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为开发油砂沥青涂料的制备工艺,对油砂沥青在水性涂料中的应用技术进行了探索。首先测定了沥青样品的基本性质,进一步考察了乳化沥青的制备工艺,在此基础上针对丙烯酸乳液与乳化沥青配比、体质填料用量、油砂沥青替代量对涂料涂层性能的影响等方面对水性沥青涂料的制备过程进行了研究。研究结果表明:油砂沥青的沥青质含量高于90#标准石油沥青,在乳化过程中通过加入活性剂十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(1631)、稳定剂氯化钙来辅助牛脂基丙撑二胺(DAT)乳化的方式,可得到筛上剩余量和蒸发残留量符合行业标准要求的乳化沥青。在m(水性丙烯酸乳液)∶m(乳化沥青)=1∶1的配比下,加入m(硫酸钡)∶m(滑石粉)=1∶1的体质填料35 g,油砂沥青的替代量达到80%条件下,能制得较好粘附性能和一定防腐性能的水性油砂沥青涂料。  相似文献   

利用热重质谱联用仪(TG-MS)分析了三种油砂沥青(印尼油砂沥青、伊朗油砂沥青、加拿大油砂沥青)中的甲苯残留以及油砂沥青质含量对油砂沥青中甲苯残留的影响,并在此基础上,进一步研究了油砂沥青质中的甲苯残留。结果发现,不同油砂沥青中甲苯残留量存在一定差异,其中印尼油砂沥青中的甲苯残留量最多。进一步对沥青质质量分数分别为10%、19%、30%的油砂沥青样品进行热重质谱实验,发现随着油砂沥青中沥青质含量的增加,甲苯的残留量会成倍增加。以加拿大油砂沥青质为例,研究了油砂沥青质对溶剂残留的影响,发现油砂沥青质具有对甲苯分子的夹带能力,导致甲苯分子在超过自身沸点40℃以上才能从沥青质中分离出来。油砂沥青中其他组分的存在也会加剧沥青质对甲苯的夹带作用。此外,研究还发现,在350~650℃时,油砂沥青质可以热解产生甲苯,而且油砂沥青中的沥青质含量越高,热解生成的甲苯越多。  相似文献   

溶剂萃取法分离油砂制得油砂沥青中含大量机械杂质,影响沥青的品质及后期加工利用。通过XRD和激光粒度仪表征了机械杂质的矿物组成和粒度分布等特性。针对机械杂质的特性,开发了复配试剂,通过稀释剂降黏沥青、复配试剂净化沥青、稀释剂回收再生及循环利用3个操作单元对油砂沥青进行了脱杂净化实验,并分析了净化机理。结果表明:降黏过程,温度70℃、时间10min、稀释剂与沥青比0.3g/g,稀释沥青70℃黏度为3.2Pa·s;净化过程,6%盐酸与稀释沥青比0.2mL/g、CaCl2与稀释沥青比0.01g/g,温度70℃,混合时间10min,沉降时间20min,机械杂质脱除率可达到93.5%;回收及循环过程,稀释剂回收率为98%,循环使用5次,机械杂质脱除率仍92%以上。该工艺具有沉降时间短、机械杂质脱除彻底的优点。  相似文献   

庄严 《河北化工》2007,30(4):39-40
减粘炉是油品进入反应器进行充分减粘裂解的必要前提,具体阐述了减粘炉的工艺探讨过程及操作工艺.  相似文献   

贾永忠 《当代化工》2007,36(6):596-597,601
在2~4 MPa,410~430 ℃,添加150 μg/g钼、镍双金属分散型催化剂的条件下,对塔河渣油的加氢减粘性能进行了考察.结果表明,尽管塔河渣油粘度很大(100 ℃时为576.7 mm2/s),不易降低,但在适宜的温度、压力和一定的反应时间内,还是有较高的减粘效果,在4 MPa、430 ℃、60 min的反应条件下,粘度从576.7 mm2/s可以降低到8.529 mm2/s,达到95 %以上.  相似文献   

油砂作为一种非常规石油资源,越来越受到人们的重视。油砂沥青的含量和性质对其开发有着重要的影响。有机溶剂抽提可以测定油砂沥青的含量。本文研究了3种溶剂对新疆油砂的抽提能力,并对不同溶剂抽提得到的新疆油砂沥青进行了性质分析。结果表明,新疆油砂含油率(甲苯测)为11.75%,属于中品位油砂矿;甲苯、氯仿和石油醚3种不同溶剂对新疆油砂沥青进行抽提,发现3种溶剂抽提能力的大小关系为氯仿>甲苯>石油醚;抽提过程中,氯仿表现出对胶质和沥青质较强的萃取能力,而石油醚对沥青质的萃取能力几乎为0,采用氯仿可以更准确地测定油砂沥青的含量。氯仿抽提得到新疆油砂沥青及其组分的杂原子含量和分子量高于甲苯和石油醚抽提的。由红外谱图发现,氯仿抽提得到的油砂沥青的含氧、含硫官能团的吸收峰强度大于甲苯和石油醚抽提的,表明氯仿对油砂沥青中极性物质的抽提能力更强。  相似文献   

油砂沥青处理技术研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现油砂沥青的无害化处理,提高处理效率和综合效益,对油砂沥青现行处理技术的机理、工艺流程、优缺点和适用范围进行了概述和总结。通过分析表明,各种油砂沥青现行处理技术都有各自的优缺点及适用范围。因此,在选择油砂沥青处理技术时要综合考虑技术本身的特点、适用范围、油砂性质及具体工艺要求等诸多因素,必要时要多种处理技术联合操作以实现综合效益的最大化。  相似文献   

利用水热稳定性高的天然斜发沸石为铝源,水玻璃为硅源,Na OH为碱源,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为模板剂,稀硫酸调节p H,再经过老化、晶化、烘干和焙烧等制备具有微介孔复合结构、良好水热稳定性和高比表面积的clin/MCM-41催化剂。将p H=10和硅铝物质的量比100条件下制得的催化剂应用于蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术开采的加拿大油砂沥青改质反应。在剂油质量比1∶10和310℃反应30 min条件下,减黏率超过90%,同时大量胶质和沥青质非烃被催化裂化为轻质油,表明clin/MCM-41催化剂是优异的油砂沥青中低温减黏催化剂。  相似文献   

超声波作用下重油的热反应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探索了低温条件下超声波作用对重油热反应的影响。讨论了超声波作用对重油的粘度、残炭和沥青质含量的影响。结果表明:随着超声波作用时间的增长,降粘率逐渐升高,当反应时间为2h时,降粘率可达24%左右;沥青质含量由2.66%降为1.44%;残炭值也逐渐升高。表明油样发生了裂化和缩合反应。反应时间小于1 h时,油样性质变化较快;大于1 h后,变化较慢。进而发现超声波对不同的油样的热反应影响也不同。  相似文献   

张坚强  李鑫钢  隋红 《化工进展》2014,33(8):1986-1991
传统水洗法和溶剂萃取法萃取油砂沥青时,存在沥青中含有沙土和残沙中含有油等缺点。为解决上述缺点,本文采用不同比例的乙酸甲酯/正庚烷复合溶剂萃取油砂沥青,研究了离子液体(1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐,[Emim]BF4)对该溶剂萃取体系的萃取率和分离洁净程度的影响。采用红外光谱仪和扫描电镜对萃取后的残沙和沥青的洁净程度进行了定性分析,并结合元素分析仪和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪获得萃取后残沙和沥青的洁净程度的定量结果。实验结果表明:当复合溶剂体积比为2∶3时,[Emim]BF4促使沥青回收率达到最大值94.20%,比单纯复合溶剂萃取体系的最大萃取率高7.92%;通过上述测试方法的定性和定量分析,证明了[Emim]BF4能有效解决沥青夹带沙土和残沙中含油的问题。  相似文献   

Deborah Henry  Bryan Fuhr 《Fuel》1992,71(12):1515-1518
Ultracentrifugation was investigated as a means to obtain solvent-free bitumen from oil sand. The bitumen from three oil sands of varying grades was separated by placing the sands in specially designed tubes and centrifuging for 2 h at 198 000 at 20 °C. For all grades of oil sand, approximately 70% of the bitumen was recovered. The recovered bitumen was compared to the residual remaining on the sand, and to that extracted by the conventional Soxhlet technique. The ultracentrifuged bitumen contained some emulsified water and a small amount of fine solids. The solvent-extracted material was water-free, but contained a small amount of residual solvent and fine solids. The ultracentrifuge caused some fractionation of the bitumen, resulting in a product slightly enriched in asphaltene components compared to the solvent-extracted material. The residual bitumen remaining on the sand was correspondingly slightly depleted in asphaltenes. However, as evidenced by gas Chromatographic simulated distillation data, ultracentrifugation did retain the light (180–220 °C) components of the bitumen which were lost during the solvent removal step following solvent extraction. Other analyses such as density, viscosity and elemental composition verified that ultracentrifugation resulted in some fractionation of bitumen components.  相似文献   

Centrifugation was shown to have certain advantages over solvent extraction for the separation of bitumen from oil sand for research purposes. No fractionation of the bitumen during centrifugation was detected by chemical analysis. Some limitations of the method are pointed out.  相似文献   

油砂作为一种储量丰富的非常规石油资源,越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注。对于油砂的加工利用,其前提就是油砂沥青的分离,因此对其技术的研究十分必要。本文首先介绍了油砂的组成及分类,然后着重对几种主要油砂分离技术(热水洗法、有机溶剂萃取法、超临界流体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取法、离子液体萃取法和热解干馏法)的优缺点进行了汇总,并详细分析了它们各自的分离流程。其中,热水洗法、有机溶剂萃取法和热解干馏法是目前研究相对成熟的3种方法,而其他方法虽然分离效果相对高,但是对工艺条件和设备的要求较高,导致较高的投资和运行成本,因此还需要对这些油砂沥青分离工艺进行更加深入的研究,以满足工业化应用的要求。最后,对油砂沥青分离技术的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of, first, the yield of bitumen extracted from oil sands and, second, of the coextracted solid particles in the bitumen was studied. Centrifugal extractions were performed in an argon (inert) atmosphere at temperatures ranging from 30 °C to 150 °C. The co-extracted solid particles were investigated through digital image analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis and ash yield. The yield of bitumen increases with extracting temperature and is also dependent on the grade and origin of the oil sand. The quantity of fines, e.g. clay minerals or fine sand particles is dependent on the grade and origin of the oil sand. The total amount of co-extracted solid particles is found to be independent of the extracting temperature.  相似文献   

Characteristic pyrolysis thermograms for 12 gases have been obtained for Athabasca asphaltene, using a combination of non-isothermal, programmed pyrolysis (ambient to 1200 K at 3 K min?1) and gas chromatography. Such thermograms provide information for the characterization of asphaltenes in the form of gas yields, specific rates and Arrhenius kinetic parameters. All thermograms comprised more than one peak. These peaks lie in distinct temperature zones and are associated with primary and secondary cracking and coking reactions. Useful insights into the structure of Athabasca asphaltene and, indirectly, the composition of its pyrolytic cokes have been obtained. The present results provide a body of useful reference material which may be useful for monitoring processes, which may chemically modify the asphaltene fraction of bitumens and heavy oils, and for comparative studies of asphaltenes from a variety of sources.  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed for modelling the recovery of bitumen from packed beds of oil sand by water or caustic solution displacement. Batches of reconstituted oil sand were prepared by intimately mixing predetermined amounts of sand, water, and bitumen, thereby permitting the composition of the oil sand to be controlled and varied within a wide range. Dilution of the bitumen with hexadecane facilitated the mixing process and allowed experiments to be performed at low temperatures while maintaining oil-water viscosity ratios comparable to those prevailing at the higher temperatures encountered during hot water or steam displacements in the field. The effects of a wide range of compositional and operational variables were studied using a two-level fractional factorial design technique and the findings are discussed. Of particular interest are the observations that the density and initial connate water saturation of the oil sand exert significantly more effect on bitumen recovery efficiency for the case of water displacement than for caustic solution displacement.  相似文献   

The viscous behaviour of an extracted tar sand bitumen has been experimentally examined and the results summarized in this Paper. The material studied was from the Asphalt Ridge, Utah area. The viscosity of the bitumen has been determined as a function of temperature (293–422 K), toluene (solvent) content (0–10%), composition (0–14.6% asphaltenes), oxidation and shear history. In all cases studied, the Arrhenius plots were significantly non-linear at temperatures s> 373 K, with viscous behaviour becoming less sensitive to toluene content with increasing temperature. Low temperature behaviour was strongly dependent on toluene content. The presence of asphaltenes in the bitumen was shown to be a strong viscosity enhancer. Oxidation and shear history were also shown to measurably increase the bitumen viscosity.  相似文献   

Qi Dai  Keng H. Chung 《Fuel》1995,74(12):1858-1864
Bitumen—sand interaction was studied as a function of pH, particle size, temperature and solvent addition to bitumen. Sand particles can be easily detached from the bitumen surface at pH> 6. At pH < 6, strong attachment between bitumen and sand is observed. The bitumen—sand interaction is also particle-size dependent: the finer the particles, the stronger the attachment. The detachment of coarse particles from bitumen can be achieved by increasing the alkalinity of the solution, but not for fine particles, indicating that the particle size is one of the critical factors affecting liberation of bitumen from sand. Increasing temperature has two effects: it is not only reduces the viscosity to facilitate bitumen liberation, but also increases the electrostatic repulsion between sand and bitumen. This is confirmed by the DLVO theory and is in agreement with the batch extraction results on real oil sands.  相似文献   

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