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东昆仓中段白日其利岩体岩浆混合作用的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对岩体地质特征、暗色包体及Nd、Sr同位素资料研究表明:东昆仓中段中三叠世白日其岩体是由壳幔岩浆不均一或不彻底多次混合作用形成的,岩体内部呈出酸性、基性岩浆因混合程度和混合比例不同而形成复杂的岩体结构样式,其基性端元为混合不彻度而残留的辉长质岩石,酸性端元是受轻度混梁的二长花岗岩,岩浆混合作用方式以就是混合为主,岩体形成于碰撞造山期后的构造环境。  相似文献   

东昆仑约格鲁岩体暗色微粒包体特征及成因   总被引:36,自引:10,他引:26  
刘成东  张文秦等 《地质通报》2002,21(11):739-744
对东昆仑约格鲁花岗岩体中暗色微粒包体的形态、大小、成分和分布等主要特征进行了较详细地研究。发现包体形态多样,以强烈的塑性流变为特征;包体大小悬殊,多数直径为几十厘米,最大者长轴达4m;包体成分以闪长质为主,结构总体上比寄主岩石的粒度细,岩体中不同部位的包体成分和结构都有所变化;包体分布不均匀,经常呈族状、条带状密集分布,具定向性。镜下研究发现,在包体中经常见到针状磷灰石、石英捕虏晶和斜长石的自形内核环带及增生边等现象,显示了岩浆混合成因的特点。  相似文献   

河西堡花岗岩体中闪长质包体与岩浆混合作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河西堡花岗岩体为阿拉善地块西南缘早古生代中酸性岩浆活动的产物,其中产出一些闪长岩,石英闪长岩甚至玄武岩的暗色包体,这些包体的岩相学特征间示它们是曾经与寄主花岗岩处于同一熔融状态的基性岩浆相分的结晶产物,矿物温压计估算的结果表明,包体与寄主岩的再平衡结晶温压条件十分接近,寄主花岗岩的岩石化学,稀土元素及锶同位素组成也表现出基性组分与酸性组分混合的特点,采用C^混=KC^基+(1-K)C^酸混合定量模  相似文献   

香加南山花岗岩基位于东昆仑造山带东段,岩基主要岩石类型为花岗闪长岩。千瓦大桥-加鲁河一带花岗岩体为香加南山岩基的重要组成部分。香加南山花岗岩基含大量暗色微粒包体,包体中捕掳晶丰富。千瓦大桥-加鲁河一带花岗岩体寄主岩中斜长石和暗色微粒包体中捕掳晶斜长石具正常环带,An值震荡变化,角闪石和黑云母Mg O含量和Mg#值较低,具壳源特征;暗色微粒包体中基质斜长石具核边结构,核部和边部An值存在间断,角闪石和黑云母Mg O含量和Mg#值较高,具幔源特征。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果显示千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩、暗色微粒包体和加鲁河辉长岩的结晶年龄分别为251.0±1.9Ma、252.8±3.0Ma和221.4±3.3Ma。千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩和加鲁河花岗闪长岩富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损高场强元素(HFSE),具较低的Mg#和Nb/Ta比值;从千瓦大桥到加鲁河花岗闪长岩呈现出由准铝质中钾钙碱性系列向准铝-弱过铝质中钾-高钾钙碱性系列演化;暗色微粒包体和加鲁河辉长岩轻重稀土元素分异程度相对较低,具较高的Mg#和Nb/Ta比值。千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩和加鲁河花岗闪长岩分别为古特提斯演化俯冲阶段和后碰撞阶段幔源岩浆底侵新生地壳使其部分熔融产物。镁铁质岩浆注入长英质岩浆的混合作用形成了暗色微粒包体。岩浆混合过程中,如果岩浆不完全混合,混合岩浆中混入物质除了长英质岩浆的残留岩浆和捕掳晶,还应该有镁铁质岩浆与长英质岩浆之间的元素梯度差导致的物质扩散;如果岩浆为近完全混合,混合岩浆近似为镁铁质岩浆和长英质岩浆以一定比例二元混合。东昆仑东段晚古生代-早中生代幔源岩浆对花岗质岩浆的影响是一个持续的过程,从俯冲阶段早期流体交代地幔熔融,到俯冲阶段后期板片断离,然后同碰撞阶段板片断离的持续影响,再到后碰撞阶段加厚地壳的拆沉作用,由于地球动力学体制不同,导致幔源岩浆影响的大小和特征不同。  相似文献   

伟德山岩体岩浆混合作用的岩相学标志   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对山东荣城伟德山岩体的暗色微粒包体和寄主花岗质岩石的野外地质,岩体构造环境,特别是岩相学的研究,着重阐述了伟德山花岗质岩浆的混合作用特点和岩相学标志,并首次提出伟德山岩体是二长花岗质岩浆和辉石闪长质岩浆混合作用的产物。  相似文献   

岩浆混合作用——来自甘肃北山的野外证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在 1∶2 5万马鬃山幅区调填图和方法研究工作中 ,通过观察到的一些与岩浆混合模式相关的现象 ,指出暗色微粒镁铁质包体是岩浆混合作用的有利证据 ,讨论了与花岗岩侵入体相关的镁铁质小岩体混合成因的可能性 ,认为岩浆混合作用在造山带岩浆活动中是一种极为普遍的现象。  相似文献   

河南鲁山鸡冢岩体岩浆混合特征及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡冢岩体为经历两次岩浆脉动上侵而成的复式深成岩体,化学成分表现为贫SiO2,低MgO,富CaO、Na2O,岩石类型为偏铝质高钾钙碱性岩系,属岩浆混合花岗岩.研究表明,花岗岩及其中暗色微粒包体在地球化学特征上具有相似的稀土、微量元素含量和配分模式.成分变异图解显示,SiO2与Al2O3、K2O、CaO、MgO、FeO*、TiO2及稀土、微量元素La-Ce、Nd-Sm、La-Ba、Th/Yb-Ta/Yb之间具有较好的线性关系.氧同位素地球化学特征表明花岗岩形成过程中有大量幔源组分加入,说明鸡冢岩体为岩浆混合作用产物,其形成与华北陆块南缘陆内俯冲造山作用有关.  相似文献   

长英质岩石中暗色微粒包体的形成机理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
朱永峰 《地球科学》1995,20(5):521-525
通过对熔体网络结构中基性组分和酸性组分的分布特征和各自联结程度的定量描述,确定了岩浆液态分离作用发生的临界状态。长英质岩石中广泛分布的暗色微粒包体是岩浆演化过程中液态不混溶作用发生的结果,是岩浆体系自身演化到某一特阶段的产物。  相似文献   

汪相 《地质论评》2022,68(5):2022092011-2022092011
暗色微粒包体常见于钙碱性花岗岩中,已普遍被认为是幔源基性岩浆与壳源酸性岩浆在地壳深部发生混合作用的产物。本文通过大量资料的分析研究,发现暗色微粒包体可以具有很大负值的全岩εNd(t)值和锆石εHf(t)值,及大于0710的全岩\[n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)\]i值,不存在幔源岩浆混合的痕迹;而且,大多数暗色微粒包体与寄主花岗岩在晶体化学、形成年龄、全岩和锆石同位素成分等方面显示出完全相似的特征,反映出两者在时空与物质上都具有紧密的成因联系。本文认为,暗色微粒包体不应该是壳幔岩浆混合作用的产物。基于包体岩浆极小的体量和稍晚的侵位(相对于寄主花岗岩),本文提出一种新的暗色微粒包体的形成方式:同造山花岗岩浆的主动上侵造成岩浆房内的 “负压力” 而导致岩浆房下部呈晶粥状态的闪长质层发生等温减压熔融作用,从而形成体量极小的包体岩浆;并即时 “注入” 地壳上部尚未固结的寄主花岗岩中,快速冷凝形成暗色微粒包体。因此,暗色微粒包体不能被视作为 “壳幔岩浆混合作用” 的证据。  相似文献   

汪相 《地质论评》2023,69(1):76-87
暗色微粒包体常见于钙碱性花岗岩中,已普遍被认为是幔源基性岩浆与壳源酸性岩浆在地壳深部发生混合作用的产物。本文通过大量资料的分析研究,发现暗色微粒包体可以具有很大负值的全岩εNd(t)值和锆石εHf(t)值,及大于0.710的全岩[n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)]i值,不存在幔源岩浆混合的痕迹;而且,大多数暗色微粒包体与寄主花岗岩在晶体化学、形成年龄、全岩和锆石同位素成分等方面显示出完全相似的特征,反映出两者在时空与物质上都具有紧密的成因联系。笔者认为,暗色微粒包体不应该是壳幔岩浆混合作用的产物。基于包体岩浆极小的体量和稍晚的侵位(相对于寄主花岗岩),笔者提出一种新的暗色微粒包体的形成方式:同造山花岗岩浆的主动上侵造成岩浆房内的“负压力”而导致岩浆房下部呈晶粥状态的闪长质层发生等温减压熔融作用,从而形成体量极小的包体岩浆;并即时“注入”地壳上部尚未固结的寄主花岗岩中,快速冷凝形成暗色微粒包体。因此,暗色微粒包体不能被视作为“壳幔岩浆混合作用”的证据。  相似文献   

Slaby  E.; Martin  H. 《Journal of Petrology》2008,49(2):353-391
The Hercynian, post-collisional Karkonosze pluton contains severallithologies: equigranular and porphyritic granites, hybrid quartzdiorites and granodiorites, microgranular magmatic enclaves,and composite and lamprophyre dykes. Field relationships, mineralogyand major- and trace-element geochemistry show that: (1) theequigranular granite is differentiated and evolved by smalldegrees of fractional crystallization and that it is free ofcontamination by mafic magma; (2) all other components are affectedby mixing. The end-members of the mixing process were a porphyriticgranite and a mafic lamprophyre. The degree of mixing variedwidely depending on both place and time. All of the processesinvolved are assessed quantitatively with the following conclusions.Most of the pluton was affected by mixing, implying that hugevolumes (>75 km3) of mafic magma were available. This maficmagma probably supplied the additional heat necessary to initiatecrustal melting; part of this heat could have also been releasedas latent heat of crystallization. Only a very small part ofthe Karkonosze granite escaped interaction with mafic magma,specifically the equigranular granite and a subordinate partof the porphyritic granite. Minerals from these facies are compositionallyhomogeneous and/or normally zoned, which, together with geochemicalmodelling, indicates that they evolved by small degrees of fractionalcrystallization (<20%). Accessory minerals played an importantrole during magmatic differentiation and, thus, the fractionalcrystallization history is better recorded by trace rather thanby major elements. The interactions between mafic and felsicmagmas reflect their viscosity contrast. With increasing viscositycontrast, the magmatic relationships change from homogeneous,hybrid quartz diorites–granodiorites, to rounded magmaticenclaves, to composite dykes and finally to dykes with chilledmargins. These relationships indicate that injection of maficmagma into the granite took place over the whole crystallizationhistory. Consequently, a long-lived mafic source coexisted togetherwith the granite magma. Mafic magmas were derived either directlyfrom the mantle or via one or more crustal storage reservoirs.Compatible element abundances (e.g. Ni) show that the maficmagmas that interacted with the granite were progressively poorerin Ni in the order hybrid quartz diorites—granodiorites—enclaves—compositedykes. This indicates that the felsic and mafic magmas evolvedindependently, which, in the case of the Karkonosze granite,favours a deep-seated magma chamber rather than a continuousflux from mantle. Two magma sources (mantle and crust) coexisted,and melted almost contemporaneously; the two reservoirs evolvedindependently by fractional crystallization. However, maficmagma was continuously being intruded into the crystallizinggranite, with more or less complete mixing. Several lines ofevidence (e.g. magmatic flux structures, incorporation of granitefeldspars into mafic magma, feldspar zoning with fluctuatingtrace element patterns reflecting rapid changes in magma composition)indicate that, during its emplacement and crystallization, thegranite body was affected by strong internal movements. Thesewould favour more complete and efficient mixing. The systematicspatial–temporal association of lamprophyres with crustalmagmas is interpreted as indicating that their mantle sourceis a fertile peridotite, possibly enriched (metasomatized) byearlier subduction processes. KEY WORDS: Bohemian Massif; fractional crystallization; geochemical modelling; hybridization; Karkonosze  相似文献   

<正>The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB)in northeast margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is an important part of the Central Orogenic System(COS).During the long-time geological evolution,complicated tectono  相似文献   

哈拉尕吐花岗岩基位于东昆仑东段,其中花岗闪长岩岩浆混合作用明显,是研究岩浆混合作用的良好对象.从岩石学、岩相学和矿物化学等方面对哈拉尕吐花岗岩基进行了详细研究.电子探针结果显示:寄主岩斜长石的An值同相对应包体中斜长石捕掳晶近似;包体中基质斜长石大部分具核边结构,核部和边部An值存在间断;部分包体中浅色基质斜长石的An值与具核边结构斜长石的边部近似;辉长闪长岩中斜长石具较高的An值.寄主岩角闪石同相对应包体中角闪石捕掳晶的结晶温度、压力和氧逸度较为接近;包体中基质角闪石的结晶温度和压力低于寄主岩角闪石,氧逸度稍高于寄主岩角闪石;辉长闪长岩角闪石具有最高的结晶温度和压力及最低的氧逸度.哈图沟剖面和德福胜剖面寄主岩中的斜长石和角闪石的成分具有一定差别.岩浆不同期次侵入结晶和岩浆自身演化,使不同地点斜长石和角闪石的成分和物理化学特征具有一定变化.镁铁质岩浆位于地壳深部,氧逸度较低,使结晶的角闪石具有较高的形成压力和较低的氧逸度,斜长石具较高An值;随着镁铁质岩浆注入寄主岩,由于环境突变,使斜长石受到熔蚀;由于岩浆上侵以及两种岩浆物理化学性质差别较大,导致温度、压力和水饱和度降低,氧逸度升高,使包体中残留岩浆快速结晶,形成具核边结构、浅色均一的斜长石,以及结晶程度较差、较高氧逸度的角闪石.   相似文献   

U–Pb analysis of zircons from igneous rocks in the Elashan Mountain, easternmost segment of the East Kunlun Orogen yielded 252–232 Ma. Geochemically, these rocks are mainly high in SiO_2, K_2O and K_2O+Na_2O contents, low in P_2O_5 and TiO_2 contents, depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Ti and enriched in U, Hf, Zr, showing features of I–type granite. The zircon εHf(t) values of the Early Triassic Jiamuge'er rhyolite porphyry(252±3 Ma) are positive(+1.6 to +12.1), suggesting a juvenile crustal source mixing with little old crustal component, and the zircon εHf(t) values of the Middle Triassic Manzhang'gang granodiorite(244±3 Ma) and Dehailong diorite(237±3 Ma) are predominately negative(-8.4 to +1.0), indicating an older crustal source. In comparison, the zircon εHf(t) values of the Late Triassic syenogranites from Suigen'ergang(234±2Ma), Ge'ermugang(233±2 Ma) and Yue'ergen(232±3 Ma) plutons vary from-3.8 to +5.0, suggesting a crust-mantle mixing source. From Early–Middle Triassic(252–237 Ma) to Late Triassic(234–232 Ma), the geochemical characteristics of these rocks show the change from a subduction–collision setting to a post-collision or within-plate setting. By comparing of these new age data with 77 zircon U–Pb ages of igneous rocks of the eastern part of East Kunlun orogen from published literatures, we conclude that the igneous rocks of Elashan Mountain and these of the eastern part of East Kunlun Orogen belong to one magmatic belt. All these data indicate that the Triassic magmatic events of the eastern part of East Kunlun Orogen can be divided into three stages: 252–238 Ma, 238–226 Ma and 226–212 Ma. Statistically, the average εHf(t) values of the threestage igneous rocks show a tendency, from the old to young, from-0.75±0.25 to lower-2.65±0.52 and then to-1.22±0.25, respectively, which reveal the change of their sources. These characteristics can be explained as a crust-mantle mixing source generated in a subductional stage, mainly crust source in a syn–collisional stage and a crust-mantle mixing source(lower crust with mantle-derived underplating magma) in a post-collisional stage. The identification of these three magmatic events in the Elashan Mountain, including all the eastern part of East Kunlun Orogen, provides new evidence for better understanding of the tectonic evolution of the northward subduction and closure of the Paleo-Tethyan(252–238 Ma), the collision of the Songpan–Ganzi block with the southern margin of Qaidam block(238–226 Ma), and the post–collisional setting(226–212 Ma) during the Early Mesozoic period.  相似文献   

东昆仑中段的白日其利基性岩体由橄榄辉长岩、斜长岩和角闪辉长岩组成.主体岩相角闪辉长岩的锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb年龄表明,其侵位于248.9Ma+4.2Ma,为早三叠世阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋关闭过程中的岩浆活动.结合前人的研究,认为东昆仑造山带中生代岩浆混合作用至少始于早三叠世,白日其利岩体为研究俯冲阶段岩浆混合作用提...  相似文献   

The Middle Miocene Tsushima granite pluton is composed of leucocratic granites, gray granites and numerous mafic microgranular enclaves (MME). The granites have a metaluminous to slightly peraluminous composition and belong to the calc‐alkaline series, as do many other coeval granites of southwestern Japan, all of which formed in relation to the opening of the Sea of Japan. The Tsushima granites are unique in that they occur in the back‐arc area of the innermost Inner Zone of Southwest Japan, contain numerous miarolitic cavities, and show shallow crystallization (2–6 km deep), based on hornblende geobarometry. The leucocratic granite has higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7065–0.7085) and lower εNd(t) (?7.70 to ?4.35) than the MME of basaltic–dacitic composition (0.7044–0.7061 and ?0.53 to ?5.24), whereas most gray granites have intermediate chemical and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions (0.7061–0.7072 and ?3.75 to ?6.17). Field, petrological, and geochemical data demonstrate that the Tsushima granites formed by the mingling and mixing of mafic and felsic magmas. The Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data strongly suggest that the mafic magma was derived from two mantle components with depleted mantle material and enriched mantle I (EMI) compositions, whereas the felsic magma formed by mixing of upper mantle magma of EMI composition with metabasic rocks in the overlying lower crust. Element data points deviating from the simple mixing line of the two magmas may indicate fractional crystallization of the felsic magma or chemical modification by hydrothermal fluid. The miarolitic cavities and enrichment of alkali elements in the MME suggest rapid cooling of the mingled magma accompanied by elemental transport by hydrothermal fluid. The inferred genesis of this magma–fluid system is as follows: (i) the mafic and felsic magmas were generated in the mantle and lower crust, respectively, by a large heat supply and pressure decrease under back‐arc conditions induced by mantle upwelling and crustal thinning; (ii) they mingled and crystallized rapidly at shallow depths in the upper crust without interaction during the ascent of the magmas from the middle to the upper crust, which (iii) led to fluid generation in the shallow crust. The upper mantle in southwest Japan thus has an EMI‐like composition, which plays an important role in the genesis of igneous rocks there.  相似文献   

大同岩体位于西昆仑柯冈-库地-其曼于特和麻扎-康西瓦两条蛇绿混杂岩带之间。为进一步了解西昆仑早古生代岩浆弧中某些具体岩石类型、岩浆产生机理、地质意义及成因联系,本文从岩相学、主微量元素地球化学、锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素等方面,对大同岩体中和外围新发现的埃达克质岩石进行了研究。埃达克质岩石由石英二长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩两种岩性组成,呈独立的岩体和大同主岩体中的脉体两种产状,高硅(w(SiO2)≥60.34%)、高铝(w(Al2O3)≥14.73%)、富碱(w(K2O+Na2O)≥6.40%)、低镁(w(MgO)≤2.35%),以及高锶(w(Sr)≥504×10-6)、低钇(w(Y)≤17.20×10-6)和高Sr/Y(平均为70.88),富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素,亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素,不同程度负Eu异常及Ta、Nb、P和Ti亏损。锆石U-Pb测年显示,埃达克质岩石年龄为(443.6±1.4)~(462.0±1.0)Ma,与大同主岩体的形成年龄相当。锆石εHf(t)为-7.28~4.56(平均-0.84),我们认为埃达克质岩石是由原特提斯洋洋壳及部分洋壳之上的陆源沉积物向南俯冲过程中,发生部分熔融形成的熔体上升过程中与地幔楔橄榄岩反应,最后定位于地壳浅层的结果。通过与大同岩体主岩体对比,对早古生代岩浆弧的形成和演化有了更深入的了解。  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯山中段第四纪火山岩特征及地质意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为辨别环境动态变化而进行的多期次环境地球化学填图要求降低不同期次数据间的分析误差,为达此目的,本文提出了衡量各实验室分析质量的新的考核标准,包括:一组标准样不同元素分析值与标准值对数偏差的不合格率;一组标准样不同元素分析值与标准值的相关系数所反映的相似性系数;一组标准样各种元素分析值与标准值在虚拟空间上图形分布的相似性。  相似文献   

SAKUYAMA  M. 《Journal of Petrology》1981,22(4):553-583
Quaternary volcanic rocks of the Myoko and Kurohime volcanoes,central Japan, are divided into two types, R-type and N-type,according to the presence or absence of reversely zoned maficphenocrysts. Disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages, such asMg-rich olivine with Fe-rich orthopyroxene and augite, Mg-richnormally zoned pyroxenes with Fe-rich reversely zoned ones,and a wide (commonly bimodal) compositional variation of plagioclasephenocrysts are commonly observed in the R-type rocks. Whole-rock bulk chemical compositions of the R-type rocks showgood linear correlations with the ratio of the number of An-rich(An 80) phenocrysts to the number of Ab-rich phenocrysts (An60). The chemical trends and petrographic features of R-typerocks result from mixing of magmas. The N-type rocks, whichare free from the disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages, cannotresult from magma mixing and constitute a single differentiationseries. Rocks of the pigeonitic rock series (P-series) and those ofthe hypersthenic rock series (H-series) (Kuno, 1950) roughlycorrespond to the N-type rocks and R-type rocks respectively.Therefore, some rocks of the H-series (equivalent to the calc-alkalinerock series) in Japan represent magmas formed by mixing.  相似文献   

本文对天池火山玄武岩盾,粗面质-碱流质层状锥体以及顶部的粗面质-碱流质碎屑岩类及熔岩的岩石矿物成分做了系统分析,发现在玄武岩类中的主要矿物组合为斜长石、富钙辉石以及富镁橄榄石,而粗面岩-碱流岩类的主要矿物组合为碱性长石、富铁的辉石及橄榄石,并开始出现石英、独居石以及大量的铁钛氧化物,符合结晶分异的演化趋势。同时在玄武岩类及粗面-碱流岩类中均存在不平衡矿物,再结合矿物环带的成分变化、矿物的熔蚀现象及不同特征的岩石条带等,认为天池火山在黑石沟玄武岩、第一、三造锥阶段粗面岩以及千年大喷发的浮岩中均存在岩浆混合作用。根据岩石学及年代学等特征,认为不同时期的玄武质岩浆来自同一地幔源区,经不同程度的结晶分异作用形成,前造锥阶段及造锥阶段的岩石由不同阶段的玄武岩演化而来,全新世的碱流岩类则由造锥阶段粗面岩类演化而来。  相似文献   

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