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Synopsis InChaetodon trifasciatus, the large eye has the form of a thick disk rather than that of a globe. A deep cutaneous groove surrounds the eyeball, probably allowing rapid eye movements. The form and innervation of the three pairs of extraocular muscles are described. Each muscle is made of two types of fascicles of fibres, thick and thin. There is neither an anterior nor posterior myodome. The skull attachment of the obliques and of the inferior rectus is made on the thin sagittal ethmoidal membranous septum while that of the other recti occurs on osseous pieces of the skull. The attachment on the eyeball is made on the cartilaginous sclera. The ratio of the lengths of the antagonist muscles, superior vs. inferior oblique, superior vs. inferior rectus and medial vs. lateral rectus, is about 1.43:1. The three oculomotor nerves (III: common oculomotor, IV: trochlear and VI: abducens) as well as the ciliary system are described. For the following reasons, an analogy between the lateral rectus ofChaetodon trifasciatus and the lateral rectus + retractor bulbi of other vertebrates is indicated: (1) the nucleus of nerve III (which innervates four muscles) has four sectors, while that of IV (which innervates only the superior oblique) is made of one sector; (2) nerve VI consists of two roots corresponding to two groups of nerve cells of its motor nucleus and (3) in other vertebrates, nerve VI innervates both the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbi.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscles of rotifers are monocellular or occasionally bicellular. They display great diversity of cytological features correlated to their functional differentiation. The cross-striated fibers of some retractors are fast contracting and relaxing, with A-band lengths of 0.7 µm to 1.6 µm, abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum and dyads. Other retractors and the circular muscles are tonic fibers (A band > 3 µm), stronger (large volume of myoplasm) or with greater endurance (superior volume of mitochondria/ myoplasm). All of these retractor muscles are coupled by gap junctions and are innervated at two symmetrical points; they constitute two motor units implicated in withdrawal behaviour.The muscles inserted on the ciliary roots of the cingulum control swimming. They are multi-innervated and each of them constitute one motor unit. They have characteristics of very fast fibers; the shortest A-band length is 0.5 µm in Asplanchna.All the skeletal muscles of bdelloids are smooth or obliquely striated as are some skeletal muscles of monogononts. These muscles are well suited for maximum shortening and are either phasic or tonic fibers.All rotifer skeletal muscles originate from ectoderm and contain thin and thick myofilaments whose diameters are identical to those of actin and myosin filaments in vertebrate fast muscles or in insect flight muscles. There are no paramyosinic features in the thick myofilaments. The insertion, innervation, coupling by gap junctions and other cytological differentiations of rotifer skeletal muscles are reviewed and their phylogeny discussed.  相似文献   

T Homma  T Sakai 《Acta anatomica》1992,145(1):44-49
The thenar and hypothenar muscles as well as their supplying nerves were analyzed with an improved dissecting method. Among the four thenar muscles, the m. abductor pollicis brevis (AbPB) has a separate muscle belly, whereas the m. opponens pollicis (OP), the superficial and deep heads of the flexor pollicis brevis (sFPB and dFPB), and the adductor pollicis (AdP) are fused with each other to make a single mass (deep thenar muscle group). These muscles are innervated by branches of the recurrent nerve and the accessory recurrent nerve from the median nerve as well as by terminal branches of the deep branch (ramus profundus) of the ulnar nerve. These three nerves frequently form a loop within the deep thenar muscle group (thenar loop), and a branch to the OP and one to deep parts of the sFPB often make a smaller loop (intrathenar loop), whereas the AbPB receives a separate nerve branch. Among the hypothenar muscle, the m. abductor digiti minimi and the m. flexor digiti minimi brevis are fused with each other, and their supplying nerves frequently form a loop in these muscles (intrahypothenar loop), whereas the m. opponens digiti minimi is separated from the others and receives a separate nerve branch. In the distribution pattern of supplying nerves to the thenar and hypothenar muscles, we find regularities in that they branch off in a regular manner from the ulnar and the median nerve, and that nerve branches to those muscles with fused bellies frequently communicate with each other to make loops.  相似文献   

The functions of the proprioceptors of the eye muscles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This article sets out to present a fairly comprehensive review of our knowledge about the functions of the receptors that have been found in the extraocular muscles--the six muscles that move each eye of vertebrates in its orbit--of all the animals in which they have been sought, including Man. Since their discovery at the beginning of the 20th century these receptors have, at various times, been credited with important roles in the control of eye movement and the construction of extrapersonal space and have also been denied any function whatsoever. Experiments intended to study the actions of eye muscle receptors and, even more so, opinions (and indeed polemic) derived from these observations have been influenced by the changing fashions and beliefs about the more general question of how limb position and movement is detected by the brain and which signals contribute to those aspects of this that are perceived (kinaesthesis). But the conclusions drawn from studies on the eye have also influenced beliefs about the mechanisms of kinaesthesis and, arguably, this influence has been even larger than that in the converse direction. Experimental evidence accumulated over rather more than a century is set out and discussed. It supports the view that, at the beginning of the 21st century, there are excellent grounds for believing that the receptors in the extraocular muscles are indeed proprioceptors, that is to say that the signals that they send into the brain are used to provide information about the position and movement of the eye in the orbit. It seems that this information is important in the control of eye movements of at least some types, and in the determination by the brain of the direction of gaze and the relationship of the organism to its environment. In addition, signals from these receptors in the eye muscles are seen to be necessary for the development of normal mechanisms of visual analysis in the mammalian visual cortex and for both the development and maintenance of normal visuomotor behaviour. Man is among those vertebrates to whose brains eye muscle proprioceptive signals provide information apparently used in normal sensorimotor functions; these include various aspects of perception, and of the control of eye movement. It is possible that abnormalities of the eye muscle proprioceptors and their signals may play a part in the genesis of some types of human squint (strabismus); conversely studies of patients with squint in the course of their surgical or pharmacological treatment have yielded much interesting evidence about the central actions of the proprioceptive signals from the extraocular muscles. The results of experiments on the eye have played a large part in the historical controversy, now in at least its third century, about the origin of signals that inform the brain about movement of parts of the body. Some of these results, and more of the interpretations of them, now need to be critically re-examined. The re-examination in the light of recent experiments that is presented here does not support many of the conclusions confidently drawn in the past and leads to both new insights and fresh questions about the roles of information from motor signals flowing out of the brain and that from signals from the peripheral receptors flowing into it. There remain many lacunae in our knowledge and filling some of these will, it is contended, be essential to advance our understanding further. It is argued that such understanding of eye muscle proprioception is a necessary part of the understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of eye movement control and that it is also essential to an account of how organisms, including Man, build and maintain knowledge of their relationship to the external visual world. The eye would seem to provide a uniquely favourable system in which to study the way in which information derived within the brain about motor actions may interact with signals flowing in from peripheral receptors. The review is constructed in relatively independent sections that deal with particular topics. It ends with a fairly brief piece in which the author sets out some personal views about what has been achieved recently and what most immediately needs to be done. It also suggests some lines of study that appear to the author to be important for the future.  相似文献   

Summary The crustacean species Pacifastacus leniusculus and Gammarus pulex were investigated by electron microscopy in a search for possible neuromuscular junctions in the hindgut, which has a rich supply of catecholaminergic fibres. True neuromuscular synapses were found in both species between nerve terminals containing dense-core vesicles (80–110 nm in diam.) and muscle fibres. We suggest that the dense-core vesicle terminals contain a catecholamine, and this is supported by ultrahistochemical tests for monoamines. Two types of junctions are found: one in which the nerve terminal is embedded in the muscle cell (both species) and one in which protrusions from the muscle cell meet nerve terminals (Pacifastacus). Gammarus pulex, which has only circular muscles in the hindgut, has only catecholaminergic innervation, whereas Pacifastacus leniusculus has circular and longitudinal muscles both with at least two types of innervation.The investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (B 2760-009), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the Magnus Bergvall Foundation. We are also indebted to Mrs. Lena Sandell for her skilful technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy and intrinsic innervation of the colon, rectum, internal anal sphincter, ano-coccygeus and recto-coccygeus have been studied in the cat with cholinesterase and catecholamine-fluorescence histochemical techniques. A variable pattern of intrinsic innervation by acetylcholinesterase-positive and adrenergic nerves along the length of the large bowel is described and is related to segmental variations in motor activity. A variation in the distribution of non-specific cholinesterase within the muscle layers is also described. Adrenergic nerves in proximal colon are arranged in the usual peri-ganglionic manner but there is also a rich direct adrenergic innervation of the longitudinal muscle in distal colon and rectum, and of circular muscle in lower rectum and internal anal sphincter. This distribution has not been reported in other species. Direct adrenergic innervation of muscle cells has been confirmed at ultrastructural level after treatment with 5-hydroxydopamine. Adrenergic neurones have not been detected in cat bowel. The ano- and recto-coccygeus muscles and internal anal sphincter possess a dense innervation of adrenergic and cholinesterase-positive nerves. It is suggested that the variation in intrinsic innervation along the large bowel should be considered in the interpretation of pharmacological and physiological experiments on this part of the gut.This work was supported by a grant from the King's College Hospital Voluntary Research Trust. We wish to thank Dr. J. P. Tranzer and F. Hoffman-La Roche & Co. Ltd., Basle, for the gift of 5-hydroxydopamine.We also thank Miss M. K. Egan and Mr. K. J. Davies for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Ding  R.  Jansen  J. K. S.  Laing  N. G.  Tønnesen  H. 《Brain Cell Biology》1983,12(6):887-919
Brain Cell Biology - Chicken embryos were treated with partially paralysing doses ofd-tubocurarine (dtc) from embryonic (E) days 6 to 10. The pattern of innervation of the lateral gastrocnemius...  相似文献   

Summary The gross anatomy of the muscles in the crayfish compound eye and the distribution of brain oculomotor neurons were studied by a variety of anatomical and physiological techniques. There are 11 major muscles in each eye. These vary considerably in size and influence upon eye movements and in their source of motor innervation. Muscles that cause defensive eyestalk withdrawal are controlled by axons of a giant motor neuron cluster. Muscles that move the eyecup in vertical planes are innervated by cells of an anterior motor cluster, as well as by cells in the medulla terminalis. Muscles which move the eyecup horizontally are supplied by neurons of the lateral motor cluster. The separation of the oculomotor system into different neuronal groups that supply different sets of muscles thus reflects functional specializations of the component divisions.I am grateful to Mr. Gene Lorton for his technical assistance with some phases of this work. I also thank Sharon Greene for executing the illustration in Figure 1 and Susan Suarez for illustrating Figure 2. This work was supported by USPHS research grant NS04989.  相似文献   

Squid chromatophores are organs of colour change, consisting of a pigment sac opened by contraction of 10–24 radial muscle fibres. The ultrastructure and innervation of these muscle fibres were examined by electron microscopy and diagramatic reconstructions made on the basis of serial ultra-thin sections. At the proximal end of the fibre, nearest the pigment sac a cortical myofilament zone surrounds 2 cores containing mitochrondria; further along the fibre these merge to form one central core. The myofilament zone forms a groove containing a nerve bundle consisting of 2 to 4 axons per muscle fibre. The axons are surrounded by glial cell processes, and either originate from a neighbouring fibre, or join the fibre at some point along its length. Axons twist around each other, forming a series of synapses with the muscle fibre. As many as 6–37 synapses exist along the length of each muscle fibre; the mean synapse interval is 9.05 m, but the largest may be 123 m. At the distal end of the muscles, the nerve is located towards the middle of the fibre, which it penetrates as the muscle splits up. Electron-lucent vesicles are present in all synaptic regions, but electron-dense vesicles are only found towards the distal end of the fibre. There is thus a possibility that more than one neurotransmitter is present in the nerves innervating chromatophores. Electron-lucent and dense-cored vesicles are not colocalised.This work was carried out during the tenure of a BBSRC CASE studentship  相似文献   

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