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A total of 169 colorectal adenocarcinomas, obtained from patients with a median follow-up of 6.5 years, were studied with immunohistochemical staining on cryosections using a monoclonal anti-tenascin antibody to evaluate the possible association between the staining patterns and tumour stage, tumour differentiation and survival. We found two different staining patterns in the tumour stroma--a diffuse stromal fibrillar staining in 92 out of 169 (54%) tumours and a subglandular staining in the remaining 77 tumours. When the entire group of patients (P < 0.01) and the group of potentially cured patients (P < 0.03) were analysed univariately, it was found that diffuse stromal fibrillar staining was associated with a shorter survival time than subglandular staining. In a multivariate analysis, the Dukes' stage and age were independent prognostic factors, whereas the tenascin expression did not retain a clear independent relationship to survival (P = 0.06). Hence, it appears that the tumour expression of tenascin may be a potential prognostic marker in colorectal cancer, in so far as a diffuse stromal fibrillar staining pattern seems to indicate an increased risk of poor outcome. However, after adjustment for age and Dukes' stage, the additional prognostic value of tenascin remains to be established in further analyses.  相似文献   

1. Although it well established that corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) injected i.v. can cause hypotension and vasodilatation, there is no in vitro evidence that CRF acts as a vasodilator. We have therefore tested the hypothesis that the hypotensive effect of i.v. CRF is due to a direct vasodilator action by carrying out experiments in vitro on rat resistance arteries (i.d. 150-300 microns). 2. Initial in vivo experiments confirmed that CRF (1.5 nmol.kg-1) injected i.v. caused hypotension in rats, this being partially antagonized by the CRF analogue CRF9-41. 3. For the in vitro experiments, vessels were taken from the mesenteric, cerebral and femoral vascular beds, and mounted as ring preparations in an isometric myograph. The vessels were pre-contracted with one of 3 agonists (prostaglandin F2 alpha, arginine vasopressin or noradrenaline) or with a high-potassium solution (K+). 4. With maximal concentrations of the agonists, CRF caused relaxation of mesenteric and cerebral vessels with 10 nM, and near complete relaxation with 100 nM. Femoral vessels pre-constricted with agonists and all vessels pre-constricted with K+ were less affected by CRF. In the mesenteric vessels, with sub-maximal levels of pre-constriction, CRF caused substantial relaxation at 1 nM and could cause complete relaxation at 10 nM. 5. The relaxant effect of CRF on contractions of mesenteric vessels was antagonized by 100 nM CRF9-41. Neither tetraethyl ammonium (30 mM) nor glibenclamide (3 microM) antagonized the relaxant effect of CRF. 6. The relaxant effect of CRF on mesenteric small arteries was found to be unaffected by removal of the endothelium. 7. The results indicate that CRF causes an endothelial-independent vasodilatation of rat resistance arteries under in vitro conditions at concentrations which are consistent with this being an important cause of the hypotension observed with i.v. injection of CRF.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the rat peripheral nervous system was studied by immunohistochemistry. CRF-positive nerve fibers were identified in the spleen, thymus, synovial membrane of the knee joint and adrenal gland. In general, CRF-positive fibers were seen predominantly in and around the blood vessels; however, many non-vascular thin varicose fibers were also observed. The neuronal character of the immunoreactive fibers was confirmed by staining consecutive tissue sections with a general neuronal marker, protein gene product 9.5. The finding of CRF-positive nerve fibers in the periphery demonstrates a strong anatomical link between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and may have pathophysiological implications in the inflammatory and stress-related disorders.  相似文献   

A technique is described for visualization of the pancreatic islets in the rat by simple dark field illumination of pieces of the frozen and thawed pancreas. By using this method, microspheres, injected for studies of the capillary blood flow, can be readily located and counted in both the islets and the exocrine parenchyma. The procedure could be useful both for rapid estimations of the total number of islets and for studies of their microcirculation.  相似文献   

Cells of the immune system produce a variety of neuropeptides or peptide hormones, either constitutively or upon induction, and possess specific neuropeptide receptors that display ligand-receptor interactions similar to those described in the central nervous system (CNS). These findings suggest that specific subsets of lymphoid cells can produce and respond to peptides previously thought to be principally neural mediators. Recently, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) mRNA was detected in the rat thymus and spleen, although the cells that synthesize CRF were not identified. We examined the localization of CRF and its mRNA in the rat spleen, thymus, and mesenteric lymph nodes using immunocytochemistry (ICC) and in situ hybridization (ISH), respectively. Immunoreactive CRF was present in cells in the marginal zone and red pulp of the spleen, in connective tissue septa and the subcapsular region of the thymus, and in the medullary cords and sinuses of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Dual ICC/ISH for CRF and its mRNA, respectively, demonstrated CRF mRNA over CRF-immunoreactive cells, suggesting CRF synthesis. Double-label ICC for CRF and markers for specific immunocyte subsets suggest that CRF+ cells in the spleen and thymus are macrophages. CRF+ cells in primary and secondary lymphoid organs reside in compartments that are innervated by sympathetic nerves, and some cells appears to be contacted by noradrenergic sympathetic nerve fibers, suggesting that CRF release may be influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, as it is in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. The presence of CRF in organs of the immune system suggests that this neuropeptide may modulate immune functions after paracrine release.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To discuss the usefulness of efficiency measures as instruments of monitoring and resource allocation by analyzing their invariance to changes in the operationalization of hospital production. STUDY SETTING: Norwegian hospitals over the three-year period 1989-1991. STUDY DESIGN: Efficiency is measured using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The distribution of efficiency and the ranking of hospitals is compared across models using various distribution-free tests. DATA COLLECTION: Input and output data are collected by the Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The distribution of efficiency is found to be unaffected by changes in the specification of hospital output. Both the ranking of hospitals and the scale properties of the technology, however, are found to depend on the choice of output specification. CONCLUSION: Extreme care should be taken before resource allocation is based on DEA-type efficiency measures alone. Both the identification of efficient and inefficient hospitals and the cardinal measure of inefficiency will depend on the specification of output. Since the scale properties of the technology also vary with the specification of output, the search for an optimal hospital size may be futile.  相似文献   

We observed the corrosion casts of the Wistar rats' pancreatic ducts with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and their conventionally fixed pancreatic tissue with SEM and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These findings revealed the following facts about the three-dimensional structure of pancreatic duct. (1) The interlobular and intralobular ducts branch like a tree, and the intercalated ducts wind and fork into two branches, although parts of the intercalated ducts anastomose with each other. The intercellular secretory canaliculi extend from the central lumina, which run straight through the center of the acini, finally approaching close to the basement membranes of acini. (2) The lumina of pancreatic ducts (i.e., the interlobular up to the intercalated ducts) are cylindric and have smooth surfaces. The luminal surface of each epithelial cell, however, is decorated by numerous microvilli and a single cilium. The length of the latter tends to be short in proportion to the diameter of pancreatic duct. Moreover the epithelial cell surfaces, which border each central lumen, have various densities of microvilli. (3) The intraductal cilium core is provided with nine microtubules, which is different from the number of microtubules encountered within the cilium core of uterine tube or bronchial epithelium. The number of microtubules in the cross-sectioned intraductal cilia decreases toward the distal portion of cilia. SEM and TEM observations on WBN/Kob rats' pancreatic ducts suggest that increased pancreatic ductal pressure causes the helical shape of the pancreatic ductal lumen. Such a helical form might also be caused by the protrusion of epithelial cell boundaries into their lumen and the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of epithelial cells, thus leading to the formation of numerous depressions equipped with elongated cilia.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) are present at high concentrations in the hypothalamus where they mediate important endocrine and autonomic functions. Morphological and physiological studies have suggested an interaction between these peptides, and opposing actions of CRF and NPY have been reported on feeding and other behaviors. This study investigated the effect of CRF on NPY release in vivo, measured by push-pull techniques, in the anesthetized rat. Push-pull probes implanted into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) were perfused with modified Ringer solution containing bovine serum albumin at 15 microl/min, and the perfusate was lyophilized prior to NPY radioimmunoassay. NPY overflow from the rat PVN was increased threefold by perfusion of a depolarizing concentration of potassium (50 mmol/L KCl). When CRF was administered into the PVN via the push-pull cannula at 1 or 5 microg/ml, dose-dependent increases in NPY overflow of two- and fivefold were observed (p < 0.05). These increases were abolished by prior intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of the CRF antagonist [D-Phe12,Nle(21,38),C(alpha)MeLeu32]CRF (12-41) at 1 or 5 microg/microl, respectively. NPY overflow returned promptly to resting levels following CRF administration. In contrast, when CRF was administered by i.c.v. bolus at a similar total dose (2 microg), no significant effect on NPY overflow was observed. These data provide in vivo evidence for an interaction between CRF and NPY at the level of the PVN.  相似文献   

The free radicals nitric oxide (.NO) and superoxide (O2-) are known to react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly reactive species. Peroxynitrite has been suggested to play an important role in the cellular damage associated with the overproduction of .NO, but there are very limited data regarding its in vivo formation. Here we demonstrate that injection of endotoxin into rats leads to the expression of an inducible isoform of .NO synthase (iNOS) in the thoracic aorta at 6 h and an increase in the circulating levels of nitrite/nitrate. Moreover, at the same time point, there is a marked increase in the immunoreactivity of nitrotyrosine, a marker of peroxynitrite in the aorta. The formation of nitrotyrosine was prevented by inhibiting the activity of NOS by NG-methyl-L-arginine in vivo. Our data suggest that during endotoxin shock, part of .NO, produced following the induction of iNOS, is converted into peroxynitrite in the vicinity of large blood vessels. The demonstration of the in vivo formation of peroxynitrite at sites of .NO overproduction may necessitate the development of novel and additional approaches for limiting or preventing .NO-related cytotoxic or vasodilatory actions during circulatory shock.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on dogs with Pavlov's fistula, potassium and calcium concentration in the blood plasma was increased after feeding; their pancreatic concentration was lower, respectively, by 0.2 and 0.3 units/ml prior to feeding and 0.3 and 0.6 after the feeding. Sodium concentration in the pancreatic juice corresponded to its concentration in the blood plasma and did not change after feeding. Changes of sodium concentration in the blood plasma or pancreatic juice indicate disturbances in pancreatic function.  相似文献   

The antileukotriene drugs are the first new therapeutic agents approved for the treatment of asthma in more than 20 years. The currently available compounds are orally active and either prevent the cysteinyl leukotrienes from binding to and activating the cysLT-1 receptor in the lung (leukotriene receptor antagonists) or inhibit leukotriene synthesis (leukotriene synthesis inhibitors). Studies performed in individuals without asthma and patients with asthma reveal that antileukotrienes prevent the bronchoconstriction produced by exercise, cold-air, allergen, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and sulphur dioxide. Except for the setting of aspirin sensitivity where the antileukotrienes are nearly uniformly effective, individual responses to them are variable with complete protection in some, no protection in others and a modest degree of protection in the majority. The antileukotrienes bronchodilate the airways of patients with baseline bronchoconstriction, although usually not as well as beta-agonists. When given for weeks to months they rapidly improve pulmonary function and symptoms in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma, and probably in patients with more severe asthma as well, and these improvements persist for the duration of treatment. Here too, their beneficial effects are variable and not predictable based on clinical criteria. Recent studies suggest they can reduce asthma-induced airway inflammation and are equal or more effective than sodium cromoglycate, but equal or less effective than low-to-moderate dosages of inhaled corticosteroids. Initial experience with the antileukotrienes reveals limited toxicity and what appears to be a favourable therapeutic-to-toxic ratio. However, exposure of more patients with differing characteristics for longer periods of time is needed to substantiate this initial impression. The exact role of the antileukotrienes in the treatment of asthma remains to be determined, as does the relative potency of the various agents.  相似文献   

Colostrum from French-Alpine and Anglo-Nubian goats and Holstein cows was collected and analyzed for both total and FFA of 12 and fewer carbon atoms. Short-chain VFA were separated from long-chain fatty acids using simultaneous distillation extraction. The n-butyl esters of fatty acids were quantified by gas chromatography, and their identity was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of decanoic acid was 33 and 83% less in Holstein colostrum than in colostrum from Alpine and Nubian goats, respectively. Colostrum from Nubian goats had twice as much decanoic acid as colostrum from Alpine goats. The FFA in colostrum that differed between species but not between goat breeds were octanoic and decanoic acids. These respective fatty acids were approximately two and three times greater in colostrum from goats than in colostrum from Holsteins. The quantity of decanoic acid was different between goat breeds and between animal species. The ratio of total fatty acid concentration to free-state concentration for hexanoic acid appeared to be useful for differentiating between Nubian and Alpine goat colostrum as well as between Nubian and Holstein colostrums.  相似文献   

Islet cell ontogeny will define adult beta-cell mass and will consist of a balance of islet cell birth and death. We have investigated the ontogeny of factors that may be related to developmental apoptosis in the islets, insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), in pancreata of young Wistar rats. Pancreata were collected from rats of 21 days gestation to 29 days postnatal age. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry showed that IGF-II was expressed and present in fetal and neonatal islet cells, but declined rapidly 2 weeks after birth. Little IGF-I was associated with fetal or postnatal islets. Apoptosis in islet cells was visualized by molecular histochemistry for DNA breakage in tissue sections. Apoptosis was low in the fetus, but increased in incidence postnatally so that 13% of islet cells were undergoing apoptosis on postnatal day 14, with the incidence declining thereafter. Immunohistochemistry for iNOS showed that it was expressed within beta-cells and was most abundant 12 days after birth. When islets were isolated from rat pancreata 20-22 days after birth, islet cell viability, DNA synthetic rate, and insulin release were reduced after incubation with interleukin-1beta, tumor necrosis factor, or interferon-gamma. An increased rate of islet cell survival was found after simultaneous incubation with IGF-I or -II. Cytokine-mediated islet cell death involved the induction of apoptosis. Islets isolated from neonatal rats were not killed after exposure to these cytokines at the same concentrations, but cytokine-induced cell death was seen when neonatal islets were incubated with a neutralizing antibody against IGF-II. These experiments show that a peak of islet cell apoptosis that is maximal in the rat pancreas 14 days after birth is temporally associated with a fall in the islet cell expression of IGF-II. IGF-II was shown to function as an islet survival factor in vitro. The induction of islet cell apoptosis in vivo may involve an increased expression of iNOS within beta-cells.  相似文献   

In earlier reports we identified specific point substitutions (DPhe12,Nle21,38), cyclization strategies [in particular, introduction of lactam rings such as that of cyclo(Glu30,Lys33)], and deletions (residues 1-7) in the CRF molecule that led to agonists. We also noted that further deletions (residues 8-14) produced antagonists such as astressin ?cyclo(30-33)[DPhe12,Nle21,38, Glu30, Lys33]hCRF(12-41)? (1). We hypothesized that the lactam ring promoted conformational stability to yield analogues with increased potency both in vitro and in vivo as compared to that of their linear counterparts. Additionally, we reported that cyclo(30-33)[DPhe12,Nle21,38, Glu30,DHis32,Lys33]hCRF(12-41) (3) and dicyclo(26-36,30-33)[Ac-Asp9,DPhe12,Nle21,38, Cys26, Glu30,Lys33, Cys36]hCRF(9-41) were ca. twice and 1/100 as potent as astressin, respectively, suggesting a putative turn that encompasses residues 30-33 (previous paper: Koerber et al. J. Med. Chem. 1998, 41). To increase the potency of 1 and/or 3 in vivo, we extended their chain length by one (5-8), two (9, 10), and three (11, 12) residues at the N-terminus and acetylated (6, 8, 10, 12). Of the compounds tested for duration of action (1, 3-6, 8), we found 6 and 8 to be slightly longer-acting than astressin or [DHis32]astressin, while their potencies in vitro were not significantly different from that of 3. Additionally, we introduced CalphaMe-leucine residues in lieu of leucine at positions 14, 15, 19, 27, and 37 in [DHis32]astressin. The analogue [CalphaMe-Leu27,DHis32]astressin (16) was more potent (although not statistically in all cases) than the other four analogues in vitro. While acetylation of the N-terminus of 16 (i.e., 18) or of [CalphaMe-Leu27]astressin (i.e., 19) did not have a significant effect on in vitro potency, elongation of the N-terminus by one or three residues in addition to acetylation resulted in cyclo(30-33)[DPhe12,Nle21,CalphaMe-Leu27,Glu3 0,DHis32,Lys33, Nle38]Ac-hCRF(11-41) (21), cyclo(30-33)[DPhe12,Nle21,CalphaMe-Leu27, Glu30,Lys33,Nle38]Ac-hCRF(9-41) (22), and cyclo(30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21, CalphaMe-Leu27,Glu30,DHis32,Lys33,Nle38 ]Ac-hCRF(9-41) (23) that were longer-acting than 6 and 8 (ca. 2 h inhibition of ACTH secretion at 25 micrograms/adrenalectomized rat). Analogues 22 and 23 were also more potent than astressin at reversing intracisternal CRF- and abdominal surgery-induced delay of gastric emptying in conscious rats.  相似文献   

Effect of starvation on organ blood flow in the senescent rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the first true hernioplasty performed by Edoardo Bassini more than 100 years ago (1884) all surgical reconstruction techniques have shared a common defect i.e. tension on suture line. This is the first etiologic factor of recurrent hernia. On the contrary by the use of modern prosthetic materials (mesh and plug) it is now possible to marriage all hernia repairs without distorting normal body anatomy and avoid undesirable tensions. The technique proposed is simple, efficient, characterized by a rapid performing procedure, giving way to an excellent clinical outcome: postoperative pain relief permitting the patient to resume in a short time his normal physical activities. In this paper the authors present their experience in wall defects reconstruction by means of outpatient surgery and in general anesthesia in the period spanning from 1994 to 1996. Five different types of hernia mesh in hernioplasty procedures were evaluated and used.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inasmuch as cryopreservation can facilitate clinical islet transplantation by providing a means of storing supplemental islets in order to augment marginally adequate grafts, protocols are needed to allow for a minimal loss in viable beta cells. By replacing the cryoprotectant dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with ethylene glycol (EG), a more simplified cryopreservation protocol was developed, which resulted in improved survival and function of rat pancreatic islets. METHODS: Nonfrozen islets, islets cryopreserved in DMSO, and EG-cryopreserved islets were compared for percent recovery, cellular composition, in vitro viability, and metabolic function after transplantation. RESULTS: After cryopreservation in DMSO or EG, islet yield was similar to that of nonfrozen controls; however, islets cryopreserved in DMSO exhibited lower cellular DNA, insulin, and glucagon content, as well as an impaired insulin secretory capacity in vitro than the nonfrozen controls. When compared with controls, islets cryopreserved in DMSO contained a higher proportion of beta cells but a lower number of glucagon-positive cells, whereas cryopreservation with EG resulted in similar DNA/hormone contents, in vitro viability, and cellular composition. Transplantation of islet grafts composed of comparable numbers of beta cells (2.1-2.3 million) corrected diabetes in 100% (6/6; nonfrozen controls), 92% (10/11; DMSO), and 100% (14/14; EG) of the recipients; however, those who received DMSO-treated islets took longer to achieve euglycemia and remained glucose-intolerant. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that EG allows for the successful cryopreservation of rat islet beta and a cells with the same yield and quality as nonfrozen islets. The observation that alpha-cell survival was better after cryopreservation with EG may explain the improved functional viability of these grafts. Further studies are needed to assess whether this protocol provides any advantage for cryopreserving large numbers of human islets.  相似文献   

We determined islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies (ICA) using rat pancreatic sections as a test substrate substitutive for human pancreatic sections by indirect immunofluorescent technique. ICA were measured in sera from 58 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), 456 with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), 50 patients with autoimmune diseases, and 110 healthy controls. Seventeen of 58 patients with IDDM showed recent-onset (within 3 months). ICA were also measured in some samples using blood group O human pancreatic sections, and the ICA titers were compared with those measured using rat pancreatic sections. The prevalence of ICA was 55.2% (32/58) in patients with IDDM, 1.5% (7/456) in those with NIDDM, 0% (0/50) in those with autoimmune diseases, and 0.9% (1/110) in the healthy controls. Of the 17 recent-onset IDDM ICA were positive in 14 (82.3%). In comparative study of titers for ICA using rat pancreatic sections or human pancreatic sections, rat pancreatic sections yielded ICA titers as high as human pancreatic sections did. These results demonstrate that ICA assay using rat pancreatic sections was disease-specific, and that antigenicity of the substrate was favorable to ICA. Rat pancreas presents the advantage of greater availability, while providing an identical substrate for ICA. In conclusion, rat pancreatic sections are useful substrate for detecting ICA.  相似文献   

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