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Rangeland invertebrates contribute greatly to biodiversity and provide important services including pollination, pest control, and nutrient cycling. As wildfire frequency increases across these areas of the United States, it is imperative to understand how these disturbances affect beneficial invertebrate communities. We examined bee (Hymenoptera), spider (Araneae), and vegetative communities 1 yr before and 1 yr after a large wildfire swept across an intact grassland in eastern Oregon. Several sites were left unburned after the fire, and a before-after-control-impact study design was used to assess changes within the communities. Fire had no effect on bee or spider abundance, or spider diversity or richness; however, fire significantly increased native bee diversity and richness. In addition, composition of both native bee and spider communities differed significantly between burned and unburned areas 1 yr after the fire. Sheet web spiders (Linyphiidae) and several bee species (primarily large, generalist species) were associated with burned sites. Invasive annual grass and biological soil crust cover decreased significantly in burned sites, but maximum vegetation height and litter cover did not differ significantly among treatments. Forb abundance increased in burned sites; however, species richness of forbs in burned and unburned sites did not differ significantly 1 yr after the fire. Several forbs were indicative of burned areas including non-native species, such as Douglas’ knotweed (Polygonum douglasii) and Russian thistle (Salsola tragus), and native species such as Canadian horseweed (Conyza canadensis), hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens), and tall willowherb (Epilobium brachycarpum). This study demonstrates that both invertebrate and plant communities show strong short-term responses to wildfire, and our results can be used to inform management of rare habitat and biodiversity in rangelands impacted by wildfire in arid grasslands.  相似文献   

Re-establishing native communities that resist exotic weed invasion and provide diverse habitat for wildlife are high priorities for restoration in sagebrush ecosystems. Native forbs are an important component of healthy rangelands in this system, but they are rarely included in seedings. Understanding competitive interactions between forb and grass seedlings is required to devise seeding strategies that can enhance establishment of diverse native species assemblages in degraded sagebrush communities. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to examine seedling biomass and relative growth rate of common native forb species when grown alone or in the presence of a native bunchgrass or an exotic annual grass. Forb species included bigseed biscuitroot (Lomatium macrocarpum [Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray] J.M. Coult. & Rose), sulphur-flower buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.), hoary aster (Machaeranthera canescens [Pursh] Gray), royal penstemon (Penstemon speciosus Douglas ex Lindl.), and Munro's globemallow (Sphaeralcea munroana [Douglas ex Lindl.] Spach ex Gray); and neighboring grass species included bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides [Raf.] Swezey), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J. Presl); and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Forbs and grasses were harvested after 6, 9, or 12 wk of growth for biomass determination and calculation of relative growth rates (RGR) of forbs. Neither bunchgrass reduced biomass of any forb. RGR was reduced for royal penstemon when grown with either native grass and for Munro's globemallow when grown with bottlebrush squirreltail. Although only assessed qualitatively, forbs with vertically oriented root morphologies exhibited no reduction in RGR when grown with native grasses, compared to forbs with dense lateral branching, similar to the root morphology of native grasses. Biomass of forbs was reduced by 50% to 91% and RGR by 37% to 80% when grown with cheatgrass. Understanding native forb interactions with native grasses and cheatgrass will aid land managers in selecting effective seed mixes and making better use of costly seed.  相似文献   

Invasive annual grasses, primarily Bromus tectorum, are a severe risk to native vegetation of the intermountain West. Once established, annual grasses alter natural fire regimes and outcompete natives until, in some places, they become the overwhelming dominant. We developed a regional spatial model encompassing eight ecoregions to indicate the relative abundance of invasive annual grass at five levels of canopy cover. We used field sample data representing invasive annual grass abundance to build and calibrate the model. Explanatory variables, represented as map inputs, included image indices, climate, landform, soil, and human-induced surface disturbance. As a novel modeling approach, we built multiple models based on classes of invasive annual grass cover abundance were developed individually and then combined into a final 90-m pixel resolution model that indicates locations relative to invasive annual grass abundance into classes of < 5%, 5−15%, 16−25%, 26−45%, and > 45% cover. Each component model was validated using held-out sample data, and relative accuracy was 86%, 74%, 62%, 62%, and 60%, respectively, with an overall kappa of 0.773. The Columbia Plateau, Northern Basin and Range, and Snake River Plain ecoregions appear to have the greatest overall proportions (48−62%) mapped within at least one of the invasive cover categories. Overlay of the resulting model with major vegetation types indicated > 50 major vegetation types that are affected by current distribution of annual grasses and are at risk of expansion. Among these, Intermountain Basins, Big Sagebrush Steppe, and Columbia Plateau Steppe and Grassland each consistently scored high for invasive risk where they occur. Spatial models of this type should assist with rangeland restoration and for decisions involving placement of infrastructure, vegetation treatments where further surface disturbance could trigger additional cheatgrass expansion. Options exist for extending this model, using climate projections over upcoming decades, to indicate areas of increasing risk for invasion.  相似文献   

田梦  孙宗玖  李培英  汪洋 《草地学报》2020,28(1):141-148
为探讨草地土壤种子库种子萌发对全球气候变暖的适应机制,本研究采用常规方法对模拟温度增加[对照(CK)、增加2℃(T2)、增加4℃(T4)、增加6℃(T6)]下中度退化蒿类荒漠草地可萌发土壤种子库数量及其多样性进行了观测。结果表明:0~5,5~10 cm土层土壤种子库萌发的物种数及其幼苗总密度随温度增加呈下降趋势,且T6处理0~5(5~10)cm萌发物种数及萌发密度依次较对照降低57.1%(33.3%),70.4%(75.0%)。随温度增加,0~5,5~10 cm土层蒿类荒漠可萌发土壤种子库物种组成与地上植被物种组成相似性总体呈下降趋势,且T6处理相似性最低。温度增加后蒿类荒漠土壤萌发物种的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、Patrick指数总体呈下降趋势,且0~5 cm土层较5~10 cm土层下降明显。综上,增温抑制了土壤种子库种子的萌发,可能不利于退化蒿类荒漠草地的恢复。  相似文献   

本试验对黄土高原亚高山草地不同退化程度下土壤种子库的物种组成、种子密度、分布特征以及影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,研究区地上植物有31种,分属于14科、25属;种子库植物有32种,分属于14科、31属;种子库的83.45% 都分布于浅层土壤中(0~5 cm).随着草地退化程度的加重,地上植被和地下种子库中多年生植物的比...  相似文献   

草种差异、施肥及修剪对冷季型草坪根系影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用正交法进行田间试验,研究了施肥、修剪、和草种差异对冷季型草坪草根系深度影响。结果表明:在乌鲁木齐这样的干旱区城市,根系深,抗旱力强的草种适于本地生长。草种和修剪频度差异对草坪丰富根系深度影响显著,草种对最大根系深度影响差异极显著。在草坪管理中,选用深根性草种,修剪频度两周1次,有利于草坪丰富根系深度和最大根系深度增加,提高草坪生长质量,提高抗旱力。冷季型草坪草种(品种)对于草坪最大根系深度影响差异显著。以最大根系深度比较,紫羊茅根系最浅,耐旱能力差;高羊茅根系最深,耐旱好;早熟禾草和黑麦草的耐旱能力居中。  相似文献   

Conifer encroachment in sagebrush ecosystems reduces habitat heterogeneity, niche space, and resource availability, all of which negatively affect many wildlife populations. Sagebrush restoration is recommended as a management action to mitigate conifer encroachment and restore wildlife across millions of hectares in the Great Basin. Despite this recommendation, the effects of conifer encroachment and sagebrush restoration are unknown for most wildlife species. Small nonvolant mammal communities include keystone species, consumers and prey; facilitate energy flow and ecological function; and provide important ecological goods and services. We assessed causal relationships between conifer encroachment and sagebrush restoration (conifer removal and seeding native plants) on small mammal communities over 11 yr using a Before-After-Control–Impact design. Sagebrush habitat supported an additional small mammal species, twice the biomass, and nearly three times higher densities than conifer-encroached habitat. Sagebrush restoration increased shrub cover, decreased tree cover, and density but failed to increase native herbaceous plant density. Restoration caused a large increase in the non-native, invasive annual cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Counter to prediction, small mammal diversity did not increase in response to sagebrush restoration, but restoration maintained small mammal density in the face of ongoing conifer encroachment. Piñon mice (Peromyscus truei), woodland specialists with highest densities in conifer-encroached habitat, were negatively affected by sagebrush restoration. Increasing cheatgrass due to sagebrush restoration may not negatively impact small mammal diversity, provided cheatgrass density and cover do not progress to a monoculture and native vegetation is maintained. The consequences of conifer encroachment, a long-term, slow-acting impact, far outweigh the impacts of sagebrush restoration, a short-term, high-intensity impact, on small mammal diversity. Given the ecological importance of small mammals, maintenance of small mammal density is a desirable outcome for sagebrush restoration.  相似文献   

Factors affecting species richness and abundance of clinid fish(Fam. Clinidae)in 19 intertidal rock pools near Muizenberg, South Africa, were investigated. Some measure of cover is the most important predictor of clinid species richness, abundance and biomass. Intraspecific partitioning of habitat by Clinus superciliosus was observed, and apparently occurs in C. cottoides as well. Fish were observed to move between pools during high tides, and some individuals showed fidelity to particular pools. There is some evidence for suggesting that C. superciliosus might be a colonizing species.  相似文献   

The native range of Ctenosaura similis extends from southern Mexico through Panama. From an initial introduction of 3 animals in 1979, the species now numbers in the thousands on Gasparilla Island in southwest Florida. In response to complaints of property damage from residents and threats to native species, local officials and the US Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services began a removal program in 2008. Through 2011, trappers removed 9467 ctenosaurs. The number removed declined from 32 iguanas/day in 2008 to 1.9 iguanas/day in 2011 despite no easing of the control effort. We necropsied 2757 ctenosaurs to document aspects of their natural history. Females outnumbered males overall, although the largest size class (>300 mm snout–vent length) included 32 males and just 2 females. Reproduction was seasonal. We found oviducal eggs in females from early Apr to early Jun, approximately 2 months later than C. similis in its native range. We trapped hatchlings from late Jul to early Oct coincident with the summer rainy season. Clutch size increased with female body size, with 62 being the largest clutch size recorded. In general, the biology of the invasive population on Gasparilla Island resembles native C. similis populations in Central America, except for the lack of large individuals. We suggest that shorter day length and colder temperatures create environmental conditions that are suboptimal for individual growth compared to those in the native range.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical course and outcome associated with keratomycosis in horses in the mid‐Atlantic USA. Records of horses diagnosed with keratomycosis at New Bolton Center from November 2006 to November 2007 with positive fungal culture were retrospectively studied. Neither horses with ulcerative keratitis and a negative fungal culture nor those with stromal abscesses were included. Subject details, history, clinical findings, therapy and outcome were recorded. Thirty horses fitted both inclusion criteria (diagnosis of keratomycosis and positive corneal fungal culture). Fourteen of 30 cases occurred during summer. Aspergillus was the most commonly cultured fungal genus (17/30, or 57%) followed by Alternaria (4/30). Seventeen horses had positive bacterial and fungal cultures. Fifteen of 30 horses were treated surgically by a keratectomy and amnion (8) or conjunctival (7) graft. Itraconazole was the most common topical anti‐fungal therapy and was utilised in 25/30 horses. Globe survival was 97% (29/30). All surviving globes had a positive menace response and were visual at the last examination. It was concluded that in the mid‐Atlantic USA, fungal keratitis is common, has the highest incidence in summer, and is usually associated with a positive outcome. Aspergillus may be a relatively more common corneal pathogen in this region than elsewhere in the USA. Surgical cases were more likely to have fungal hyphae identified on cytology and tended to be hospitalised longer than medical cases. There was no apparent association between surgical disease and all other patient, organism and treatment variables.  相似文献   

灌溉对白三叶生殖生长及种子产量和质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白三叶(Trifolium repens L.)是温带重要的豆科牧草,在我国草地改良及生态环境建设中具有重要作用。而目前我国白三叶种子主要依靠进口,其生产研究匮乏、技术落后,使之生产利用受到严重制约。本研究以白三叶海法品种为对象,于2003年11月-2005年6月在云南省种羊场,采用随机区组试验设计,设置5个水分调控处理;结合室内土培法,通过对白三叶种子田需水量及灌水时间的确定,水分对白三叶种子产量及产量构成要素的影响、对营养生长与生殖生长的调控、对种子发育及种子质量的影响等方面研究其种子生产的高产灌溉制度,并从生理生化的角度研究水分对白三叶生长发育的调控。  相似文献   

为明晰青藏高原高寒草甸冷季牧场的适宜休牧期,在东祁连山天祝高寒草甸设置了土壤解冻临界期—牧草枯黄期(RP1)、土壤解冻后期—牧草枯黄期(RP2)、牧草返青初期—牧草枯黄期(RP3)、牧草返青后期—牧草枯黄期(RP4)和当地传统休牧(优势牧草高5 cm—牧草枯黄期)(RP5)5个休牧期,研究了土壤种子库的物种组成、密度、多样性及其与地上植被的关系。结果表明:供试土壤种子库中共萌发27种植物,分属12科23属;5个休牧期土壤种子库密度表现为RP1(2 136.67粒·m-2)>RP2(1 983.33粒·m-2)>RP3(1 576.67粒·m-2)>RP4(1 220粒·m-2)>RP5(863.33粒·m-2);香农-威纳指数和辛普森多样性指数在RP1休牧土壤种子库中较高,Pielou均匀度指数在RP5中最高;5个休牧期土壤种子库与地上植被的Sorensen相似性指数在0.38~0.49,其中RP1休牧与地上植被的相似性最高。综上,土壤解冻临界期—牧草枯黄期休牧更有利于土壤储备植物种子,增加草地的抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

应用幼苗萌发法比较研究了浅耕翻改良、围封改良和自由放牧对退化羊草草甸草地土壤种子库的影响。结果表明,浅耕翻改良、围封改良措施均可显著提高退化羊草草地土壤种子库的密度,改善种子库的物种组成结构,其中围封改良较浅耕翻改良措施对土壤种子库的补偿和修复更为有利。  相似文献   

对老芒麦、披碱草、无芒雀麦、垂穗披碱草和蒙古冰草五种禾本科牧草种子在浸种处理下的萌发特性及浸种处理和保水剂处理下的成苗率和幼苗的耐旱性进行了研究.结果表明:浸种处理对五种禾本科牧草种子萌发率的影响效果没有规律性,但是其简化活力指数均有提高.浸种处理对垂穗披碱草、无芒雀麦、披碱草和老芒麦幼苗的耐旱性有负面影响,对蒙古冰草幼苗的耐旱性有正面影响.保水剂处理对五种牧草种子的成苗率及幼苗耐旱性均有负面影响.  相似文献   

应用幼苗萌发法比较研究了浅耕翻改良、围封改良和自由放牧对退化羊草草甸草地土壤种子库的影响.结果表明,浅耕翻改良、围封改良措施均可显著提高退化羊草草地土壤种子库的密度,改善种子库的物种组成结构,其中围封改良较浅耕翻改良措施对土壤种子库的补偿和修复更为有利.  相似文献   

在青海湖地区的不同样地上,对甘肃棘豆、宽苞棘豆和黄花棘豆3种棘豆土壤种子库的密度进行了测定,种子密度随着植被中种群分盖度的大小而变化幅度很大,每平方80~2 220粒;同时采用四脞法对土壤种子库中的棘豆种子进行种子活力测定,其中77%的种子具有活力;用尼龙袋法测定甘肃棘豆种子在土壤种子库中的寿命,5年后埋置在土壤环境中的甘肃棘豆种子有50%的还存在,其中5%的种子具有活力;暴露在土壤表面环境中的种子有33%的种子存在;5年期间,埋置的种子和暴露在土壤表面的种子每年分别约有5%和14%的种子在发芽。  相似文献   

Efforts to eradicate brucellosis caused by Brucella abortus in the United States began in 1934 as part of an economic recovery program to reduce the cattle population because of the Great Depression and concurrent severe drought conditions. A number of states saw this as an opportunity to reduce the level of brucellosis, which was the most significant livestock disease problem in the US at the time. In 1934 and 1935, the reactor rate in adult cattle tested was 11.5%. In 1954, the magnitude of the brucellosis problem in the United States in terms of economics to the cattle industry and human health prompted Congress to appropriate funds for a comprehensive national effort to eradicate brucellosis. The brucellosis eradication program was designed as a cooperative effort between the federal government, the states, and livestock producers. As the science and technology of brucellosis has developed over the years through research and experience, the eradication program has been modified many times.

As of 31 December 2000, there were no affected cattle herds in the United States. This was the first time in the history of the brucellosis program that the United States had no known brucellosis affected herds. However, brucellosis has a variable, sometimes quite lengthy incubation period, so it is expected that additional affected herds will be disclosed. It is likely that additional affected herds will be disclosed before brucellosis is finally eradicated from cattle. Animal health officials remain prepared to aggressively pursue any newly disclosed affected herds to eliminate the disease as quickly as possible.

The State-Federal Brucellosis Eradication Program has made tremendous progress since its inception. In an eradication program, it is critically important to recognize that, despite all the tools that are available to eliminate the disease, an effective surveillance system is the critical first step that must be in place in order to be successful. It is imperative, not only to be able to find the disease and eliminate it, but to find it before it spreads to susceptible herds. When brucellosis can be identified, contained, and eliminated before spread occurs, eradication can be achieved.  相似文献   

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