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Crystalline silicon carbide (SiC) fiber was produced by a new, simple procedure. Activated carbon fiber (ACF) was reacted with gaseous silicon monoxide and was converted to SiC fiber at elevated temperature and reduced pressure. The reaction was completed at temperatures as low as 1473 K. The reacted fiber consisted of submicrometer particles which were not observed in the original ACF. The SiC crystal size in the reacted fiber was approximately 30 nm. The microstructure of the fiber became dense after it was heat-treated in air at 1573 K or in nitrogen gas at 1873 K.  相似文献   

A model is developed for the deposition of silicon carbide from the pyrolysis of dichlorodimethylsiane in hydrogen, in a tubular reactor at temperatures from 700° to 1100°C and 1.013 × 105 Pa (1 atm) pressure. Concentration of dichlorodimethylsilane varied from 2 to 8 vol%. Gas chromatography was used to determine the volatile products of reaction, and gravimetric analysis was used to determine the total silicon and silicon carbide deposition on the tube. The model developed based on the experimental data that assumes the following chemical reactions:
The rate constants derived from a nonlinear regression analysis are reported.  相似文献   

Open cellular SiC foams with low densities were prepared by thermo‐foaming and setting (130°C–150°C) of silicon powder dispersions in molten sucrose followed by pyrolysis and reaction sintering at 1500°C. The bubbles generated in the dispersion by water vapor produced by the –OH condensation was stabilized by the adsorption of silicon particles on the air‐molten sucrose interface. The composition of a sucrose‐silicon powder mixture for producing SiC foam without considerable unreacted carbon was optimized. The sucrose in the thermo‐foamed silicon powder dispersion leaves 24 wt% carbon during the pyrolysis. The sintering additives such as alumina and yttria promoted the silicon‐carbon reaction. SiC nanowires with diameters in the range of 35–55 nm and length >10 μm observed on the cell walls as well as in the fractured strut region were grown by both vapor–liquid–solid and vapor–solid mechanisms. Large SiC foam bodies without crack could be prepared as the total shrinkage during pyrolysis and reaction sintering was only ~30 vol%. The relatively low compressive strength (0.06–0.41 MPa) and Young's modulus (14.9–24.2 MPa) observed was due to the large cell size (1.1–1.6 mm) and high porosity (93%–96%).  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline ß-SiC particulates with a grain-size range of 5-20 nm were prepared by heating a prepyrolyzed, chlorine-containing polysilane/polycarbosilane (PS/PCS) to 1600°C. The transformation from the prepyrolyzed PS/PCS to nanocrystalline SiC was investigated by differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometry, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy. The results indicated that the nanocrystalline ß-SiC was formed by the crystallization of the PS/PCS random network and the crosslinking of Si-Si, Si-Cl, and Si-CH2-Si bonds. Transmission electron microscopy observation showed that SiC particulates consisted of equiaxed, randomly oriented, ultrafine grains.  相似文献   

The conditions for preparing α-aluminum silicon carbide (α-Al4SiC4) were examined by heating stoichiometric mixtures of ultrafine A14C3 and SiC powders with sizes of <0.1 μm at and below 1600°C. The starting A14C3 powder was obtained by the pyrolysis of trimiethylaluminum; the starting SiC powders were obtained by the pyrolyses of triethylsilane (3ES), tetraethylsilane (4ES), and hexamethyldisilane (6MDS). The reactivity of SiC with Al4C3 to form α-Al4SiC4 varies according to the kind of starting alkylsilane: 3ES > 4ES > 6MDS. The reaction of 3ES-derived SiC with A14C3 produced α-Al4SiC4 at temperatures as low as 1400°C for 240 min, regardless of the presence of A14C3 (trace). Only α-Al4SiC4 was formed at and above 1500°C for 60 min; the crystal growth was appreciable.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide whiskers were synthesized in situ by direct carbothermal reduction of silicon nitride with graphite in an argon atmosphere. Phase evolution study reveals that the formation of β-SiC was initiated at 1400° to 1450°C; above 1650°C silicon was formed when carbon was deficient. Nevertheless, Si3N4 could be completely converted to SiC with molar ratio Si3N4:C = 1:3 at 1650°C. The morphology of the SiC whiskers is needlelike, with lengths and diameters changing with temperature. SiC fibers were produced on the surface of the sample fired at 1550°C with an average diameter of 0.3 μm. No catalyst was used in the syntheses, which minimizes the amount of impurities in the final products. A reaction mechanism involving the decomposition of silicon nitride has been proposed.  相似文献   

Synthesis of Titanium Silicon Carbide   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Synthesis of bulk titanium silicon carbide (Ti3SiC2) from the elemental Ti, Si, and C powders has been accomplished for the first time, using the arc-melting and annealing route. The effects of various parameters on the phase purity of the Ti3SiC2 have been examined, including the starting composition of the powders, compaction technique, arc-melting of the samples, and temperature and time of anneal. The best bulk samples, containing about 2 vol% TiC as the second phase, were made from Si-deficient and C-rich starting compositions. Based on electron probe microanalysis data from a number of bulk samples, it appears that Ti3SiC2 exists over a range of compositions; the Ti-Si-C ternary section has been modified to reflect this. The purest samples of the ternary phase were obtained by leaching powders of silicide-containing samples in diluted HF, and contained over99vol%Ti3SiC2.  相似文献   

由于碳化硅微粉具有许多优良的理化性质,被越来越多的运用到太阳能晶硅线切切割刃料、抛光砂轮等磨削领域以及用在工业陶瓷、航天等非磨削领域。但碳化硅微粉中的碳、铁杂质会影响其理化性质,从而限制了其使用范围。本文从物理、化学等方面分别陈述近几年碳化硅微粉除铁除碳的工艺研究进展,最后对碳化硅微粉的除杂提纯研究现状进行评述。  相似文献   

Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Single-phase silicon carbide (SiC) nanotubes were successfully synthesized by the reaction of carbon nanotubes with silicon powder at 1200°C for 100 h. X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that most of the carbon from the carbon nanotubes that were reacted with silicon at 1200°C for 100 h was transformed to SiC. Transmission electron microscopy observations revealed that both single-phase SiC nanotubes and C–SiC coaxial nanotubes, which are carbon nanotubes sheathed with a SiC layer, were synthesized after 100 h of reaction. The ratio of single-phase SiC nanotubes to C–SiC nanotubes increased with heat treatment at 600°C in air for 1 h because the remaining carbon was removed .  相似文献   

Oak has been converted to a porous biocarbon template by annealing in an inert atmosphere above 800°C. Subsequent infiltration with gaseous SiO at 1550–1600°C under flowing argon of atmospheric pressure finally resulted in the formation of a porous, cellular β-SiC ceramic. The conversion retains the biomorphic cellular morphology of oak tissue. While pores in the cell walls with a diameter less than ∼1 μm vanished, two distinct pore channel maxima representing tracheidal cells and large vessels remained in the SiC ceramic. Depending on the cellular morphology of different kinds of wood, e.g., strut thickness and pore size distribution, gas-phase conversion to single-phase β-SiC can be used to manufacture cellular ceramics with a wide range of pore channel diameters.  相似文献   

Chemical interaction within the system Si3N4-TiC was investigated in the present study by using thermodynamic calculations and kinetic analyses. The thermodynamic stabilities of such Si3N4-TiC composites as Si3N4-TiN-C and Si3N4-Ti(C,N)-C, and SiC-Ti(C,N) stability regions were defined and related to temperature and nitrogen partial pressures. Kinetic analyses were performed by constructing a relative weight-loss analysis of various Si3N4:TiC molar ratios reacted at temperatures from 1300° to 1750°C in an argon atmosphere. The reaction rates increased with the decreases in the Si3N4:TiC ratio and with increases in temperature. The reaction products consisted mainly of SiC and Ti(C,N) phases. The overall chemical interaction observed in the present study is attributable to chemical reactions between Si3N4 and TiC and to the diffusion of carbon and nitrogen through the reaction layer after a dense reaction product layer had covered the titanium carbide.  相似文献   

Aluminum nitride (AlN)–silicon carbide (SiC) nanocomposite powders were prepared by the nitridation of aluminum-silicon carbide (Al4SiC4) with the specific surface area of 15.5 m2·g−1. The powders nitrided at and above 1400°C for 3 h contained the 2H-phases which consisted of AlN-rich and SiC-rich phases. The formation of homogeneous solid solution proceeded with increasing nitridation temperature from 1400° up to 1500°C. The specific surface area of the AlN–SiC powder nitrided at 1500°C for 3 h was 19.5 m2·g−1, whereas the primary particle size (assuming spherical particles) was estimated to be ∼100 nm.  相似文献   

Silicon monoxide vapor generated from Si/SiO2 mixed-powder compacts was used with NH3 to synthesize silicon nitride in a tubular flow reactor operated at temperatures in the range of 1300°-1400°C. The ammonolysis of SiO with excess NH3 was very rapid, yielding three different types of silicon nitride at different longitudinal locations in the reactor: amorphous nanophase powder of an average size of about 20 nm, amorphous whiskers of a few micrometers in diameter, and α-polycrystals. The amorphous products were heat-treated for crystallization at temperatures between 1300° and 1560°C in a stream of dissociated NH3, N2, or N2/H2 mixture gas. When dissociated NH3 was used, nanophase powder was crystallized at 1300°C. The yield of nanophase silicon nitride from SiO varied from 13% to 43%, depending on operating conditions.  相似文献   

The reactivity of AlN powder with water in supernatants obtained from centrifuged Si3N4 and SiC slurries was studied by monitoring the pH versus time. Various Si3N4 and SiC powders were used, which were fabricated by different production routes and had surfaces oxidized to different degrees. The reactivity of the AlN powder in the supernatants was found to depend strongly on the concentration of dissolved silica in these slurries relative to the surface area of the AlN powder in the slurry. The hydrolysis of AlN did not occur if the concentration of dissolved silica, with respect to the AlN powder surface, was high enough (1 mg SiO2/(m2 AlN powder)) to form a layer of aluminosilicates on the AlN powder surface. This assumption was verified by measuring the pH of more concentrated (31 vol%) Si3N4 and SiC suspensions also including 5 wt% of AlN powder (with respect to the solids).  相似文献   

Silicon nitride powder synthesis was investigated via the silica reduction method. Adding Si3N4 to the SiO2-C mixture increased the reaction rate and promoted the formation of homogeneous Si3N4 grains. This effect could be explained on the basis that each Si3N4 particle acts as a 'seed' for the reaction.  相似文献   

Direct synthesis of silicon carbide (SiC) nanopowders (size 50–200 nm, BET ~20 m2/g) in Si–C system is conducted in an inert atmosphere (argon) using a self‐propagating high‐temperature synthesis (SHS) approach. A preliminary short‐term (e.g., minutes) high‐energy ball milling (HEBM) of the initial mixture, which involves pure Si and C powders, is used to enhance system reactivity. Two conditions of HEBM with different force fields (17G and 90G) are applied and the results are compared. The influence of HEBM's conditions on the microstructure of mechanically treated mixtures and combustion products is also investigated and discussed. Obtained results suggest that by changing the intensity of mechanical treatment one may prepare a completely amorphous reactive mixture containing carbon and silicon, or gradually change the ratio of (Si/C)–SiC phases and finally produce pure silicon carbide powder during the milling process. The influence of HEBM on the combustibility of the Si/C mixture possesses a critical character: the self‐sustained reaction becomes feasible only after a critical time of ball milling (i.e., 10 min for 90G; 30 min for 17G). Comparison of the microstructures for as‐milled and as‐synthesized powders reveals that for all investigated conditions the morphologies of the as‐milled reactive Si/C media are essentially the same as that for SiC combustion products. The mechanism for direct synthesis of SiC by combustion reaction is also proposed.  相似文献   

用微波水热辅助沉淀法制得氧化铝前驱体/碳化硅复合粉体,用XRD、SEM、TG-DSC对粉体进行了表征.研究表明:经过微波水热后,氧化铝的前驱体转变为AlO(OH),随着微波水热时间延长,AlO(OH)的结晶程度越来越高.pH值为7时,煅烧后的Al2 O3/SiC复合粉体的包覆效果最佳.  相似文献   

Composites of SiC/Si and SiC/SiC were prepared from single yarns of SiC. The use of carbon coatings on SiC yarn prevented the degradation normally observed when chemically vapor deposited Si is applied to SiC yarn. The strength, however, was not retained when the composite was heated at elevated temperatures in air. In contrast, the strength of a SiC/C/SiC composite was not reduced after this composite was heated at elevated temperatures, even when the fiber ends were exposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple method to synthesize silicon carbide (SiC) nanoribbons is presented. Silicon powder and carbon black powder placed in a horizontal tube furnace were exposed to temperatures ranging from 1,250 to 1,500°C for 5–12 h in an argon atmosphere at atmospheric pressure. The resulting SiC nanoribbons were tens to hundreds of microns in length, a few microns in width and tens of nanometers in thickness. The nanoribbons were characterized with electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and were found to be hexagonal wurtzite–type SiC (2H-SiC) with a growth direction of [10[`1]0] [10bar{1}0] . The influence of the synthesis conditions such as the reaction temperature, reaction duration and chamber pressure on the growth of the SiC nanomaterial was investigated. A vapor–solid reaction dominated nanoribbon growth mechanism was discussed.  相似文献   

Combustion Synthesis of Silicon Nitride-Silicon Carbide Composites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The feasibility of synthesizing silicon nitride-silicon carbide composites by self-propagating high-temperature reactions is demonstrated. Various mixtures of silicon, silicon nitride, and carbon powders were ignited under a nitrogen pressure of 30 atm (∼ 3 MPa), to produce a wide composition range of Si3N4-SiC powder products. Products containing up to 17 vol% of SiC, after being attrition milled, could be hot-pressed to full density under 1700°C, 3000 psi (∼ 21 MPa) with 4 wt% of Y2O3. The microhardness and fracture toughness of these composites were superior to those of the pure β-Si3N4 matrix material and compared very well with the properties of "traditionally" prepared composites.  相似文献   

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