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Regional land-use development projects are undertaken to protect water resources necessary for agriculture, energy and sustaining human life. The De?irmendere valley, in the province of Trabzon in the Black Sea region of Turkey, provides clean water to the city of Trabzon. The valley is part of the Silk Road from Asia to the Black Sea and contains historical monasteries such as Sumela, Kustul and Vazelon. However, over the years, misuse of the valley has caused freshwater, sea and environmental pollution. In an attempt to overcome these problems, a multilateral project, De?irmendere Vadisi Çevre Düzenlemesi (DEVAÇED), was launched in the region. This paper aims to provide information necessary for engineering projects within the region. Six villages, on both sides of the valley, were selected for this research and evaluated in terms of river basin utilization, topography, cadastral survey of property and ownership, and land readjustment improvements. The study found illegal and improper urbanization, including industrial facilities within the valley causing water pollution. Current cadastral base maps are not sufficiently accurate for engineering projects, and in some places buildings have been constructed on unstable soils that are susceptible to landslides. The research results have helped to generate important recommendations for rehabilitation of the river basin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate opportunities of the region of Su?la Lake located in Turkey for community-based ecotourism development that enable sustainable landscape and natural resource management as well as livelihood diversification. A participatory research approach was applied by participation of a diverse number of stakeholders (e.g. local communities, local and central governmental bodies and researchers). A set of participatory research tools (e.g. interviews and field surveys), SWOT analysis and the method of Ecotourism Opportunity Spectrum (ECOS) were used to collect and evaluate relevant data. The study consists of four sections. The first section focuses on SWOT analysis by which the advantages and disadvantages of the study area for ecotourism development were examined. In the second section, the most suitable villages for ecotourism development were examined by adapting the method of ECOS based on the 18 parameters by using 1–4 score system. Accordingly, the most suitable five villages for ecotourism development were determined. Major natural and cultural ecotourism resources (e.g. diversity of landforms, spectacular landscapes and traditional lifestyle) of the study area were examined in the third section. In the fourth section, the ecotourism-based livelihood and relevant core capitals were evaluated according to 1–4 score system for the five villages. We hope that the outcomes of this study can draw attention of planners and policymakers to the role of ecotourism for sustainable landscape and natural resource management as well as livelihood diversification in the region and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the tourism potential of Alt?ndere Valley National Park with respect to its conservation and utilization. With its natural values, Alt?ndere Valley National Park is one of the internationally prominent areas of potential for the recreational and touristic facilities it offers.

A mathematical method – criterion referenced method – was applied within this study, which was done to portray the touristic potential (resulting from the touristic and recreational utilization of the national park area and recreational zone) of the national park, which was visited by an average of 200,000 local and foreign guests.

According to this method, the conservation and utilization values that appear on two opposite axes were examined in accordance with the natural resource values of the area, and conservation and utilization values for each criterion were determined. Depending on the data, the general exploitable touristic potential of the area was specified.

A survey study was conducted on groups from various disciplines and local & foreign tourists visiting the area in specifying the touristic potential of the National Park. Eleven criteria were defined concerning the area and a criterion reference was prepared for each criterion. Then, conservation and utilization values for each criterion and exploitable touristic potential were mathematically indicated. The fact that the attained values were reduced to a percentage basis provides the opportunity to compare the researched area to similar fields that use the same method. Within the scope of the method, several suggestions were made using the information obtained in the evaluation of the data for every other source value.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the extent of metal pollution in Lake Yeniça?a (Bolu, Turkey) by investigating the accumulation trends of five metals (Al, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn) and a metalloid (As) in gills, exoskeleton, hepatopancreas and abdominal muscles of the freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), correlation analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were utilised to determine the accumulation profiles of each element over four seasons. The greatest element accumulation was found to occur in the gills. All elements in exoskeletal tissue displayed positive correlations with each other, a similar trend was also observed in the hepatopancreas samples. Strong (r=0.868) and very strong (r=0.960) positive correlations were found between the accumulations of Al and Fe in gills and the exoskeleton, respectively. Correlations in tissue accumulation rates are discussed in the context of metabolic roles and impacts associated with the elements tested. Elemental compositions of Yeniça?a water and sediment samples were also investigated to determine whether the composition of the surrounding environment matches the metal accumulation trends of tissue samples. We demonstrate that, by the criteria set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Lake Yeniça?a is heavily polluted in terms of As and Ni.  相似文献   

Trihalomethanes are a well known parameter of water quality, but the determinations of the other volatile organochlorine compounds and of total organic halogen can give us more complete informations. Results are given about their use for ground waters and for treated surface waters. Ground waters may be polluted by halogenated solvents. The choice of an oxidizing agent has a great influence upon the quality of treated river water.  相似文献   


The River Nile is the primary source of freshwater for drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes in Egypt. Thus, the water quality in this river concerns the health of local inhabitants. The present study reveals seasonal variations of various physicochemical and heavy metals parameters and microbial load of water at 15 sites from Qena to Sohag cities, Egypt. The water is fresh with TDS?≤?270 and 410 mg L?1 in summer and winter, respectively. Fe, Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn concentrations were within drinking water specification in both seasons except Cr and Cd in summer. Viable numbers of total coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococci were recorded in both seasons with fecal streptococci's disappearing in winter. The concentrations of salts and ions in winter were higher than summer due to decreased water quantity and flow rate in this season. On the other hand, heavy metals and bacteria were higher in summer owing to the rain and weathering of upstream rocks and increasing of human activities during the summer. The calculated water quality index (WQI) depicted that the chemical quality of water was poor for drinking and treatment, especially biological treatment, which is required before the water is supplied for drinking. Human health risk assessment factors such as probable daily intake, hazard quotient, and carcinogenic risk indicated high risks of Cr, Cd, and Ni for adults and children in both seasons. The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks are mainly posed by Cr. The WQI values for the other water uses indicated the marginal quality for aquatic life, fair for irrigation, and fair in summer to good in winter for livestock consumption. The irrigation water quality parameters indicated that the water could be used to irrigate all soils and crops except the hazard of biological contamination. The water–rock interaction controls water chemistry besides the contribution of human activities. The agricultural, industrial, and municipal wastewaters were the main contributors to water pollution and should be treated before discharge into the Nile River. Source and drinking water should be monitored continuously to prevent related human waterborne diseases.


The purpose of this study is to investigate historical and current mercury (Hg) contamination in the surface and core sediments of the Ambarl? Port area. Textural parameters, total organic carbon (TOC), 210Pb and total Hg (THg) contents were measured. Mercury contamination of the sediments was assessed on the basis of the enrichment factor (EF), anthropogenic factor (AF), index of geoaccumulation (Igeo) and corresponding sediment quality guidelines. Most surface sediment samples were also non-toxic with mercury concentrations below the effects range-low (ERL) value, but mercury levels at five stations were between ERL and effects range-median (ERM) values, where occasional adverse effects concerning risk analysis are expected. The EF and Igeo analysis showed that there was no significant mercury enrichment and contamination in the core sediment before the 1650s, but values increased from then onwards to 2009 (being especially accelerated in line with port activities from 1989), disclosing a serious ecotoxicological risk to sediment-inhabited marine organisms.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of water quality using multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO4-Si, total N, total P) in relation to some physico-chemical features (DO, BOD, TSS, TDS, SO42−, Cl) were studied for 31 different stations of the Mahanadi river–estuarine system in the eastern part of India. The seasonal nutrient variations (except SiO4-Si) exhibit higher values during monsoon season in unpolluted stations and the reverse trends for polluted stations, which are related to agricultural run-off and regional anthropogenic activities respectively. Silicate shows a well defined pattern of distribution with a higher concentration during the monsoon, which is slightly removed from the estuarine water of Mahanadi during the pre-monsoon season. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for the increase in nutrients and the decrease in DO and pH levels of the water. The magnitude of BOD with respect to total N and P demonstrates the intensity of organic pollution in the system. The removal of silicate in the saline system is clearly visible through factor analysis and the different mode of association of TSS is reflected seasonally. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the composition of the demersal fish fauna in coastal marine waters in temperate Australia changes markedly with increasing water depth and distance from the shore and whether the composition of the fish fauna in water depths of 5 to 35 m undergoes cyclic, seasonal changes. Samples of demersal fishes were therefore collected by trawling over the predominantly sandy substrate at nine sites located in water depths of 5 to 15 m or 20 to 35 m and within 20 km of the shore in four regions along ∼200 km on the lower west coast of Australia. The sampling regime involved trawling for fishes at each site at night in seven consecutive seasons between the summer of 1990/1991 and winter of 1992. A total of 72 435 fishes, representing 77 families, 143 genera and 172 species was caught. The compositions of the fish faunas in offshore waters with depths of 5 to 35 m were shown to differ markedly from those previously recorded for nearshore marine waters in the same regions. However, as some species, such as Sillago burrus, S. vittata, S. bassensis and Rhabdosargus sarba, increase in size, they move out from their nursery areas in nearshore waters into deeper and more offshore waters, where spawning occurs. Ordination showed that, in each of the four regions, the composition of the fish fauna in depths of 5 to 15 m differs from that in depths of 20 to 35 m. This difference is attributable to the fact that some species, such as  S. burrus, S. vittata and Upeneichthys lineatus, are far more abundant in depths of 5 to 15 m, whereas other species, such as S. robusta, U. stotti and Lepidotrigla modesta, occur predominantly in depths of 20 to 35 m. However, the samples collected from the single site that was inshore but in deeper water demonstrate that the composition of the fish fauna is influenced by distance from shore as well as by water depth. The compositions of the fish faunas differed with latitude, largely due to the fact that some subtropical species, such as Polyspina piosae, S. burrus and  S. robusta, did not extend down into the more southern regions. Ordination also showed that the composition of the fish faunas at all but one of the nine sites underwent pronounced and consistent cyclic, seasonal changes. This seasonal cyclicity at the different sites was attributable to sequential patterns of immigrations and emigrations by a number of fish species during the course of the year. These seasonal migrations involved, inter alia (1) movements of certain species from their nursery areas into these deeper waters, e.g.  S. bassensis and Scobinichthys granulatus; (2) migrations into and off the sandy areas of the inner continental shelf, e.g. Arnoglossus muelleri; (3) migrations to spawning areas, e.g. Sillago robusta; and (4) movements into areas where detached macrophytes accumulate in winter, e.g. Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and Apogon rueppellii. Received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 February 1999  相似文献   

The King Abdullah Canal (KAC) is an artificial water conveyor serving as raw water source for drinking water supply of Amman and for irrigation purposes in the Jordan Valley. The main water sources for KAC originate from the Yarmouk River, the Mukheiba Wells, and the Peace Conveyor. Water samples were collected from December 2002 to May 2004 to investigate changes in physicochemical parameters and parameters related to eutrophication along KAC. The catchment area of KAC is highly heterogeneous in terms of topography, climate, geologic conditions, and land use, resulting in great variations in the physicochemical composition of the canal water. The Yarmouk River and the Mukheiba Wells reflect the water quality of precipitation without much dissolution of halides, whereas the Peace Conveyor shows a groundwater characteristic. Main dischargers of N and P compounds are the Yarmouk River, and dams and wadis along KAC. The concentrations in the canal are mostly above eutrophication level for N and P. Along KAC there is an increase in chlorophyll a concentration and plankton counts. The formation potentials for trihalomethanes (THMs) and for integrated organically bound halogens are determined by chlorination to evaluate the consequences of water disinfection. Due to relatively high bromide concentration mainly brominated THMs are formed.  相似文献   


A cross-section survey of five states in Nigeria was derived through a stratified random sampling technique in 1999–2000 to assess the contribution of traditional knowledge in environmental conservation. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire survey and discussions with stakeholders, with field assessment of herb gardens. Interviews were held with 1953 respondents composed of women, men and youths drawn from 20 settlements in 10 local government areas in the savanna and rainforest ecological zones.

The results derived from data analysis indicated that: (i) the rural communities were willing to accept integrated rural land-use practices that would conserve species and habitats, sustain the rural economy and the socio-cultural lifestyles of the people; (ii) the people at the local level had some basic knowledge about species and habitats, and have been conserving the forests with traditional land tenure rights; and (iii) environmental projects acceptable to the rural communities must be beneficial to the people, participatory, integrated with traditional knowledge and based on local needs.  相似文献   

To study the effect of flow velocity on drinking water distribution systems, bulk water quality was monitored over 28 days, biomass was measured, and 16S rDNA was sequenced on the 28th day using a water distribution simulation system. The relationship between bulk water quality and biofilm was statistically analyzed. Flow velocity of 0.5 m/s yielded the most total organic carbon (TOC) (5.26 ± 0.17 mg/L) in the bulk water, the most bulk water bacteria (lg (n+1/mL-1) = 4.79 ± 0.02), the worst bulk water quality, and the most biofilm bacteria (lg (n+1/cm-2) = 5.48 ± 0.06). A Pearson correlation analysis showed the total number of biofilm bacteria was positively correlated with conductivity (R = 0.73, P < 0.01), turbidity (R = 0.87, P < 0.001), TOC (R = 0.94, P < 0.001), and total bacteria (R = 0.92, P < 0.001), and was negatively correlated with residual chlorine (R = -0.68, P < 0.05). Biofilm diversity was high under the low (0.1 m/s) and high (2.5 m/s) flow rates, but the bacterial diversity of biofilm was the lowest at the 0.5 m/s flow rate, in which Proteobacteria dominated the biofilm community structure. These results suggest that flow velocity affects bulk water quality and biofilm population structure, and water quality and biofilm population structure are interrelated, which provides the theoretical basis for research on biofilms in drinking water distribution systems. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   


Methane, which is an important greenhouse gas, has received less attention regarding its flux in ponds. Small ponds, whose area only occupies approximately 8.6%, comprise the bulk of CH4 efflux from lakes and ponds on a global scale. However, temporal and spatial variability, as well as consequences of CH4 fluxes from ponds, remains unknown. The aim of this study was to examine using 4 field experiments diel methane (CH4) fluxes from a subtropic eutrophic pond in different seasons. For the eutrophic pond, the mean CH4 efflux for all seasons was 1.772?mg/m2/h, and CH4 emissions in summer were approximately three-fold higher than total of winter, spring, and autumn. Methane diffusive emissions were positively correlated with water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and air temperature but negatively related to pH and to the difference between water temperature and air temperature. The diel diffusive CH4 flux among different seasons varied significantly. The CH4 bubble flux did not differ markedly in winter, spring and autumn, but the quantity in summer was significantly different from all other seasons. Bubble is the main pathway for CH4 emissions. The CH4 ebullition flux accounts for 66, 71, 97 and 98% of the total in winter, spring, summer and autumn, respectively. On an annual scale, the CH4 ebullition flux accounts for 77% of the total fluxes (diffusive?+?ebullitive). Our results show that further investigations need to be carried out to probe temporal variability of CH4 fluxes in ponds located in different climate zones for better understanding of the global carbon budget, which is critical to predict future climate changes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of water quality data sets for the Xin'anjiang River through the use of multivariate statistical techniques, including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), correlation analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). The water samples, measured by ten parameters, were collected every month for three years (2008-2010) from eight sampling stations located along the river. The hierarchical CA classified the 12 months into three periods (First, Second and Third Period) and the eight sampling sites into three groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3) based on seasonal differences and various pollution levels caused by physicochemical properties and anthropogenic activ- ities. DA identified three significant parameters (tempera- ture, pH and E.coli) to distinguish temporal groups with close to 76% correct assignment. The DA also discovered five parameters (temperature, electricity conductivity, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus) for spatial variation analysis, with 80.56% correct assignment. The non-parametric correlation coefficient (Spear- man R) explained the relationship between the water quality parameters and the basin characteristics, and the GIS made the results visual and direct. The PCA identified four PCs for Groups 1 and 2, and three PCs for Group 3. These PCs captured 68.94%, 67.48% and 70.35% of the total variance of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although natural pollution affects the Xin'anjiang River, the main sources of pollution included agricultural activities, industrial waste, and domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

Lagoons are defined as wetlands separated from the sea coasts on which they are located and sit between continental and marine aquatic ecosystems. Çakalburnu Lagoon is a coastal wetland on the southern side of the Bay of ?zmir. Microorganisms, which are quite sensitive to changes occurring in environmental factors, are commonly used to determine the impact of environmental effects on the functioning of the ecosystem. In this study, variations in the abundance and biomass of picoplankton (Synechococcus spp. and bacteria) and the abundance of viruses, which identify the ecological productivity of the food chain, were seasonally examined by epifluorescence microscopy. Moreover, the microbial abundance and biomass relation over time between the physical and chemical parameters was evaluated. According to our results, the maximum abundance of Synechococcus spp. and viruses was 6.7?×?104 cell/ml and 9.9?×?108?cell/ml in the summer, respectively. Otherwise, the highest level of bacteria was measured at 3.6?×?107 cell/ml in the spring. Based on the principal component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis results, we concluded that total suspended solids, Chl-a, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen were the major parameters influencing the observed variability of the lagoon system. Overall, to protect and improve the ecological and microbiological quality of aquatic systems such as lagoons, the necessary monitoring and measurement studies should be conducted in these sensitive areas.  相似文献   

Here we show that heavy metal geoaccumulation is apparent in the Tinto and Odiel estuary and, at a lower magnitude, in off-shore sediments. Values above probable effects level (PEL) are recorded for As, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, for As and Hg in the associated off-shore sediments and for As in the Guadiana River. Significant correlations were found between total organic carbon (TOC) and Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, and Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg and As in the Guadiana River. PCA analysis differentiated the three studied locations.  相似文献   

The concentration of the estrogens 17β-estradiol, estriol, estrone, 17α-ethinylestradiol, mestranol and norethisterone and of the anthropogenic gadolinium (Gdant) has been determined in the creeks and rivers, sewage treatment plants and water works of the city of Prague. The rapid degradation of estrogens in surface water allows the estrogen concentration gradient to be used as a very precise and sensitive guideline by which to pin-point sewage leaks into surface run-off water. The rather conservative behavior of Gdant in surface and ground water documents in the present case the presence of sewage water in the surface water cycle.  相似文献   

This study examines the possibility of designating and implementing a citywide public space network, constituted of randomly dispersed and not interrelated public spaces and greenways across the city of Mu?la. Although Mu?la is a major coastal province, with worldwide tourism districts, the city centre falls behind other settlements in terms of quality of social life, physical layout, economic investment and tourism revenue. In 2001, the local government commissioned the Department of Landscape Architecture of Ege University to prepare a comprehensive master plan towards achieving a corporate public space network, as well as development strategies to ameliorate the previous failures. The master plan developed a blueprint for the citywide network and addressed each existing or potential public space and greenway as integrated components of the network. The process involved short-, medium- and long-term action from the local government to achieve the physical layout and efficiently implement phases of the network. As a guide for other small or medium urban settlements in Turkey, a model proposal was derived from the study to address formulation, implementation, and management of the network in order to create a sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out to determine the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Kirkgeçit and Ozancik hot springs. The study areas are located northeast and southwest of the town of Çan, Çanakkale. During the investigation, geological maps of the hot springs and its surroundings were prepared, and hot waters and rock samples were collected from the study sites. The Paleogene–Neogene aged andesite, trachyandesite, andesitic tuff, silicified tuff and tuffites form the basement rocks in the Ozancik hot spring area. In the Kirkgeçit hot spring area, there are Lower Triassic aged mica and quartz schists at the basement rocks. The unit is covered by limestones and marbles of the same age. They are overlain by Quaternary alluvial deposits. A chemical analysis of the Kirkgeçit hot water indicates that it is rich in SO4 2– (1200.2 mg L–1), Cl (121.7 mg L–1), HCO3 (32.5 mg L–1), Na+ (494 mg L–1), K+ (30.2 mg L–1), Ca2+ (102 mg L–1), Mg2+ (15.2 mg L–1), and SiO2 (65.22 mg L–1). Chemical analysis of the Ozancik hot water indicates that it is rich in SO4 2– (575 mg L–1), Cl (193.2 mg L–1), HCO3 (98.5 mg L–1), Na+ (315 mg L–1), K+(7.248 mg L–1), Ca2+ (103 mg L–1), Mg2+ (0.274 mg L–1), and SiO2(43.20 mg L–1). The distribution of ions in the hot waters on the Schoeller diagram has an arrangement of r(Na++K+)>rCa2+>rMg2+ and r(SO4 2–)>rCl>r(HCO3 ). In addition, the inclusion of Fe2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Ni2+ and Hg2+ in the hot water samples indicates potential natural inorganic contamination. The water analysis carried out following the ICPMS-200 technique was evaluated according to the World Health Organisation and Turkish Standards. The use and the effects of the hot water on human health are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

C. Krembs  A. Engel 《Marine Biology》2001,138(1):173-185
The distribution and abundance of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) was determined in and below pack ice of the Laptev Sea from July to September 1995. Samples were collected from the lowermost 10 cm of ice floes and at 10 cm below the ice–water interface. Abundance of bacteria, protists and TEP was determined, and the sea ice–water boundary layer was characterized using temperature, salinity and molecular viscous shear stress. TEP, with a distinct size distribution signal, were found in highest concentrations inside the sea ice, ranging from not detectable to 16 cm2 l−1 (median: 2.9 cm2 l−1). In the water, concentrations were one order of magnitude lower, ranged from below detection to 2.7 cm2 l−1 (median: 0.2 cm2 l−1) and decreased after the middle of August, whereas abundances of autotrophic flagellates (AF), diatoms, heterotrophic flagellates (HF) and ciliates increased. The abundance of TEP decreased with its size in all samples following a power law relationship. The relation of TEP to the microbial community differed between the sea ice and water, being positively correlated with bacteria and diatoms in the ice and negatively correlated with HF in the sea water. The presence of a pycnocline significantly influenced the abundance of organisms, diatom composition and TEP concentrations. Pennate diatoms dominated by Nitzschia frigida were most abundant inside the ice. Though bacteria have the potential to produce exopolymeric substances (EPS), the results of this study indicate that the majority of TEP at the ice–water interface in first-year Arctic summer pack ice are produced by diatoms. Received: 19 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

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