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Analysis of the dynamic response of ships in accident scenarios requires a realistic idealisation of environmental and operational conditions by multi-physics models. This paper presents a procedure that simulates the influence of strongly coupled FSI effects on the dynamic response of ships involved in typical collision and grounding events. Our method couples an explicit 6-DoF structural dynamic finite element scheme with a hydrodynamic method accounting for (a) 6-DoF potential flow hydrodynamic actions; (b) the influence of evasive ship speed in the way of contact and (c) the effects of hydrodynamic resistance based on a RANS CFD model. Multi-physics simulations for typical accident scenarios involving passenger ships confirm that suitable FSI modelling may be critical for either collision or grounding events primarily because of the influence of hydrodynamic restoring forces.  相似文献   

  目的  在大破口损伤下计算船体总纵极限剩余承载能力时,是否计及船舶的浮态变化以及破口位置和大小等非线性耦合因素的影响,是合理评估船舶破损后的总纵极限剩余承载能力时值得深入研究的问题。  方法  以某船船体舯剖面大破口损伤为研究对象,采用Smith方法对船体总纵极限剩余承载能力进行计算分析,重点计算船舶因破损可能导致的不同倾斜角和连续浮态变化的总纵极限剩余承载能力。  结果  结果表明,不考虑船舶浮态变化,仅在船舶正浮状态下扣除大破口结构的计算结果,将会过高估计船舶破损后的总纵极限剩余承载能力。  结论  所用方法较为简便、快捷,可为船舶结构设计以及船舶损伤后的快速决策提供参考。  相似文献   

试样极限塑性和船舶触礁模型试验校准计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
船舶碰撞与搁浅时的结构损伤是一个复杂的动态非线性过程。国际船舶与离岸结构会议碰撞与搁浅委员会(ISSC-V.3)组织其成员进行了两项专题研究:(1)材料极限塑性极限应变试验数据用于有限元模型计算时的尺度修正系数;(2)各种计算方法用于船舶搁浅(触礁)计算的准确性。介绍了作者承担上述两项研究的成果,给出了极限塑性极限应变的尺度修正系数的计算方法和结果,论证了非线性有限元显式积分方法及MSC/Dytran软件用于搁浅计算的准确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a set of analytical expressions for the calculation of damage opening sizes in tanker groundings. The simplified formulas were given for the grounding force, longitudinal structural damage and the opening width in the inner and outer plating of a tanker's double bottom. The simplified formulas derived are based on a set of numerical simulations conducted with tankers of different dimensions- 120, 190 and 260 m in length. The simulations were performed for five penetration depths and for several rock/ground topologies.The formula for the horizontal grounding force was derived provided the grounding force is proportional to the contact area and the contact pressure. By use of regression analysis it was shown that the contact pressure for any combination of ship and rock size can be expressed with a single normalized polynomial. The actual contact pressure was found by scaling the normalized pressure with the structural resistance coefficient. Given the formulation for the normalized contact pressure, the actual contact force for a ship can be found as a product of average contact pressure and the contact area.The longitudinal length of the damage was evaluated based on the average contact force and the kinetic energy of the ship. The damage opening widths in the outer and inner bottom of the ship were derived separately for two ranges of relative rock sizes as they have strong influence on the deformation mode. The damage widths were given as a function of rock size, penetration depth and double bottom height. To improve the prediction of the onset of the inner bottom failure, a critical relative penetration depth as a function of the ratio of the rock size and the ship breadth was established.Comparison to the numerical simulations showed that the derived simplified approach describes the horizontal grounding force and the damage length well for the penetration depths above 0.5 m. For the range of specified relative rock sizes, the damage width in the inner and outer bottom deviates from numerical simulations approximately up to 25%, which was considered sufficient for the analyses where rapid damage assessment is needed. Comparison was also made to real accidental damage data and to the results of several simplified formulas.  相似文献   

The paper presents experimental, numerical and analytical analyses of a small-scale double-hull structure quasi-statically punched at the mid-span by a rigid flat edge indenter, to examine its energy-absorbing mechanism and fracture. The present study aims to further validate the numerical analysis procedure and the analytical method of individual stiffened panels and web girders against the experiment of the double-hull structure. The specimen, scaled from a tanker's double side structure, includes three spans between the web frames and two spans between the stringers. The paper provides practical information to estimate the extent of structural damage within ship sides during collision accidents. The experimentally obtained force-displacement response and deformation shape show a good agreement with the simulations performed by the explicit LS-DYNA finite element solver. The analysis of the double-hull structure demonstrates the accuracy of the procedure for identifying standard inputs used in numerical codes, in particular the definition of material plastic hardening and the calibration of the critical failure strain by tensile test simulation. The experimental and numerical results are used to validate the analytical method proposed in previous investigations at the plastic deformation stage and a revised semi-analytical method is proposed in the present study for the large penetration stage.  相似文献   

By taking advantage of the user-defined load subroutine (loadud) and the user common subroutine (usercomm) in LS-DYNA, the authors proposed a new coupled approach for simultaneously calculating structural damage and the planar 3DOF ship motions in ship collisions. The coupled procedure aimed at predicting the detailed structural damage together with reasonable global ship motions. This paper extends the method to consider the full 6DOF ship motions; thus, ship collision as well as grounding accidents can be properly handled. This method is particularly useful for design purposes because the detailed ship hull profile is not needed.A traditional ship maneuvering model is used for the in-plane surge, sway and yaw degrees of freedom with a series of nondimensional coefficients determined from experiments. It is assumed that the out-of-plane degrees of freedom are not coupled with the in-plane ship motions, and there is no coupling among roll, pitch and heave motions. The implementation is verified through free decay tests, and the obtained natural periods show good agreement with theoretical results.Several collision and grounding cases are simulated in which a supply vessel crashes into rigid plates with different orientations. The effects of the roll motion, the heave and pitch motions and the full 6DOF motions are studied. The results are compared with those from a 6DOF decoupled method. Ship motions through the proposed method compare reasonably well with SIMO results. It is found that several consecutive impacts may occur in the simulation of one collision case due to the periodic motions. This is not taken into account in the decoupled method, which makes this method unconservative.  相似文献   

The paper presents a simplified analytical method to examine the energy absorbing mechanisms of intact and damaged small-scale stiffened plate specimens, quasi-statically punched at the mid-span by a rigid wedge indenter. The specimens scaled from a tanker side panel are limited by one span between web frames and stringers. The influence of the initial damage on the impact response is based on the plastic behaviour of an intact specimen. The initial damage is provoked at one-quarter from the support by the same indenter that, afterwards, punches the specimen at the mid-span. In practice, initial imperfections of this type could be due to minor incidents during ship service operation, such as collision of ships with floating objects. To validate the proposed simplified method, experiments and numerical simulations are conducted. The experimentally obtained force-displacement responses and shapes of the deformation show good agreement with the simulations performed by the explicit LS-DYNA finite element solver. The analytical method derives expressions to estimate the energy dissipated by the intact and the damaged specimens based on the plastic deformation mechanisms, assuming that both the plate and stiffener structural components absorb the incident energy through the rotation of the plastic hinges at the point of contact and at the supports and the membrane tension over the plastically deforming region between the loading and the supports.  相似文献   

讨论了船舶结构有限元模型化问题,提出了几个船舶结构分析专用单元。这些单元能准确地反映船舶结构的特点,既能保证精度又有很高的效率。同时,还介绍了一个由作者开发的结构静力、动力有限元分析软件系统SAFE。它具有通用单元库和船舶结构专用单元库,可以进行有限元与边界元的耦合分析。SAFE有高效率的内外存文件管理系统和前后处理软件,可在微机上进行全船分析,是船舶结构设计阶段的一个理想的分析工具。  相似文献   

This paper provides a new contribution to the analytical treatment of ship grounding accidents. New formulations are proposed to assess the resisting force of outer/inner bottom plating and transverse floors when the vessel undergoes combined surge and heave motions during the grounding event. Considering shallow and sharp rocks described by parabolic functions, analytical solutions are derived from plastic limit analysis and validated by comparison to non-linear finite element simulations. A failure criterion is also proposed to trigger the rupture of the bottom plating and all the derived closed-form expressions are implemented into an in-house solver. The solver is then coupled to a 6-DOFs external dynamics program, which allows to account for the action of the surrounding water. Resulting tool is first validated on a full scale cruise ship by comparison to finite element results. It appears than although some discrepancies arise, especially in the response of transverse floors after rupture, the bottom damage distribution seems to be well predicted. Finally, the developed tool is used to quickly predict the grounding response of different types of ships and the influence of their mass and hydrodynamic properties on the damage extent is investigated.  相似文献   

郑云龙  金在律 《船舶工程》1997,(3):12-14,23
讨论了船舶结构分析中的结构模型化问题,提出一种适用于船体舭部、肘板等特殊部位的有限元与边界元耦合模型,解决单纯用有限元法难于处理的问题。此方法已用于船舶结构直接设计分析系统(DDASSV1.0)中,初步设计中可一次获得较满意的纵横强度,多数情况下不需要进行再分析。因此,本方法可大大减轻前后处理的工作量,并能保证良好的精度。  相似文献   

冰载荷下船舶螺旋桨强度的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文研究了冰载荷下船舶螺旋桨的强度问题。基于冰载荷经验公式和五种典型计算工况,利用有限元法进行了冰载荷下螺旋桨的强度分析。建立了一种冰/桨叶碰撞计算模型,对碰撞过程中接触力的变化及螺旋桨的动态响应进行了研究。计算结果可供螺旋桨结构设计时参考。  相似文献   

双层舷侧结构碰撞损伤过程研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
采用非线性动态响应分析方法,对船舶双层舷侧结构的碰撞损客 研究。研究中,结构材料采用线性强化弹性模型并计入了应变速率引起的材料强化,考虑了碰撞面的接触 与摩擦。  相似文献   

Water-filled double-layer structures are typical hull structures. However, the effect of the carried water has often been neglected in previous collision studies. The carried water couples with the hull structure and participates in the energy absorption process, which reduces the collision damage done to the hull structure. This paper focuses on the effects of compressible carried water on the collision characteristics of a hull structure. Therefore, collision experiments with a simplified double-layer structure (water tank) were performed, and the corresponding collision process was simulated with the finite-element method. The two kinds of pressure (a shock wave and pressure disturbance) generated in the carried water when the water tank collides with a striker were investigated. By comparing the dynamic characteristics of empty and completely filled water tanks, it can be observed that the pressure of the carried water can reduce the displacement of the outer plate and change its deformation shape. Furthermore, the effects of pressure on the collision force and displacement of the inner plate were investigated. Finally, the collision characteristics of a typical water-filled side structure are presented as an example.  相似文献   

船舶大开口结构有限元分析专用前后处理软件的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对船舶大开口结构的有限元分析,编制了专用前后处理软件,软件采用参数化的网格设计,前处理只需按可视化界面输入一些简单的基本尺寸、材料及载荷数据,就能生成供计算使用的复杂模型。在后处理中,能直接显示甲板及舷侧开口区的应力分布图、应力值表和应力集中系数,提供的信息完整、图形直观、操作简洁。  相似文献   

文章基于Smith法,根据国际船级社协会发布的2013版协调共同结构规范(HCSR)中破损模型、失效模式和载荷模型,考虑材料屈服、结构单元屈曲及后屈曲的特性,应用FORTRAN程序设计语言编写船体极限强度计算程序,以某76000吨散货船为算例,对完整船体的极限强度进行计算,对搁浅状态下破损船体的剩余强度进行计算并校核承载能力。通过在中拱和中垂工况下与其他规范的对比验证,2013版HCSR指定的剩余强度校核公式及船体梁载荷计算公式中选取的安全系数要求更高,校核更严格。  相似文献   

文章提出一种近似的解析方法评估单壳船侧结构的耐撞性。首先研究了单轴对称工字梁在横向载荷作用下结构从形成塑性铰到弦响应的力学过程,导出能量和变形的近似解析关系,然后考虑球鼻首和船侧结构的碰撞性将主要受撞区域舷侧板梁组合结构离散成为多个单轴对称工字梁,得到单壳舷侧结构碰撞过程能量吸收的近似公式,同时研究了球鼻形状以及不同碰撞位置对结构变形与能量吸收的影响。对散货船单壳舷侧结构的耐撞性用本文近似理论公式  相似文献   

超大型油船双壳舷侧结构的碰撞性能研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
应用非线性有限元数值仿真方法研究了超大型油船双壳舷侧结构的碰撞性能,分析了各个构件的损伤模式和吸能特性,获得了碰撞力,能量吸收和损伤变形的时序结果,并给出具有指导意义的一般性结论。  相似文献   

The aim of the work is the definition of a procedure for the numerical simulation of the response of ship structures under accidental loading conditions, which suffer various different modes of failure, such as tension, bending, tearing and crushing and in particular to investigate the effect of material modeling, i.e. material curve and rupture criterion as well as mesh size and strain rate effect on the results. To this end, different material models and simulation techniques were used for the simulation of eighteen indentation tests conducted by different research groups. The simulations were performed using the explicit finite element code ABAQUS 6.10-2. The tests refer to the quasi-static and dynamic transverse and in-plane loading of various thin walled structures which represent parts of a ship structure. Three rupture criteria are incorporated into VUMAT subroutine, which interacts with the explicit finite element code and refers to an isotropic hardening material that follows the J2 flow theory assuming plane stress conditions, in order to investigate the prediction and propagation of rupture. The focus is on investigating whether it is possible to define a unified methodology, which is appropriate for the simulation of all different tests. Consistency in the numerical results is observed with the use of an equivalent plastic strain criterion, in which formulation a cutoff value for triaxialities below −1/3 is included.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of the structural response in accidental scenarios like ship collisions, the simulation of tensile failure initiation is inevitable. Here, one difficulty is that the process of failure initiation is a very local process, which cannot be simulated in its details at present due to the computing effort which would be required. However, there are various approaches how the failure initiation can be simplified and simulated in finite element models of large thin-walled structures. A short overview of these approaches is given. A pragmatic approach, which is suitable for relatively small elements for the simulation of failure initiation in uniaxial to biaxial stress states, is chosen within this paper for further investigations regarding the applicability for thin-walled steel structures. Exemplary simulations with solid and, in particular, shell elements are used to demonstrate how the effects of element size and other element properties can be considered in the simulation of failure initiation. The focus is also on imperfections that are relevant in simulations with small elements. For this purpose, an indentation experiment is simulated with different imperfections.  相似文献   

能见度不良时船舶避碰的行为分析与对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文在对能见度不良时船舶碰撞案例和船舶哿人员的避碰行为调查数据的分析基础上,提出了能见度不良时避碰行为和船舶碰撞之间的关系,通过分析能见度不良时避碰行为的不确定性和不协调性,对能见度不良时船舶避让对策提出了一些建议和注意事项。  相似文献   

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