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三峡移民的出路在于库区的持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡工程移民面临的困难是巨大的。解决三峡工程移民问题的正确战略应该是将库区作为一个综合开发的整体,以库区的持续发展作为移民安置的基础,坚持移民成功应达到的经济标准、社会标准和环境标准,将发展二三产业作为移民就业的重点,按适应21世纪持续发展的要求,搞好库区基础设施和城镇建设,增加对库区的投入。  相似文献   

后三峡工程时代旅游开发式移民研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
百万移民工程是三峡工程相伴生的世界级难题,三峡库坝区原有后靠移民依然存在着后续安置的任务。“后三峡工程”时代的库区工作重心应从移民“搬得出”向“稳得住,逐步能致富”转移,实现从工程“移民”向“富民”的战略转变。旅游业作为三峡地区的优势产业之一,在移民经济发展中具有明显的绿色GDP生产新功绩、移民致富“造血”新功效、民间转移支付新功能;坚持把旅游开发与移民致富相结合,探索性提出了旅游开发式移民的新思路。  相似文献   

旅游移民是近年来西方学者研究的焦点之一,包括旅游劳工移民和消费导向移民两大类型,主要集中在旅游移民的界定和类型划分、产生的动因、社会经济影响、往返问题等四个方面.国内研究在非志愿移民、旅游劳工移民、消费导向旅游移民三个方面有所涉及.国内外研究都处于起步阶段,需要明确方向,加强研究.  相似文献   

2007年下半年启动的《国家环境与腱康行动计划》明确规定,到2015年要完善环境与健康风险评估和风险预测、预警工作,实现环境污染突发公共事件的多部门协同应急处置;基本实现社会各方面参与环境与健康工作的良好局面。应《国家环境与健康行动计划》要求,环境保护部科技司委托北京大学公共卫生学院等,对我国部分地区环境与健康现状进行了实地调查,本刊就此次调查所发现的问题和结果公布如下。  相似文献   

黄山市木竹雕工艺品产业现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄山市木竹资源丰富,木竹雕刻生产历史悠久,旅游业发展对木竹雕工艺品有较大需求。调查分析了黄山市木竹雕工艺品产业发展现状,指出发展中存在着市场机制不完善、生产规模小、地方特色不明显等问题,提出了建立管理和协调机制、加大整合和扶持力度、合理利用资源、注重地方特色、拓宽销售渠道、加强人才培养等建议和对策,以促进黄山市木竹雕工艺品产业快速、良性、健康发展。  相似文献   

三峡库区土壤中微量元素有效态含量及其特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了微量元素在三峡库区土壤中的有效态含量以及丰缺程度,发生频率等特征,同时,初步探讨了有效态微量元素之间及其与土壤pH值,有机质含量的相关关系。  相似文献   

本文建立了三峡库区土壤中有效态微量元素含量的区划原则。根据确立的有效态微量元素含量丰缺的指标,运用等值线图法,采用微机处理,最后将库区划分为八个土壤亚区。  相似文献   

In this essay I argue that the evolutionary and comparative study of nonhuman animal (hereafter animal) cognition in a wide range of taxa by cognitive ethologists can readily inform discussions about animal protection and animal rights. However, while it is clear that there is a link between animal cognitive abilities and animal pain and suffering, I agree with Jeremy Bentham who claimed long ago the real question does not deal with whether individuals can think or reason but rather with whether or not individuals can suffer. One of my major goals will be to make the case that the time has come to expand. The Great Ape Project (GAP) to The Great Ape/Animal Project (GA/AP) and to take seriously the moral status and rights of all animals by presupposing that all individuals should be admitted into the Community of Equals. I also argue that individuals count and that it is essential to avoid being speciesist cognitivists; it really doesn't matter whether ‘dogs ape’ or whether ‘apes dog’ when taking into account the worlds of different individual animals. Narrow-minded primatocentrism and speciesism must be resisted in our studies of animal cognition and animal protection and rights. Line-drawing into ‘lower’ and ‘higher’ species is a misleading speciesist practice that should be vigorously resisted because not only is line-drawing bad biology but also because it can have disastrous consequences for how animals are viewed and treated. Speciesist line-drawing also ignores within species individual differences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

主要采用调查法、访问法等,对中国环境管理干部学院教师健康现状进行了调查研究,并根据教师每周参加体育活动情况,教师经常参加体育活动内容及地点,教师的闲暇时间与体育支出,学院教师体检等情况,建议我院教师注重身体健康,增强健身意识,建议学院为教职工的健康工作和生活创造健身条件和环境。  相似文献   

Large-scale infrastructural developments in rural areas often impose significant direct and indirect impacts on environment and people. The Three Gorges Project to dam the Yangtze River in China will create a huge reservoir, inundate farmlands and villages, and incur large-scale resettlement. The concurrent de-farming program to reforest marginal farmlands on steep slopes imposes additional stresses on local people. This study evaluates the ecological and economic adjustments in rural areas affected by both projects, and explores villagers’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and expectations vis-à-vis the drastic changes. Eleven villages in Yunyang County in Sichuan Province, stratified into three zones based on topography and agriculture, were assessed by field studies, questionnaire surveys, maps, satellite imagery, and census and government reports. Multiple regressions identified predictors for 17 dependent variables. Spatial variations in the difficult terrain imposed zone-differentiated agricultural constraints, ecological impacts, and human responses. The dominant farming population—mainly young adults working as migrant laborers in cities—has adopted some nonagricultural work to supplement incomes. Expected per-capita standardized farmland (SF) exceeded threshold SF, which surpasses existing SF. Motivations to reclaim more farmlands, de-farm marginal lands, and become migrant laborers were explained by different multiple-regression predictors. Reduction in farmland stock by inundation and de-farming, aggravated by unwillingness towards nonlocal resettlement, would impose ecological pressures and stimulate demands for nonfarming incomes. Common anticipation of better future income and occupation has been subdued by unfavorable feedbacks from early relocatees. Future environmental and landscape changes are hinged upon changing human responses. Government policies could be informed by research findings to match economic, ecological, and social realities.  相似文献   

五氯酚对环境污染及居民健康影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国长期以来使用五氯酚纳盐杀灭亡血吸虫的中间宿主──—钉螺.为评价它对环境的污染及居民健康危害,1990-1993年在我省开展了五氯酚环境污染及对居民健康影响研究.在研究区采集环境样品(空气、水体、土壤及底泥、蔬菜、肉、蛋、鱼等)共173份;生物材料(人血、尿)共457份,分析五氯酚浓度.结果在明,在五氯酚使用区,环境中PCP浓度稍高于对照区,而生物材料尿、血中PCP浓度明显高于对照区.全血胆碱脂酶活性用药区明显低于对照区,统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.001),证实了长期低剂量使用可造成环境及生物蓄积.  相似文献   

砷的毒性及其环境卫生标准   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
砷广泛分布于自然界,而且是一种重要的环境污染物,国内外曾多次发生过砷中毒事件。本文主要报道了砷的毒性,特别是致癌性,致突变性和致畸性,同时介绍了各国砷的现行环境卫生标准。  相似文献   

This paper shows how different methods can be integrated in order to provide an organic evaluation of the environmental sustainability at the territorial level. A territory is a complex, dynamic and open system where a population develops, uses resources, produces goods and services, consumes, depletes and finally obtains economic results. All these elements characterise human behaviour, which can be monitored, measured and compared to the capacity of the environment to sustain it in the long run. The SPIn-Eco Project for the Province of Siena (Italy) is described as an example of an environmental sustainability assessment of an area, and its methods (Ecological Footprint, Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Extended Exergy Analysis, Emergy Evaluation, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Remote Sensing) are briefly introduced. This Project has been proposed and funded by the most important provincial administrative and financial institutions in the territory (the Administration of the Province of Siena and the Monte dei Paschi Foundation, respectively), and was designed and realised in 4 years (2001-2004) by a research team coordinated by the University of Siena.  相似文献   

西河污灌区环境污染对居民健康影响的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对污灌区居民健康状况及水样致突性的调查,显示污灌区居民消化系统主要疾病(慢性胃炎,急、慢性肠炎)患病率,肝肿大率以及总标化死亡率均显著高于对照区(P<0.01)。污灌区消化系恶性肿瘤标化死亡率高于对照区(P<0.01)。污灌区消化系恶性肿瘤标化死亡率高于对照区(P<0.05);水样紫露草微核率亦高于对照区,并有显著性差异(P<0.01)。污灌区居民由于受饮用水和食物等污染,每年的健康经济损失总计为127.2050万元。  相似文献   

李清源 《青海环境》2003,13(2):72-75
文章在客观分析西北民族地区主要生态环境问题的基础上,提出了相应的治理对策建议,以期起社会各界,有关部门的共同关注和重视,把西北民族地区生态环境保护建设推向新的高潮。  相似文献   

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