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台阶式微通道乳化装置因易于高通量生产均一性的气泡及液滴而受到关注.本文利用高速摄像仪研究了台阶式并行微通道装置空腔内的气泡群复杂行为及其对气泡生成的反馈效应.实验设计的操作变量为气液相进出口位置、气相流速和液相流速.在实验操作范围内,共发现了气泡的单管生成模式和多管生成模式.研究了空腔内气泡群复杂行为随操作条件的变化趋势.发现在受限空间内,气泡在水平面内发生挤压堵塞能够自组装成具有特定几何特点的二维晶格,分别为有序的行三角晶格、有序的竖三角晶格和无序的三角晶格.晶格结构与气相压力密切相关;同时,气泡界面能量随着气相压力的增大而增大.运用介尺度、能量和活化等概念分析了气泡群复杂行为对气泡生成方式的影响,充分阐释了受限空间内气泡群的介尺度效应.以变异系数CV来表示气泡的均匀性特征,考察了气泡晶格自组装行为的控制因素.结果表明:气泡的自组装路径由气泡尺寸及其分布决定,有序的三角晶格变异系数小于5%,无序的三角晶格变异系数大于5%.  相似文献   

基于液滴或气泡的多相微流控是近年来微流控技术中快速发展的重要分支之一.本文利用高速显微摄影技术和数字图像处理技术对T型微通道反应器内气液两相流动机制及影响因素进行实验研究.实验采用添加表面活性剂的海藻酸钠水溶液作为液相,空气作为气相.研究T型微通道反应器内气液两相流型的转变过程,并根据微通道内气泡的生成频率和生成气泡的长径比对气泡流进行分类.研究发现当前的进料方式下,可以观测到气泡流和分层流2种流型,且依据气泡生成频率和微通道内气泡的长径比可将气泡流划分为分散气泡流、短弹状气泡流和长弹状气泡流3种类型,并基于受力分析确定3种气泡流的形成机制分别为剪切机制、剪切-挤压机制和挤压机制.考察不同液相黏度和表面张力系数对不同类型气泡流范围的影响规律.结果表明:液相黏度相较于表面张力系数而言,对气泡流生成范围影响更大.给出不同类型气泡流流型转变条件的无量纲关系式,实现微通道生成微气泡过程的可控操作.   相似文献   

基于液滴或气泡的多相微流控是近年来微流控技术中快速发展的重要分支之一.本文利用高速显微摄影技术和数字图像处理技术对T型微通道反应器内气液两相流动机制及影响因素进行实验研究.实验采用添加表面活性剂的海藻酸钠水溶液作为液相,空气作为气相.研究T型微通道反应器内气液两相流型的转变过程,并根据微通道内气泡的生成频率和生成气泡的长径比对气泡流进行分类.研究发现当前的进料方式下,可以观测到气泡流和分层流2种流型,且依据气泡生成频率和微通道内气泡的长径比可将气泡流划分为分散气泡流、短弹状气泡流和长弹状气泡流3种类型,并基于受力分析确定3种气泡流的形成机制分别为剪切机制、剪切–挤压机制和挤压机制.考察不同液相黏度和表面张力系数对不同类型气泡流范围的影响规律.结果表明:液相黏度相较于表面张力系数而言,对气泡流生成范围影响更大.给出不同类型气泡流流型转变条件的无量纲关系式,实现微通道生成微气泡过程的可控操作.  相似文献   

环形喷管喷口气泡演化的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水下气泡的发展演化及气泡动力学行为是气液两相动力学的基础理论与水下射流应用的重要基础. 环形喷管/喷口形成的气泡及气体射流具有其不同于圆孔实心射流的特殊表现与规律机制,随着同心筒破水发射等特殊应用的出现,环形喷口气体射流/泡流的基础现象观测和机制分析成为迫切的需求. 基于环形喷管的设计和水下射流条件的分析,设计建立了一套环形喷管水箱实验系统,对水下环形喷管喷口气泡发展演化过程进行了初步的实验研究. 为观测研究气体通过环形喷管气泡生长发展过程,在较低压力、较低流速下,采用高速摄影仪记录气泡生长及发展演化过程. 结合对气泡发展演化过程的图像处理与分析,研究分析了环形喷口气泡形成区制、气泡生长过程形态发展特点、以及气泡形成时间及气泡体积变化特点. 研究表明:在本实验气体流量范围内(50.8~237.3 dm3/min),环形喷口气泡发展演化过程呈现较为明显的三周期区制,前泡尾流影响是环形气泡呈三周期区制的主要原因;不同周期内的气泡形成时间具有较稳定规律,并受到流量影响;气泡生长过程中有较为明显的下沉、回升特征;气泡表面张力、液体惯性与流动的共同作用,造成了典型的气泡顶部坍塌现象.   相似文献   

耗散粒子动力学模拟方法的发展和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李红霞  强洪夫 《力学进展》2009,39(2):165-175
耗散粒子动力学(dissipative particle dynamics,DPD)模拟方法是一门新兴的介观尺度数值模拟技术,是研究复杂物系介观结构的一种重要手段,也是联系宏观尺度和微观尺度的重要模拟方法之一.首先介绍DPD模拟方法的提出和它的发展过程;接着从DPD的理论模型、数值积分方法、参数的选择以及模拟系统与真实系统之间的映射关系4个方面介绍DPD的方法体系;然后介绍DPD模拟方法在复杂流体中的应用情况,具体包括多相流的聚集、微相分离和液滴的变形、破碎以及微通道内的流动等;最后, 对此领域的发展方向进行了预测分析.   相似文献   

低温等离子体是制备微纳米材料和调控其结构特性的最重要方法之一,其中材料结构及特性的改变是等离子体电磁场、热场、化学场等多场耦合综合作用的结果.本文系统而简要地回顾了如下主要内容:电源的频率及其调制、施加方式对等离子体放电特性与稳定性的影响;大气压等离子体物理化学反应动力学;等离子体场对微纳米颗粒的聚集态结构与运动的调控、以及对沉积薄膜微纳米结构的影响.总结并得出如下主要结论:放电频率、脉冲调制功率、容性或者感性耦合方式、单体种类、基片温度等对等离子体活性粒子成分与特性具有主要影响,在kHz~MHz范围可以实现稳定放电和微纳米颗粒制备和薄膜沉积;微纳米颗粒/颗粒膜结构形貌随时间和空间而发生动态变化;低温等离子体多场调制可以快速实现微纳米颗粒的结晶,并调控微纳米颗粒的成分、尺度、带隙、晶型、晶面比例及其形貌特征;引入微颗粒可以在鞘层位置悬浮形成规则的二维等离子体晶格与无序的等离子体非晶,在介观尺度研究复杂系统的结构与动理学过程.  相似文献   

薛昌明  吴永礼 《力学进展》2010,40(2):203-229
在适度的空间和时间尺度组合下,裂纹既可在几个月中蠕变几个纳米,也能在几秒钟内扩展10km.虽然裂纹的尖端没有实际的质量,但是它能通过激活周围的物质而处于高能量状态.依赖于材料的损伤方向,激活质量的减少和增加可发生在尺度转变之前或之后.每个尺度区的分段阈值被假定为与裂纹尖端速度的平方a~2和激活质量密度M的乘积有关:W=M_(↓↑)a_(↑↓)~2和D=M~(↓↑)a_(↑↓)~2.W和D分别被称为直接吸收和自耗散能量密度.正如下标/上标符号所示,激活的质量密度M_(↓↑)和M~(↓↑)与裂纹尖端速度a变化趋势相反,既可增加也可减少.a~2和M的互补效应隐含着常用于宇宙物理学建模的膨胀和/或收缩的物理过程.在用于尺度敏感的裂纹尖端的行为时,激活的质量密度有相同的解释.分段时的多尺度可以由…皮观、纳观、微观和宏观…组成.因此,形象地说,材料损伤过程可以通过裂纹扩展过程中非均匀的总体和局部能量的传递来模拟.疲劳裂纹扩展引起的材料损伤被用来阐释由大到小和由慢到快的尺度/时间序,热力学中的冷→热和有序→无序转换.这一过程正巧与宇宙演化的箭形方向相反,宇宙演化遵循小→大和快→慢,而热力学相反,遵循热→冷和无序→有序.为了表示由损伤萌生所造成的类裂缝型缺陷的不均匀性,提出了一个被称为裂纹尖端力学(crack tip mechanics,CTM)的新模式.涉及的范围是模拟原子列之间的界面裂纹或连续体中分叉的切口.假如需要的话,尺寸和时间的范围可以复盖从皮观到宏观甚至更大.虽然采用疲劳裂纹来说明CTM的基本原理,在宇宙物理学背景中与直接吸收和自耗散相关的膨胀和收缩的情况可以描述裂纹周围激活质量的行为,它们可看为能量的汇或源.奇异性被用来捕获能量的源或汇的特性,物理上,两者作为界面的一部分,从数学上看则是不连续的线的一部分.能量从一种形式变为另一种形式取决于能量吸收或耗散的箭形损伤时间,这之中牵涉到尺度分段和奇异性强度的联合应用.材料组分随时间的劣化是根据指定的设计寿命导出的,从而使材料的响应与加载率的时间历史匹配.2024-T3铝板的皮观/纳观/微观/宏观开裂模型用来说明什么地方可以增加结构的寿命部分.皮观/纳观/微观/宏观/结构系统的性能随时间劣化可以用9个尺度转变物理参数来描述:纳观/微观区有3个(μ_(na/mi)~*,σ_(na/mi)~*,d_(na/mi)~*),微观/宏观区有3个(μ_(mi/ma)~*,σ_(mi/ma)~*,d_(mi/ma)~*),皮观/纳观区有3个(μ_(pi/na)~*,σ_(pi/na)~*,d_(pi/na)~*).下标pi,na,mi,ma和struc分别表示皮观、纳观、微观、宏观和结构.只要知道两个相连的尺度敏感参数,在较低尺度的时间相关的局部物理参数就完成了分析连续体的形式论,虽然它们并不需要用实验来知道.更具体地说,根据皮观→纳观→微观→宏观分别有1.25/1.00/0.75/0.50的λ奇异性强度,皮观裂纹、纳观裂纹、微观裂纹和宏观裂纹的转变特征是从时间箭形的指定的寿命预期来确定的.附加的0.25强度的奇异性可用于结构元件.回想起来,λ=0.5相应于断裂力学中的应力分量与r~(0.5)成反比,r是与宏观裂纹尖端的距离.微观裂纹、纳观裂纹和皮观裂纹分别赋予r~(-0.75),r~(-1.0),r~(-1.25)的奇异性.箭形时间(以年为单位)取决于问题的定义.设备的关键部件可用1.5~±/2.5~±/3.5~±/5.5~±寿命分布和总寿命为13~±年(a)的皮观/纳观/微观/宏观尺度来设计运行.上标±表示多于或少于实际运行的时间.累进损伤被假定为发生在皮观→纳观→微观→宏观方向.同样的方案用于20年总寿命的2024-T3铝板的疲劳损伤,按照1.5~±/2.5~±/3.5~±/5.5~±/7.0~±的方式将它的寿命分布在皮观、纳观、微观、宏观和结构的尺度上,这样的指定只是满足在每个尺度范围内损伤内部材料结构所用的能量匹配,因此可以强制执行在总寿命的跨度内精确的时间相关的材料性能劣化过程.  相似文献   

空化与空泡溃灭现象普遍存在于自然界、标识码械和生物医学等领域.空泡与自由面相互作用会产生瞬态强烈耦合,涉及到空泡非球形溃灭、自由面非线性变形及失标识码象,是流体力学领域重要的前沿与基础问题. 本文围绕这一热点,从空泡非球形演化和自由面变形规律角度出发,概标识码纳近年该领域的研究进展与成果. 对于近自由面空泡的非球形演化,基于表征开尔文冲量的无量纲参数,重点关注了体积振荡、射流生成、水锤效应及溃灭标识码生成等关键过程,介绍了关键参数的理论建模方法,获得了空泡溃灭过程中能量分配机制. 针对自由液面变形演化,根据细射流和粗射流生成和发展,归纳了 4 种典型现象及特点:透明水层及水柱生成、不稳定与稳标识码水裙结构. 进一步总结了开尔文冲量理论、界面凹陷奇点概念和泰勒不稳定性等理论模型的建立和应用,讨论了气泡溃灭过程、液面标识码界面稳定性等主要机制. 此外,本文也概述了空泡脉动对球状、圆柱状等非平面液面变形行为的影响,归纳了曲率对于液面变形的影响机制. 最后,针对目前研究状况提出该领域研究中尚未解决的问题,期望对将来的空泡及空泡群与自由液面相互作用深入研究提供借鉴.   相似文献   

肖文甲  许宇翔  宋立军 《力学学报》2021,53(12):3252-3262
激光增材制造(laser additive manufacturing, LAM)技术极适合复杂整体构件的近净成形和高附值损伤件的快速修复. 然而, 激光增材制造熔池内部复杂的动态凝固过程显著影响成形件的终态组织, 进而制约其服役性能. 本文针对激光直接能量沉积(direct energy deposition by laser, DED-L) Inconel 718过程, 构建宏观传热传质与多相场耦合的多尺度数学模型, 解决了熔池宏?微观温度场的直接耦合, 并基于MPI并行程序设计实现了熔池二维的全域定量模拟, 研究了凝固过程中的晶粒演变过程. 结果表明, 模拟的熔池尺寸、凝固界面与实验结果吻合较好. 熔池凝固界面形态和晶体择优取向是影响晶粒演变的重要因素. 在熔池横截面上, 凝固过程主要受温度梯度方向的驱使, 取向与温度梯度方向夹角越小的晶粒占优生长. 在纵截面上, 晶粒的生长表现出弯曲生长以及“上三角”的晶粒特征, 温度梯度方向的渐变导致了晶粒弯曲, 相邻晶粒的竞争行为决定了晶粒形貌. 本文阐明了金属激光增材制造晶粒演变的机理, 有助于厘清增材制造热物理、化学、冶金过程, 为凝固组织的预测和调控提供理论指导. 此外, 该多尺度数学模型也适用于其他金属材料的激光增材制造过程.   相似文献   

于宁宇  李群 《力学学报》2014,46(1):87-93
M积分在材料构型力学中表征着缺陷自相似扩展的能量释放率,而有效弹性模量下降量在传统损伤力学中是一个具有内变量属性的损伤参数. 探讨了两者之间的特定关系,以此为材料构型力学与损伤力学搭建桥梁.借助穆斯海里什维利(Muskhelishvili)复势函数方法获取无限大弹性平面含圆形夹杂的弹性场解,根据M 积分的复势函数解析表达式得到M 积分与夹杂弹性模量的显式表达式. 随后通过有限元分析,对含复杂缺陷群的弹塑性材料进行数值模拟,结果表明内部缺陷区域的有效弹性模量下降与M 积分存在着特定关系. 基于此,提出利用材料构型力学中的外变量参数(M 积分)来替代损伤力学中的内变量参数(弹性模量下降量)描述材料的缺陷演化.   相似文献   

Liquid foam is a dense random packing of gas or liquid bubbles in a small amount of immiscible liquid containing surfactants. The liquid within the Plateau borders, although small in volume, causes considerable difficulties to the investigation of the spatial structure and physical properties of foams, and the situation becomes even more complicated as the fluid flows. To solve these problems, a discrete model of two-dimensional liquid foams on the bubble scale is proposed in this work. The bubble surface is represented with finite number of nodes, and the liquid within Plateau borders is discretized into lattice particles. The gas in bubbles is treated as ideal gas at constant temperatures. This model is tested by choosing an arbitrary shape bubble as the initial condition. This then automatically evolves into a circular shape, which indicates that the surface energy minimum routine is obeyed without calling external controlling conditions. Without inserting liquid particle among the bubble channels, periodic ordered and disordered dry foams are both simulated, and the fine foam structures are developed. Wet foams are also simulated by inserting fluid among bubble channels. The calculated coordination number, as a function of liquid fractions, agrees well with the standard values.  相似文献   

Lattice gas simulations of two-dimensional liquid foams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liquid foam is a dense random packing of gas bubbles in a small amount of immiscible liquid containing surfactants. The liquid within the Plateau borders, although small in volume, causes considerable difficulties to investigations of the physical properties of foams, and the situation becomes even more complicated if the flow of the liquid through the foam is considered too. Here we propose a fresh approach to tackling these issues by introducing a discrete two-dimensional hybrid lattice gas model of liquid foams. While lattice gas models have been used to model two-phase liquids in the past, their application to the study of liquid foams is novel and proves promising. We represent bubble surfaces by a finite number of nodes, and model the surrounding liquid as a lattice gas (with a finite number of liquid particles). The gas in the bubbles is treated as an ideal gas at constant temperature. The model is tested by choosing an arbitrarily shaped bubble that evolves into a circular shape in agreement with Laplaces law. The model is then employed to simulate periodic ordered and disordered dry and wet foams. Since our model is specifically designed to handle wet foams up to a critical liquid fraction of 0.16 (void fraction of random packing of disks), we are able to compute the variation in coordination number (average number of neighbours of a bubble) over the whole range of liquid fractions, and we find it to be a linear function of the shear modulus.This paper was presented at the first Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) held in Guimarães, Portugal, 11–13 September 2003.  相似文献   

The dispersion of bubbles into a down-liquid flow in a vertical pipe is investigated. At low flow rates, the intended design of a swarm of discrete bubbles is achieved. At high flow rates, a ventilated cavity is nonetheless formed, which is attached close to the gas sparger. Behind this ventilated cavity, three different flow regimes characterize the complex bubbly flow field downstream of the down-liquid flow: vortex region with high void fraction, transitional region and pipe flow region. In this study, a numerical model that solved the entire development of the gas–liquid flow including the extended single-phase liquid region upstream to the wall-jet and recirculating-vortex zones in order to allow a more realistic determination of the boundary conditions of the down-liquid flow was adopted. Coupling with the Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid model to solve the respective gas and liquid phases, a population balance model was also applied to predict the bubble size distribution in the wake right below the cavity base as well as further downstream in the transitional and fully-developed pipe flow regions. The numerical model was evaluated by comparing the numerical results against the data derived from theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. Prediction of the Sauter mean bubble diameter distributions by the population balance approach at different axial locations confirmed the dominance of breakage due to the high turbulent intensity below the ventilated cavity which led to the generation of small gas bubbles at high void fraction. Further downstream, the coalescence effect dominated leading to merging of the small bubbles to form bigger bubbles.  相似文献   

可压缩流场中气泡脉动数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在应用边界元方法对气泡动力学的研究中, 绝大多数模型是建立在不压缩势流理论基础之上, 针对可压缩流场中气泡运动特性的研究很少. 从波动方程出发, 分别在气泡运动前期和后期对波动方程进行简化, 得到气泡运动局部和全局简化方程, 采用双渐进方法对简化方程进行匹配, 提出了考虑流场可压缩性的非球状气泡运动模型. 该模型的计算结果与Prospertti 等的解析结果吻合很好, 气泡脉动最大半径和内部最大压力随气泡脉动逐渐减小. 基于该模型对比了自由场中药包爆炸考虑可压缩性与不考虑可压缩性的计算结果, 发现考虑可压缩性气泡射流速度较小, 随后基于该模型计算了刚性边界下气泡的运动特性.  相似文献   

Bubbles generated in laser–metal interactions (LMI) at the transition from planar-to-volume boiling behave like hard (and soft) spheres. Micrographic analysis indicates that the surface layer of vaporizing metal, which comprises small microscale bubbles, behaves like a two-dimensional granular system. Bubble collision leads to bubble self-organization which changes with laser power density Qp, and falls into (i) the kinetic regime, (ii) the clustering regime, or (iii) the regime of inelastic collapse (when bubbles form chain-like clusters), in analogy with the results of numerical simulations of hard-sphere dynamics. At a certain power density, shock waves that travel over the surface become strong enough, so that the system of bubbles behaves like horizontally and vertically shaken granular material. Since bubbles in the vibrational process are decelerated, hydrodynamic forces deform them, causing them to stay coalesced after the collision, forming a cluster with plateau borders, which is actually metal foam. The results presented show the existence of various complexity levels in the self-organization of bubbles, their sensitivity to the variation of interaction parameters, and finally, they indicate some universal features of bubble system dynamics.  相似文献   

陈烁  王太  苏硕  谢英柏  刘春涛 《力学学报》2021,53(10):2736-2744
电场中的气泡对于强化传热有显著的作用, 对于电场中气泡动力学特性的研究对增强换热器效率, 提高能源利用率有重要意义. 为了获得外加电场作用下气泡的动力学特性, 设计与搭建了可视化实验平台. 采用50 kV高压直流电源构建均匀电场, 高清摄像机拍摄实验图像. 引入电场强度、气泡体积与溶液介电常数作为变量, 探究其对于气泡动力学特性的影响. 观测了竖直与水平均匀电场中气泡的上升过程, 分析了不同变量下气泡变形状况与上升速度的变化. 引入气泡长宽比L/D用于表示气泡拉伸变形程度, 截取单个气泡上升过程分时段图像展示形态变化过程. 研究结果表明, 气泡沿电场方向伸长, 且电场强度越大, 变形越明显; 竖直电场中气泡伸长导致上升速度增大, 而水平电场中气泡上升速度减小. 气泡尺寸增大, 浮升力作用增强, 气泡上升速度增大. 溶液介电常数增加, 电场力作用明显增加, 气泡变形更加明显.   相似文献   

The multivelocity effects associated with the behavior of gas or vapor bubbles in a region with high pressure gradients typical of the flows around a cavity in which the pressure is higher than that in the surrounding space are considered. For a low volume bubble concentration, the problem of fluid flow perturbation by the bubbles is examined. For gas bubbles, it is shown that taking multivelocity effects into account considerably reduces the additional jet momentum. It is found that, with time, the temperature distribution in the wake behind a vapor bubble becomes nonmonotonic and the maximum temperature may even exceed the initial bubble temperature. It is demonstrated that the bubbles may accumulate and a flow regime with a sharply pronounced two-phase jet extending to the outer edge of the main liquid jet may develop. Moscow. Translated from Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No. 1, pp. 87–100, January–February, 1998. The work received financial support from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (project No.96-01-01442).  相似文献   

Measurement of bubble size and local average bubble rise velocity was carried out in a vertically sinusoidal vibro-fluidized bed. Glass beads of Geldart group B particles were fluidized at different gas velocities, while the bed was vibrated at different frequencies and amplitudes to study their effects on the bubble behavior. This is compared with the case of no vibration in a two-dimensional bed and it is concluded that with vibration the local average bubble size, dbav, decreases significantly, especially at minimum bubbling velocity. The average bubble size increases slightly with increasing vibration frequency and amplitude. The local average bubble rise velocity is higher than that with no vibration, though with increasing vibration frequency and amplitude, it does not change significantly.  相似文献   

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