly correlated with the severity of depression measured by BDI (r = 0.26; P = 0.034) in depressive patients,. HDRS was inversely correlated with gammalinolenic acid concentration (r = −0.24; P = 0.029). Median serum Zn concentration in depressive patients did not differ from control individuals. Zn was correlated with myristic acid concentration (r = 0.22; P < 0.05) in controls from the general population; and a negative correlation between Zn and dihomogammalinolenic acid concentration (r = −0.26; P < 0.05) was found in depressive inpatients. FA composition in serum significantly differed between depressive and healthy persons: Depressive patients had higher stearic and arachidonic acid (AA) concentration. Relative to AA, their eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acid concentration were diminished compared to the general populations group. These results do not confirm the hypothesis of a general lack of Zn in depressive disorders, but Zn concentrations differed dependent on comorbid disorders and severity of depression. In depressive patients and control persons Zn concentration is associated with different FAs indicating diverging metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc methionine (Zn-Met) supplementation on layer performance, quality of egg, some blood constituents, and oxidative status in blood of laying hens. A total of 120 laying hens (Hisex Brown) 22-week-old were indiscriminately allotted into five groups of 24 hens with six replications (four birds/replicate). A complete randomized design experiment was performed including control (basal diet), two levels of ZnO (50 and 100 mg/kg basal diet), and two levels of Zn-Met (50 and 100 mg/kg basal diet) through 22 to 34 weeks of age. Supplementation of 100 mg of Zn-Met significantly (P = 0.001) increased feed intake compared to other treatment groups. The groups supplemented with 50 mg of ZnO and 100 mg of Zn-Met reported the significantly higher egg production rate (P = 0.002) and egg mass (P < 0.001) compared to other treated groups. All traits of egg quality were not statistically (P < 0.05 or 0.01) affected by ZnO or Zn-Met supplementation except shell thickness, Haugh unit score, and yolk to albumin ratio. Dietary supplementation of either ZnO or Zn-Met did not affect the oxidative parameters in serum except the activity of Cu-Zn-SOD. Serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by Zn supplementation, while HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) did not affect. Compared to the control group, supplementation of ZnO or Zn-Met increased serum content of zinc with no differences among supplemental zinc doses. It could be concluded that dietary inorganic (ZnO) and organic (Zn-Met) supplemented up to 50 and 100 mg/kg, respectively, can be used as effective supplements to improve productivity of laying hens, serum zinc level, lipid profile (triglyceride and LDL cholesterol), and activity of Cu-Zn-SOD.  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged administration of dietary zinc in fattening pigs from 50 to 95 kg body weight was studied. No effect on daily weight gain was recorded. The concentration of zinc in different tissues did not increase. A slight increase of serum zinc was noted, but no other changes of the serum variables tested could be demonstrated. It was concluded that the amounts of zinc which are recommended for treatment of pigs with wasting syndrome do not introduce any significant accumulation of zinc in organs or tissues.  相似文献   

Inadequate minerals intake, as well as disruption of some metabolic processes in which microelements are cofactors, are suggested to lead to the development of hypertension. The role of minerals in the pathogenesis of hypertension still remains to be explained. In the present study, we sought to determine associations between serum and hair mineral concentrations and serum lipids and glucose levels. Forty obese hypertensive subjects with insulin resistance and 40 healthy volunteers were recruited in the study. Blood pressure, BMI, and insulin resistance were recorded in all subjects. Levels of lipids, glucose, sodium and potassium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and calcium were assessed in serum. Iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and calcium were assessed in hair. Dietary intake of the analyzed minerals was estimated. We found distinctly higher concentrations of serum iron and serum and hair calcium as well as markedly lower levels of hair zinc in the hypertensive subjects. The study group manifested also significantly lower daily intake of calcium, magnesium, and iron. We observed a relationship between the concentrations of iron, zinc, and copper in serum and hair and high and low range of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose serum levels in the studied patients. Moreover, this study demonstrated significant correlation between serum and hair concentrations of selected minerals and their dietary intake and levels of serum lipids and glucose and blood pressure in the study and the control groups. The obtained results seem to indicate the association between lipid and glucose metabolism and iron, copper, zinc, and calcium concentrations in blood and hair of hypertensive and obese patients with insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 2003, Liberia experienced a brutal civil war characterized by ethnic killings, sexual violence and the use of child soldiers. Five years after the war ended, half the population of Liberia was under 18 years old. Understanding the needs of these youth is thus essential to the recovery of the nation. This study focuses on the narratives of two female adolescents, selected from 75 in-depth individual interviews with post-conflict Liberian youth conducted in 2012. A narrative analysis approach was employed to examine each interview for multiple layers of meaning. The aim of the study was to elucidate factors that may enable post-conflict youth to reclaim a sense of agency and return to normal developmental tasks. The study explores the ways in which these youth navigate complicated power dynamics in the post-conflict setting and how gender impacts their experiences of their own agency and capability. The dynamics between the participants and the interviewer are explored to further illustrate how power dynamics manifest. These narratives support the involvement of youth in projects that help others as an avenue for promoting agency and resilience for themselves.  相似文献   

A follow-up study of girls in a London remand home during the years 1966-8 showed that 20·6% of those taking non-narcotic drugs on admission, but only 1% of non-drug-taking control admissions, had used narcotics by June 1970. Narcotic use on admission and progression to narcotic use were associated with frequent drug taking, marked involvement in a drug milieu, and a high incidence of personal morbidity. Adolescents who use illicit drugs and have a history of court appearances for any reason are particularly vulnerable to subsequent narcotic usage and other forms of serious drug abuse.  相似文献   

In humans, long-term exposure to uncontrollable and unpredictable life stressors is a major precipitant in the development of depressive disorders. There are strong evidences that depression is accompanied by lower serum zinc. The aim of present study is to assess the effects of repeated psychological stress (PS) on the zinc metabolism in rat. The rats were divided into control group and PS group which were subdivided into three subgroups: 7-day group, 14-day group, and recovery group (ten rats in each subgroup). PS model was created by a communication box which contains room A and room B. Rats in room A were only exposed to the responses of rats which were randomly given electrical shock for 30 min in room B. PS was given to rats for 30 min every morning for 14 days. The serum corticosterone (CORT), zinc in serum and tissues, and zinc apparent absorption after PS exposure were investigated. The results showed that the serum CORT increased and serum zinc decreased after 7 and 14 days of PS treatment. The zinc concentration in the liver was increased by 14 days PS exposure, whereas its concentration in the hippocampus was decreased by 7 and 14 days of PS exposure. There were no significant changes in zinc concentration in the heart, spleen, kidney, duodenum, cortex, and cerebellum. A decrease in the zinc apparent absorption was observed in the 7- and 14-day PS groups. The increased serum CORT and liver zinc concentrations and decreased serum zinc and apparent absorption of zinc recovered to normal concentrations 7 days away from PS exposure. The results suggest that PS could induce lower serum zinc, which might be correlated with decreased zinc absorption in the small intestine and increased liver zinc accumulation after PS exposure. The consequent effects of decreased hippocampal and serum zinc and increased CORT concentration after PS exposure on stress-related diseases await further research.  相似文献   

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