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H. Otsiogo-Oyabi  G. Roblin 《Planta》1984,161(5):404-408
Glycine (1–50 mM) increases the rate of the dark-induced (scotonastic) movements and decreases the amplitude and the rate of the light-induced (photonastic) movements of the secondary pulvini of Mimosa pudica leaves. The uptake of glycine is accompanied by a long-lasting dose-dependent increase in the alkalinity of the bathing medium of the excised pulvini. The data are in agreement with a H+-glycine co-transport mechanism within the pulvinar cells. Fusicoccin (50 M), known to promote H+–K+ exchange, antagonizes the effects of glycine on the movements and the alkalization of the bathing medium of the excised pulvini. The present results argue for the hypothesis that proton fluxes mediate the scotonastic and photonastic pulvinar movements.Abbreviations Gly glycine - FC fusicoccin - P1 primary pulvinus - P2 secondary pulvinus  相似文献   

P. Fleurat-Lessard 《Protoplasma》1981,105(3-4):177-184
Summary InMimosa pudica the primary and secondary motor organs (pulvini) of fully grown leaves are capable of graviresponse. These organs possess sedimentable amyloplasts in their starch sheath cells.In the primary pulvinus these cells are characterized by a structural polarity induced by the localization of nucleus at their (morphologically) apical part and the localization of amyloplasts at their (physically) basal part. These cells also display structural peculiarities including plasmodesmatal disposition, little development of the endoplasmic reticulum and an absence of vacuolar tannins; moreover, the sedimentation of the amyloplasts, induced by gravistimulation, is accompanied by the variation of localization of the cytoplasm, vacuole and mitochondria and by structural modifications of the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Summary Using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, the concentrations of ions, especially potassium and chlorine, were determined in different tissues of primary and tertiary pulvini of Mimosa pudica. It was shown that stimulating the leaf was followed by ion displacements which were most striking in the outer extensor cells, resulting in turgor loss. Since Ca concentration remains relatively constant in cell walls of collapsed cells, the changes of K concentration are best described by the K:Ca ratio. After stimulation the K:Ca ratio dropped in the outer extensor of the primary pulvinus from 775.3 to 2.37 in the cytoplasm, and from 542.2 to 9.25 in the cell wall. Changes in chlorine content were less striking in the primary pulvinus. The KCl ratios in some cases were lower than 1.0, which indicates that Cl content can increase, while K content is diminished. In the non-stimulated tertiary pulvini the outer extensor cells show high concentrations of Cl, but much lower Cl concentrations were found after stimulation. In contrast to the primary pulvinus the K content of the tertiary pulvini is very low. In the vascular tissues of both primary and tertiary pulvini stimulation is followed by a release of K and Cl out of the sieve element cytoplasm into the apoplast. K then appears accumulated in the cell walls of the collenchymatous tissue. These displacements lead to the assumption that the collenchymatous apoplast temporarily functions as a reservoir for K and to a lesser extent for Cl. With regard to the mechanism of leaf movement after stimulation, the accumulation of ions in the apoplast seems to be initiated by the decrease of water potential triggered by an apoplastic accumulation of unloaded sucrose (Fromm and Eschrich 1988a). The resulting turgor release in the outer extensor is accompanied by an efflux of ions.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The bending movement of the pulvinus of Mimosa pudica is caused by a rapid change in volume of the abaxial motor cells, in response to various environmental stimuli. We investigated the relationship between the actin cytoskeleton and changes in the level of calcium during rapid contractile movement of the motor cells that was induced by electrical stimulation. The bending of the pulvinus was retarded by treatments with actin-affecting reagents and calcium channel inhibitors. The actin filaments in the motor cells were fragmented in response to electrical stimulation. Further investigations were performed using protoplasts from the motor cells of M. pudica pulvini. Calcium-channel inhibitors and EGTA had an inhibitory effect on contractile movement of the protoplasts. The level of calcium increased and became concentrated in the tannin vacuole after electrical stimulation. Ruthenium Red inhibited the increase in the level of calcium in the tannin vacuole and the contractile movement of the protoplasts. However, treatment with latrunculin A abolished the inhibitory effect of Ruthenium Red. Phalloidin inhibited the contractile movement and the increase in the level of calcium in the protoplasts. Our study demonstrates that depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton in pulvinus motor cells in response to electrical signals results in increased levels of calcium.Key words: actin, calcium, pulvinus movement, the tannin vacuole, Mimosa pudica  相似文献   

Isolated protoplasts from pulvinar motor cells of Mimosa pudica were studied using conventional whole-cell patch clamp techniques. With internal solutions weakly buffered for Ca2+ (0.2 mm EGTA), a run-down of the outward delayed rectifier K+ current was induced by hyperpolarizing the holding potential, and this effect was strongly promoted by high external Ca2+ concentrations. This rundown could be reversed by coming back to less hyperpolarized holding potentials or by lowering the external [Ca2+]. Such rundown was absent when pipette internal solutions strongly buffered (10 mm EGTA) for Ca2+ were used. Ionomycin induced run-down of the K+ current with internal solutions containing 0.2 mm but not 10 mm EGTA. The hyperpolarization-associated rundown was reversibly blocked by Gd3+ and La3+.We thank Christophe Untereiner and Denis Wagner for expert technical assistance in facilitating the experiments and data acquisition and analysis.  相似文献   

K. G. Krieger 《Planta》1978,140(2):107-109
Auxin application to the upper side of the pulvinus of primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. promoted bending away from the place of application. The effect had a latency of less than 20 min and was specifically induced by substances known as active auxins in growth tests (indoleacetic and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid) but not by inactive auxin analogs (2-naphthaleneacetic, 3-indolepropionic and benzoic acid); 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and L-(-)-2,4-dichlorophenoxyisopropionic acid were of intermediate activity. Auxin-promoted bending was reversible and presumably caused by turgor increase in the treated cells.Abbreviations IAA 3-indolacetic acid - NAA naphthylacetic acid  相似文献   

A decrease in electric resistance and an increase in the extracellularCl concentration ([Cl]) in the main pulvinus ofMimosa occurred immediately after the action potential of themotor cells. The beginnings of both changes were almost coincidentalwith the beginning of the rapid movement. A remarkable increasein [Cl] was seen in the lower half of the pulvinus, butonly a slight increase in the upper half. Release of Cl,probably with K+; and other ions, from the motor cells impliesan ejection of liquid from the vacuole. When recovery of thepulvinus following rapid movement was fast in light, [Cl]decreased to its initial level within 20 min. When the recoverywas slow in darkness, [Cl] decreased at a slow rate andmaintained a higher level than its initial one for a long time.Photosynthetic inhibitors delayed recovery and the decreasein [Cl] even in light. These facts suggest that the re-entryof ions into motor cells during recovery partially requiresa photosynthetic energy supply. (Received February 12, 1980; )  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical techniques were employed to study the spatial distribution of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase within various cell types of the young reactive primary pulvinus ofMimosa pudica L. These cells were interconnected by large numbers of plasmodesmata, being concentrated within pit-fields. Although we could routinely detect evidence of the H+-ATPase along the plasma membrane, immunolabelling was rarely, if ever, observed along the plasma membranes of the plasmodesmata. This finding is discussed with respect to the likely specialized supramolecular structure of the plasmodesma.Abbreviations SEL size exclusion limit of plasmodesmata  相似文献   

The shortening, action potential and Cl-efflux of the excised lower half cortex in the main pulvinus ofMimosa pudica were simultaneously recorded. The mean values±(S.E.) for Cl-efflux and shortening were 183±18 picomoles/mg fresh weight/impulse and 87.0±2.2 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

The movement of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merrill leaflets is a consequence of the re-distribution of K+ and anions between motor cells on opposite sides of the pulvinus. We used a K+-sensitive microelectrode to study dynamic changes in K+ transport through motor-cell membranes during and immediately after change in illumination. Potassium-ion-sensitive and reference microelectrodes were inserted into extensor or flexor tissue of a whole pulvinus in white light (WL). A brief pulse of red light (RL) followed by darkness (D) (a) increased K+ activity in the extensor apoplast, indicating K+ release by the protoplast; and (b) decreased K+ activity in the flexor apoplast, indicating K+ uptake by the protoplast. White light after 35–40 min D reversed K+ activity in the extensor apoplast to approximately its original value. Blue light substituted partially for WL in this regard. Potassium-ion activity in the flexor apoplast reverted to approximately its original value after 2 h, with or without white illumination. Our data support the hypothesis that K+ efflux from extensor cells and K+ uptake by flexor cells following a WLRLD transition occurs by way of K+ channels.Abbreviations L light - WL white light - RL red light - BL blue light - D darkness  相似文献   

Nick P  Sailer H  Schafer E 《Planta》1990,181(3):385-392
The interaction of photo- and gravitropic stimulation was studied by analysing the curvature of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles subjected to rotation on horizontal clinostats. Gravitropic curvature in different directions with respect to the stimulation plane was found to be transient. This instability was caused by an increasing deviation of response direction from the stimulation plane towards the caryopsis. The bending angle as such, however, increased steadily. This reorientation of the gravitropic response towards the caryopsis is thought to be caused by the clinostat-elicited nastic curvature found in maize coleoptiles. In contrast, the response to phototropic stimulation was stable, in both, orientation and curving. Although stimulation by gravity was not capable of inducing a stable tropistic response, it could inhibit the response to opposing phototropic stimulation, if the counterstimulation was given more than 90 min after the onset of gravistimulation. For shorter time intervals the influence of the phototropic stimulus obscured the response to the first, gravitropic stimulation. For time intervals exceeding 90 min, however, the phototropic effects disappeared and the response was identical to that for gravity stimulation alone. This gravity-induced inhibition of the phototropic response was confined to the plane of gravity stimulation, because a phototropic stimulation in the perpendicular direction remained unaffected, irrespective of the time interval between the stimulations. This concerned not only the stable phototropic curving, but also the capacity of the phototropic induction to elicit a stable directional memory as described earlier (P. Nick and F. Schäfer, 1988b, Planta 175, 380–388). This was tested by a second bluelight pulse opposing the first. It is suggested that gravity, too, can induce a directional memory differing from the blue-light elicited memory. The mechanisms mediating gravi- and phototropic directional memories are thought to branch off the respective tropistic signal chains at a stage where photo- and gravitropic transduction are still separate.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and a grant of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes to P. Nick.  相似文献   

Summary Parenchyma cells ofMimosa pudica display close associations between two or more cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. These associations form simplified types of lamellar bodies in which inner paired lamellae have lost their ribonucleoprotein granules and are separated by a dense layer.  相似文献   

The shortening and action potential of the upper and lower cortices of the main pulvinus ofMimosa pudica were recorded simultaneously. The shortening and action potential were observed only in the lower cortex. The extensibility and the excitability of the cortex are discussed.  相似文献   

We used ion-sensitive, double-barrel microelectrodes to measure changes in hepatocyte transmembrane potential (V m), intracellular K+, Cl-, and Na+ activities (a i k, a Cl i and a Na i ), and water volume during l-alanine uptake. Mouse liver slices were superfused with control and experimental Krebs physiological salt solutions. The experimental solution contained 20 m l-alanine, and the control solution was adjusted to the same osmolality (305 mOsm) with added sucrose. Hepatocytes also were loaded with 50 mm tetramethylammonium ion (TMA+) for 10 min. Changes in cell water volume during l-alanine uptake were determined by changes in intracellular, steady-state TMA+ activity measured with the K+ electrode. Hepatocyte control V m was -33±1 mV. l-alanine uptake first depolarized V m by 2±0.2 mV and then hyperpolarized V m by 5 mV to-38±1 mV (n = 16) over 6 to 13 min. During this hyperpolarization, a Na i increased by 30% from 19±2 to 25±3 mm (P < 0.01), and a K i did not change significantly from 83±3 mm. However, with added ouabain (1 mm) l-alanine caused only a 2-mV increase in V m, but now a K i decreased from 61±3 to 54±5 mm (P < 0.05). Hyperpolarization of V m by l-alanine uptake also resulted in a 38% decrease of a Cl i from 20±2 to 12±3 mm (P < 0.001). Changes in V m and V ClV m voltage traces were parallel during the time of l-alanine hyperpolarization, which is consistent with passive distribution of intracellular Cl with the V m in hepatocytes. Added Ba2+ abolished the l-alanineinduced hyperpolarization, and a Cl i remained unchanged. Hepatocyte water volume during l-alanine uptake increased by 12±3%. This swelling did not account for any changes in ion activities following l-alanine uptake. We conclude that hepatocyte a K i is regulated by increased Na+-K+ pump activity during l-alanine uptake in spite of cell swelling and increased V m due to increased K+ conductance. The hyperpolarization of V m during l-alanine uptake provides electromotive force to decrease a Cl i . The latter may contribute to hepatocyte volume regulation during organic solute transport.This work was supported by grant AA-08867 from the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Association.  相似文献   

The influx of K+ into excised roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) previously grown with or without K+ was measured in K+ solutions ranging in concentration from 0.01 to 50 mM. In both species the K+ influx was lower in the roots with high K+ content. The extent of reduction by high internal [K+] decreased with external concentration above 1 mM. These results support the contention that at high external concentrations passive diffusion makes significant contributions to observed fluxes.  相似文献   

M. C. Drew  L. R. Saker 《Planta》1984,160(6):500-507
The extent to which uptake and transport of either phosphate, potassium or chloride are controlled by the concentration of these ions within the root, perhaps through an allosteric mechanism, was investigated with young barley plants in nutrient solution culture. Plants were grown with their roots divided between two containers, such that a single seminal root was continuously supplied with all the required nutrient ions, while the remaining four or five seminal roots were either supplied with the same solution (controls) or, temporarily, a solution lacking a particular nutrient ion (nutrient-deficient treatment). Compared with controls, there was a marked stimulation of uptake and transport of labelled ions by the single root following 24 h or more of nutrient dificiency to the remainder of the root system. This stimulation, which comprised an increased transport to the shoot and, for all ions except Cl-, increased transport to the remainder of the root system, took place without appreciable change in the concentration of particular ions within the single root. However, nutrient deficiency quickly caused a lower concentration of ions in the shoot and the remaining roots. The results are discussed in relation to various mechanisms, proposed in the literature, by which the coordination of ion uptake and transport may be maintained within the plant. We suggest that under our conditions any putative allosteric control of uptake and transport by root cortical cells was masked by an alternative mechanism, in which ion influx appears to be regulated by ion efflux to the xylem, perhaps controlled by the concentration of particular ions recycled in the phloem to the root from the shoot.  相似文献   

Leaflet movements in Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merrill are driven by fluxes of K+, anions, and water through membranes of motor cells in the pulvinus (R.L. Satter et al., 1974, J. Gen. Physiol. 64, 413–430). Extensor cells take up K+ and swell in white light (WL) while flexor cells take up K+ and swell in darkness (D). Excised strips of extensor and flexor motor tissue acidify their bathing medium under conditions that normally promote increase in K+ in the intact tissue, and alkalize the medium under conditions that normally induce decrease in K+ (A. Iglesias and R.L. Satter, 1983, Plant Physiol. 72, 564). To obtain information on pH changes in the whole pulvinus, we measured effects of light on pH of the apoplast, using liquid membrane microelectrodes sensitive to H+. We report the following: (1) The pH of the extensor apoplast was higher than that of the flexor apoplast in WL and in D (pH gradient of 1.0 units in WL and 2.0 units in D). Apoplastic pH might affect K+ transport through the plasma membranes of Samanea motor cells, since the conductance, gating, and selectivity of ionic channels in other systems depend upon external pH. (2) Extensor cells acidified and flexor cells alkalized their environment in response to irradiation with WL, while the reverse changes occurred in response to D. These results are consistent with the results of Iglesias and Satter (1983), and support the physiological relevance of data obtained with excised tissue. (3) The pH changes in response to irradiation with red light were similar to those obtained with D; also, the pH changes in response to blue light were similar to those obtained with WL. The pulvinus closed in red light as in darkness and opened in WL, but failed to open in blue light. The advantages and limitations of apoplastic pH measurements for assaying H+ transport are discussed.Abbreviations BL blue light - D darkness - RL red light - WL white light  相似文献   

In 0.8 M mannitol solution, no rapid shortening was recorded, while normal action potential was recorded. This result suggests that motive force of rapid shortening is an elastic stretch of the cell wall caused by the turgor pressure, and that osmotic concentration of motor cell is 0.6–0.7 M. IAA increased the rapid shortening, recovery rate and Cl-efflux. The magnitudes of rapid shortening in IAA were 3–10 times as large as those in APW. The mean and maximum values of the rapid shortening in IAA were 87.0±2.2μm and 207 μm, respectively, or 1.6 and 3.9% of the whole length of motor tissue. When the large rapid shortening occurred, the large recovery rate was observed. These results suggest that both mechanisms, expulsion and re-entry of cell sap, are enhanced by IAA treatment. IAA-induced hyperpolarization was observed with a short time lag, which suggests that IAA enhances the electrogenic ion pump.  相似文献   

The present article reports the interplay of indoleamine neurohormones viz. serotonin, melatonin and calcium channels on shoot organogenesis in Mimosa pudica L. In vitro grown nodal segments were cultured on MS medium with B5 vitamins containing Serotonin (SER) and Melatonin (MEL) at 100 µM and indoleamine inhibitors viz. serotonin to melatonin conversion inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) at 40 µM, serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Prozac) 20 µM. In another set of experiment, calcium at 5 mM, calcium ionophore (A23187) 100 µM, and calcium channel blocker varapamil hydrochloride (1 mM) a calcium chelator EGTA (100 µM) were administered to the culture medium. The percentage of shoot multiplication, endogenous MEL and SER were monitored during shoot organogenesis. At 100 µM SER and MEL treatment 60% and 70% explants responded for shoot multiplication respectively. Medium supplemented with either SER or MEL along with calcium (5 mM) 75%–80% explants responded for organogenesis. SER or MEL along with calcium ionophore (A23187) at 100 µM 70% explants responded for shoot multiplication. p-CPA, prozac, verapamil and EGTA, shoot multiplication was reduced and endogenous pools of SER, MEL decreased by 40–70%. The results clearly demonstrated that indoleamines and calcium channels positively influenced shoot organogenesis in M. pudica L.  相似文献   

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