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The history of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in Africa remains largely unknown. After being first introduced from the Near East, sheep gradually spread through the African continent with pastoral societies. The eastern part of Africa was important either for the first diffusion of sheep southward or for putative secondary introductions from the Arabian Peninsula or southern Asia. We analysed mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of 91 domestic sheep from Kenya and found a high diversity of matrilines from the widespread haplogroup B, whereas only a single individual from haplogroup A was detected. Our phylogeography analyses of more than 500 available mitochondrial DNA sequences also identified ancestral haplotypes that were probably first introduced in Africa and are now widely distributed. Moreover, we found no evidence of an admixture between East and West African sheep. The presence of shared haplotypes in eastern and ancient southern African sheep suggests the possible southward movement of sheep along the eastern part of Africa. Finally, we found no evidence of an extensive introduction of sheep from southern Asia into Africa via the Indian Ocean trade. The overall findings on the phylogeography of East African domestic sheep set the grounds for understanding the origin and subsequent movements of sheep in Africa. The richness of maternal lineages in Kenyan breeds is of prime importance for future conservation and breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Variation in two SNPs and one microsatellite on the Y chromosome was analyzed in a total of 663 rams representing 59 breeds from a large geographic range in northern Eurasia. SNPA‐oY1 showed the highest allele frequency (91.55%) across the breeds, whereas SNPG‐oY1 was present in only 56 samples. Combined genotypes established seven haplotypes (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12 and H19). H6 dominated in northern Eurasia, and H8 showed the second‐highest frequency. H4, which had been earlier reported to be absent in European breeds, was detected in one European breed (Swiniarka), whereas H7, which had been previously identified to be unique to European breeds, was present in two Chinese breeds (Ninglang Black and Large‐tailed Han), one Buryatian (Transbaikal Finewool) and two Russian breeds (North Caucasus Mutton‐Wool and Kuibyshev). H12, which had been detected only in Turkish breeds, was also found in Chinese breeds in this work. An overall low level of haplotype diversity (median h = 0.1288) was observed across the breeds with relatively higher median values in breeds from the regions neighboring the Near Eastern domestication center of sheep. H6 is the dominant haplotype in northwestern and eastern China, in which the haplotype distribution could be explained by the historical translocations of the H4 and H8 Y chromosomes to China via the Mongol invasions followed by expansions to northwestern and eastern China. Our findings extend previous results of sheep Y chromosomal genetic variability and indicate probably recent paternal gene flows between sheep breeds from distinct major geographic regions.  相似文献   

Behaviour of sheep is complex and poorly understood. It is only within the past 20 years that a concerted effort has been made to elucidate those aspects of behaviour which have most relevance to sheep raising under open-range conditions. The present report attempts to summarize and review published work on the behaviour and ecology of sheep. The whole question of the significance of behaviour and the extent to which it is possible to shape it is a field which is open for study. This paper is an attempt to summarize the work on sheep behaviour and on those aspects of physiology which impinge. Consideration is given to the evolution of Bovids, scope of domestication and world distribution of sheep since these aspects have a major influence on the sheep with which we deal today. Animal requirements for food, water, shelter, protection from predators, and control of disease and parasites have been largely met by man and the forces for selection which operated among the progenitors of domestic sheep have been largely negated. Despite this, genetic selection still goes on. Behavioural adaptation to a wide variety of environmental and nutritional regimes is a common feature among free-ranging sheep. Reproductive success, a matter of considerable commercial concern is often poor. Lamb survival is of critical importance. Factors involved in neonatal mortality are reviewed in detail. Finally, the now extensive literature on sheep behaviour, physiology and management is collated in a bibliography with over 150 literature citations.  相似文献   

Internally consistent G-, Q- and R-banded karyotypes and idiograms for sheep chromosomes at the 422-band level of resolution are presented. These were derived by sequential Q- to G-staining, and sequential Q- to R-staining of prometaphase spreads prepared from sheep with normal and Robertsonian chromosomes. The fused chromosomes served as stable morphological markers. To minimise confusion due to chromosomal nomenclature, we have listed chromosome-specific (reference) molecular markers that have been mapped byin situ hybridization to sheep chromosomes. The use of molecular markers in conjunction with the sequential Q- to G- and sequential Q- to R-banded karyotypes and iodiograms provided here will elimiate ambiguities in identifying and numbering sheep chromosomes and will facilitate their comparison with cattle chromosomes. Edited by: J.B. Rattner  相似文献   

The unambiguous identification of ovine chromsomes has become essential for the mapping of the sheep genome, which predominantly consists of telocentric chromosomes of gradually decreasing size. Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) and Robertsonian fusions have been used here as the cytological and morphological markers, respectively, to define the banding pattern of eight paris of sheep telocentric chromosomes that have an ambiguous identification status. Five Robertsonian chromosomes involving most of the ambiguous chromosomes as well as normal prometaphase chromosomes were stained sequentially and separately by QFQ, GTG, and Ag-NOR methodologies. The prometaphase banding patterns of the ambiguous chromosomes 4, 6, 8, 9, 21, 24, 25 and 26 are represented schematically. For providing an accurate image of the banding pattern, a system of shading has been employed to show the relative intensity of bands in a given chromosome. The results presented here will facilitate the regional mapping of the sheep genome, extend the information on cytogenetic homology with other bovids, and substantially accelerate the comparative mapping studies in Bovidae.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is an important agent of the bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) pneumonia that has previously inevitably followed experimental commingling with domestic sheep (Ovis aries), we commingled M. ovipneumoniae-free domestic and bighorn sheep (n=4 each). One bighorn sheep died with acute pneumonia 90 days after commingling, but the other three remained healthy for >100 days. This unprecedented survival rate is significantly different (P=0.002) from that of previous bighorn-domestic sheep contact studies but similar to (P>0.05) bighorn sheep survival following commingling with other ungulates. The absence of epizootic respiratory disease in this experiment supports the hypothesized role of M. ovipneumoniae as a key pathogen of epizootic pneumonia in bighorn sheep commingled with domestic sheep.  相似文献   

Bloat in sheep (Ovis aries)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Most of the field studies on bloat are conducted with cattle and most of the laboratory experiments seeking to explain the various parameters associated with bloat are done with sheep. 2. Based on grazing behaviour, it would be expected that sheep might bloat more severely than cattle because they selectively choose to eat leaves over stems and chew what they ingest more frequently than cattle. Furthermore, sheep appear to select legumes over grasses because the legumes can be eaten more rapidly. However, because they are selective, sheep eat more slowly than cattle. Despite a higher bloat expectation, bloating in sheep is reported to be less of a problem than in cattle. 3. Although frothing of rumen ingesta was described earlier in cattle as the cause of acute legume bloat, experiments with frothy bloat in sheep preceded those in cattle. 4. Anti-frothing agents were used in sheep before cattle to treat acute legume bloat. 5. Experiments devoted to the study of eructation in ruminants were carried out on sheep, then cattle. 6. Convincing evidence that rumen motility does not cease during acute legume bloat was gathered using sheep. 7. Although the transected tracheal technique for the determination of the volume of eructated gas was developed with cattle, the pathway of eructated gas was confirmed with sheep. 8. All the current evidence accumulated from experiments with sheep supports the hypothesis that death due to legume bloat is caused by acute neural, respiratory, and cardiovascular insult resulting from the effect of the distended rumen on thoracic viscera, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and the abdominal vena cava. 9. Experiments with sheep and cattle being fed scabrous and nonscabrous diets similar in chemical composition show that sheep are more resistant than cattle to the increase in intrarumen pressure, decline in rumen contraction amplitude, and decrease in rumen contraction frequency caused by nonscabrous diets. 10. The sequence of events in the reticulorumen during primary and secondary contractions previously described following visual and palpation experiments with cattle was confirmed by the use of myoelectrodes implanted in the various sacs of the reticulorumen of sheep. 11. Elevated intrarumen pressure is associated with an increase in the frequency of primary (mixing) and secondary (eructation) contractions (more secondaries than primaries).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two embryo production methodologies were investigated to generate Red sheep embryos for use in an interspecific embryo transfer program. In Experiment 1, 4 multiparous female Red sheep (Ovis orientalis gmelini ) were implanted with CIDR type G devices for 11 d. Forty-eight hours prior to CIDR removal, a total of 22.5 mg bid of FSH-P was administered over a 3-d period. Laparoscopic embryo collection was performed 5 d post breeding, and embryos were transferred to domestic recipient ewes (Ovis aries and Ovis orientalis musimon ). In Experiment 2, 7 nulliparous female Red sheep were implanted with CIDR devices and injected with 200 IU of PMSG and 25 mg of FSH-P on the 8th day of implant insertion. At 60 to 70 h post PMSG/FSH-P treatment, follicular oocytes were aspirated laparoscopically. The recovered oocytes were matured in M199 (with fetal calf serum, FSH, LH, penicillin and streptomycin) at 39 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO(2). At 24 h oocytes were fertilized with frozen-thawed semen at a concentration of 1.6 x 10(6) sperm/ml. The ova/embryos were placed in CR2 or BOEC culture medium at 20-22 h post IVF. Following 3 to 4 d in culture, embryos were transferred laparoscopically to the uterine horn of synchronized recipients. In Experiment 1, 4 embryos and 6 UFO were collected from 2 embryo donors, respectively. Two embryos were transferred with the aid of a laparoscope to each of 2 Rambouillet recipients, one of which gave birth to a healthy Red sheep lamb at 158 d of gestation. In Experiment2, a total of 62 oocytes was collected from 7 oocyte donors; 16 developed to the 16- to 32-cell stage and were transferred to 8 recipients. Three of these IVM-IVF embryos were transferred laparoscopically to 2 Mouflon recipients, resulting in no pregnancies. Thirteen IVM-IVF embryos were transferred to 6 Rambouillet recipients. Each of these gave birth to a single healthy Red sheep lamb. Gestation lengths of the 3 IVM-IVF lambs ranged from 152 to 162 d. This research demonstrates that when using compatible species IVM-IVF technology in conjunction with interspecific ET can lead to the production of live offspring and can be used to propagate exotic ovine species.  相似文献   

A central theme in life history theory is to determine how reproduction varies with age in iteroparous organisms. Evidence of ageing and senescence, defined as the progressive loss of function accompanied by decreased performance with age, remains poorly documented for large herbivores, in particular as it relates to reproduction. Analyses of body weight of 87 532 domestic sheep lambs demonstrates that onset of reproductive senescence in ewes occurs already at 5 and 6 years of age when measured, respectively, as lamb weight and litter size produced. This provides convincing evidence of early onset of reproductive senescence in this highly domesticated sheep breed. As this is earlier than indicated for other Ovis species as well as for the Soay sheep, an ancient and lightly domesticated sheep, we hypothesize that there may be a cost of selection for large litter size in mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in nocturnal prolactin secretion and their relationship with melatonin secretion were monitored in wild (Mouflon, Ovis gmelini musimon) and domesticated sheep (breed Manchega, Ovis aries). Two groups of eleven adult females each, were maintained outdoors under natural photoperiod. Plasma concentrations of prolactin and melatonin were determined during the summer and winter solstices and the autumn and spring equinoxes. Blood samples were collected every 3h during the night hours, and 1h before and after the onset of darkness and sunrise. Maximum mean plasma concentrations of prolactin during the dark-phase in Mouflons were observed in the summer solstice, (P<0.001) and in the summer solstice and spring equinox in Manchega ewes (P<0.001). Mean plasma concentrations of prolactin were higher in the wild species (P<0.001) during the summer solstice. In contrast, during the spring equinox, mean levels of prolactin were higher in Manchega ewes than in Mouflons (P<0.05). Plasma prolactin concentrations showed a nocturnal rhythm in both breeds, with seasonal variations (P<0.001). The increase in plasma melatonin levels during the first hour after sunset was accompanied to increasing concentrations of PRL 1h after the onset of darkness, only in the autumn and spring equinox for the Mouflon, and in the summer solstice and spring equinox for the Manchega ewes. In Mouflons, the fall of plasma PRL concentrations about the middle dark-phase in all the periods studied, coincided with high levels of melatonin. A similar relation was observed in Manchega ewes only in the winter solstice and spring equinox. The current study shows that the nocturnal rhythm of prolactin secretion exhibits seasonal variation; differences in the patterns of prolactin secretion between Mouflon and Manchega sheep are taken to represent the effects of genotype.  相似文献   

The domestic sheep (Ovis aries) has been an economically and culturally important farm animal species since its domestication around the world. A wide array of sheep breeds with abundant phenotypic diversity exists including domestication and selection as well as the indigenous breeds may harbor specific features as a result of adaptation to their environment. The objective of this study was to investigate the population structure of indigenous sheep in a large geographic location of the Chinese mainland. Six microsatellites were genotyped for 611 individuals from 14 populations. The mean number of alleles (±SD) ranged from 7.00 ± 3.69 in Gangba sheep to 10.50 ± 4.23 in Tibetan sheep. The observed heterozygote frequency (±SD) within a population ranged from 0.58 ± 0.03 in Gangba sheep to 0.71 ± 0.03 in Zazakh sheep and Minxian black fur sheep. In addition, there was a low pairwise difference among the Minxian black fur sheep, Mongolian sheep, Gansu alpine merino, and Lanzhou fat‐tailed sheep. Bayesian analysis with the program STRUCTURE showed support for 3 clusters, revealing a vague genetic clustering pattern with geographic location. The results of the current study inferred high genetic diversity within these native sheep in the Chinese mainland.  相似文献   



Sheep (Ovis aries) were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region about 9,000-8,000 years ago. Currently, few mitochondrial (mt) DNA studies are available on archaeological sheep. In particular, no data on archaeological European sheep are available.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we describe the first portion of mtDNA sequence of a Copper Age European sheep. DNA was extracted from hair shafts which were part of the clothes of the so-called Tyrolean Iceman or Ötzi (5,350 - 5,100 years before present). Mitochondrial DNA (a total of 2,429 base pairs, encompassing a portion of the control region, tRNAPhe, a portion of the 12S rRNA gene, and the whole cytochrome B gene) was sequenced using a mixed sequencing procedure based on PCR amplification and 454 sequencing of pooled amplification products. We have compared the sequence with the corresponding sequence of 334 extant lineages.


A phylogenetic network based on a new cladistic notation for the mitochondrial diversity of domestic sheep shows that the Ötzi''s sheep falls within haplogroup B, thus demonstrating that sheep belonging to this haplogroup were already present in the Alps more than 5,000 years ago. On the other hand, the lineage of the Ötzi''s sheep is defined by two transitions (16147, and 16440) which, assembled together, define a motif that has not yet been identified in modern sheep populations.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,73(2-3):232-236
To determine the genetic diversity and the origin of Chinese sheep, we analyzed 83 complete sequences of mtDNA D-loop from nine Chinese sheep breeds and a foreign breed, together with nine sheep and cattle available sequences from GenBank. The length of the sequences was considerably variable between 1103 and 1225 bp. The hapolotype diversity was 92.7%. The nucleotide diversity was 3.058%. And the mean nucleotide composition of the 83 sequences was 32.9% A, 29.8% T, 22.9% C and 14.4% G, respectively. The NJ phylogenetic tree (the number of replications of bootstrap test is 1000) revealed that there were three distinct major domestic sheep lineages (termed as lineages A–C) in the 10 breeds. The result indicated that Chinese native sheep breeds derive from three different maternal sources. The mismatch distribution analysis showed that the Fs values were −25.15, −12.28, −8.60 for the lineages A–C, respectively (P < 0.01), which suggested that atleast one population expansion events occur in the demographic history of Chinese sheep breeds.  相似文献   

Zhao X  Li N  Guo W  Hu X  Liu Z  Gong G  Wang A  Feng J  Wu C 《Heredity》2004,93(4):399-403
The mitochondrial DNA of 172 sheep from 48 families were typed by using PCR-RFLP, direct amplification of the repeated sequence domain and sequencing analysis. The mitochondrial DNA from three lambs in two half-sib families were found to show paternal inheritance. Our findings provide direct evidence of paternal inheritance of mitochondria DNA in sheep. A total of 12 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, which mapped on different chromosomes, were employed to type the sheep population to confirm family relationships. Possible mechanisms of paternal inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

Niu LL  Li HB  Ma YH  Du LX 《Animal genetics》2012,43(1):108-111
The purpose of this study was to assess the genetic characteristics of six breeds of Chinese local sheep using 19 microsatellite loci and to effectively validate statistical methods for individual assignment based on informative microsatellites. All the six breeds deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations, while the majority of markers complied. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of overall loci for the six populations ranged from 0.283 (SRCRSP5) to 0.852 (OarVH72). Tibetan sheep were the most diverse population with the highest mean allelic richness (6.895), while Ujmuqin (UQ) harboured the lowest allelic richness (6.000). The F‐statistics for the six populations were FIS = ?0.172, FIT = ?0.082 and FST = 0.077, respectively. Furthermore, the pair‐wise FIS revealed a moderate genetic differentiation among populations (P < 0.01), indicating that all breeds can be considered genetically independent entities. The lowest genetic differentiation was between Tengchong (TC) and UQ (FST = 0.041), and the highest one was between TC and Fat‐tailed Han (FST = 0.111). In comparing the three statistical models, we note that the seven microsatellite loci (MAF65, OarJMP58, SRCRSP9, MCM140, OarAE129, BM8125 and SRCRSP5) commonly used for individual assignment will ensure a powerful detection of individual origin, with accuracy up to 91.87%, when the likelihood‐based method is used. Overall, these findings shed light onto the genetic characteristics of Chinese indigenous sheep and offer a set of microsatellite loci that is simple, economic and highly informative for individual assignment of Chinese sheep.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of biochemical parameters were carried out on material pooled from 30 female sheep (Ovis aries ligeriensis). 2. The values determined were for the common metabolites and enzymes utilized for specific studies in general metabolism (urea, glucose, cholesterol, lipids, bilirubin, uric acid, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, GOT, GPT, LDH, LAP, CGT, CK and amylase). 3. Results of these studies were compared with values from normal human adults. 4. The differences obtained in human and sheep ranges can be explained by the different physiology of the two species. 5. This study gives values for the sheep as an experimental animal in biomedical research.  相似文献   

The nucleolus organizer regions of domestic sheep (Ovis aries), as shown by silver staining, are located terminally on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 25. Significant differences between individuals in the number of Ag-NORs per cell were found. The frequency of involvement of individual chromosome pairs in nucleolar organization was found to be a characteristic of individual animals. Association frequencies of individual chromosomes were accounted for by their frequency of participation in nucleolar organization. No evidence for nonrandom association of chromosome pairs was found.  相似文献   

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