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申治国  杨维东  刘洁生 《稀土》2002,23(5):68-70
通过在饮水中加入稀土钇 (0 ,2 3.2 5 m g/ L ,2 32 5 .0 0 mg/ L )使小白鼠长期摄入稀土 ,7个月后用 ICP-MS以及原子荧光法测定 F1子代小鼠全血中微量元素 Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、Se等的含量 ,并计算其比值。结果显示 ,F1子代小鼠全血中 Se含量与对照相比显著增加 (低浓度组 P<0 .0 1,高浓度组 P<0 .0 5 ) ;高浓度组小鼠全血中Ca/ Fe、Ca/ Fe比值发生显著变化 (P<0 .0 1)。提示稀土钇的长期摄入可影响小鼠体内某些微量元素之间的平衡 ,这种平衡的变化可能引致机体某些生理状态的变化。  相似文献   

Rareearths(REs)includelanthanide,Sc,and Y.Withtheirwidespreadapplicationsinagriculture,industry,medicine,andstockbreeding,rareearth compoundsentertheecologicalenvironmentandhu manbodythroughfoodchains[1].Therefore,thelong termeffectsofREshavedrawntheattentionofmany researchers.Recentevidencesfrompublishedreports haveindicatedthattheneuraltoxicityofrareearthsis similartothatofAl3+[2],andthatrareearthsprobably impactthefunctionofbrain.Zhu[3],etal.foundthat rareearthshadacertaineffectontheinte…  相似文献   

Teapolysacchridecomplex ,oneofthebasicmacromoleculesintea ,hasmanyphar maceuticaleffectsandiseasytodissolveinteainfusion[1] .Zhongetal .[2 ] discoveredthatthereisaREbindingpolysaccharideinleavesofteaplant (CamelliaSinensisLO .Kuntze) .Inthispaper ,thestudyontheco…  相似文献   

DeterminationofTraceImpuritiesofRareEarthElementsinHighPurityYttriumOxidebyICPMS¥LiuJinglei;TongYingdong;ZhangXinquan(Centreo...  相似文献   

Rareearth (RE)micro fertilizershavebeenusedinagricultureproductioninChinasince 1 970s ,andthesemicro fertilizersaresaltsofmixedREs ,whichmainlyincludeLa ,Ce ,PrandNd[1,2 ] .PreviousstudiesshowthattheREinsurfacesoilalmostdoesnotmigratdownwardatallandthusbeaccumula…  相似文献   

Boridingcansignificantlyimprovesurfacepropertiesofsteels,andthusisaprosperoussurfacestrengtheningprocesswhichhasal readybeenusedintreatingsomediesandcut tingtools[1 ] .However,thereexistsomeprob lemsinboriding .Firstly ,boridingisgenerallyperformedattempera…  相似文献   

Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Kinetics of Salt Bath Vanadizing  相似文献   

Trace elements and rare earth elements(REE)of the sulfide minerals were determined by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry.The results indicate that V,Cu,Sn,Ga,Cd,In,and Se are concentrated in sphalerite,Sb,As,Ge,and Ti are concentrated in galena,and almost all trace elements in pyrite are low.The Ga and Cd contents in the light-yellow sphalerites are higher than that in the brown and the black sphalerites.The contents of Ge,Ti,In,and Se in brown sphalerites are higher than that in light-yellow sphalerites and black sphalerites.It shows that REE concentrations are higher in pyrite than in sphalerite,and galena.In sphalerites,the REE concentration decreases from light-yellow sphalerites,brown sphalerites,to black sphalerites.The ratios of Ga/In are more than 10,and Co/Ni are less than 1 in the studied sphalerites and pyrites,respectively,indicating that the genesis of the Tianqiao Pb-Zn ore deposit might belong to sedimentary-reformed genesis associated with hydrothermal genesis.The relationship between LnGa and Lnln in sphalerite,and between LnBi and LnSb in galena,indicates that the Tianqiao Pb-Zn ore deposit might belong to sedimentary-reformed genesis.Based on the chondrite-normalized REE patterns,δEu is a negative anomaly(0.13-0.88),andδCe does not show obvious anomaly(0.88-1.31); all the samples have low total REE concentrations(<3ppm)and a wide range of light rare earth element/high rare earth element ratios(1.12-12.35).These results indicate that the ore-forming fluids occur under a reducing environment.Comparison REE compositions and parameters of sphalerites,galenas,pyrites,ores,altered dolostone rocks,strata carbonates,and the pyrite from Lower Carboniferous Datang Formation showed that the ore-forming fluids might come from polycomponent systems,that is,different chronostratigraphic units could make an important contribution to the ore-forming fluids.Combined with the tectonic setting and previous isotopic geochemistry evidence,we conclude that the ore-deposit genesis is hydrothermal,sedimentary reformed,with multisources characteristics of ore-forming fluids.  相似文献   

稀土元素的特殊性质及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从稀土元素微观结构角度,揭示了稀土元素的某些特殊性质,并指出这种特性与应用机理有必然的联系。从而启迪稀土使用者,掌握和了解稀土的基本特性,才能自由地驾驭稀土的应用。  相似文献   

Rareearthelements (REEs)werewidelyappliedtotracingthesourcesofmaterialsandtostudyingtheirevolutionprocessesinmanyfieldsofearthscienceinconsiderationoftheirsimilarityandsystematicdiffer enceinchemicalproperties .Furthermore ,lanthanidesarebothimportantprod…  相似文献   

Electroplatingisoneofthetraditionalprocessesof decorationandsurfaceprotection.Boththeelectroplate principleandprocessparameterscanformacomplete setofsystem.However,therestillexistsixmostseri ousproblemssuchasthepoorcombinationstrengthof electroplatecoatin…  相似文献   

在奥氏体不锈钢焊条中,通过在焊条药皮中加入稀土元素。探讨了其对焊条熔敷金属组织和性能的影响。对加稀土前后两种焊条进行了熔敷金属常规拉伸和冲击试验。宏观金相组织分析和冲击断口扫描电镜分析。并对熔敷金属薄片进行了透射电镜分析。结果表明:在奥氏体不锈钢焊条药皮中加入稀土元素。可以细化结晶组织,改变晶界上碳化物的析出形态和分布,并使碳化物的析出数量和颗粒尺寸明显减小,从而净化了奥氏体晶界,提高了其焊条熔敷金属的机械性能。  相似文献   

Yunkai uplifted area is one of the important metallogenic areas in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, in which many gold, silver, tungsten, tin, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and iron deposits were found. Dongtian gold deposit in the middle of Yunkai uplifted area, western Guangdong Province, is chosen as an example of those deposits. Comparative studies on the chondrite - normalized REE patterns and ∑REE, LREE/HREE, δEu, δCe, NLa/Yb, and NLa/Sm of auriferous quartz veins, altered gneiss-type goM ores, Caledonian gneissic biotite granite, and Late Yanshanian granite porphyry were made. The results indicate that the source of the metallogenic materials of the auriferous quartz veins and the altered gneiss-type gold ores are the same, and both of them come from the gneissic biotite granite. Metallogenic epoch of the deposit is estimated to be Caledonian period.  相似文献   

The effect of rare earth elements on the isothermal transformation and microstructures in 20Mn steel is in-vestigated by means of metallography and dilatometry.Rare earth elements decrease both the incubation periodof pro-eutectoid ferrite and the rate of pearlitic transformation.In addition,rare earth elements play a role ofreducing needle-like ferrite and the amount of pearlite,densifing the lamellar space of pearlite and enhcingsegregation of carbide in granular bainite.It is suggested that rare earth elements may decrease the interfacialenergy of grain boundary and interphase,hinder the diffusion of carbon atoms and form rare earth carbides withhigh melting point which reduce the carbon content in austenite.  相似文献   

红壤中可溶态稀土元素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对165个红壤样品进行了可溶态稀土含量的测定,研究了可溶态稀土在土壤中的分布、土壤不同剖面层的分布及其所占比例的变化,探讨了土壤可溶态稀土含量与不同母质的关系,与土壤pH值(pHKCl、pHH2O)、有机质间的相关性,分析了与土壤硅酸盐成分及质地间的相关性。  相似文献   

IthasbeenverifiedthattheadditionofrareearthelementsintotheplatingsolutioncanincreasethehardnessoftheNi -basedcoatingsand ,inmostcases ,relievetheirin ternalstress.Iftheamountofrareearthaddi tionissuitable ,therareearthelementscanalsostrengthentheadhesiono…  相似文献   

The effect of rare earth elements on eutectic carbide‘s morphology of low chromium semi-steel in as-cast state and after heat treatment was investigated, and accordingly, the thermal fatigue property of this material was studied. The results show that RE can improve the eutectic carbide‘s morphology, inhibit the formation and propagation of thermal fatigue cracks, therefore, promote the thermal fatigue property, which is more noticeable in case of the RE modification in combination with heat treatment. The optimal thermal fatigue property can be obtained when treated with 0.2% RE modification as well as normalization at 950℃ for 3h.  相似文献   

The effect of four kinds of rare earth elements on the depositing rate of Ni-based alloy brush plating coatings was investigated. The results indicate that all of the selected rare earth elements increase the depositing rate of Ni-based alloy coatings, and Sm increases the depositing rate most obviously. There is an optimum amount of rare earth addition in the plating solution. With the change of plating voltage to a certain extent, the results reveal no differences. The mechanism of the increase of the depositing rate was analyzed.  相似文献   

The exchange performances and the distribution coefficient of Cesium Ion-Sieve (Cs-IS) for cesium and for some rare earth elements were compared. In particular, the effects of neodymium on the cesium ion exchange and the Cs^ selectivity variation on Cs-IS owing to introduction of rare earth elements into HLLW were studied. Though rare earth elements exhibit a small influence on the distribution coefficient for Cs^ ,they impair Cs-exchange capacity of Cs-IS to some extent. This interruption on the selectivity to Cs^ can be significantly eliminated provided an appropriate ratio of liquid to solid V: m is used.  相似文献   

许胜先  王志强 《稀土》2003,24(4):68-70
合成了十二种稀土锗钨钼酸根多元杂多配合物。利用元素化学分析和ICP相结合方法、IR等手段对配合物进行了初步表征。  相似文献   

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