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Trauma‐informed care is an emerging value that is seen as fundamental to effective and contemporary mental health nursing practice. Trauma‐informed care, like recovery, leaves mental health nurses struggling to translate these values into day‐to‐day nursing practice. Many are confused about what individual actions they can take to support these values. To date, the most clearly articulated policy to emerge from the trauma‐informed care movement in Australia has been the agreement to reduce, and wherever possible, eliminate the use of seclusion and restraint. Confronted with the constant churn of admissions and readmissions of clients with challenging behaviours, and seemingly intractable mental illness, the elimination of seclusion and restraint is seen to be utopian by many mental health nurses in inpatient settings. Is trauma‐informed care solely about eliminating seclusion and restraint, or are there other tangible practices nurses could utilize to effect better health outcomes for mental health clients, especially those with significant abuse histories? This article summarizes the findings from the literature from 2000–2011 in identifying those practices and clinical activities that have been implemented to effect trauma‐informed care in inpatient mental health settings.  相似文献   

Informed consent, essentially a legal doctrine, is designed to protect the rights of patients. However, in an area of practice such as psychiatry, informed consent imposes many problems if one considers it to be a static process. In this paper we propose that process consent, the type of consent considered essential in qualitative research projects, is not only appropriate but necessary for mental health nursing practice. This type of consent is an ongoing consensual process that involves the nurse and patient in mutual decision making and ensures that the patient is kept informed at all stages of the treatment process. We have used neuroleptic medications as an example throughout the paper and have suggested that seeking informed consent should be added to the role of the nurse in the mental health setting.  相似文献   


Post deinstitutionalization saw the rise of mental health crisis (MHC) response in Canada. First points of contact for individuals in a MHC are often police services or emergency departments. Professionals in these areas may report feeling unprepared, ill equipped, and a lack of confidence to work with clients in crisis. Police indicate that this work is time consuming, demanding, and “not their job”. Entry points can exacerbate the crisis given the chaotic, over-stimulating and frightening environment of emergency departments and the perceived threat of police officers. Despite the outcry of support for working more collaboratively, little is known about the impact Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) has in mental health crisis response systems (MHCRS). Purpose: Given this challenge, the aim of this scoping review is to contribute to understanding the current state of knowledge related to IPC in MHCRS. Methods: A scoping reviews was conducted to address the research topic. Results: Review of the literature identified 18 articles for inclusion, 5 experimental or exploratory papers, 7 models of care, and 6 discussion papers. Analysis identified the following themes: Support for interprofessional collaboration, quest for improved care delivery system, merging distinct visions of care, and challenges to interprofessional collaboration. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed, as well as issues in the literature related to: Lack of conceptual clarity, absent client perspectives, unequal representation across sectors, and a young and emergent body of literature. Conclusion: Key concepts need better conceptualization, and further empirical research is needed.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Conceptualizing mental health crisis (MHC) response as occurring within a system of services, rather than independent sectors, is critical to meeting the needs of clients.

  • Purposefully built in mechanisms to sustain collaboration across care teams and services are required.

  • Merging the distinct, and at times conflicting, visions of care espoused by the diverse sectors involved in MHC response requires deliberate effort.


Many patients in mental health settings are likely to have histories of interpersonal traumatic experiences. Mental health providers are recommended to adopt trauma‐informed care (TIC) to ensure sensitivity and responsiveness to the impact of trauma on patients. However, few studies have examined the effectiveness of a TIC training programme using standardized measures with follow‐up assessments. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of a TIC training programme on attitudes towards TIC in mental health professionals. The study involved a pre–post design with 3‐month follow‐up assessments conducted between March and June 2018. In total, 65 mental health professionals from 29 psychiatric hospitals in Tokyo and its suburban prefectures participated in the study. Mental health professionals participated in a 1‐day programme consisting of a 3.5‐hour lecture and 1‐hour group discussion. Development of favourable attitudes towards TIC was the primary outcome, as assessed by using the Attitude Related Trauma‐Informed Care scale. The majority of participants were women (86%), and the mean age was 42.2 years. The mean score of the Attitude Related Trauma‐Informed Care scale scores increased significantly from 5.1 during pre‐training to 5.5 immediately after training (mean difference: 0.4; 95% confidence interval: 0.3–0.5) and 5.4 after 3 months (mean difference: 0.3; 95% confidence interval: 0.2–0.4). Furthermore, half of the participants claimed to have implemented TIC practice in daily clinical settings at the 3‐month follow‐up. These results suggested that this brief TIC training programme improved attitudes towards TIC practice significantly.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout in mental health nurses and to identify its predictors. A systematic review was conducted of studies published in the following databases: CINAHL, Dialnet, LILACS, ProQuest, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, and Scopus. The search equation used was “Nurs * AND Burnout AND mental health”. Subsequently, three fixed‐effects meta‐analyses were performed, one for each dimension of burnout, to calculate its prevalence and the corresponding confidence intervals. The data were analysed using StatsDirect meta‐analysis software. Eleven studies were finally included (n = 11). In most cases, the literature informs about moderate levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. The studies inform that variables such as work overload, work‐related stress, professional seniority, male gender, being single, and aggression at work, among other factors, contribute to burnout development. The meta‐analytic prevalence estimations of burnout with a sample of n = 868 mental health nurses are 25% for high emotional exhaustion, 15% for depersonalization, and 22% for low personal accomplishment. From a workforce development and safety perspective, it is important for managers to address the emotional exhaustion and low personal accomplishment aspects of burnout reported in the workplace by mental health nurses.  相似文献   

Police officers as first responders to acute mental health crisis in the community, commonly transport people in mental health crisis to a hospital emergency department. However, emergency departments are not the optimal environments to provide assessment and care to those experiencing mental health crises. In 2012, the Northern Police and Clinician Emergency Response (NPACER) team combining police and mental health clinicians was created to reduce behavioural escalation and provide better outcomes for people with mental health needs through diversion to appropriate mental health and community services. The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of major stakeholders on the ability of the team to reduce behavioural escalation and improve the service utilization of people in mental health crisis. Responses of a purposive sample of 17 people (carer or consumer advisors, mental health or emergency department staff, and police or ambulance officers) who had knowledge of, or had interfaced with, the NPACER were thematically analyzed after one‐to‐one semistructured interviews. Themes emerged about the challenge created by a stand‐alone police response, with the collaborative strengths of the NPACER (communication, information sharing, and knowledge/skill development) seen as the solution. Themes on improvements in service utilization were revealed at the point of community contact, in police stations, transition through the emergency department, and admission to acute inpatient units. The NPACER enabled emergency department diversion, direct access to inpatient mental health services, reduced police officer ‘down‐time’, improved interagency collaboration and knowledge transfer, and improvements in service utilization and transition.  相似文献   

Although psychiatric crises are very common in people with mental illness, little is known about consumer perceptions of mental health crisis care. Given the current emphasis on recovery‐oriented approaches, shared decision‐making, and partnering with consumers in planning and delivering care, this knowledge gap is significant. Since the late 1990s, access to Australian mental health services has been facilitated by 24/7 telephone‐based mental health triage systems, which provide initial psychiatric assessment, referral, support, and advice. A significant proportion of consumers access telephone‐based mental health triage services in a state of crisis, but to date, there has been no published studies that specifically report on consumer perceptions on the quality and effectiveness of the care provided by these services. This article reports on a study that investigated consumer perceptions of accessing telephone‐based mental health triage services. Seventy‐five mental health consumers participated in a telephone interview about their triage service use experience. An eight‐item survey designed to measure the responsiveness of mental health services was used for data collection. The findings reported here focus on the qualitative data produced in the study. Consumer participants shared a range of perspectives on telephone‐based mental health triage that provide invaluable insights into the needs, expectations, and service use experiences of consumers seeking assistance with a mental health problem. Consumer perceptions of crisis care have important implications for practice. Approaches and interventions identified as important to quality care can be used to inform educational and practice initiatives that promote person‐centred, collaborative crisis care.  相似文献   

Reflective practice in nursing has been shown to improve both client care and nurses role satisfaction. Students require regular and guided opportunities to learn the necessary reflective skills that underpin best practice. Problem-based learning (PBL) processes based on comprehensive learning packages developed from actual clinical cases provide a contextualized and realistic means for students to develop and hone their reflective skills for use as mental health practitioners. This paper uses a case illustration to demonstrate the usefulness of PBL as a mechanism for developing reflective practice in the mental health context. Students analysed five cases drawn from actual documented clinical materials that included nursing, medical and allied health professionals' assessments, treatment regimes, and progress notes. One student's written analysis of the five cases and an interview with the student is presented as a case illustration. The case illustrates the student's reflections on the theme of 'hope' for the clients and identified three obstacles. These were: (i) a lack of acknowledgement by health professionals of traumatic life events; (ii) overlooking less tangible losses; and (iii) a central focus on drug treatment. Reflective learning strategies can be incorporated in on- and off-campus learning environments and used to assist the learner to practise critical reflective skills in a controlled and safe manner. Reflective processes are more meaningful if the PBL package that students encounter represents real clinical scenarios with comprehensive resource materials.  相似文献   

This ethnographic account of mental health nursing in a 22-bed acute inpatient facility in New South Wales, Australia, uncovered cultural meaning and cultural realities associated with the delivery of nursing care within the context of current challenges, demands, and influences brought about by service reforms. The findings demonstrate that mental health nurses have been responsive to changes brought about by the reforms. The ability of nurses to readily identify service gaps in their everyday practice provides them with the opportunity to develop strategies to respond to workplace challenges. As such, findings of the study contribute to current discussions concerning acute inpatient mental health nursing practice.  相似文献   

Various authors suggest mental health nursing is dominated by knowledge borrowed from psychiatry, pharmacology and the behavioural sciences. These disciplines favour knowledge developed using quantitative methodologies so they and evidence-based practice (EBP) and evidence-based nursing (EBN), increasingly called for in mental health nursing, fit seamlessly together. Nevertheless, as these movements dismiss qualitative approaches to knowledge (evidence) development, I argue against the move toward EBP/EBN in mental health nursing. This is because the specialty's primary interests - human experiences of illness/health care and human relationships, often do not lend themselves to being quantitatively researched. Using nursing examples, I demonstrate how qualitative research, wholly unacceptable in relation to EBP/EBN quality of evidence scales, is indispensable to mental health nursing. The need for evidence arising from qualitative research in no way precludes the need for quantitatively derived evidence. Indeed, the specialty's twofold interest - the work of nurses with clients and the explication of phenomena which inform practice, require diverse knowledge and thus, diverse research approaches. This twofold interest defines the area of mental health nursing practice, and knowledge informing it is referred to as nursing based evidence (NBE). Because it values multiple approaches to knowledge development, NBE provides a way to articulate the specialty's distinct contribution to the health care of people experiencing mental illness and advances mental health nursing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evidence‐based practice (EBP) has become a dominant epistemology in nursing education, and has devalued the complex interpersonal components of mental health nursing. A curriculum for mental health nursing, which values the personhood of service users, should focus on those processes that promote recovery within a therapeutic relationship committed to collaboration and respect for diversity. These relationships become possible where the preparation of mental health nurses for practice includes an examination of self in terms of beliefs and values and their consequences on others. The combination of action and reflection in praxis provides a means by which self‐examination and professional obligation can be examined in order to construct a moral identity, which is responsive to the needs of people with mental health problems. Praxis is more than a means of reflecting on practice: it draws together skill, practice knowledge, attitudinal style, and moral reasoning. For this reason, ethical values have a vital role to play in the development of contemporary nursing praxis.  相似文献   

Trauma-informed care has gained increasing popularity in mental health services over the past two decades. Mental health nurses remain one of the largest occupations employed in acute mental health settings and arguably have a critical role in supporting trauma-informed care in this environment. Despite this, there remains a limited understanding on how trauma-informed care is applied to the context of mental health nursing in the hospital environment. The aim of this study was to explore what it means for mental health nurses to provide trauma-informed care in the acute mental health setting. The study design was qualitative, using van Manen's (Researching lived experience: human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. State University of New York Press, 1990) approach to hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry. A total of 29 mental health nurses participated in this study. There were three overarching themes that emerged; these entail: embodied trauma-informed milieu, trauma-informed relationality and temporal dimensions of trauma-informed mental health nursing. The study found that for mental health nurses, there are elements of trauma-informed care that extend far beyond the routine application of the principles to nursing practice. For mental health nurses working in the acute setting, trauma-informed care may offer a restorative function in practice back to the core tenants of therapeutic interpersonal dynamics it was once based upon.  相似文献   

The introduction of evidence‐based practice (EBP) and the hierarchical approach to evidence it engenders within research and evaluation has aroused controversy in the mental health professions. The aim of this paper is to present a critique of EBP with a specific relationship to mental health nursing. It will be argued that in its current form, EBP presents a potential impediment to the facilitation of consumer participation in mental health services and to the recovery model. The need for the consumer voice and the importance of the lived experience of mental illness are not readily reconciled with a strong scientific paradigm that promotes detachment and objectivity. The importance of evidence in contemporary mental health care will also be acknowledged and discussed in light of the current climate of increased consumer knowledge, fiscal constraint, and extensive social criticism of mental health‐care services. The current approach to EBP requires reconstruction to support the consumer‐focused nature of mental health nursing, and to facilitate the implementation of a recovery model for mental health care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of quantitative psychiatric/mental health nursing research articles published in English between 1982 and 1992, worldwide. Criteria for selection of articles included nurse authorship or co-authorship, use of a quantitative design and pertinence to an aspect of the nursing process with psychiatric/mental health patients. One hundred and ninety-four articles met these criteria. The quality of each article was assessed by two nurse experts using Duffy's Research Appraisal Checklist (RAC). Forty-six point nine per cent of the articles were rated as superior, 50% as average and 3.1% as below average. Other findings identified journals that published research articles, countries in which research was completed, applicability of funding and qualifications of the authors. The major implications of this study are that nurses can be directed to superior articles; more publication of research by nurse authors is warranted, research is being completed with little financial support, highly rated research publications tend to get funding and editorial policies affect the quality of publication.  相似文献   

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