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一、五次购并浪潮的动因分析 企业与企业之间的频繁购并活动,一直是国际资本市场上一道最为亮丽的风景.纵观历史,我们不难发现,迄今为止共发生了五次大的企业间购并浪潮.而在每一次购并浪潮中,其购并的动因、购并的对象和购并的规模都具有重大的差异.  相似文献   

购并是指企业之间产权收购、转让、交易的行为和过程,它是企业实现资本快速扩张、壮大生产经营规模的重要手段,是企业之间存量资源合理流动、优化配置的有效途径.但由于企业集团的发展目标、经营性质、资源状况各不相同,购并的原始动力也千差万别,实际购并过程通常是多因素综合作用的结果.从购并方来看,购并的动因大体上有以下几种:  相似文献   

中外企业购并的动因比较及存在的问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业购并是我国实施大企业、大集团战略的重要途径,是我国经济改革与发展的重大战略选择。本文在对国内外企业并购的动因进行比较、评析的基础上,就我国企业购并中存在的问题提出了一系列应对措施。  相似文献   

成本动因量的同质性研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
本文从数量属性相同的角度提出“量的同质性”概念。符合量的同质性要求的作业,即不同产品消耗相同比例的某几种作业,也可以视为同质作业,从而可以把它们的成本归并在一起,也构成同质成本库。 一、模型建立与分析 设I表示产品或成本对象的集合,J表示与作业相关联的成本动因的集合,i表示第i种产品(iI),j表示第j种成本动因(jJ),Qij表示产品i消耗成本动因j的数量,Cj表示成本动因j的作业成本总额,Ei表示i产品作业成本总额,Rij表示i产品消耗的成本动因j的数量占j成本动因总量的百分比,简称成本动因系…  相似文献   

本文首先讨论了国际文化营销产生的动因,分析了国际贸易中的比较优势理论与要素禀赋理论对解释国际文化营销产生动因的缺陷,并提出合理解释国际文化营销产生动因的理论应为文化互补理论。在此基础上,本文提出,国际营销在某种程度上是文化营销;国际文化营销取得成功的关键因素遵循产品特点对新产品接受率影响模型。本文最后分析了国际文化营销的市场进入模式并发展了评判框架。  相似文献   

陈琦 《企业经济》2015,(2):91-95
以收益动因理论以及人力资源价值理论为基础,提出了基于收益动因的人力资源价值计量模型,该计量模型由效率驱动型、协作驱动型、决策驱动型以及无相关驱动型组成。随后以A、B、C公司为例,实证检验了收益动因的人力资源价值计量模型,认为A、C公司员工收益应调整,B公司剩余人力资源受益额为负值,所以收益应维持原先水平不变。该模型的构建能有效地进行相应的薪资配置,并在很大程度能调动劳动者的工作积极性,有利于企业的良性发展。  相似文献   

战略成本动因分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着企业外部市场环境的变化,战略成本管理为适应企业战略管理的需要应运而生,而战略成本动因分析是战略成本管理的重要工具。本文通过对战略成本动因二要素——结构性成本动因和执行性成本动因的理论分析,进而寻求企业价值链的最优化组合,发掘有效的成本管理途径获取成本优势,以期为我国企业的成本管理提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

战略成本动因分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着企业外部市场环境的变化,战略成本管理为适应企业战略管理的需要应运而生,而战略成本动因分析是战略成本管理的重要工具.本文通过对战略成本动因二要素--结构性成本动因和执行性成本动因的理论分析,进而寻求企业价值链的最优化组合,发掘有效的成本管理途径获取成本优势,以期为我国企业的成本管理提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

从资源到作业、产品(服务对象)的作业成本法 作业成本法通过识别企业行为、确定发生行为时产生的成本和为产生的成本找到分配依据来建立成本模型。作业成本法假定:成本费用的发生不仅仅与产量相关,还与产品(服务)的种类和复杂程度相联系,并据此建立了从成本发生,作业类型,成本动因及其分配至产品对象的过程。  相似文献   

文章基于商业信用在市场经济中的重要地位,阐述了西方理论界的信息不对称动因、效率动因、融资动因、投资动因及市场与竞争力动因是如何影响商业信用决策的,同时还介绍了企业规模、性质、竞争策略、销售渠道、生产季节性等不同企业特征可能会影响企业的商业信用决策的相关研究结论。  相似文献   

A bstract .   This article begins by presenting experimental evidence that remains unexplained by standard and utility-extended economic models: experimental subjects tend to honor their promises even on occasions when an assessment of consequences asks them to defect; subjects voluntarily contribute to collective goods, and this contribution is highly conditional on others contributing as well; subjects evaluate and value the intentions behind actions as well as the consequences of actions. Arguments are sought for in moral philosophy that would more plainly explain the collected experimental evidence and that would help economists revise their explanatory frames. The hypothesis advanced is that the observed behavior may be interpreted as resulting from the moral strength of indignation and justice norms.  相似文献   

Corporate fraud typically involves deceptive financial statements that are harmful for some stakeholders. We analyze how preferences for honesty and economic fairness shape the punishment of such untruthful statements. Our laboratory experiment disentangles the crucial confound that, for deceptive financial statements, larger deviations from the truth imply both a stronger violation of the honesty norm and an increase in economic harm. Our study measures how people punish increased dishonesty controlling for the corresponding economic harm. We find that punishment increases with the size of the lie. This behavioral pattern is driven by people who are honest themselves. Our results suggest that popular demand for punitive measures in case of financial scandals reflects a genuine interest in the enforcement of social norms.  相似文献   

We analyze the motives and long-term stock price performance of firms that pursue IPOs in cold IPO periods. We find that firms are more likely to engage in an IPO during a cold period when their earnings are relatively high and are expected to decline in the future. We also find that IPO firms during a cold period are more likely to have managed their earnings prior to the IPO. Furthermore, we find that cold IPO firms experience significantly weaker stock price performance than hot IPO firms, and results are robust to different criteria for defining hot and cold IPO periods, different measures of stock price performance, and different investment holding periods. We find that investment opportunities, the backing of a venture capitalist, and an increase in earnings in the year of the IPO lead to significantly higher long term stock price performance of IPO firms. Our multivariate models confirm the adverse cold IPO period effect on stock price performance even after controlling for the IPO motives and the firm's earnings performance. Our results also hold within the post-Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) era.  相似文献   

制图课的传授成功与否与学生的学习目的和学习兴趣有很大的关系,往往起到决定性的作用。所以这篇文章主要是研究如何激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,掌握学生的学习动机,对症下药,寻找提高学生的学习效率的方法。  相似文献   

文中从我国医药制造业企业发展现状及发展趋势研究入手,分析了医药制造业企业并购的动因,具体研究了我国医药制造业企业并购的一般动因及特殊动因。  相似文献   


In this exploratory study, die autfiors attempt to determine and interpret die interdependencies between die motives and modes of setting up subsidiaries by foreign investors in Poland, and the main characteristics and performance of these subsidiaries. Two modes of setting up a subsidiary are examined: green-field and acquisition. The audiors use data collected from seven foreign subsidiaries operating in Poland and apply within-case and cross-case analytical approach to identify and interpret relationships between die variables under consideration. The results of the study lead to a formulation of eight hypotheses requiring further testing and research.  相似文献   

This paper considers the strategic motivation for international alliance formation for a sample of UK firms with partners in western Europe, the United States and Japan. the relative importance of a set of strategic motives is identified and related to extant theory. A parsimonious set of strategic motives for the sample studied is provided by means of factor analysis. the paper identifies the main strategic motives for alliance formation by UK firms as intrinsically linked to the market and geographical expansion of the firm and that the main strategic motives are underpinned by the theories of strategic positioning and organizational learning. This study also finds that some of the often suggested motives for alliance formation found in the literature, in particular aspects of risk reduction associated with new projects, appear not to be particularly important motivating factors. Hypotheses are tested on the relationship between the relative importance of individual strategic motives and a number of characteristics of the sample - contractual form of the alliance, relative partner size, primary geographical location of the venture, industry of the alliance and partner nationality. Implications of the findings for future theorizing on alliances and their motives is identified.  相似文献   

从经济全球化与地区一体化、市场模式转化、物流投资环境与行业发展现状等宏观视角和物流产业自身的多元性与层次性、国外物流企业发展策略、国内物流企业竞争优劣势等微观视角伞叫考察我国物流市场竞合动因,进而结合物流业特点阐述合作竞争型物流市场所产生的规模经济与范嗣经济;降低交易费用与组织管理成本;增强核心竞争力、学习与创新效应等竞合效应,以期为我国合作竞争型物流市场培育提供理论依据.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT . This article begins with the observation that people often cooperate in social dilemmas. Specifically, they may do so either for altruistic reasons or for reasons indirectly linked to self‐interest. Because these competing motivations exist in different contexts, we explore the consequences of the incorporation of altruism in the economic framework in the context of a series of prisoner's dilemma experiments. Our experiments involve student subjects in groups of three. Each student plays two rounds of a monetary prisoner's dilemma game with the other two subjects in that group. We find evidence for recognizably different levels of the altruistic behavior of cooperation due to personal attributes and specific experimental conditions. Cooperation rates are higher for female students and more senior students. Of more interest is the evidence that economics majors tend to behave more cooperatively than noneconomics majors.  相似文献   

Recent research finds that managers of public firms overpay for acquisitions relative to private equity acquirers and that the public acquirer ulterior motives explain the apparent overpayment. I find that, in sharp contrast to the existing literature, the difference in what public firm managers are willing to pay for their targets can be attributed to efficiency motives (using the propensity score matching to remove a significant amount of bias from the sample allows for cleaner comparisons). Additional support for these results is found by examining transactions in which both public and private equity firms are bidding on the same target. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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