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We describe the successful application of a modified gene-trap approach, the secretory trap, to systematically analyze the functions in vivo of large numbers of genes encoding secreted and membrane proteins. Secretory-trap insertions in embryonic stem cells can be transmitted to the germ line of mice with high efficiency and effectively mutate the target gene. Of 60 insertions analyzed in mice, one-third cause recessive lethal phenotypes affecting various stages of embryonic and postnatal development. Thus, secretory-trap mutagenesis can be used for a genome-wide functional analysis of cell signaling pathways that are critical for normal mammalian development and physiology.  相似文献   

Two families with Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease (GSS) are atypical in possessing neocortical neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), which are few or absent in other kindreds with GSS, in addition to amyloid plaques that react with prion protein (PrP) antibodies and protease-resistant PrP accumulation in the brain. A leucine substitution at PrP codon 102 has been genetically linked to GSS in some families. We examined the PrP gene in these families. A serine for phenylalanine substitution was found at codon 198 in the Indiana patients; arginine for glutamine substitution at codon 217 in the Swedish patients. These mutations in PrP are the first to be associated with the appearance of both PrP amyloid plaques and neocortical NFTs in GSS patients.  相似文献   

Pigmentary glaucoma is a significant cause of human blindness. Abnormally liberated iris pigment and cell debris enter the ocular drainage structures, leading to increased intraocular pressure (IOP) and glaucoma. DBA/2J (D2) mice develop a form of pigmentary glaucoma involving iris pigment dispersion (IPD) and iris stromal atrophy (ISA). Using high-resolution mapping techniques, sequencing and functional genetic tests, we show that IPD and ISA result from mutations in related genes encoding melanosomal proteins. IPD is caused by a premature stop codon mutation in the Gpnmb (GpnmbR150X) gene, as proved by the occurrence of IPD only in D2 mice that are homozygous with respect to GpnmbR150X; otherwise, similar D2 mice that are not homozygous for GpnmbR150X do not develop IPD. ISA is caused by the recessive Tyrp1b mutant allele and rescued by the transgenic introduction of wildtype Tyrp1. We hypothesize that IPD and ISA alter melanosomes, allowing toxic intermediates of pigment production to leak from melanosomes, causing iris disease and subsequent pigmentary glaucoma. This is supported by the rescue of IPD and ISA in D2 eyes with substantially decreased pigment production. These data indicate that pigment production and mutant melanosomal protein genes may contribute to human pigmentary glaucoma. The fact that hypopigmentation profoundly alleviates the D2 disease indicates that therapeutic strategies designed to decrease pigment production may be beneficial in human pigmentary glaucoma.  相似文献   

Fraser HB 《Nature genetics》2005,37(4):351-352
Modularity, which has been found in the functional and physical protein interaction networks of many organisms, has been postulated to affect both the mode and tempo of evolution. Here I show that in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, protein interaction hubs situated in single modules are highly constrained, whereas those connecting different modules are more plastic. This pattern of change could reflect a tendency for evolutionary innovations to occur by altering the proteins and interactions between rather than within modules, in a manner somewhat similar to the evolution of new proteins through the shuffling of conserved protein domains.  相似文献   

Notch and the m9/10 gene (groucho) of the Enhancer of split (E(spI)) complex are members of the "Notch group" of genes, which is required for a variety of cell fate choices in Drosophila. We have characterized human cDNA clones encoding a family of proteins, designated TLE, that are homologous to the E(spI) m9/10 gene product, as well as a novel Notch-related protein. The TLE genes are differentially expressed and encode nuclear proteins, consistent with the presence of sequence motifs associated with nuclear functions. The structural redundancy implied by the existence of more than one TLE and Notch-homologous gene may be a feature of the human counterparts of the developmentally important Drosophila Notch group genes.  相似文献   

Dynein mutations impair autophagic clearance of aggregate-prone proteins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Mutations that affect the dynein motor machinery are sufficient to cause motor neuron disease. It is not known why there are aggregates or inclusions in affected tissues in mice with such mutations and in most forms of human motor neuron disease. Here we identify a new mechanism of inclusion formation by showing that decreased dynein function impairs autophagic clearance of aggregate-prone proteins. We show that mutations of the dynein machinery enhanced the toxicity of the mutation that causes Huntington disease in fly and mouse models. Furthermore, loss of dynein function resulted in premature aggregate formation by mutant huntingtin and increased levels of the autophagosome marker LC3-II in both cell culture and mouse models, compatible with impaired autophagosome-lysosome fusion.  相似文献   

The Abl kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate is the preferred treatment for Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph(+)) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in chronic phase but is much less effective in CML blast crisis or Ph(+) B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Here, we show that Bcr-Abl activated the Src kinases Lyn, Hck and Fgr in B-lymphoid cells. BCR-ABL1 retrovirus-transduced marrow from mice lacking all three Src kinases efficiently induced CML but not B-ALL in recipients. The kinase inhibitor CGP76030 impaired the proliferation of B-lymphoid cells expressing Bcr-Abl in vitro and prolonged survival of mice with B-ALL but not CML. The combination of CGP76030 and imatinib was superior to imatinib alone in this regard. The biochemical target of CGP76030 in leukemia cells was Src kinases, not Bcr-Abl. These results implicate Src family kinases as therapeutic targets in Ph(+) B-ALL and suggest that simultaneous inhibition of Src and Bcr-Abl kinases may benefit individuals with Ph(+) acute leukemia.  相似文献   

Initiation of mitotic DNA replication in eukaryotes requires conserved factors, including Cdc18/CDC6 and minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins. We show here that these proteins are not essential for meiotic DNA replication or subsequent meiotic divisions in fission yeast. In addition, vegetative replication checkpoint genes are not required for the arrest of meiotic divisions in response to pre-meiotic S-phase delays. Genes essential for other aspects of vegetative DNA replication, however, including polymerases and DNA ligase, are also required for pre-meiotic DNA synthesis. Our results indicate that the process of replication initiation and checkpoint control may be fundamentally different in mitotic and meiotic cells.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) refers to coordinated polarization of cells within the plane of a cell sheet. A conserved signaling pathway is required for the establishment of PCP in epithelial tissues and for polarized cellular rearrangements known as convergent extension. During PCP signaling, core PCP proteins are sorted asymmetrically along the polarization axis; this sorting is thought to direct coordinated downstream morphogenetic changes across the entire tissue. Here, we show that a gene encoding a ciliary protein (a 'ciliary gene'), Ift88, also known as Polaris, is required for establishing epithelial PCP and for convergent extension of the cochlear duct of Mus musculus. We also show that the proper positioning of ciliary basal bodies and the formation of polarized cellular structures are disrupted in mice with mutant ciliary proteins ('ciliary mutants'), whereas core PCP proteins are partitioned normally along the polarization axis. Thus, our data uncover a distinct requirement for ciliary genes in basal body positioning and morphological polarization during PCP regulation.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans is the first animal whose genomic sequence has been determined. One of the new possibilities in post-sequence genetics is the analysis of complete gene families at once. We studied the family of heterotrimeric G proteins. C. elegans has 20 Galpha, 2 Gbeta and 2 Ggamma genes. There is 1 homologue of each of the 4 mammalian classes of Galpha genes, G(i)/G(o)alpha, G(s)alpha , G(q)alpha and G12alpha, and there are 16 new alpha genes. Although the conserved Galpha subunits are expressed in many neurons and muscle cells, GFP fusions indicate that 14 new Galpha genes are expressed almost exclusively in a small subset of the chemosensory neurons of C. elegans. We generated loss-of-function alleles using target-selected gene inactivation. None of the amphid-expressed genes are essential for viability, and only four show any detectable phenotype (chemotaxis defects), suggesting extensive functional redundancy. On the basis of functional analysis, the 20 genes encoding Galpha proteins can be divided into two groups: those that encode subunits affecting muscle activity (homologues of G(i)/G(o)alpha, G(s)alpha and G(q)), and those (14 new genes) that encode proteins most likely involved in perception.  相似文献   

A role for the Rb family of proteins in controlling telomere length   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The molecular mechanisms of cellular mortality have recently begun to be unraveled. In particular, it has been discovered that cells that lack telomerase are subject to telomere attrition with each round of replication, eventually leading to loss of telomere capping function at chromosome ends. Critically short telomeres and telomeres lacking telomere-binding proteins lose their functionality and are metabolized as DNA breaks, thus generating chromosomal fusions. Telomerase activity is sufficient to rescue short telomeres and confers an unlimited proliferative capacity. In addition, the tumor-suppressor pathway Cdkn2a/Rb1 has also been implicated as a barrier to immortalization. Here, we report a connection between the members of the retinoblastoma family of proteins, Rb1 (retinoblastoma 1), Rbl1 (retinoblastoma-like 1) and Rbl2 (retinoblastoma-like 2), and the mechanisms that regulate telomere length. In particular, mouse embryonic fibroblasts doubly deficient in Rbl1 and Rbl2 or triply deficient in Rbl1, Rbl2 and Rb1 have markedly elongated telomeres compared with those of wildtype or Rb1-deficient cells. This deregulation of telomere length is not associated with increased telomerase activity. Notably, the abnormally elongated telomeres in doubly or triply deficient cells retain their end-capping function, as shown by the normal frequency of chromosomal fusions. These findings demonstrate a connection between the Rb1 family and the control of telomere length in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway (or noncanonical Wnt pathway) drives several important cellular processes, including epithelial cell polarization, cell migration and mitotic spindle orientation. In vertebrates, PCP genes have a vital role in polarized convergent extension movements during gastrulation and neurulation. Here we show that mice with mutations in genes involved in Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a disorder associated with ciliary dysfunction, share phenotypes with PCP mutants including open eyelids, neural tube defects and disrupted cochlear stereociliary bundles. Furthermore, we identify genetic interactions between BBS genes and a PCP gene in both mouse (Ltap, also called Vangl2) and zebrafish (vangl2). In zebrafish, the augmented phenotype results from enhanced defective convergent extension movements. We also show that Vangl2 localizes to the basal body and axoneme of ciliated cells, a pattern reminiscent of that of the BBS proteins. These data suggest that cilia are intrinsically involved in PCP processes.  相似文献   

Cloning procedures aided by homology searches of EST databases have accelerated the pace of discovery of new genes, but EST database searching remains an involved and onerous task. More than 1.6 million human EST sequences have been deposited in public databases, making it difficult to identify ESTs that represent new genes. Compounding the problems of scale are difficulties in detection associated with a high sequencing error rate and low sequence similarity between distant homologues. We have developed a new method, coupling BLAST-based searches with a domain identification protocol, that filters candidate homologues. Application of this method in a large-scale analysis of 100 signalling domain families has led to the identification of ESTs representing more than 1,000 novel human signalling genes. The 4,206 publicly available ESTs representing these genes are a valuable resource for rapid cloning of novel human signalling proteins. For example, we were able to identify ESTs of at least 106 new small GTPases, of which 6 are likely to belong to new subfamilies. In some cases, further analyses of genomic DNA led to the discovery of previously unidentified full-length protein sequences. This is exemplified by the in silico cloning (prediction of a gene product sequence using only genomic and EST sequence data) of a new type of GTPase with two catalytic domains.  相似文献   

Meiotic crossing-over is highly regulated such that each homolog pair typically receives at least one crossover (assurance) and adjacent crossovers are widely spaced (interference). Here we provide evidence that interference and assurance are mechanistically distinct processes that are separated by mutations in a new ZMM (Zip, Msh, Mer) protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spo16. Like other zmm mutants, spo16 cells have defects in both crossing-over and synaptonemal complex formation. Unlike in previously characterized zmm mutants, the residual crossovers in spo16 cells show interference comparable to that in the wild type. Spo16 interacts with a second ZMM protein, Spo22 (also known as Zip4), and spo22 mutants also show normal interference. Notably, assembly of the MutS homologs Msh4 and Msh5 on chromosomes occurs in both spo16 and spo22, but not in other zmm mutants. We suggest that crossover interference requires the normal assembly of recombination complexes containing Msh4 and Msh5 but does not require Spo16- and Spo22-dependent extension of synaptonemal complexes. In contrast, crossover assurance requires all ZMM proteins and full-length synaptonemal complexes.  相似文献   

The mouse mutation fidget arose spontaneously in a heterogeneous albino stock. This mutant mouse is characterized by a side-to-side head-shaking and circling behaviour, due to reduced or absent semicircular canals. Fidget mice also have small eyes, associated with cell-cycle delay and insufficient growth of the retinal neural epithelium, and lower penetrance skeletal abnormalities, including pelvic girdle dysgenesis, skull bone fusions and polydactyly. By positional cloning, we found the gene mutated in fidget mice, fidgetin (Fign), which encodes a new member of the 'meiotic' or subfamily-7 (SF7; ref. 7) group of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA proteins). We also discovered two closely related mammalian genes. AAA proteins are molecular chaperones that facilitate a variety of functions, including membrane fusion, proteolysis, peroxisome biogenesis, endosome sorting and meiotic spindle formation, but functions for the SF7 AAA proteins are largely unknown. Fidgetin is the first mutant AAA protein found in a mammalian developmental mutant, thus defining a new role for these proteins in embryonic development.  相似文献   

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