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This work deals with the development of a constitutive law for fractured rocks. Fractures are considered as penny‐shaped inclusions, whose constitutive law is deduced from an interface law and a regularization procedure. Such a method is applied to linear and non‐linear interface behaviours in order to reproduce effects such as an increase in stiffness during fracture closing, dilatancy or asperity surface degradation. Then, considering the fractured rock as a composite material, we use a Mori–Tanaka method to estimate the homogenized properties of the rock. Numerical experiments illustrate the interest of the proposed homogenization procedure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

蓟县系雾迷山组是天津主力开发的热储层位,对这套地层的研究主要集中在热储层温度场、动力场、水化学场和地表水回灌等方面,在热储岩溶裂隙方面的研究较少。通过对天津市138眼雾迷山组地热井的完井和测井资料进行对比分析,统计了不同构造单元雾迷山组一、二类裂缝发育,热储顶板埋深,地热井单位涌水量和上覆不同地层的情况,总结了其岩溶裂隙发育规律。结果表明: 雾迷山组岩溶裂隙较发育,漏失部位距热储顶板埋深距离集中在100 m以浅; 热储顶部岩溶发育,裂隙发育受上覆不同地层的影响不大,裂隙发育与该层顶板埋深的相关性不明显,但整体上有裂隙发育随顶板埋深加大而略有减小的趋势; 地热井的单位涌水量随裂隙发育程度的增大而变大; 热储裂隙比集中在0.1~0.4,受构造影响,在张性断裂构造带、断裂交汇和背斜轴部热储构造裂隙较发育。研究结果可为天津市雾迷山组地热的有效开发利用与地热钻探提供参考。  相似文献   

研究火山岩储层天然裂缝发育特征及形成机理,对进一步开展裂缝空间分布预测及指导火山岩气藏开发具有重要意义。本文以松辽盆地南部营城组火山岩储层为例,综合利用岩心、薄片、测井、地震及分析测试等资料,对储层天然裂缝的发育特征及主控因素进行研究,并在裂缝分期配套的基础上,对裂缝形成机理进行分析。研究表明,松南营城组储层发育原生裂缝和次生裂缝两大类型,原生裂缝主要包括冷凝收缩缝和炸裂缝,次生裂缝为火山岩及其原生裂缝系统受后期构造运动、溶蚀、风化等作用改造而形成的各类裂缝。构造裂缝的走向有多组,且以高角度缝和直立缝为主,其发育特征和发育程度主要受断层和火山岩相控制。构造裂缝的形成具体包括5期,其中主要为3期,分别为晚侏罗世—早白垩世中期、晚白垩世明水期及古近纪和新近纪以来。结论认为,构造裂缝普遍规模大、发育程度高、有效性好,构成了营城组储层中最主要的渗流通道,对气藏渗流和开发特征影响最大。  相似文献   

Analysis of strength and moduli of jointed rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with two aspects of jointed rock mass behavior, first the finite element modeling of a jointed rock mass as an equivalent continuum, second the comparison of empirical strength criteria of a jointed rock mass. In finite element modeling the jointed rock properties are represented by a set of empirical relationships, which express the properties of the jointed medium as a function of joint factor and the properties of the intact rock. These relationships have been derived from a large set of experimental data of tangent elastic modulus. It is concluded that equivalent continuum analysis gives the best results for both single and multiple jointed rock. The reliability of the analysis depends on the estimation of joint factor, which is a function of the joint orientation, joint frequency and joint strength.Empirical strength criteria for jointed rocks, namely Hoek and Brown, Yudhbir et al., Ramamurthy and Arora, Mohr–Coulomb have been incorporated in a nonlinear finite element analysis of jointed rock using the equivalent continuum approach, to determine the failure stress. The major principal stress at failure, obtained using Ramamurthy's criteria, compares very well with experimental results.  相似文献   

Fragmental carbonate rocks are common in the Mesozoic and Tertiary succession of Mallorca, in the western Mediterranean. On the Formentor peninsula at the northeastern end of the Sierra Norte, two phases of fragmentation post-date Liassic platform carbonate and its subsequent reworking, and predate deposition of marine Burdigalian sediments. Phase 1 fragmentation resulted in brecciated rocks with angular fragments often little displaced, cemented by coarse calcite. Brecciated rock passes into veined or unbrecciated rock over short distances. These breccias are interpreted as the products of collapse during solution of an evaporite after uplift during the early Tertiary. Phase 2 fragmentation is related to the unconformity with Miocene sediments and is interpreted as a product of karstic processes operating prior to subsidence and deposition of Miocene marine conglomerates. Multiple brecciation is common, yielding complex fragmental rocks, but permitting a relative dating of the two phases and other depositional and structural events.  相似文献   

The fractures in the porcelanites from the Monterey Formation in California USA and the Sap Bon Formation in Central Thailand were documented for a comparative study of their modes, distribution, and their relationship to other structures such as folds and bedding planes. Both formations consist in thinly bedded stiff units that are prone to folding, flexural slip, and cross-bedding brittle fracturing under compression. There are two assemblages in the porcelanites. The first assemblage includes commonly vertical high-angle opening mode fractures, left-lateral strike-slip faults, normal faults, and thrust faults. The second one is sub-horizontal fractures which are associated with folds, bedding slip, and thrusts faults in both Monterey and Sap Bon formations. The structural architectures of these rocks and the associated groups of structures are remarkably similar in terms of both opening and shearing modes and their relationships with the bedding due to their depositional architecture and the compressional tectonic regimes, in spite of the fact that the two locations are more than ten thousand kilometers apart and have very different ages of deformation.  相似文献   

Haruo Shuzui   《Engineering Geology》2001,61(4):199-220
Once landslide movement has been initiated, the sliding mass tends to move toward a more stable position. However, landslides that have occurred in some Tertiary volcanic rocks in Japan show recurrent movement. A possible reason for this behavior is that the mineral composition and properties of slip-surface materials results in better ‘lubrication’ along the slip surface as movement continues. In order to determine the causes, five landslides in Japanese Tertiary volcanics with different movement histories were studied. Based on geological investigation, the results presented in this paper were obtained by studying the development process and formation of slip surfaces and clays in landslides in these volcanics.

For rocks of similar types and mineralogies the clay content of slip-surface materials can be directly related to the displacement and history of slide movement. This study indicates that the type of slip surface ranges from: (1) striation type (showing only striations on bedrock without clay), to (2) brecciated type (clayey breccia), (3) mylonite type (clay with breccia), and to (4) clay type (clay without breccia). If the slip surface occurs in tuff or tuffaceous materials and is subjected to increasing slide movement, the smectite content in the slip-surface clay increases, while the silicate mineral content decreases. Furthermore, the smectite content is observed to increase within the same landslide from the head to the toe portion of the landslide (direction of groundwater flow). The groundwater along the slip surface (above the impervious zone) contains an increased concentration of Ca++ ions. As the concentration of HCO3 ions exceeds 40 mg/l, an environment is created that promotes the formation of smectite. This process indicates that there is an active ion exchange within the groundwater near the slip surface that forms smectite. Thus, the formation of smectite in the slip surface requires the presence of tuff and a sufficient concentration of HCO3 ions in the groundwater.

The study results presented here indicate that frictional resistance decreases as clay content increases. The reason for repeated movement of Japanese landslides in Tertiary tuffs or tuffaceous rocks at or in the immediate vicinity of the slip surface is attributed to: (1) an increase in clay materials along the slip surface as the slide movement is repeated and (2) the presence of groundwater that promotes the formation of smectite. As is commonly known, smectite is one of the clay minerals that has lowest frictional resistance.  相似文献   

The south-eastern Bohemian Massif consolidated during the Late Variscan orogeny by the oblique collision of two continental crustal blocks after closure of an oceanic realm. One microcontinent comprises portions which are now distributed among Moravian and Moldanubian units and which are characterized by Late Proterozoic tectonothermal events, especially by granitoid intrusions. The other microcontinent includes the Gföhl gneiss and granulites (Gföhl nappe) of probable Early Palaeozoic protolith ages. Both continental blocks are separated by an ophiolite-like assemblage, which is preserved in portions of the Raabs unit.Oblique crustal stacking is accompanied by north-eastward propagation of nappes in a dextral transpressive regime. Exhumation of previously thickened crust is achieved by equally oriented bulk extension but partitioned in distinct displacement paths. Coeval stacking and extension at different crustal levels is suggested.Correspondence to: H. Fritz  相似文献   

By vertical seismic profiling and shear wave analysis we show that a packet of carbonate reservoir rocks, found at nearly 3000 m depth in the North German Basin, is seismically anisotropic. For vertical paths of wave propagation the estimated velocity difference of the split shear waves is 10%. No shear wave birefrigence is observed within the hangingwall which, therefore, has to be regarded as isotropic or transversely isotropic. Additional laboratory investigations of the petrography of drilled carbonate samples and of their seismic velocities show that the anisotropy is most probably caused by subvertical fractures with preferred azimuthal orientation. The strike direction of the aligned fractures determined by analysis of split shear waves is approximately N55°E. This value agrees with recently published directions of maximum horizontal tectonic stress in pre-Zechstein sediments in the eastern part of the North German Basin, but it is in contrast to the world stress map. Received: 20 April 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

迪北气田三维探区下侏罗统阿合组裂缝定量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于璇  侯贵廷  李勇 《地学前缘》2016,23(1):240-252
塔里木盆地库车坳陷的下侏罗统阿合组低孔低渗砂岩是迪北气田的主要油气储集层,构造裂缝作为油气运移通道和储集空间,其发育特征和分布规律是制约油气勘探开发的关键。本次研究采用迪北气田最新的三维构造图,考虑区域地质背景、地层起伏、断层分布等诸多因素,将目的层下侏罗统阿合组分为3段,基于实测岩石力学参数,利用三维弹性有限元数值模拟方法,计算获得的库车坳陷新近纪构造应力场的大小、方向与实测应力感数据比较吻合。以此构造应力场为基础,在迪北地区11口井的约束下,用岩石破裂值和应变能密度构建起的“二元法”对阿合组每一层段的裂缝密度分布规律进行预测。结果表明:平面上,迪北斜坡带的依南2-迪西1-迪北104区域、迪北101-依南5以南区域和吐孜1井以西-吐孜3井以北的区域为裂缝相对发育区;垂向上,阿合组中下段要比上段裂缝更为发育。该构造裂缝预测结果对迪北气田致密砂岩储层的勘探开发提供了新的参考依据。  相似文献   

Aoki, K. and Shiogama, Y., 1993. Geoengineering techniques used in the construction of underground openings in jointed rocks. In: M. Langer, K. Hoshino and K. Aoki (Editors), Engineering Geology in the Utilization of Underground Space.Eng. Geol., 35: 167–173.

Examples of underground openings used for pumped storage hydroelectric power stations and storage facilities for crude oil in Japan are described. In these examples the observational construction technique is important to compensate for missing data in the preliminary surveys. Some new drilling and assessment techniques that have been developed are also introduced.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to derive the strength and modulus properties of rockmass as a function of intact rock strength and joint factor. The joint factor reflects the combined effect of joint frequency, joint inclination and joint strength. A study for the strength and deformation characteristics of jointed rock is done by conducting standard laboratory tests on cylindrical specimens of plaster of Paris after introducing artificial joints. The specimens having one to four joints at different inclinations which vary from 0° to 90° were tested at different confining conditions. The test results were examined to understand the effect of joint frequency and joint inclination on the strength and deformation behaviour of rock mass. Empirical correlations were developed for prediction of the uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of jointed rocks. Results are compared with the earlier work on jointed specimens covering a wide variety of rocks. So, knowing the intact rock properties and the joint factor, the jointed rock properties can be estimated. These relations can be used for developing an equivalent continuum model for rock mass for handling boundary value problems. A failure criterion as proposed by Ramamurthy (1993 Ramamurthy, T. 1993. “Strength and modulus response of anisotropic rocks”. In Comprehensive rock engineering, Edited by: Hudson, J.A. Vol. 1, 313329. Oxford: Pergamon Press.  [Google Scholar]) has been validated from these experimental results.  相似文献   

为了研究潞安矿区煤储层压裂人工裂缝与天然裂隙的关系,井下实测了矿区煤储层宏观裂隙,扫描电镜观测了煤储层显微裂隙;探讨了矿区含裂缝非均质煤岩破裂规律。对原位煤储层条件下人工裂缝沿天然裂隙扩展的最大水平主应力方向与天然裂隙走向夹角的临界值进行了计算。结果表明:矿区的漳村、司马、屯留、常村和五阳5个区块临界值分别为12.00°、9.22°、9.16°、8.56°和7.42°,当最大水平主应力方向与天然裂隙走向的夹角小于此临界角时,人工裂缝沿天然裂隙扩展,反之沿最大水平主应力方向扩展。据此,探讨了潞安矿区原位煤储层压裂裂缝沿天然裂隙扩展的3种模式。  相似文献   

A hybrid discrete-continuum approach has been presented in this paper to simulate water flow in the near and far fields of deformable fractured rocks. In the near field, the discrete model is used; while in the far field, the equivalent continuum model is employed. The discrete element method (with the static relaxation algorithm) is used in the near field and the boundary integral equation method in the far field. Along the interface of these two domains, both mechanical and hydraulic compatibility conditions are satisfied. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical analysis can be conducted in the combined near and far fields. Application to a dam foundation problem has demonstrated the capability of the developed approach.  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis of asphaltenes has been tested as a method to reconstruct the chemical composition of biodegraded oils and oil seeps. The asphaltenes of three oils (a nondegraded oil, a biodegraded oil, and a biodegraded oil seep) from the Monterey Formation were studied. Results show that the aliphatic fraction generated by hydrous pyrolysis is very similar in chemical composition to the non-degraded oil. This makes the method very useful in correlation studies of biodegraded and nondegraded oils. It also allows to roughly estimate the maturity of the source of the biodegraded oil or oil seep.  相似文献   

This paper describes an unusual occurrence of igneous material as clasts in dyke and pipe breccias associated with late Caledonian minor intrusions. It is shown that the clasts were in a plastic condition when incorporated into the breccia rock. These igneous clasts were derived from magma disrupted at depth and then transported into the fluidized breccia columns where they were mixed with large numbers of clasts derived from the quartzite wall-rocks. Textures and planar fabrics developed during collapse of the fluidized system are described and shown to be separable from the later compaction associated with extensive pressure solution of the fine matrix. Most Caledonian breccia pipes lack igneous clasts and it is considered that this group of breccias represent the rarely-preserved boundary zone between active magma and breccia systems.  相似文献   

Soil settlements related to groundwater lowering are expected to be accelerated by climate change and may damage underground infrastructure networks. A 1D mechanical model, previously developed for continuous pipelines, has been extended towards jointed pipelines to calculate the stresses and joint rotations induced by the soil settlements. From the mechanical model, curve fits were acquired that can be used to estimate the bending moments and joint rotation. The curve fits differ per soil type, joint stiffness, joint position and joint distance. The stresses calculated by the 1D mechanical model and curve fits were validated by means of 3D finite element modelling. Using the curve fits, a probabilistic approach was followed by means of a Monte Carlo method to calculate the probability of failure of the pipeline system. The effect of joints is that the pipe stresses are reduced as the joints absorb a part of the soil displacement. For the probability of failure, the pipe stresses have a larger contribution than the joint rotation, as the joint rotation remains small compared to the maximum allowable joint rotation.  相似文献   

徐琳  胡林  肖进  李宁  伊海生  赵宇 《中国地质》2021,48(6):1781-1789
措勤盆地下二叠统昂杰组之上广泛发育碳酸盐岩沉积,前人先后对这套碳酸盐岩进行了解体,建立了多个地层单元.本次报道剖面为盆地中的二叠系—三叠系的连续整合沉积剖面,通过牙形石研究在这套碳酸盐岩中识别出了下二叠统—下三叠统的5个牙形石带,即:Mesogondolella siciliensis-Sweetognathodus ...  相似文献   

Late Triassic and Early Jurassic bedrock in the Newark basin is pervasively fractured as a result of Mesozoic rifting of the east–central North American continental margin. Tectonic rifting imparted systematic sets of steeply-dipping, en échelon, Mode I, extension fractures in basin strata including ordinary joints and veins. These fractures are arranged in transitional-tensional arrays resembling normal dip-slip shear zones. They contributed to crustal stretching, sagging, and eventual faulting of basin rift deposits. Extension fractures display progressive linkage and spatial clustering that probably controlled incipient fault growth. They cluster into three prominent strike groups correlated to early, intermediate, and late-stage tectonic events reflecting about 50– 60° of counterclockwise rotation of incremental stretching directions. Finite strain analyses show that extension fractures allowed the stretching of basin strata by a few percent, and these fractures impart stratigraphic dips up to a few degrees in directions opposing fracture dips. Fracture groups display three-dimensional spatial variability but consistent geometric relations. Younger fractures locally cut across and terminate against older fractures having more complex vein-cement morphologies and bed-normal folds from stratigraphic compaction. A fourth, youngest group of extension fractures occur sporadically and strike about E–W in obliquely inverted crustal blocks. A geometric analysis of overlapping fracture sets shows how fracture groups result from incremental rotation of an extending tectonic plate, and that old fractures can reactivate with oblique slip components in the contemporary, compressive stress regime.  相似文献   

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