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Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of some parameters that were crucial in the cooling of a heated flat plate by an obliquely impinging slot jet. The inclination of the jet relative to the surface was varied from 90° to 30° (90°, 60°, 45° and 30°). For Reynolds number of 5860, 8879, and 11606, the variation of local temperatures with respect to dimensionless length (z/L), were investigated. New correlations for local temperatures in terms of Reynolds number, dimensionless distance (z/L) and oblique angle (sinϕ) were developed. The displacement region of maximum heat transfer (minimum temperature point) on the plate was measured with respect to geometrical impingement point. Results of experiments indicated that for a given position this displacement increases with increasing the inclination, and the displacement was occurred on compression side of plate.  相似文献   

Impinging flame jets are widely used in applications where high heat-transfer rates are needed, for instance in the glass industry. During the heating process of glass products, internal thermal stresses develop in the material due to temperature gradients. In order to avoid excessive thermal gradients as well as overheating of the hot spots, it is important to know and control the temperature distribution inside a heated glass product. Therefore, it is advantageous to know the relation describing the convective heat–flux distribution at the heated side of a glass product. In a previous work, we presented a heat–flux relation applicable for the hot spot of the target [M.J. Remie, G. Särner, M.F.G. Cremers, A. Omrane, K.R.A.M. Schreel, M. Aldén, L.P.H. de Goey, Extended heat-transfer relation for an impinging laminar flame jet to a flat plate, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, in press]. In this paper, we present an extension of this relation, which is applicable for larger radial distances from the hot spot.  相似文献   

When a gas expands through a convergent nozzle in which the ratio of the ambient to the stagnation pressures is higher than that of the critical one, the issuing jet from the nozzle is under-expanded. If a flat plate is placed normal to the jet at a certain distance from the nozzle, a detached shock wave is formed at a region between the nozzle exit and the plate. In general, supersonic moist air jet technologies with non-equilibrium condensation are very often applied to industrial manufacturing processes. In spite of the importance in major characteristics of the supersonic moist air jets impinging to a solid body, its qualitative characteristics are not known satisfactorily. In the present study, the effect of the non-equilibrium condensation on the under-expanded air jet impinging on a vertical flat plate is investigated numerically in the case with non-equilibrium condensation, frequency of oscillation for the flow field becomes larger than that without the non-equilibrium condensation, and amplitudes of static pressure become small compared with those of dry air. Furthermore, the numerical results are compared with experimental ones.  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to determine the effects of inclination of an impinging two dimensional slot jet on the heat transfer from a flat plate. Local Nusselt numbers and surface pressure distributions were determined depending on inclination angle, jet-to-plate spacing and Reynolds number. The results showed that the location of maximum heat transfer was mainly due to the angle of inclination. As the inclination angle increases, the location of the maximum heat transfer shifts towards the uphill side of the plate and the value of the maximum Nusselt number gradually increases at lower jet-to-plate spacings.  相似文献   

This work deals with the effects of jet plate size and plate spacing (jet height) on the heat transfer characteristics for a confined circular air jet vertically impinging on a flat plate. The jet after impingement was restricted to flow in two opposite directions. A constant surface heat flux of 1000 W/m2 was arranged. Totally 88 experiments were performed. Jet orifices individually with diameter of 1.5, 3, 6 and 9 mm were adopted. Jet Reynolds number (Re) was in the range 10,000–30,000 and plate spacing-to-jet diameter ratio (H/d) was in the range 1–6. Eleven jet plate width-to-jet diameter ratios (W/d = 4.17–41.7) and seven jet plate length-to-jet diameter ratios (L/d = 5.5–166.7) were individually considered. The measured data were correlated into a simple equation. It was found that the stagnation Nusselt number is proportional to the 0.638 power of the Re and inversely proportional to the 0.3 power of the H/d. The stagnation Nusselt number was also found to be a function of exp[−0.044(W/d)  0.011(L/d)]. Through comparisons among the present obtained data and documented results, it may infer that, for a jet impingement, the impingement-plate heating condition and flow arrangement of the jet after impingement are two important factors affecting the dependence of the stagnation Nusselt number on H/d.  相似文献   

The structure of the flow field and its effect on the heat transfer characteristics of a jet array system impinging on a moving heated plate are investigated numerically for Reynolds numbers between 100 and 400 and for steady state conditions. An array consisting of 24 square jets (3 rows × 8 columns) impinging on a moving heated flat surface is considered as a representative pattern.The simulations have been carried out for jet-to-jet spacing in the range 2D–5D and for nozzle exit to plate distance of 0.25D, where D is the jet width. The velocity ratios of the moving heated plat to the jet velocity (Rm = up/uj) used are in the range 0.25–1.0. The obtained results were compared with published data for the case of fixed heated plate (Rm = 0.0). The results show that the streamwise profile of the Nusselt number exhibit strong periodic oscillations, spatially. The amplitude of the periodic oscillations of the Nusselt number is attenuated as one proceeds in the downstream direction. For such small nozzle-to-plate spacing used, the results show that the ratio Rm has no effect on the oscillations of Nusselt number.  相似文献   

This study investigates hydrodynamic characteristics of a slot jet flow impinging on a concave surface experimentally and numerically. Six different concave plates with varying surface curvature and a flat plate are used. Air is used as the impinging coolant. In the experimental work, the slot nozzle used was specially designed with a sixth degree polynomial in order to provide a uniform velocity profile at its exit. The experiments were carried out for the jet Reynolds numbers in the range of 3000 < Re < 12500, the dimensionless nozzle-to-surface distance range of 1 ≤ H/W ≤ 14 for dimensionless value of the curvature of impinging surfaces in the range of R/L = 0.5, 0.5125, 0.566, 0.725, and 1.3. The pressure coefficient, Cp, for each test case was obtained across dimensionless arc length, s/W. Numerical computations were performed by using the k-ε turbulence model with enhanced wall functions for the concave plate with R/L = 0.725 and for the flat plate. The numerical results showed a reasonable agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The entrainment of the ambient air into a turbulent argon plasma jet is studied numerically using a turbulence-enhanced combined-diffusion-coefficient method. Namely, the Navier-Stokes equations and two-equation turbulence model coupled with the turbulence-enhanced combined-diffusion-coefficient approach are employed to predict the turbulent plasma jet characteristics including the evolution of air mole fraction along the plasma jet in air surroundings. Although complicated gas species always exist in the plasma jet due to rather high gas temperatures being involved, it is shown that the entrainment of ambient air into the turbulent argon plasma jet can still be treated simply by the combined turbulent and molecular diffusion between only two different gases (argon and air). Good agreement between the predicted results with corresponding experimental data reported by Fincke et al. [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (22) (2003) 4201] demonstrates the applicability of the present modeling approach.  相似文献   

The computational study of heat transfer characteristics over a flat surface under the impingement of an air jet is the most advanced scheme in the research field of convective heat transfer technology. This research aims to construct the semiempirical relations for predicting the magnitude of local Nusselt number (Nu) against the various impinging and target surface parameters. The impinging parameter includes Reynolds number (Re) and nozzle‐target spacing (Z/d), while the target surface parameter represents the Prandtl number (Pr) and nondimensional geometric thickness (t/d) of the target surface. The graphical representation of Nu versus r/d for different Pr and t/d justifies the saturation in the Nusselt profile beyond a critical value. The critical limit of Pr × t/d, reported in this study, rounds to 0.012. Hence, two sets of empirical relations for Pr × t/d < 0.012 and Pr × t/d > 0.012 must be defined. The semiempirical relations for Pr × t/d > 0.012 is only a function of impinging parameters, since the variation in Pr and t/d does not affect the Nu profile beyond this range. This work takes an initiative in reporting the semiempirical power law relations, which represent the local Nu magnitude within the range of Pr × t/d < 0.012. The reported empirical relations are the functions of Pr, t/d, Z/d, Re, and r/d.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to eliminate the screech tone generated from a supersonic jet. Compressed air was passed through a circular convergent nozzle preceded by a straight tube of same diameter. In order to reduce the jet screech a spherical reflector was used and placed at the nozzle exit. The placement of the spherical reflector at the nozzle exit controlled the location of the image source as well as minimized the sound pressure at the nozzle exit. The weak sound pressure did not excite the unstable disturbance at the exit. Thus the loop of the feedback mechanism could not be accomplished and the jet screech was eliminated. The technique of screech reduction with a flat plate was also examined and compared with the present method. A good and effective performance in canceling the screech component by the new method was found by the investigation. Experimental results indicate that the new system suppresses not only the screech tones but also the broadband noise components and reduces the overal  相似文献   

In this study, experimental tests have been carried out on the coupling thermoelectric cooling module with minichannel heatsink subjected to impinging airflow for cooling desktop central processing unit (CPU). A controlled thermoelectric-forced test system was designed for this purpose. This was designed using electronic Arduino card. The proposed hybrid cooling system was compared with the conventional forced air-cooling technique. Three power of heat source (CPU) were adopted, investigated, and compared, namely 60, 87, and 95 W. Performance of controlled thermoelectric cooling with three preset temperature were experimentally examined. The effects of air velocity and thermoelectric input current on the case temperature (Tcase), thermal resistance, and heat transfer coefficient were analyzed. Results showed that the Tcase increases with the increase of its input power. In addition, increasing air jet velocity and thermoelectric input current improve CPU cooling significantly. For a CPU power of 95 W, the recorded Tcase temperature was 57°C with the conventional system. While it was maintained below 50°C in the hybrid system. The thermoelectric cooler has had a major effect on CPU cooling, having 15% improvement over conventional forced air-cooling. However, this was accompanied by an increase in energy consumption in the range of 45 W.  相似文献   

In this study, an inverse algorithm based on the conjugate gradient method and the discrepancy principle is applied to estimate the unknown space-and time-dependent heat flux at the surface of an initially hot cylinder cooled by a laminar confined slot impinging jet from the knowledge of temperature measurements taken on the cylinder’s surface. It is assumed that no prior information is available on the functional form of the unknown heat flux; hence the procedure is classified as the function estimation in inverse calculation. The temperature data obtained from the direct problem are used to simulate the temperature measurements, and the effect of the errors in these measurements upon the precision of the estimated results is also considered. The results show that an excellent estimation on the space-and time-dependent heat flux can be obtained even the distributions of thermal properties inside the cylinder is unknown.  相似文献   

The flow field around a circular cylinder elastically suspended with a cantilever‐type plate spring in the jet impingement region was visualized to investigate the mechanism of the impingement heat transfer. The impingement distance H was kept constant at 3 or 5 times as large as the jet slot width, h = 15 mm.The Reynolds number was fixed at 10,000, or 5000 in the case of flow visualization. The self‐induced periodic swing motion of the cylinder across the jet axis was caused by the interaction between the jet and the elastically suspended cylinder. It was found that this swing motion has direct effects on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the stagnation region. The ensemble‐averaged values of the flow velocity and its fluctuations depended on the cylinder diameter and the impingement distance. The local Nusselt number in the case of H/h = 3 with the oscillating cylinder of the smallest diameter D = 4 mm was increased to 1.15 times as large as that without the cylinder. The interesting patterns of the intermittency function defined with a certain threshold level of turbulence intensity were obtained under the above experimental conditions. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 30(4): 313–330, 2001  相似文献   

The influence of nozzle selection and consequent impact of momentum thickness is rarely investigated in heated horizontal plane jets. In the present work an experimental study is performed using a two dimensional converging nozzle and then by attaching a channel to the nozzle with air issued at a moderate Reynolds number of 4000 and at an inlet temperature of 60 °C. A hotwire anemometer is used to measure velocity and temperature fields. The ratio of heat to momentum transport is 1.33 for nozzle jets and 1.4 for channel jets. Half widths based on mean excess temperature and velocity is higher for channel jets. The influence of buoyancy is negligible for the present case. But the spread of temperature as a scalar is important in the transport process.  相似文献   

We present a new method of solving the three-dimensional inverse heat conduction (3D IHC) problem with the special geometry of a thin sheet. The 3D heat equation is first simplified to a 1D equation through modal expansions. Through a Laplace transform, algebraic relationships are obtained that express the front surface temperature and heat flux in terms of those same thermal quantities on the back surface. We expand the transfer functions as infinite products of simple polynomials using the Hadamard Factorization Theorem. The straightforward inverse Laplace transforms of these simple polynomials lead to relationships for each mode in the time domain. The time domain operations are implemented through iterative procedures to calculate the front surface quantities from the data on the back surface. The iterative procedures require numerical differentiation of noisy sensor data, which is accomplished by the Savitzky–Golay method. To handle the case when part of the back surface is not accessible to sensors, we used the least squares fit to obtain the modal temperature from the sensor data. The results from the proposed method are compared with an analytical solution and with the numerical solution of a 3D heat conduction problem with a constant net heat flux distribution on the front surface.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to investigate the effect that the presence of a gap has on the heat transfer between a heated finned surface and a saturated porous plate with an average pore radius of 200 μm. There was evidence that the vapour generated beneath the heated surface can escape to the vapour grooves more easily when a gap distance is introduced. This seemed to decrease the vapour penetration into the porous plate. The heat transfer performance of the heated finned surface initially increased as the gap distance was increased from 0 to 500 μm, but remained relatively unchanged for gap distances of 500–900 μm.  相似文献   

A numerical finite-difference approach was used to compute the steady and unsteady flow and heat transfer due to a confined two-dimensional slot jet impinging on an isothermal plate. The jet Reynolds number was varied from Re=250 to 750 for a Prandtl number of 0.7 and a fixed jet-to-plate spacing of H/W=5. The flow was found to become unsteady at a Reynolds number between 585 and 610. In the steady regime, the stagnation Nusselt number increased monotonically with Reynolds number, and the distribution of heat transfer in the wall jet region was influenced by flow separation caused by re-entrainment of the spent flow back into the jet. At a supercritical Reynolds number of 750 the flow was unsteady and the net effect in the time mean was that the area-averaged heat transfer coefficient was higher compared to what it would have been in the absence of jet unsteady effects. The unsteady jet exhibited a dominant frequency that corresponded to the formation of shear layer vortices at the jet exit. Asymmetry in the formation of the vortex sheets caused deformation or buckling of the jet that induced a low-frequency lateral jet “flapping” instability. The heat transfer responds to both effects and leads to a broadening of the cooled area.  相似文献   

The pre-chamber sparkplug mode can increase the combustion velocity because it can induce the turbulent jet into the cylinder. Higher combustion velocity can increase the brake thermal efficiency and decrease the knock tendency for hydrogen engines. To explore the effect of pre-chamber sparkplug mode on the combustion characteristics of the hydrogen-air mixture, different equivalence ratios, initial pressures and temperatures were selected to study in a constant volume combustion chamber working with pre-chamber sparkplug mode and normal sparkplug mode. The results showed that the pre-chamber sparkplug mode can accelerate the combustion velocity, increase maximum combustion pressure and decrease the combustion duration at all initial conditions. The maximum combustion pressure of pre-chamber sparkplug mode occurred at the equivalence ratio of 1.0 while it occurred at the equivalence ratio of 1.2 with normal sparkplug mode, which means pre-chamber sparkplug mode can increase the higher brake thermal efficiency and power. The combustion intensity of pre-chamber sparkplug mode was bigger than 1 and the biggest value occurred at the equivalence ratio of 0.6. Moreover, the combustion intensity of pre-chamber sparkplug mode was higher with lean equivalence ratios than that of rich equivalence ratios. Increasing the initial pressure can increase maximum combustion pressure and combustion velocity obviously for pre-chamber sparkplug mode, which was different from the normal sparkplug mode. The initial temperatures had little impact on the combustion intensity. These results showed the pre-chamber sparkplug mode was more suitable to be used in the boosting hydrogen engines to improve the performance.  相似文献   

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