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The cyclization reactions of polyunsaturated systems such as enediynes, enyne-allenes, as well as many others, can be structurally related to the Cope reaction and grouped into two branches: 6pi (e.g., Cope, allenyl-Cope) and [2sigma + 4pi] systems (e.g., Bergman, Myers-Saito). After extensive computional (BCCD(T)/cc-pVDZ//UBLYP/6-31G) examination of a large set of Cope-related reactions, we derive the following simple rule: biradical intermediates are involved along the reaction path if they are stabilized by allylic resonance or aromaticity.  相似文献   

Aromaticity of borazine, which has been subject of controversial discussions, is addressed. Beside a short review on aromaticity of borazine we report a detailed analysis of two molecular fields, the induced magnetic field (B ind) and the electron localization function (ELF). The induced magnetic field of borazine shows a long-range shielding cone perpendicular to the molecular plane, as in benzene, but lower in magnitude. Contrary to benzene, borazine shows two weakly paratropic regions, one of them inside the ring, and the second one enveloping the boron atoms. It is necessary to separate σ and π contributions to identify whether borazine exhibits π-aromatic character comparable to benzene. Nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS) isolines show that the σ electrons are much stronger localized than π electrons, their local paramagnetic contributions generate a short-range response and a paratropic (deshielding) region in the ring center (similar to an anti-aromatic response). Three regions can be identified as chemically meaningful domains exhibiting an internally strong electron delocalization (ELF = 0.823). Borazine may be described as a π aromatic compound, but it is not a globally aromatic species, as the electronic system is not as delocalized as in benzene. Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. Tadeusz Marek Krygowski.  相似文献   

Since the 1970's, an appreciable number of research reactors at universities as well as national institutes has been closed down. If this trend is further continued, it will become detrimental for the future development in scientific areas that largely depend on the reactor, such as radiochemistry and n-beam research. Therefore, the facilities still in operation have to develop strategies aiming at assuring their activities and at further development of reactor and associated experimental facilities. Key aspects of such strategies will be discussed, with particular attention for the possible role of radiochemistry.  相似文献   

In this review, the reactions of nitric oxide with selected metal complexes of biological and environmental importance are reviewed. Fundamental chemical kinetics and mechanisms that lead to the formation and decay of nitrosyl complexes are illustrated and discussed on the basis of work on Fe(II) chelate complexes and selected biomolecules such as metmyoglobin and cobalamin. In the context of common interference of higher nitrogen oxides in the studies on the interactions of nitric oxide with metal centres, the reactions of NO2/HONO (in aqueous media) and NO2/N2O3 (in aprotic media) with metal complexes are described on the basis of selected examples. Throughout the review the focus is on the mechanistic details of the binding of NO to and the release of NO from metal complexes, and the nature of the stable metal–NO complexes produced in solution.  相似文献   

The coupling of laser ablation (LA) to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) enables the direct analysis of solid samples with micrometric resolution. Analysis is often restricted to relatively small samples owing to the dimensions of conventional ablation cells. Here, we assess the performance of a large rectangular, commercially-available sample cell which enables analysis over a 10.2?×?5.2 cm2 area. Comparison with the conventional cell shows a small to moderate performance decrease for the large cell resulting from the dilution of ablated particles in a larger volume with a 4–31% lower signal output and longer signal tailings. The performance of this cell is however sufficient for the determination of both major and trace elements in many kinds of samples. The applicability of the large cell LA-ICP-MS setup was demonstrated by the determination of Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn Pb and U in sediment core sections at a resolution of 0.6 mm. Detection limits for sediment analysis were 7 mg Al kg?1, 68 mg Si kg?1, 0.5 mg Mn kg?1, 20 mg Fe kg?1, 0.2 mg Cu kg?1, 0.3 mg Zn kg?1, 0.08 mg Pb kg?1 and 0.003 mg U kg?1. Cyclic patterns, which would have been overlooked by conventional analysis at cm resolution, were observed in analysed sediments. This study demonstrates the potential of LA-ICP-MS in environmental analysis, with the large sample cell setup offering the possibility to analyse a wider range of samples without sectioning.  相似文献   

The compound 7,4'-dihydroxy-5-methoxyflavylium (dracoflavylium) was identified as the major red colorant in samples of the resin "dragon's blood", extracted from the tree Dracaena draco. The complex network of reversible chemical reactions that dracoflavylium undergoes in aqueous solution is fully described; for the first time, all the equilibrium constants that enable a complete characterisation of the system have been obtained (K'(a)=1.6 x 10(-4), K(a1)=1.0 x 10(-4), K(a2)=3.2 x 10(-8), K(Ct1)=1.0 x 10(-7), K(Ct2)=1.3 x 10(-10)). It is concluded that the red colour is due to a stable quinoid base, A, which is the major species at pH 4-7. It is further shown that this compound does not fit the commonly accepted definitions of anthocyanidin nor 3-deoxyanthocyanidin. Similarly to synthetic flavylium salts, the natural compound 7,4'-dihydroxy-5-methoxyflavylium gives rise to several species (multistate system) reversibly interconverted by external stimuli, such as pH.  相似文献   

The decision that a given detection level corresponds to the effective presence of a radionuclide is still widely made on the basis of a classic hypothesis test. However, the classic framework suffers several drawbacks, such as the conceptual and practical impossibility to provide a probability of zero radioactivity, and confidence intervals for the true activity level that are likely to contain negative and hence meaningless values. The Bayesian framework being potentially able to overcome these drawbacks, several attempts have recently been made to apply it to this decision problem. Here, we present a new Bayesian method that, unlike the previous ones, presents two major advantages together. First, it provides an estimate of the probability of no radioactivity, as well as physically meaningful point and interval estimates for the true radioactivity level. Second, whereas Bayesian approaches are often controversial because of the arbitrary choice of the priors they use, the proposed method permits to estimate the parameters of the prior density of radioactivity by fitting its marginal distribution to previously recorded activity data. The new scheme is first mathematically developed. Then, it is applied to the detection of radioxenon isotopes in noble gas measurement stations of the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.  相似文献   

The left-handed Z-DNA has been identified as a gene regulating element. Therefore the generation of Z-DNA through metal complexes might be an innovative way for the regulation of gene expression. Use of the new dinuclear complex N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-[2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)ethyl]-1,3-propylenediamine-bis(nickel(II) dinitrate) (2) reversibly induced Z-DNA formation. However, when a 1:1 ratio of metal/dinucleating ligand was used as a control, the midpoint of the B- to Z-DNA transition was at the same nickel concentration as in case of the dinuclear complex. The novel mononuclear analogue, N-methyl-N,N-bis-[2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)ethyl]amine-nickel(II)-dinitrate (3) was inducing the Z-DNA at a similar ratio versus nucleotides as free nickel(II) itself. For the first time, proton and nickel binding constants for the bis-[2-(pyrazol-1-yl)ethyl]amine ligand system are reported and discussed. Both nickel complexes 2 and 3 were structurally characterized by single crystal analysis. Furthermore, the synthesis of the two new ligands, N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-[2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)ethyl]-1,2-propylenediamine (4) and N-methyl-N,N-bis-[2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)ethyl]amine (5) is described. The two major synthetic pathways leading to polypyrazoyl amines in general are critically discussed with respect to yield, reproducibility and handling of the intermediates.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the quantitative determination of the minimum representative sample mass of a solid reference material is described and illustrated. If CRMs are to be used to calibrate microtechniques, the uncertainty which should be assigned to the certified value in that case, can also be evaluated. The method is applied in the preparation and certification of several reference materials with which CBNM was involved.  相似文献   

The drug salbutamol (SBL) is a beta-agonist that may be used illegally as an animal growth promoter. SBL is also a good example of a drug which is excreted in the form of glucuronides and sulfates. Such metabolites cause complexities in analysing for the presence of drug residues. In the majority of cases a process of deconjugation and sample clean-up is required prior to analysis. This is both time consuming and causes some loss of accuracy. In this study, the urine of calves treated with SBL orally for 3 d was collected during and after medication. Samples were assayed before and after hydrolysis by two different methods, radioimmunoassay (RIA) and a newly developed biosensor immunoassay (BIA). Some samples were also analysed by GC-MS. The results clearly showed that both screening assays (RIA and BIA) found high concentrations of SBL residues throughout the study. This was especially true in the BIA method. It was also demonstrated that urine sample analysis without the need for deconjugation or clean-up could be achieved. Results obtained by GC-MS tended to be an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding screening test results. This work showed that biosensor based veterinary drug residue testing procedures can be developed which can generate results in real time without the need for time consuming sample preparation.  相似文献   

We describe a programmable microfluidic system with onboard pumps and valves that has the ability to process reaction volumes in the sub-microlitre to hundred microlitre range. The flexibility of the architecture is demonstrated with a commercial molecular biology protocol for mRNA amplification, implemented without significant modification. The performance of the microchip system is compared to conventional bench processing at each stage of the multistep protocol, and DNA microarrays are used to assess the quality and performance of bench- and microchip-amplified RNA. The results show that the microchip system reactions are similar to bench control reactions at each step, and that the microchip- and bench-derived amplified RNAs are virtually indistinguishable in differential microarray analyses.  相似文献   

Summary The binding of serum proteins with Butyl Toyopearl (BT) 650-M has been investigated and applied to on-line deproteinization for the HPLC determination of gentamicin components, c1, c1a, c2, in serum. It was found that in 0.4% perchloric acid medium about 36mg of BSA was adsorbed on 1ml of wet gel. Under this condition hydrophilic components such as gentamicin passed through the pre-column packed with BT 650-M, while serum proteins and hydrophobic components were trapped in the pre-column. The ion pair between gentamicin components and pantanesulfonate anion was effectively trapped in a reversed-phase analytical column. It was then eluted and fluorometrically determined by post-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde. The recovery was quantitative with good reproducibility at therapeutic concentrations in sera. Several clinical samples were analyzed by the method.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the minimization of GC analysis times through the use of a 5 m x 0.05 mm ID x 0.05 microm (film thickness) column. Experimental minimum plate height (Hmin) and optimum linear velocity values were derived from standard compound applications, under various analytical conditions, and then related to classical chromatographic theory. Deviations from the latter are measured and discussed. Practical aspects linked to the use of such capillaries, such as column sample capacity and detector acquisition rates, are also considered. Furthermore, a fast, and what can be considered a very fast method, were applied to the separation of a fuel sample. Coefficients of variation of elution times and relative peak areas were calculated in the very fast application. All analytical results are compared with those obtained by conventional 0.25 mm ID column applications.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a simple and effective adsorption and desorption technique, which eliminates the need for solvents or complicated apparatus, for concentrating volatile or nonvolatile compounds in liquid samples or headspace. SPME is compatible with analyte separation and detection by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, and provides linear results for wide concentrations of analytes. By controlling the polarity and thickness of the coating on the fibre, maintaining consistent sampling time, and adjusting other extraction parameters, an analyst can ensure highly consistent, quantifiable results for low concentration analytes. To date, about 400 articles on SPME have been published in different fields, including environment (water, soil, air), food, natural products, pharmaceuticals, biology, toxicology, forensics and theory. As the scope of SPME grew, new improvements were made with the appearance of new coatings that allowed an increase in the specificity of this extraction technique. The key part of the SPME fibre is of course the fibre coating. At the moment, 27 variations of fibre coating and size are available. Among the newest are a fibre assembly with a dual coating of divinylbenzene and Carboxen suspended in poly(dimethylsiloxane), and a series of 23 gauge fibres intended for specific septumless injection system. The growth of SPME is also reflected in the expanding number of the accessories that make the technology even easier to use Also available is a portable field sampler which is a self-contained unit that stores the SPME fibre after sampling and during the shipment to the laboratory. Several scientific publications show the results obtained in inter-laboratory validation studies in which SPME was applied to determine the presence of different organic compounds at ppt levels, which demonstrates the reliability of this extraction technique for quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

Sample preparation is an essential step in analysis, greatly influencing the reliability and accuracy of resulted the time and cost of analysis. Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) is a very simple and efficient, solventless sample preparation method, invented by Pawliszyn in 1989. SPME has been widely used in different fields of analytical chemistry since its first applications to environmental and food analysis and is ideally suited for coupling with mass spectrometry (MS). All steps of the conventional liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) such as extraction, concentration, (derivatization) and transfer to the chromatograph are integrated into one step and one device, considerably simplifying the sample preparation procedure. It uses a fused-silica fibre that is coated on the outside with an appropriate stationary phase. The analytes in the sample are directly extracted to the fibre coating. The SPME technique can be routinely used in combination with gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis and places no restriction on MS. SPME reduces the time necessary for sample preparation, decreases purchase and disposal costs of solvents and can improve detection limits. The SPME technique is ideally suited for MS applications, combining a simple and efficient sample preparation with versatile and sensitive detection. This review summarizes analytical characteristics and variants of the SPME technique and its applications in combination with MS.  相似文献   

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