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Under the background of extensive improvement of renewable resources and demand for reliable emergency power supply, we proposed a hybrid energy storage system including an electric double-layer capacitor bank and a hydrogen system which is composed of fuel cell, electrolyzer, gas tank and metal hydride tank. Through its integration with photovoltaic power sources in a local direct current grid, we expect to obtain both of stable energy source at ordinary times and long-time reliable autonomous emergency power supply when outages happen. A three-day demonstration of the proposed system was performed. The fluctuation compensation performance of the components and the long-time stable power supply obtained by the entire system were evaluated at first, hence the configuration and the management methods of the proposed system were verified in the autonomous emergency power supply application. Meanwhile, the performance of the hybrid use of the gas tank and the metal hydride tank in the system was preliminarily evaluated, for its effectiveness verification on reducing auxiliary power for temperature condition of the metal hydride tank. Moreover, we investigated the distribution characteristics of the power and energy loss in the electric double-layer capacitor, electrolyzer and fuel cell, and their correlation to the efficiency characteristics under different conditions during the operation. The investigation results showed that the continual low-load-ratio state of the electrolyzer and fuel cell led to the low efficiency, the rare high-power occurrence of the electrolyzer and fuel cell led their demanded excessive power capacity. Thus, we proposed a solution method of shifting the electrolyzer and fuel cell's load to the EDLC, when the electrolyzer and fuel cell are in low-load-ratio and excessive high-power state, in order for efficiency increase and facility capacity reduction.  相似文献   

We propose a self-sustaining power supply system consisting of a “Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS)” and renewable energy sources to ensure a stable supply of high-quality power in remote islands. The configuration of the self-sustaining power supply system that can utilize renewable energy sources effectively on remote islands where the installation area is limited is investigated. It is found that it is important to select renewable energy sources whose output power curve is close to the load curve to improve the efficiency of the system. The operation methods that can increase the cost-effectiveness of the self-sustaining power supply system are also investigated. It is clarified that it is important for increasing the cost effectiveness of the self-sustaining power supply system to operate the HESS with a smaller capacity of its components by setting upper limits on the output power of the renewable energy sources and cutting the infrequent generated power.  相似文献   

The increasing penetration of intermittent renewable sources, fostering power sector decarbonization, calls for the adoption of energy storage systems as an essential mean to improve local electricity exploitation, reducing the impact of distributed power generation on the electric grid. This work compares the use of hydrogen-based Power-to-Power systems, battery systems and hybrid hydrogen-battery systems to supply a constant 1 MWel load with electricity locally generated by a photovoltaic plant. A techno-economic optimization model is set up that optimizes the size and annual operation of the system components (photovoltaic field, electrolyzer, hydrogen storage tanks, fuel cell and batteries) with the objective of minimizing the annual average cost of electricity, while guaranteeing an imposed share of local renewable self-generation. Results show that, with the present values of investment costs and grid electricity prices, the installation of an energy storage system is not economically attractive by itself, whereas the installation of PV panels is beneficial in terms of costs, so that the baseline optimal solution consists of a 4.2 MWp solar field capable to self-generate 33% of the load annually. For imposed shares of self-generation above 40%, decoupling generation and consumption becomes necessary. The use of batteries is slightly less expensive than the use of hydrogen storage systems up to a 92% self-generation rate. Above this threshold, seasonal storage becomes predominant and hybrid storage becomes cheaper than batteries. The sale of excess electricity is always important to support the plant economics, and a sale price reduction sensibly impacts the results. Hydrogen storage becomes more competitive when the need for medium and long terms energy shift increases, e.g. in case of having a cap on the available PV capacity.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of renewable energy capacity, in particular photovoltaic systems, is creating challenges associated with changing the rate of transient processes in the power system. This is due to the approach PV systems are connected to the grid using power converters and the absence of a rotating mass in the PV power plant. One of the most pressing challenge is the participation of PV stations in the process of frequency control in power systems, including in emergency modes. Simultaneously with PV power plants, it is efficient to use energy storage systems, including hydrogen ones. This is due to the fact that it is possible to obtain hydrogen for such energy storage systems using excess energy from PV power plants. The article proposes to solve the problem of frequency regulation in the power system by using an algorithm that allows to control the frequency in the power system using a synthetic inertia block of PV station, including at different levels of insolation and temperature of PV panels. The robustness of the proposed algorithm allows it to be used at different levels of power generated by the PV station, as well as in emergency modes.  相似文献   

Autonomous hybrid power systems are attractive research questions that deliver electricity to isolated consumers without being connected to the power grid. The deployment of autonomous hybrid power systems is considered as an option to improve energy security. For this reason, the main objective is to ensure the efficient production of electricity without interruption. To achieve this goal, we have proposed an accurate simulation system in which a solar energy component serves as a primary load supply, and an energy recovery component is based on a fuel cell. A long-term energy storage component comprises a water electrolyzer which is considered a primary storage and an ultracapacitor storage component deployed as a short-term storage of energy. To achieve the correct system operation, a new schema approach for intelligent energy management based on a multi-agent system is developed and discussed. The main task is to define the architecture of the multi-agent system and to define the functions of all the agents according to the characteristics of the energy needs and the production costs. Thus, in order to prove the reliability and effectiveness of the applied control strategy and its impact on the operation of the system, the proposed system is simulated using the Matlab/Simulink environment by referring to an extracted experimental database of the Tunisian Meteorological Service.  相似文献   

In this work, we evaluate technologies that will enable solar photovoltaics (PV) to overcome the limits of traditional electric power systems. We performed simulations of a large utility system using hourly solar insolation and load data and attempted to provide up to 50% of this system's energy from PV. We considered several methods to avoid the limits of unusable PV that result at high penetration due to the use of inflexible baseload generators. The enabling technologies considered in this work are increased system flexibility, load shifting via demand responsive appliances, and energy storage.  相似文献   

A comprehensive thermoeconomic analysis is presented for a novel integrated solar hydrogen energy system for standalone operation. The proposed system includes a solar PVT module (photovoltaic thermal), a FC (Fuel cell) and a battery to meet the electrical load demand and domestic hot water over a year. The PVT component works as a primary energy source converting solar energy into electricity and heat. The excess electrical energy and hot water produced by PVT are consumed for producing hydrogen, which can be stored. The generated hydrogen is fed to the fuel cell to produce electricity and water to satisfy the demand. The proposed system is convenient for different seasons of the year because in all time, produced power satisfy the demand. The first and second laws of thermodynamics are used to evaluate the performance of each component and the overall system. Economic assessment of this system is also conducted considering the net present cost, and the system performance is optimized based on this parameter. The overall electrical efficiency of the system is obtained as 9% and the levelized cost of electricity is determined as $ 0.286/kWh. For a steady operation of system, integrating a battery system is convenient when solar energy is not available for a short term. When there is a longer-term shortage of solar radiation, up to 8 days, the electricity can be supplied by utilizing the hydrogen storage system.  相似文献   

The growing share of generation from wind farms is becoming one of the challenges in maintaining the sustainability of electric power systems. System operators approve requirements for the participation of such plants in frequency and power regulation, but they do not contain requirements for specific technologies in the control of wind turbines. There are several methods of frequency and power control, which are implemented by additional control systems, the implementation of underload mode, extraction of hidden inertia, the use of energy storage devices, etc. Each of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we consider the combined coordinated control of type 3 wind turbines using kinetic energy and energy from hydrogen storage to provide the best frequency response in order to minimize the negative factors. A digital-analog-physical model of type 3 wind turbine is used as a model, which allows to reproduce the whole range of transients most accurately and avoid the limitations of strictly numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The use of intermittent renewable energy sources for power supply to off-grid electricity consumers depends on energy storage technology to guarantee continuous supply. Potential applications of storage-guaranteed systems range from small installations for remote telecoms, water-pumping and single dwellings, to farms and whole communities for whom grid connection is too expensive or otherwise infeasible, to industrial, military and humanitarian uses. In this paper we explore some of the technical issues surrounding the use of hydrogen storage, in conjunction with a PEM electrolyser and PEM fuel cell, to guarantee electricity supply when the energy source is intermittent, most typically solar photovoltaic. We advocate metal-hydride storage and compare its energy density to that of Li-ion battery storage, concluding that a significantly smaller package is possible with metal-hydride storage. A simple approach to match the output of a photovoltaic array to an electrolyser is presented. The properties required for the metal-hydride storage material to interface the electrolyser to the fuel cell are discussed in detail. It is concluded that relatively conventional Mischmetal-based AB5 alloys are suitable for this application.  相似文献   

In the paper, two systems for solar thermal power plants (STPPs) are devised for improving the overall performance of the plant. Each one attempts to reduce losses coming from two respective sources. The systems are simulated and compared to a reference STPP.  相似文献   

Energy storage systems are increasingly used as part of electric power systems to solve various problems of power supply reliability. With increasing power of the energy storage systems and the share of their use in electric power systems, their influence on operation modes and transient processes becomes significant. In this case, there is a need to take into account their properties in mathematical models of real dimension power systems in the study of various operation modes, design, etc. In this article the main types of energy storage devices, as well as the fields and applications of their use in electric power systems are considered. The principles of realization of detailed mathematical models, principles of their control systems are described for the presented types of energy storage systems. The article is an overview and can help in choosing a mathematical model of energy storage system to solve the necessary tasks in the mathematical modeling of storage systems in electric power systems.Information is presented on large hydrogen energy storage units for use in the power system.  相似文献   

为满足煤炭行业和煤矿企业对于供电可靠性日益增长的需求,同时探索兆瓦级储能系统在工业用户侧的实用化解决方案,本项目在内蒙古乌海平沟煤矿设计建造了基于铅酸电池和磷酸铁锂电池储能技术的矿用兆瓦级智能应急电源。系统主要功能为:在电网正常供电时,替代传统的油浸电容器进行无功补偿;在电网出现供电故障时,为煤矿的特别重要负荷提供至少30 min的连续可靠供电。除此外,系统还可根据用户需求执行包括削峰填谷、分布式新能源发电波动平抑在内的多种功能。为保证应急电源系统的安全性、可靠性和使用寿命,本工作在进行设计时着重考虑了蓄电池的选型、容量配比、成组设计以及储能变流系统(PCS)的电路拓扑设计和电池维护高级智能控制策略,旨在探索和实用。  相似文献   

The global climate and environmental crisis dictate the need for the development and implementation of environmentally friendly and efficient technical solutions, for example, generation based on renewable energy sources. However, the annually increasing demand for electricity (according to the forecasts of the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the amount of energy consumed for the period 2006–2030 will increase by 44 %) cannot be fully provided by alternative energy. The main reason is not so much the high cost of these technologies, like unstable power generation, which determines the need for an additional reserve of regulated power.The solution to this problem can be the combined use of generation based on renewable energy sources with energy storage units of large capacity. Currently, a promising direction is the use of excess electricity for the production of hydrogen and its further accumulation in hydrogen storage. In this case an additional energy can be generated using industrial fuel cells (electrochemical generators) to compensate for the power shortage.At the same time, the distinctive advantage of hydrogen energy storage systems lies in the ability to accumulate a large amount of energy for long periods of time. This fact makes it possible to increase the reliability of the functioning of the electric power system, to provide power supply with a sufficiently long interruption (in case of faults) or allocation for isolated operation.With an increase in the unit capacity and the share of renewable generation in the total installed capacity, researches that aimed to systematic analysis of the impact of the implemented generation unit and the energy storage system on the parameters of the mode of the electric power system become more relevant. There are a number of tasks can be noted related to determining the optimal location and size of the generation unit and energy storage systems being implemented in terms of reducing power losses and maintaining an appropriate voltage level in the nodes of the electric power system. In this article, a variant of solving the optimization task for a typical 15-bus IEEE scheme is presented by means of software calculation using the bubble sorting method. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: the objective function, which indicates the optimal location and size of the generation unit, and constraints, for example, the available deviation of voltage level, were formed; the software implementation of the algorithm for calculating power flows and power losses using the bubble sorting method was carried out. The results of the work of the program code for two scenarios are presented: for instance, installation of one renewable generation unit with a different range of possible capacities, and are compared with the data obtained in the MATLAB/Simulink software package.  相似文献   

A proposed hybrid solar hydrogen system with activated carbon storage for residential power generation is assessed using exergy analysis. Energy and exergy balances are applied to determine exergy flows and efficiencies for individual devices and the overall system. A ‘base case’ analysis considers the proposed system without modification, while a ‘modified case’ extends the base case by considering the possibility of multiple product outputs. It is determined that solar photovoltaic-based sub-systems have the lowest exergy efficiencies (14-18%) and offer the most potential for improvement. A comparison of these two scenarios shows that the additional outputs raise the exergy efficiency of the modified case (11%) relative to the base case (4.0%). An investigation of the energy and exergy efficiencies of separate devices illustrates how energy analyses can be misleading. The hybrid system is expected to have several environmental benefits, which may offset to some degree economic barriers to implementation.  相似文献   

The current study investigates a holistically developed solar energy system combined with a ground-sourced heat pump system for stand-alone usage to produce power, heat, and cooling along with domestic hot water for residential buildings. An integrated system is proposed where three types of building-integrated photovoltaic plant orientation are considered and integrated with a vertical-oriented ground-sourced heat pump system as well as an anion exchange membrane electrolyser for hydrogen-based energy storage along with proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The ground-sourced heat pump system covers the heating requirements and exploits the available thermal energy under the ground. Hydrogen subsystem enables the integrated system to be used anytime by compensating the peak periods with stored hydrogen via fuel cell and exploiting the excess energy to produce hydrogen via electrolyser. The photovoltaic plant orientations are extensively designed by considering geometries of three different applications, namely, rooftop photovoltaic, building-integrated photovoltaic façade and photovoltaic canopy. The shading and geometrical losses of photovoltaic applications are extensively identified and considered. In addition, the openly available high-rise building load profiles are obtained from the OpenEI network and are modified accordingly to utilize in the current study. The building requirements are considered for 8760 h annually with meteorological data and energy usage characteristics of the selected regions. The integrated system is assessed via thermodynamic-based approach from energy and exergy points of views. In order to increase generality, the proposed building energy system is analyzed for five different cities around the globe. The obtained results show that a 20-floor building with approximately 62,680 m2 residential area needs between 550 kWp and 1550 kWp of a photovoltaic plant in five different cities. For Ottawa, Canada, the overall energy and exergy efficiencies are found as 18.76% and 10.49%, respectively, in a typical meteorological year. For the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a 20-floor building is found to be self-sufficient by only using the building's surface area with a 495 kWp BIPV façade and a 90 kWp rooftop PV.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of a hydrogen refueling system that consists of a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer integrated with photovoltaic arrays, and an electrochemical compressor to increase the hydrogen pressure. The energetic and exergetic performance of the hydrogen refueling station is analyzed at different working conditions. The exergy cost of hydrogen production is studied in three different case scenarios; that consist of i) off-grid station with the photovoltaic system and a battery bank to supply the required electric power, ii) on-grid station but the required power is supplied by the electric grid only when solar energy is not available and iii) on-grid station without energy storage. The efficiency of the station significantly increases when the electric grid empowers the system. The maximum energy and exergy efficiencies of the photovoltaic system at solar irradiation of 850 W m-2 are 13.57% and 14.51%, respectively. The exergy cost of hydrogen production in the on-grid station with energy storage is almost 30% higher than the off-grid station. Moreover, the exergy cost of hydrogen in the on-grid station without energy storage is almost 4 times higher than the off-grid station and the energy and exergy efficiencies are considerably higher.  相似文献   

This paper designs an off-grid charging station for electric and hydrogen vehicles. Both the electric and hydrogen vehicles are charged at the same time. They appear as two electrical and hydrogen load demand on the charging station and the charging station is powered by solar panels. The output power of solar system is separated into two parts. On part of solar power is used to supply the electrical load demand (to charge the electric vehicles) and rest runs water electrolyzer and it will be converted to the hydrogen. The hydrogen is stored and it supplies the hydrogen load demand (to charge the hydrogen-burning vehicles). The uncertainty of parameters (solar energy, consumed power by electrical vehicles, and consumed power by hydrogen vehicles) is included and modeled. The fuel cell is added to the charging station to deal with such uncertainty. The fuel cell runs on hydrogen and produces electrical energy to supply electrical loading under uncertainties. The diesel generator is also added to the charging station as a supplementary generation. The problem is modeled as stochastic optimization programming and minimizes the investment and operational costs of solar and diesel systems. The introduced planning finds optimal rated powers of solar system and diesel generator, operation pattern for diesel generator and fuel cell, and the stored hydrogen. The results confirm that the cost of changing station is covered by investment cost of solar system (95%), operational cost of diesel generator (4.5%), and investment cost of diesel generator (0.5%). The fuel cell and diesel generator supply the load demand when the solar energy is zero. About 97% of solar energy will be converted to hydrogen and stored. The optimal operation of diesel generator reduces the cost approximately 15%.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new type of solar energy based power generation system using supercritical carbon dioxide and heat storage. The power generation cycle uses supercritical carbon dioxide as the working fluid and integrates the supercritical carbon dioxide cycle with an efficient high-temperature heat storage. The analysis shows that the new power generation system has significantly higher solar energy conversion efficiency in comparison to the conventional water-based (steam) system. At the same time, the heat storage not only overcomes the intermittent nature of solar energy but also improves the overall system efficiency. The study further reveals that the high temperatures and high pressures are favorable for solar energy storage and power generation. Moreover the expander and the heat storage/regenerator are found to be the key components that determine the overall system performance.  相似文献   

针对光伏并网系统中光伏微电源出力的波动性和间歇性,将蓄电池和超级电容器构成的混合储能系统HESS(hybrid energy storage system)应用到光伏并网系统中可以实现光伏功率平滑、能量平衡以及提高并网电能质量。在同时考虑蓄电池的功率上限和超级电容的荷电状态(SOC)的情况下,对混合储能系统提出了基于超级电容SOC的功率分配策略;该策略以超级电容的SOC和功率分配单元的输出功率作为参考值,对混合储能系统充放电过程进行设计。超级电容和蓄电池以Bi-direction DC/DC变换器与500 V直流母线连接,其中超级电容通过双闭环控制策略对直流母线电压进行控制。仿真结果表明,所提功率分配策略能对混合储能系统功率合理分配,而且实现了单位功率因数并网,稳定了直流母线电压。  相似文献   

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