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中国金伯利岩中的单斜辉石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董振信 《地质学报》1992,66(1):35-47
本文对我国金伯利岩中,作为巨晶、粗晶、基质相矿物、与镁铝榴石和钛铁矿的连生体、深源岩石包体矿物及金刚石中包体矿物产出的单斜辉石的粒度、形态、颜色及蚀变壳、矿物种属、化学成分特征、端员组分、红外光谱等进行了研究。并与玄武岩中的巨晶及其深源岩石包体矿物、钾镁煌斑岩和云煌岩中的单斜辉石作了对比。研究了单斜辉石和镁铝榴石共生对。探讨了金伯利岩中单斜辉石的成因,形成的温、压条件及所反映出的金伯利岩体形成的构造环境,指出了该矿物在找寻金刚石矿工作中的指示标志。  相似文献   

郑建平  路凤香 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):15-17
本文报道了中国东部古生代侵位金伯利岩中捕虏体的 Sr-Nd 同位素组成,并同中生代火山岩和新生代玄武岩进行了对比。金伯利岩中捕虏体→金伯利岩→中生代火山岩→新生代玄武岩存在自EM2端元向DMM端元逐渐过渡的同位素演变趋势。占老岩石圈地幔存在多发事件。  相似文献   

金伯利岩是一种偏碱性的超基性岩,来源于地幔深部,富含挥发份和钾质,属于火成岩类,金伯利岩中主要含有镁铝榴石、金刚石、橄榄石、铬铁矿、铬透辉石、镁钛铁矿,锆石、碳硅石等造岩矿物.同时金伯利岩也被认为是含金刚石最主要的岩石.本文通过文献调研方法,野外现场表明金伯利岩中含有深源包裹体;全球金伯利岩主要分布在俄罗斯、博茨瓦纳、加拿大、安哥拉、南非、刚果民主和纳米比亚;中国金伯利岩主要分布在华北地台,在山东、辽宁、吉林、山西、河南和新疆等地.这些金伯利岩常常与深大断裂甚至地幔深部地质作用关系密切,常出现标志性矿物橄榄石、石榴石、高铬磁铁矿,伴有烃类或氢气.但含金刚石金伯利岩主要沿郯庐断裂带分布,如辽宁瓦房店、山东蒙阴等地.从时代上看,以往认为的早古生代的金伯利岩,更可能都是在早期形成于华北地台之岩石圈底部,而在中生代白垩纪时期才在大规模岩石圈拆沉的地质背景下的以快速上升的,尤其是那些含金刚石的金伯利岩岩管更是快速上升的典型代表,其标型矿物是镁铝榴石、高铬磁铁矿、钙钛矿等.国内辽宁瓦房店含金刚石金伯利岩产于郯庐断裂带东侧,有着与同期金伯利岩相同的岩石矿物学特征,其中的以50号岩管为代表的金刚石矿床是我国重要的战略矿产.金伯利岩及其中的金刚石带来众多直接的深部地幔信息,中国瓦房店、蒙阴一带的金刚石来自上地幔,而一些含硼蓝色金刚石则来自下地幔,不同层圈的金刚石携带不同的标志矿物,以橄榄石为例:来自上地幔金刚石携带的橄榄石为橄榄石;过渡带金刚石携带的主要为瓦兹利石和林伍德石;下地幔的金刚石则为布里奇曼石,它们是深部探测的重要探针.  相似文献   

辽宁瓦房店金刚石矿区金伯利岩中的石榴石一直被当作镁铝榴石。为了确定矿区颜色复杂的石榴石种类,本文对矿区的石榴石进行了系统的采样分析,测定了112件石榴石样品的晶胞参数、50件样品的微区化学成分和40件样品的红外光谱。利用石榴石晶胞参数、红外光谱、化学成分和化学分子式方法对矿区石榴石进行分类,结果显示:晶胞参数分类法误差大,容易得出错误结论;红外图谱分类法准确度不高,只能作为参考方法;化学成分分类法太过笼统,达不到详细划分石榴石种类的目的;化学分子式分类法可把矿区的石榴石详细划分6个矿种:镁钙铁-铝铬铁榴石、镁铁钙-铝铬铁榴石、镁钙铁-铝铬榴石、镁钙-铝铬铁镁榴石、镁铁钙-铝铬榴石、镁铁钙-铝铁铬榴石,每种石榴石都充分反映了A、B离子的种类及占位特征,是4种分类方法中最为科学的方法。研究认为瓦房店金刚石矿区金伯利岩中石榴石A端元成分以Mg2+离子占位为主;B端元成分以Al3+离子占位为主。由于阳离子替代普遍,A、B端元成分复杂,瓦房店金伯利岩中不存在单纯意义上的镁铝榴石。  相似文献   

A mantle xenolith suite from two Late Tertiary necks on SalIsland (Cape Verde Archipelago) consists of nearly equivalentamounts of anhydrous spinel-bearing lherzolites and harzburgites,in which secondary metasomatic textural domains are superimposedon the original protogranular textures. Detailed petrographicstudies, coupled with in situ major and trace element analysesof the constituent minerals and interstitial glasses, revealthe complex evolutionary history of the Cape Verde lithosphericmantle, from depletion in the garnet facies to re-equilibrationand re-enrichment in the spinel stability field. Low CaO (16·4–18·0wt %) and heavy rare earth element (HREE; Ybn = 2·4–4·8),and high Cr2O3 (1·06–1·84 wt %) contentsin the clinopyroxenes of the lherzolites can be quantitativelyaccounted for by (1) low-degree (4%) partial melting of a PrimitiveMantle-like garnet lherzolite followed by (2) partial re-equilibrationof the melting residuum from the garnet to the spinel stabilityfield. This model is further supported by thermobarometric estimates(T = 975–1210°C; P = 1·3–2·1 GPa),which cluster around the spinel–garnet boundary in theperidotite system. Secondary parageneses, regardless of theprimary lithologies, are characterized by (1) two clinopyroxenes,cpx2-O and cpx2-C, respectively related to orthopyroxene andclinopyroxene destabilization after reaction with metasomaticfluids, and (2) glasses with anomalously high, even for continentalsettings, K2O contents (up to 8·78 wt %), together withK-feldspar. Major and trace element mass balance calculationsbetween the primary and secondary parageneses suggest infiltrationof a kimberlite-like metasomatizing agent (on volatile-freebasis, MgO 17–27 wt %; K2O/Na2O 1·6–3·2molar; (K2O + Na2O)/Al2O3 1·1–3·0 molar;Rb 91–165 ppm; Zr 194–238 ppm). The kimberlite-likemetasomatism in the Cape Verde lithospheric mantle, togetherwith the presence of lherzolitic domains, partially re-equilibratedfrom the garnet to the spinel stability field, may suggest thepresence of subcontinental mantle lithosphere relicts left behindby drifting of the African Plate during the opening of the CentralAtlantic Ocean. KEY WORDS: Cape Verde; mantle metasomatism; garnet signatures; clinopyroxenes; kimberlites  相似文献   

Kimberlites from Southern Africa, along with their low-Cr megacrysts,have unusual Hf–Nd isotopic characteristics. Group I andTransitional kimberlites define arrays trending oblique to,and well below, the Nd–Hf isotope ‘mantle array’,defined by oceanic basalts, i.e. they have negative  相似文献   

SomeGeochemicalCharactersofKimberlitesinEasternNorthChinaPlatformandHeterogeneityofTheirSourcesZhengJianping;LuFengxiang;Wang...  相似文献   

Proterozoic mafic potassic and ultrapotassic igneous rocks emplacedin the Cuddapah Basin and Dharwar Craton of the southern Indianshield are among the earliest recorded on Earth. Lamproitesintrude the basin and its NE margin, whereas kimberlites intrudethe craton to the west of the basin. Kimberlites occur in twospatially separate groups: the non-diamondiferous Mahbubnagarcluster that was emplaced at 1400 Ma and is of a similar ageto the Cuddapah lamproites, and the predominantly diamondiferousAnantapur cluster, emplaced at  相似文献   

我国金伯利岩稀土元素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国山东、辽宁、贵州、山西及河北金伯利岩的稀土总量很高,且变化大。金伯利岩中稀土的球粒陨石标准配分模式为简单的较平滑的线,属LREE极富集型。不同岩体REE含量和配分模式的差异与部分熔融程度、地幔的非均一性、金伯利岩浆早期结晶的石榴石巨晶矿物的含量、壳源物质的混染作用、岩浆中挥发份含量及岩体的产状有关。钙钛矿是金伯利岩中主要的稀土载体矿物,次为磷灰石。  相似文献   

山东和辽宁金伯利岩的稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山东和辽宁金伯利岩的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线均向右倾斜,(La/Yb)N比值为22.7—357.9,LREE/HREE比值12.4—61.3,为轻稀土富集型。含金刚石较富的金伯利岩∑REE变化范围较小,多集中在300—600ppm之间;贫(无)矿金伯利岩∑REE变化范围较大,大多数为低于300ppm或高于600ppm。所以金伯利岩∑REE在寻找金刚石中可以作为重要的参考数据。金伯利岩深源捕虏体的REE含量低,如山东金伯利岩捕虏体∑REE237.6ppm,河北和辽宁的榴辉岩分别为55.2ppm和73.3ppm,山东的纯橄岩捕虏体∑REE最低,仅10.6ppm。  相似文献   

Based on studies of petrography, mineralogy and mineral chemistry, deep mantle fluids and their products in kimberlites and diamonds can be assorted into the ultradeep fluid-transmitted minerals with an oxygen-free feature, the deep fluid metasomatized-minerals characterized by enrichment in TiO2, K2O, BaO, REE and Fe3+, and the deep fluid-reformed minerals. The three types show a successive descent in fluid origin depth and metasomatism strength, and they have brought forth a series of corresponding metasomatic products.  相似文献   

南海新生代玄武岩中发育有大量的单斜辉石斑晶,与橄榄石、角闪石等斑晶共存,多数被熔蚀,呈浑圆状,部分发育有很窄的反应边。研究表明单斜辉石具有巨晶的特征,是在高压下在与寄主岩同源的岩浆中形成,没有经历长时间的沉淀生长而直接向上运移被带到地表,因而具有巨晶的主量及微量元素的特征却不具有巨晶的形态。单斜辉石稀土元素含量不高,HREE及LREE亏损,而MREE富集;大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、Sr均出现明显的亏损,高场强元素Nb、Zr出现亏损而Hf略富集。Nb、Ta与Zr、Hf分馏明显。Th较为富集,而Pb强烈亏损,U的变化范围较大。研究发现南海新生代玄武岩中的单斜辉石的来源较为简单,为地幔柱的直接产物,并没有受到洋中脊—地幔柱相互作用的影响,由于岩浆上升速度较快压力迅速下降,橄榄石大量晶出,引起了岩浆成分的变化,致使单斜辉石与寄主岩成分和结构上没有达到平衡。  相似文献   

Bulk-rock geochemical compositions of hypabyssal kimberlites,emplaced through the Archaean Kaapvaal craton and ProterozoicNamaqua–Natal belt, are used to estimate close-to-primarymagma compositions of Group I kimberlites (Mg-number = 0·82–0·87;22–28 wt % MgO; 21–30 wt % SiO2; 10–17 wt% CaO; 0·2–1·7 wt % K2O) and Group II kimberlites(Mg-number = 0·86–0·89; 23–29 wt %MgO; 28–36 wt % SiO2; 8–13 wt % CaO; 1·6–4·6wt % K2O). Group I kimberlites are distinguished from GroupII by their lower Ba/Nb (<12), Th/Nb (<1·1) andLa/Nb (<1·1) but higher Ce/Pb (>22) ratios. Thedistinct rare earth element patterns of the two types of kimberlitesindicate a more highly metasomatized source for Group II kimberlites,with more residual clinopyroxene and less residual garnet. Thesimilarity of Sr and Nd isotope ratios and diagnostic traceelement ratios (Ce/Pb, Nb/U, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Nb) of Group Ikimberlites to ocean island basalts (OIB), but more refractoryMg-numbers and Ni contents, are consistent with derivation ofGroup I kimberlites from subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) that has been enriched by OIB-like melts or fluids. Sourceenrichment ages and plate reconstructions support a direct associationof these melts or fluids with Mesozoic upwelling beneath southernAfrica of a mantle plume(s), at present located beneath thesouthern South Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the geochemicalcharacteristics of both on- and off-craton Group II kimberlitesshow strong similarity to calc-alkaline magmas, particularlyin their Nb and Ta depletion and Pb enrichment. It is suggestedthat Group II kimberlites are derived from both Archaean andProterozoic lithospheric mantle source regions metasomatizedby melts or fluids associated with ancient subduction events,unrelated to mantle plume upwelling. The upwelling of mantleplumes beneath southern Africa during the Mesozoic, at the timeof Gondwana break-up, may have acted as a heat source for partialmelting of the SCLM and the generation of both Group I and GroupII kimberlite magmas. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; geochemistry; petrogenesis; mantle plumes; South Africa  相似文献   

In this paper, 183 chemical analyses of clinopyroxenes are collected from mantle-derived inclusions inCenozoic basalts of eastern China. Through synthetic studies of the relevant data, their mineral chemistry andgeological significance are discussed. Based on the composition fo clinopyroxenes the authors conclude that theCenozoic upper mantle in eastern China is of the continental, primitive, metasomatic and high-temperaturetypes and is related to rift structural environment and variation in composition of basalts. The geobarometry ofclinopyroxenes indicates that Cenozoic basalts of eastern China are derived from the asthenosphere and thatthe average depth of faults progressively increases from south to north and from east to west.  相似文献   

河南鹤壁地区位于太行山构造带上,该区金伯利岩中的地幔包体携带有岩石圈地幔的丰富信息。本文报道了石榴石二辉橄榄岩包体中的镁橄榄石和镁铝榴石的矿物化学特征。金伯利岩中地幔包体的镁橄榄石I(Mg~#)为91.7±0.2(n=69)。与鹤壁地区尖晶石相方辉橄榄岩相比,I(Mg~#)略偏小,指示二辉橄榄岩经历的熔融程度较低,具有过渡型地幔的特征。根据Cr_2O_3含量,镁铝榴石可以划分为高铬系列和低铬系列两类。橄榄石-石榴石矿物温压计计算表明,包体压力在1.7~2.5 GPa之间(55~80 km),温度在641~1055℃之间,对应的大地热流值为50~60m W/m~2,甚至更高。指示金伯利岩侵位时对应于较高的大地热流条件。根据Grutter的镁铝榴石划分方案,镁铝榴石主要划分为G9型、G3和G4型,其中G3和G4型镁铝榴石记录了岩石圈地幔被交代的过程。根据温压条件及岩石圈地幔性质,可以认为鹤壁地区不具有形成金刚石矿的深部地质条件。  相似文献   

我国东部新生代玄武岩中深源岩石包体内的尖晶石类矿物属铬尖晶石和铁尖晶石,金伯利岩及其地幔岩包体和金刚石中的尖晶石类矿物主要为铝铬铁矿。玄武岩中橄榄岩类包体内的尖晶石比其辉石岩类包体中的尖晶石含Cr高,含Al低,这与Cr为相容元素、Al为不相容元素、玄武岩中橄榄岩类包体是上地幔部分熔融出玄武岩浆后的残留物及其上地幔岩石的捕虏体、而辉石岩类是玄武岩浆结晶的产物有关。玄武岩中深源岩石包体中的尖晶石明显地比金伯利岩中的粗晶、地幔岩石包体及金刚石中的尖晶石含Cr低,含Al高,其主要原因是前者比后者形成的压力低  相似文献   

在金伯利岩中新发现的几种矿物及其意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
新近发现华北地台金伯利岩中存在自然铁、自然铜、自然锡、硅铁石、二硅铁矿、未命名的Si、Fe、Ti互化物及含铬黑镁铁钛矿等前人未曾报导过的矿物。据初步研究,它们与处于强还原环境的地幔深层流体有关。这些矿物的发现,首次为软流层中的流体交代作用提供了实物证据。  相似文献   

This paper discusses diamonds and their accessory minerals from the Koidu kimberlites, placers on the Bafit River in Sierra Leone, and Chikapa placers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Minerals from the placers are characterized by fine preservation and bear no evidence of long-term transportation. In placers, garnet, ilmenite and zircon have been found, but the specific features of their chemical composition do not coincide with those of minerals from kimberlites. Diamonds from the placers are of a mantle origin, but they have no direct analogs in the known kimberlite and lamproite pipes.  相似文献   

西秦岭礼县地区新生代钾霞橄黄长岩系的单斜辉石   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对西秦岭礼县地区钾霞橄橄黄长质火山岩系中单斜辉石进行了矿物化学研究,斑晶相单斜辉石类型复杂,成分变化范围大,具有多源属性,基质相单斜辉石可以分为高Ti铝透辉石和含Ti透辉石两种基本类型,它们是同源岩浆演化结晶的产物。结晶顺序前者晚于后者,岩系中透辉石Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6结晶过程中广泛存在于CaTiAl2O6分子替代,晚期熔体富Ti,Al贫Si,Mg,熔体有向富Ti,Al,Fe,Na贫Mg,Si演化的趋势,在透辉石成分上表现为CaTiAl2O6和NaFe^3 Si2O6端员分子对Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6的替代,本区基质相透辉石与世界上典型地区的钾霞橄黄长岩系的透辉石具有不同程度的可比性。  相似文献   

Syngenetic and epigenetic ore mineralization was studied in Paleoproterozoic metakimberlites in the area of Kimozero Lake. In the Kimozero structure, redeposited ore mineralization is constrained to fracture and shear zones and consists of Fe-vaesite, Fe–Co-polydymite, millerite, Ni-pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, Zn-bearing copper, galena, and Ni-pyrite. The composition of this mineralization is analogous to that of syngenetic mineralization in pyroclastic and coherent kimberlite, and its likely source was the kimberlite itself.  相似文献   

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