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利用地震矩释放程度m值对1989年以来华北地区12次MS≥5.0中强地震前的矩加速释放现象进行了研究。基于删除余震后的地震目录,提取了与矩加速释放相关的特征时—空尺度作为AMR现象在华北地区的扫描模型参数。采用震前1年逐3个月的扫描方式,得到了12次震例在震中附近与时间相依的m值的空间演变图像,并考察了震前震源区附近的Benioff应变释放情况。结果表明,华北地区MS5.0~5.5地震前AMR现象与实际震中和发震时刻的关联性不明显;而MS5.6~6.4地震前67%的震例在震中附近出现稳定和集中分布的矩释放加速区域,说明华北地区MS≥5.5中强震前AMR现象具有一定程度的普遍性,利用AMR现象对未来中强震发震地点的预测有一定的潜能和可挖掘性,但仍需其他方法相互佐证。  相似文献   

李宇彤  蒋长胜 《地震学报》2010,32(6):680-695
为考察中国东北地区中强震前是否存在与地震孕育过程物理相关的地震矩加速释放现象,利用"地震矩释放程度"m值对该地区第五活跃期内的5例中强震进行了时-空扫描研究.通过考察删除余震的影响,提取了MS5.0以上地震与地震矩加速释放相关的特征时、空尺度,并作为时-空扫描的模型参数.采用震前5个月逐月扫描的方式,得到了震前m值随时间变化的图像.结果显示,其中4例在未来的震中附近出现稳定和集中分布的地震矩释放加速区.这表明东北地区中强震前的地震矩加速释放现象具有一定的普遍性,矩释放加速扫描方法对判断未来可能的中强震破裂成核点有一定的指导意义.采用相同的计算参数设置,还考察了震前破裂成核点的Benioff应变释放情况.结果显示,有3例在破裂成核点的地震矩加速释放现象明显.这表明,对于东北地区的中强地震,利用矩释放程度时-空扫描寻找未来中强震的破裂成核点,尚需其它方法作为辅助.  相似文献   

中强震前地震活动矩释放加速现象(AMR)的普遍性问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地震前的矩释放加速现象(AMR)作为一种预测中强震发生的方法,近年来得到普遍关注,所以有必要对这一现象的普遍性进行讨论。我们考虑1978年以来中国大陆Ms5.7以上地震的情况,用贝尼奥夫应变作为地震矩释放的量度。采用规则的空间区域和统一的时间尺度,通过直接判断和对曲线进行非线性拟合,最终确定矩释放的加速或减速特征。所考虑的1978年以来Ms5.7以上主震事件共109例,其中具有加速特征的55例,具有减速特征的23例,因数据不足而无法判断加减速特征的9例,加减速特征不稳定的22例。  相似文献   

为考察2014年10月7日景谷M_S 6.6地震前的可能的中长期地震前兆现象以及相关的孕震物理过程,采用加速矩释放(AMR)现象对此次地震进行了分析,首先用T=15 a, R=100 km的时空窗对CBS释放曲线的均方根残差RMS在m-tf二维空间中的分布以及最小RMS对应的m值随时间的变化分析,然后用震前15个月地震资料以逐3个月的扫描方式,对T-M_C二维空间中矩释放指数m值的分布进行分析。结果表明:景谷M_S 6.6地震前在震中附近100 km范围内, m值随着时间逐渐逼近实际发震时刻而逐渐减小,时间上有逐渐趋近于临界状态的趋势,空间上震前似存在AMR逐渐向震中附近"迁移"的现象。  相似文献   

根据临界加速地震矩释放模型的基本原理,根据研究目的的不同,采取两种不同的方式进行基于网格的并行处理,即按时间分解和按空间分解.如果要根据历史地震目录资料预测某地区未来的地震活动,可以采用空间分解的方式;如果要根据某地区历史上特定时间段的地震活动情况来检验地震加速破裂模型,则可以采用时间分解的方式.最终,能够在同样计算精...  相似文献   

对山西及邻区22次ML≥5.0地震前不同时间尺度的累积benioff应变释放特征进行分析,认为约55%的地震震前存在地震矩加速释放现象;同时对地震矩释放异常空间区与主震间的关系进行分析,结果表明,在震前1年内大部分地震震中附近出现大范围椭圆形的地震矩低值区域,且主震震中位于异常区内部或边缘.由此认为,地震矩加速释放现象...  相似文献   

分析1970-2010年鄂尔多斯周缘发生的114次显著地震序列,结果表明,主余型序列占57%,孤立型序列占32%,多震型序列占11%.根据地震类型的空间分布特点,对鄂尔多斯周缘地震进行分区,各分区主余型地震占多数,多震型地震主要集中在鄂尔多斯北缘和东缘中北段,孤立型地震在鄂尔多斯西缘南段、南缘和东缘南段比例较高.  相似文献   

强震前加速矩释放现象目前是国际上讨论比较激烈的一个话题,而不同地区的强震前的加速矩释放现象应各有不同。通过对辽宁地区1999年以来的3次MS5.0地震震前加速矩释放现象进行对比分析,并讨论了不同计算尺度和积累时间下震中附近地区m值的变化范围。认为在辽宁地区中强震前确实存在加速矩释放现象,且省内中强震发生前加速矩释放均存在累积半径较小和时间窗长较短的情况。  相似文献   

通过对华北地区13次Ms5级以上地震在震前不同时间的贝尼奥夫应变释放曲线的特征进行分析,得出大部分中强地震前存在地震矩释放加速现象,同时从空间上分析了应变释放特性与地震的关系,发现很多地震在震前1~2年震中附近区域会出现大范围类椭圆形的低m值区域,这个区域与未来主震的位置有着很好的对应,这为华北地区未来中强地震的危险性判定提供了参考。  相似文献   

利用1970年以来积累的仪器记录地震目录资料,基于G-R关系的应变积累释放模型,研究了鄂尔多斯块体周缘的应变积累释放分期特征及其所处的应变状态。结果表明,块体周缘的应变积累释放具有明显的两阶段分期特征,其周缘整体的应变释放和积累的分界线大致在公元2000年左右。块体周缘以及块体北缘、东缘、西缘目前均处于应变积累状态,应变积累时间均超过10年,未来将进入应变释放阶段,应变释放强度最大的为块体北缘、其次是块体的东缘和西缘;释放的应变量分别相当于6.5级和6.0级左右地震强度。南缘仍处于应变积累释放的起伏阶段。  相似文献   

The high likelihood of a gap-filling thrust earthquake in the Alaska subduction zone within this decade is indicated by two independent methods: analysis of historic earthquake recurrence data and time-to-failure analysis applied to recent decades of instrumental data. Recent (May 1993) earthquake activity in the Shumagin Islands gap is consistent with previous projections of increases in seismic release, indicating that this segment, along with the Alaska Peninsula segment, is approaching failure. Based on this pattern of accelerating seismic release, we project the occurrence of one or moreM7.3 earthquakes in the Shumagin-Alaska Peninsula region during 1994–1996. Different segments of the Alaska-Aleutian seismic zone behave differently in the decade or two preceding great earthquakes, some showing acceleration of seismic release (type A zones), while others show deceleration (type D zones). The largest Alaska-Aleutian earthquakes—in 1957, 1964, and 1965—originated in zones that exhibit type D behavior. Type A zones currently showing accelerating release are the Shumagin, Alaska Peninsula, Delarof, and Kommandorski segments. Time-to-failure analysis suggests that the large earthquakes could occur in these latter zones within the next few years.  相似文献   

强震前后广义地震应变释放过程的丛集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用基于小波变换的多重分形奇异谱估计方法,研究了部分强震前后地震活动广义应变.释放过程的多重分形特征。结果表明,晨中区附近- -定范围内地展活动广义应变释放过程具有多重分形特征,但多重分形维数谱随7变化复杂,在强震发生前多重分形维数谱没有明显的变化。广义地震应变释放过程的多重分形奇异谱形态和Hausdorff奇异指数范围能提供更多关于地屣活动过程的信息,特别当η取较大值时Hausdorff奇异指数范围在强晨前明显变窄。研究还表明深源地展和浅源地晨发生前广义应变释放过程多重分形特征存在明显不同。  相似文献   

Introduction In recent years the study of the digital seismology has made great progress due to the wide use of the broadband digital records. And many fine results of the focal theory have obtained. The focal theory mainly studies the physical process of the seismic fracture and production of the seismic wave, as well as its traveling process. One of the great progresses is to simulate the fracture process in the active fault. Especially a new concept of the fracture mechanics has been intro…  相似文献   

The Harvard CMT catalogue contains 481 shallow earthquakes that occurred between 1 January 1977 and 30 November 2005 within a broad region defined by the geographical latitude from 3°S to 14°N and by the longitude from 91°E to 102°E. There are 230 events that occurred before the great earthquake of 26 December 2004. Their surface distribution is not uniform and the source area of the 2004 great event appears as an area of seismic quiescence with a radius of about 100 km. There are 186 events that occurred between the two great earthquakes of 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005. Practically all of them are located to the northwest from the great earthquake of 2005, that in turn was followed by 63 events, mostly located to the southeast. The cumulative seismic moment from earthquakes before the occurrence of the great event of 2004 increased rather regularly with time, with sudden increase about twenty years and two years before the occurrence of the great event. The seismic moment of earthquakes between the two great events increased rapidly during the first ten-fifteen days, then flattened out and increased slowly with time. After the great event of 2005 the seismic moment shows quiet increase during some 115 days, then sudden jump, followed by very small activity till the end of our observations. From the spatial distribution of seismic moment of earthquakes that occurred before the great event of 2004 it follows that its largest release appeared to the southeast from the great event, around the rupture area of the great earthquake of 2005. The largest release of seismic moment from earthquakes between the two great events is observed in the vicinity of the 2004 event and further up to the north. The seismic moment from earthquakes that occurred after the great event of 2005 was mostly released in its vicinity and further down to the south.  相似文献   

On the basis of growing evidence thatstrong earthquakes are preceded by a periodof accelerating seismicity of moderatemagnitude earthquakes, an attempt is madeto search for such seismicity pattern in NWAegean area. Accelerating seismic crustaldeformation has been identified in the areaof southern Albanides mountain range(border region between Greece, formerYugoslavia and Albania). Based on certainproperties of this activity and on itssimilarity with accelerating seismicdeformation observed before a strongearthquake which occurred in the sameregion on 26 May 1960 (M = 6.5), we canconclude that a similar earthquake may begenerated in the same region during thenext few years. This conclusion is inagreement with independent results whichhave been derived on the basis of the timepredictable model.  相似文献   

应变释放∑E1/2、小震调制比Rm值、缺震M、b值、G-R关系偏离度η值和地震非均匀度GL值等项地震活动参数空间扫描结果对于东南沿海地震带西段及其邻近地区的中强震发生地点具有一定的预报能力.根据该区已发生的10次Ms≥4.9级地震震前的空间异常分布初步给出了这6项参数的异常判据,并认为未来中强震所在区域应基本同时满足应变释放、小震调制比和缺震的异常指标;同时,未来中强震应发生在这6项异常密度最大的地区.研究结果表明,10次中强震中有7次地震位于异常最大密度区内,其中有5次地震的异常密度达到5项以上.  相似文献   

Based on Generalized Seismic Ray Theory (Helmberger, 1968), a new quickly linear inversion method from the data of seismic waveform to seismic moment tensor and source mechanism for domestic earthquake is studied in this paper. Six moderately strong earthquakes which occurred in Chinese mainland in the past few years are studied. The seismic source parameters of these earthquakes, seismic moment tensors, scalar seismic moments, fault plane solutions and source time functionsetc, are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 261–268, 1993.  相似文献   

在波谱分析的基础上,对广东地区75个地震的波谱和震源参数进行了研究和探讨,侧重研究了它们与地震强度的关系,初步结果表明:地震波谱和震源参数的震源半径,地震矩,应力降,平均位错,环境剪切应力,它们与地震的震级的相关性十分密切,主要表现在当震级小于ML3.8时,应力降、平均位错、环境剪切应力的对数跟震级呈现明显的正相关,而拐角频率、震源半径则与震级无关;反之,当震级大于ML3.8时,拐角频率、震源半径的对数则与震级又表现出很强的相关性,而应力降、平均位错、环境剪切应力与震级相关性不显著。上述结果说明,用地震波谱和震源参数开展地震预报研究必须十分注意它们与地震强度彼此的相关性问题,否则会对异常的判别造成很大的影响,从而得出错误的结果。  相似文献   

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