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We present here the results of sub-ionospheric VLF perturbations observed on NWC (19.8 kHz) transmitter signal propagating in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, monitored at our low latitude station Agra. During the period of observation (June-December 2011), we found 89 cases of VLF perturbation, while only 73 cases showing early character associated with strong lightning discharges. Out of 73 events, 64 (~84%) of the early VLF perturbations are found to be early/slow in nature; the remaining 9 events are early/fast. The onset duration of these early/slow VLF perturbations is up to ~ 5 s. A total of 54 observed early events show amplitude change lying between ± 3.0 dB, and phase change ± 12 degree, respectively, and found to occur mainly during nighttime. One of the interesting results we found is that the events with larger recovery time lie far away from the VLF propagation path, while events with smaller duration of recovery are within the ± 50–100 km of signal path. The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) data is analysed to find the location of causative lightning and temporal variation. The lightning discharge and associated processes that lead to early VLF events are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the TEC data for April 2013 observed at Agra station, India (geogr. lat. 27.2° N, long. 78° E) to examine the effect of earthquake of magnitude M = 7.8 which occurred on 16 April 2013 at Pakistan–Iran border region. We process the TEC data using the s statistical criterion to find out anomalous variation in TEC data. We also study the VLF propagation signal from NPM, Hawaii (21.42° N, 158° W), which is monitored at the same station (Agra station) in the light of this earthquake as well as solar flares. The nighttime fluctuation method is used to analyze the VLF data for the period of ±5 days from the day of earthquake (11–21 April 2013). The anomalous enhancements and depletions are found in TEC data on 1–9 days before the occurrence of event.  相似文献   

The 1897 Great Shillong earthquake revealed considerable seismic susceptibility in Guwahati City, such as soil liquefaction, landslides, and surface fissures. In an attempt to quantify the seismic vulnerability of the city based on geological, seismological, and geotechnical aspects concerning seismic site characterization, in-depth analysis was performed using a microtremor survey with recordings of five small to moderate magnitude (4.8 ≤ mb ≤ 5.4) earthquakes that occurred in 2006 and geotechnical investigations using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Additionally, the basement topography was established using vertical electrical resistivity sounding and selected drill-hole information. Region-specific relationships are derived by correlating the estimated values of predominant frequency, shear-wave velocity, and basement depth indicating conformity with the predominant frequency distribution and the basin topography underlain by a hard granitic basement. Most parts of the city adhere to the predominant frequency range of 0.5–3.5 Hz, setting aside areas of deep sediment fills or hilly tracts, suggesting that the existing moderate-rise RC buildings in the territory are seismically vulnerable. Furthermore, the geotechnical assessment of the soil liquefaction potential reveals widespread susceptibility across the terrain. Eventually, a site classification map of the city is prepared following the National Earthquake Hazard Program (NEHRP) provision. The average site amplification factor from geotechnical modeling for site class D is about 3 in the frequency range of 2–4 Hz. In addition, earthquake data yield an average site amplification factor of 4–6 in the frequency range of 1.2–5.0 Hz at the seismic stations located in site class E and F. High site amplifications of around 5.5 and 7.5 at 2 Hz, respectively, are observed at AMTRON and IRRIG seismic stations, which are located in the proximity of Precambrian rocks, indicating probable basin edge effects—scattering and diffraction of incident energy. Interplay of dispersed valleys surrounded by small hillocks in the study region is likely to induce micro-basin effects where the sediment thickness/depth vis-à-vis predominant frequency and basin geometry in conjunction play pivotal roles in the augmentation of site response.  相似文献   

The hydrogeology of the chemical waste disposal site in the closed basin at Alkali Lake, Oregon has been examined. Interest in the site is due to the burial (November 1976) of 25,000 drums of herbicide manufacturing residues in unlined trenches on the playa of the basin. Included in the wastes were large amounts of chlorophenols and polymeric chlorophenoxyphenols. The flow of the alkaline (pH ∼10) ground water in the site area is driven by: (1) springs which create a mound east of the site; and (2) the sump effect of “West Alkali Lake,” a topographic low to the west of the site. Porosity, bulk mass densities, and grain-size distributions were determined. At one piezometer, the depth to ground water ranged between 0.9 m and 2.2 m. With the bottoms of the trenches in which the chemicals were buried between 0.60 and 0.75 m below the level of the ground surface, the bottom portions of the trenches may, at least occasionally, be in direct contact with the ground water.  相似文献   

The clouds of the middle troposphere span the temperature range where both ice and liquid water in a supercooled state can exist. However, because one phase tends to dominate, of the two midlevel cloud types, altostratus are deep ice-dominated, while altocumulus are shallow water-dominated, mixed-phase clouds with ice crystal virga typically trailing below. Multiple remote sensor examples of these cloud types are given to illustrate their main features, and the radiative consequences of the different cloud microphysical compositions are discussed. Spaceborne radar and lidar measurements using the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites are analyzed to determine the global distributions of cloud frequencies and heights of these clouds. It is found that together these little-studied clouds cover ~25% of the Earth’s surface, which is about one-third of the total cloud cover, and thus represent a significant contribution to the planet’s energy balance.  相似文献   

Groundwater elevation fluctuation has been recognized as one mechanism causing temporal indoor air volatile organic chemical (VOC) impacts in vapor intrusion risk assessment guidance. For dissolved VOC sources, groundwater table fluctuation shortens/lengthens the transport pathway, and delivers dissolved contaminants to soils that are alternating between water saturated and variably saturated conditions, thereby enhancing volatilization potential. To date, this mechanism has not been assessed with field data, but enhanced VOC emission flux has been observed in lab-scale and modeling studies. This work evaluates the impact of groundwater elevation changes on VOC emission flux from a dissolved VOC plume into a house, supplemented with modeling results for cyclic groundwater elevation changes. Indoor air concentrations, air exchange rates, and depth to groundwater (DTW) were collected at the study house during an 86-d constant building underpressurization test. These data were used to calculate changes in trichloroethylene (TCE) emission flux to indoor air, during a period when DTW varied daily and seasonally from about 3.1 to 3.4 m below the building foundation (BF). Overall, TCE flux to indoor air varied by about 50% of the average, without any clear correlation to changes in DTW or its change rate. To complement the field study, TCE surface emission fluxes were simulated using a one-dimensional model (HYDRUS 1D) for conditions similar to the field site. Simulation results showed time-averaged surface TCE fluxes for cyclic water-table elevations were greater than for stationary water-table conditions at an equivalent time-averaged water-table position. The magnitudes of temporal TCE emission flux changes were generally less than 50% of the time-averaged flux, consistent with the field site observations. Simulation results also suggested that TCE emission flux changes due to groundwater fluctuation are likely to be significant at sites with shallow groundwater (e.g., < 0.5 m BF) and permeable soil types (e.g., sand).  相似文献   

Gasoline constituents were detected in unsaturated soil and rock during abandonment of a leaky underground storage tank (UST). The unsaturated sequence beneath the former UST consists of 90 feet of silty till, fractured dolomite, and friable sand-stone. Pore gas probes were installed in each of the unsaturated units, both in the source area and in a background on-site location. Pore gas samples were collected to evaluate the nature, extent, and fate of residual hydrocarbons in the vadose zone. Pore gas from the till and dolomite in the source area was enriched in petroleum hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide, and was depleted in oxygen, relative to pore gas from the background area. During two years of ground water monitoring at the site, methyl tertiary butyl ether was periodically detected in the ground water beneath the source area as pulses of recharge passed through the unsaturated zone, but no other gasoline constituents were detected. Apparently, the most degradable fraction of the gasoline (aromatic hydrocarbons) is being attenuated in the vadose zone before the water table is reached.  相似文献   

In this study, temporal variations of surface ozone (O3) were investigated at tropical urban site of Hyderabad during the year 2009. O3, oxides of nitrogen (NOx = NO + NO2), black carbon (BC), and meteorological parameters were continuously monitored at the established air monitoring station. Results revealed the production of surface O3 from NO2 through photochemical oxidation. Averaged datasets illustrated the variations in ground‐level concentrations of these air pollutants along different time scales. Maximum mean concentrations of O3 (56.75 ppbv) and NOx (8.9 ppbv) were observed in summer. Diurnal‐seasonal changes in surface O3 and NOx concentrations were explicated with complex atmospheric chemistry, boundary layer dynamics, and local meteorology. In addition, nocturnal chemistry of NOx played a decisive role in the formation of O3 during day time. Mean BC mass concentration in winter (10.92 µg m?3) was high during morning hours. Heterogeneous chemistry of BC on O3 destruction and NOx formation was elucidated. Apart from these local observations, long‐range transport of trace gases and BC aerosols were evidenced from air mass back trajectories. Further, statistical modeling was performed to predict O3 using multi‐linear regression method, which resulted in 91% of the overall variance.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments of a river and of two sites of well showed significant changes in relation to different water factors. Comparatively, organic carbon, organic matter and free CaCO3 concentration were higher in the Sutapatti well than at other sites which may affect the quality of potable water considerably.  相似文献   

Levels of bacterial indicators of pollution are related with marine salinity and turbidity at both high tide (HT) and low tide (LT). The salinity varied from values around 26.9 ppm at the LT and 28.6 ppm at the high tide but affected total and faecal coliform (FC) estimates. Salinity readings of 25–30 ppm produced microbial counts below 10−2 MPN/100 ml total coliforms (TCs) whereas salinity of 15–22 ppm produced a TC level of 4.6×10−4 MPN/100 ml. Turbidity peaks in the samples are accompanied by peaks of microbial contamination of the seawater indicating that the contamination is normally deposited at the marine sediment rather than in the water column. In fact, samples collected under heavy stormy weather, in which the water agitation resulted in turbidity values up to 68.3 NTU, produced maximum microbial counts.  相似文献   

Analysis of Ground-Water Remedial Alternatives at a Superfund Site   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This paper considers the chemical composition and classification of ground water at seven flowing wells and four springs using materials from the 2014 hydrogeochemical sampling and from continuous observations conducted by the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS) in 1989–1999. We estimated the saturation of ground water discharges at individual vents with alumosilicate, carbonate, and sulfate secondary minerals, following the behavior of saturation over time. We have found that the ground water undergoes an increase in the saturation with secondary minerals during large earthquakes that produced shaking of intensity I = 5–6 on the MSK-64 scale. Such changes in the saturation of ground water with secondary minerals are less pronounced during the precursory periods before earthquake occurrence. We discuss desirable future developments of the observational system at wells and springs in order to look for new types of hydrogeochemical precursors to earthquakes.  相似文献   

Dew, as a supplementary water source, may have an important ecological role in arid and semi‐arid regions. During August and September of 2007 and 2008, measurements were taken to investigate the dew accumulation and evaporation patterns in the very early morning hours, in three different habitats (dunetop, footslope, and interdune lowland) of a fixed sand dune in Northwest China. Dew quantities were measured using the cloth‐plate method. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between dew amounts and relative humidity, but a negative correlation between dew amounts and mean temperature. Clear mornings were characterized by higher dew amounts and longer dew duration, whereas less dew was recorded during cloudy and especially windy mornings. Dew continued to condense even after sunrise, although a shorter warming time after dawn is also of vital importance in dew formation. The higher average maximum dew quantities (0.06 mm) and longer average dew duration (2.3 h) occurred in the interdune lowland; the lower and shorter average dew amounts (0.048 mm) and duration (1.9 h) were obtained at the dune top. The footslope habitat exhibited intermediate values. Clearly, the differences in dew deposition can be partially attributed to the distinguishing characteristics of the microhabitats. The present study highlighted the impacts of these characteristics on near‐ground dew condensation accumulation and evaporation in a fixed sand dune and may facilitate evaluation of the role of dew in arid and semi‐arid environments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Research at the MADE Site   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field studies at well‐instrumented research sites have provided extensive data sets and important insights essential for development and testing of transport theories and mathematical models. This paper provides an overview of over 25 years of research and lessons learned at one of such field research sites on the Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi, commonly known as the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site. Since the mid‐1980s, field data from the MADE site have been used extensively by researchers around the world to explore complex contaminant transport phenomena in highly heterogeneous porous media. Results from field investigations and modeling analyses suggested that connected networks of small‐scale preferential flow paths and relative flow barriers exert dominant control on solute transport processes. The classical advection‐dispersion model was shown to inadequately represent plume‐scale transport, while the dual‐domain mass transfer model was found to reproduce the primary observed plume characteristics. The MADE site has served as a valuable natural observatory for contaminant transport studies where new observations have led to better understanding and improved models have sprung out analysis of new data.  相似文献   

A new probabilistic remediation simulation package, PREMChlor, was used to simulate the effect of contaminant source and plume remediation at a site contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE). First, the PREMChlor model was calibrated to the plume using a deterministic approach to represent the site conditions prior to remediation activities, which occurred in 1999. The calibrated model was then used in a probabilistic mode to conduct a simulation of the effects of field source and plume remediation activities during the period after 1999. This probabilistic simulation considers uncertainties in seven key parameters: the initial source mass and concentration, the relationship between source mass removal and source concentration, the effectiveness of the source remediation, the groundwater velocity, the background plume degradation rate, and the plume treatment effectiveness. The simulation results compare favorably with the observed data collected after 1999, and show the influence of the remediation efforts on the plume.  相似文献   

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