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目的评估我国居民膳食中甜蜜素暴露水平及对我国居民健康状况的潜在风险。方法根据GB 2760—2014《食品添加剂使用标准》中规定允许使用甜蜜素的各类食品中甜蜜素的最大使用量和我国居民各类食品实际的消费量数据,采用简单分布模型方法,对我国居民全人群通过各类食品摄入甜蜜素的摄入量进行理论估计,并与国际组织制定的甜蜜素每日允许摄入量(ADI)进行比较。结果我国居民全人群每日通过各类食品摄入甜蜜素的平均水平为0.97 mg/kg BW,占ADI值的13.86%。高暴露人群(P97.5)每日通过各类食品摄入甜蜜素的量为6.69 mg/kg BW,占ADI值的95.52%。根据欧盟食品科学委员会(SCF)制订的ADI(7.00 mg/kg BW),各年龄组人群通过相应食品摄入甜蜜素的平均摄入量均未超过ADI值,但是2~3岁、4~9岁、10~17岁人群中的高暴露人群(P97.5)其甜蜜素的摄入量分别超过甜蜜素ADI的146.32%、86.78%、9.19%;糕点、带壳熟制坚果与籽类对我国居民膳食中甜蜜素暴露的贡献率较高。结论我国居民全人群通过GB 2760—2014中规定允许使用甜蜜素的各类食品摄入甜蜜素的水平均处于安全水平,但是我国部分高暴露人群的暴露水平应引起关注。  相似文献   

目的进行乳酸链球菌素的摄入量评估研究,了解我国居民的乳酸链球菌素摄入情况,为采取恰当的管理措施提供科学依据。方法以2002年全国居民营养调查获得的人群食物摄入量数据和《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》(GB2760—2007)中规定的乳酸链球菌素允许使用的食品类别、最大使用量作为数据来源,利用点评估方法计算我国居民乳酸链球菌素的摄入量。按照不同的年龄、性别、地区组合将人群分为27组,分别计算食物摄入量平均值和第97.5百分位数(P97.5)情况下各组人群乳酸链球菌素的摄入量和各类食物对摄入量的贡献率。结果在食物摄入量为均值的情况下,各组摄入量占每日允许摄入量(ADI)的比例为1.49%~17.16%。在食物摄入量为第97.5百分位数的情况下,各组乳酸链球菌素摄入量为该组ADI的9.35%~77.95%。在食物摄入量为均值和食物摄入量为第97.5百分位数的情况下,乳制品和预制肉制品是乳酸链球菌素摄入量的主要来源。结论无论在食物摄入量为均值情况下还是在食物摄入量为第97.5百分位数的情况下,各组乳酸链球菌素膳食摄入量均未超过其ADI,表明按照目前标准规定使用该添加剂是安全的。  相似文献   

典型膳食来源亚硝酸钠暴露对我国人群健康风险的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估中国居民膳食因素亚硝酸钠摄入量及对健康影响的潜在风险,为食品安全风险管理提供科学依据.方法 应用典型食品(酱类、肉制品和腌菜)中亚硝酸钠含量的实际监测结果和我国居民对含亚硝酸钠食品实际的膳食消费量数据,采用简单分布模型方法,对我国居民全人群的膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量进行估计,并与国际组织JECFA制定的亚硝酸钠每日允许摄入量(ADI)进行比较.结果 全人群的亚硝酸钠平均摄入量为0.021 mg/kgBW/day,占ADI的30.0%,而高暴露人群(亚硝酸钠摄入量的P97.5)的亚硝酸钠摄入量为0.150 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的2.1倍;各性别-年龄组人群的膳食亚硝酸钠平均摄入量均未超过ADI,但就各组高暴露人群而言,亚硝酸钠摄入量范围为0.124 8 ~0.275 0 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的1.8~3.9倍;酱/咸菜是我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的主要来源,占总摄入量的61.9%.结论 我国全人群平均膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量处于安全水平,但高暴露人群摄入的亚硝酸钠具有较高的健康风险,需予以重点关注;调整饮食习惯和行为,改进食品加工工艺,最大限度地减少外源性亚硝酸盐的添加和内源性亚硝酸钠的产生是降低我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的有效手段.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省市售食品中铝污染状况,评估陕西省居民膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的健康风险。方法 2013—2015年在陕西省10个地市随机采集8类食品共计666份,按照食品中铝测定的标准操作程序进行检测,结合陕西省开展的居民膳食营养状况调查中各类食物的消费量数据,采用点评估方法,对陕西省不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入水平及其潜在的风险进行评估。结果陕西省居民全人群膳食中铝平均每日摄入量为0.154 9 mg/kg BW,不同性别-年龄组人群以18~59岁女性摄入量最高,为0.178 5 mg/kg BW。当食物中铝含量取P97.5数值时,膳食中铝摄入量最高的人群是2~7岁儿童。各性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝平均暴露量(铝含量数据采用平均值)安全限值(MOS值)均1,偏高暴露量(铝含量数据采用P97.5数值)MOS值均1。2~7岁和8~12岁儿童膳食中铝摄入贡献率较高的食品是油炸食品和焙烤食品,其他组人群膳食中铝摄入贡献率前3位的食品均是油炸食品、凉皮和淀粉制品。结论陕西省居民不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝偏高暴露量已超过最新的健康指导值。女性和儿童是暴露量较高的人群,油炸食品是不同性别-年龄组人群膳食中铝摄入的最主要来源。  相似文献   

目的了解广西部分食品中铝的污染状况,评估居民膳食中铝暴露的风险。方法对2009—2013年广西检测的部分食品中铝含量进行分析,结合2002年广西居民膳食营养调查中的食物消费量数据,计算广西居民膳食中铝暴露量。结果 2009—2013年共检测食品样品10类5 679份,铝含量的平均值为132.17 mg/kg,检出率为73.01%(4 146/5 679),超标率为29.51%(1 676/5 679)。其中以海蜇、紫菜干(海带干)、油条3种食品的检出率和超标率最高,且铝的平均含量也是极高。油条样品中铝含量的均数和中位数均最高,分别超过国家残留量标准的3.8倍和3倍。10类居民膳食中铝平均每周摄入量为0.426 mg/kg BW,低于JECFA制定的每周耐受摄入量(PTWI)。馒头、海蜇、油条和油饼高消费量人群的每周铝摄入量分别是PTWI的3.07、2.40、2.23和1.23倍。结论广西监测的油条、紫菜、海蜇等食品中铝含量超标较严重,居民平均膳食摄入铝的量虽然低于PTWI,但高消费量人群铝的暴露风险较大,仍需要加强对生产经营者科学合理使用含铝添加剂的技术指导,以降低居民膳食中铝的摄入量。  相似文献   

目的 调查武汉市面制品中铝污染现状, 并评估武汉居民的铝暴露情况。方法 根据随机抽样法采集武汉市面制食品共307件, 根据国家标准方法检测其中铝的含量, 并结合2002年中国居民膳食消费量调查结果, 评估居民面制食品中铝的暴露量。结果 307件面制食品中铝含量均值为235.4 mg/kg, 总检出率为55.7%, 总超标率为44.6%, 5类样品中铝含量存在显著性差异; 武汉市面制食品中铝的平均膳食暴露量为 3.63 mg/(kg?bw), 面制食品铝暴露量的P90值为11.5 mg/(kg?bw), 均高于联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会(Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, JECFA)制定的铝每周耐受摄入量(provisional tolerated weekly intake, PTWI)。结论 武汉市面制食品中铝暴露量存在安全隐患, 相关部门需要加大对该类食物中含铝添加剂滥用行为的监管力度。  相似文献   

目的了解我国主要食品中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)的含量,评估我国居民经膳食暴露于DBP的水平以及潜在的健康风险。方法利用2011—2013年收集的24类食品中的DBP含量数据以及2002年中国居民食物消费量调查数据,采用简单分布评估方法,计算我国居民DBP膳食摄入水平,以及不同食物对DBP摄入的贡献率,并与每日可耐受摄入量(TDI,0.01 mg/kg BW)比较,进行风险特征描述。结果各种食品中DBP的含量范围为0.00~46.50 mg/kg,平均含量为0.11 mg/kg,全人群的膳食DBP平均摄入量为1.21μg/kg BW,占TDI的12.08%。全人群高食物消费量人群(P97.5)的DBP摄入量为2.84μg/kg BW,占TDI的28.42%。大米、方便面对DBP膳食摄入的贡献率较高,分别为20.30%和15.34%。结论中国居民膳食DBP摄入的健康风险较低,处于可接受水平。  相似文献   

目的评估成都市中小学生膳食中甜蜜素暴露水平及对青少年健康状况的潜在风险。方法根据GB2760-2014中允许使用甜蜜素的食品及2015~2017四川省食品检测实测甜蜜素数据,结合成都市中小学生食品消费量数据,采用简单分布模型法,对目标人群甜蜜素的膳食暴露量进行估算,并与欧盟食品科学委员会(Scientific Committee on Food,SCF)制定的甜蜜素每日允许摄入量(acceptable daily intake,ADI)值进行比较。结果使用甜蜜素含量均值进行个体评估时,最大个体暴露量为4.62 mg/kg·bw,低于SCF制定的ADI值(7 mg/kg·bw),使用甜蜜素含量P97.5评估超过ADI的个体比例为9.9%。对调查人群全体进行甜蜜素含量均值及P90评估均低于ADI值,P97.5含量暴露值占ADI比例为243.6%。在甜蜜素含量P97.5高暴露量情况下,小学生暴露量高于初中生。甜蜜素含量P97.5高暴露量情况下,男生暴露量略高于女生。甜蜜素暴露的贡献率最高的食品为熟制坚果与籽类(27.98%)。结论在日常生活中,家长或者学生自身应多关注科学饮食,避免偏食带来健康风险。  相似文献   

了解济南市高含铝食品中铝的污染状况,评估居民膳食铝暴露的风险。方法 对2011—2012年济南市面制食品、水产类制品、动物内脏、淀粉类制品中的铝残留量进行监测,以“2002年山东省居民营养与健康状况调查”的居民食物平均消费量数据和JECFA 2011年制定的食品中铝的暂定每周耐受摄入量(PTWI)2mg/kg BW为健康指导值,按《食品安全风险分析—化学危害评估》推荐的点评估方法进行评估,并推算毎日安全摄入量。结果 共监测食品样品4类190份,铝平均残留量为263.58mg/kg,总检出率为65.79%(125/190),总超标率为43.68%(83/190)。其中面制食品铝平均残留量为203.79mg/kg,最高残留量为1260.90mg/kg,检出率为58.68%(71/121),超标率为33.06%(40/121),以油条超标最为严重,馒头类制品检出率低且无超标。干腌制水产品铝平均残留量为484.53mg/kg,最高残留量为2815.00mg/kg,检出率为74.47%(35/47),超标率为70.21%(33/47),海蜇、紫菜两种食品超标率均为100.00%,且铝残留量极高。粉条粉丝制品铝平均残留量为80.65mg/kg,最高残留量为423.00mg/kg,检出率为75.00%(9/12)。动物内脏铝平均残留量为168.10mg/kg,最高残留量为251.00mg/kg,检出率、超标率均为100.00%。居民四类膳食食品中铝平均毎周摄入量为9.07mg/kg BW,是PTWI的4.54倍。其中面制食品铝的暴露量最高,干腌制水产品次之,铝毎周平均摄入量分别为6.33和2.24mg/kg BW,是PTWI的3.17倍和1.12倍。结论 济南市加工销售的油条、海蜇、紫菜、动物内脏等食品铝超标严重,居民膳食铝暴露水平高、风险大,应加强对生产经营者科学合理使用含铝添加剂的技术指导,以降低居民膳食铝的摄入量。  相似文献   

目的对广西某金属冶炼厂区周围农村居民膳食无机砷暴露情况进行风险性评估,为预防控制慢性砷危害提供依据。方法在广西某金属冶炼厂周围农村村屯,按照随机抽样的原则对该村屯居民自种自供的大米、蔬菜和养殖的鸡、鸭等食品采样,用GB/T5009.11—2003《食品中总砷及无机砷的测定》方法检测上述食品无机砷的含量,按照国家标准进行评价;同时结合当地居民膳食摄入量(食物频次法),并参考2002年广西营养与健康调查得出的农村居民各类食物每日消费量分别计算出当地居民膳食无机砷暴露量,利用JECFA提出的无机砷每公斤体重每周允许摄入量[PTWI为0.015mg/(kgBW·week)]进行风险性评估。结果该村种植的食用植物性农产品无机砷总体超标率为60.29%,其中大米超标率高达87.10%,平均含量为0.65mg/kg,最大超标15.5倍;蔬菜超标68.42%,平均含量0.16mg/kg;饲养家禽类食物总体无机砷超标率54.76%。每标准人每日平均、P90、P97.5膳食无机砷摄入量分别为0.2149mg、0.3900mg、0.4642mg,分别是JECFA提出的无机砷每日允许摄入量(ADI)的1.66倍、3.02倍、3.60倍(其中参考2002年农村居民食物摄入量计算为ADI的2.0倍)。结论该厂区周围村屯食用农产品无机砷污染严重,居民尤其是高消费人群膳食无机砷暴露量明显超过ADI值,存在危害健康风险。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the dietary intake of nitrate and nitrite in Belgium. The nitrate content of processed vegetables, cheeses and meat products was analysed. These data were completed by data from non-targeted official control and from the literature. In addition, the nitrite content of meat products was measured. Concentration data for nitrate and nitrite were linked to food consumption data of the Belgian Food Consumption Survey. This study included 3245 respondents, aged 15 years and older. Food intakes were estimated by a repeated 24-h recall using EPIC-SOFT. Only respondents with two completed 24-h recalls (n=3083) were included in the analysis. For the intake assessment, average concentration data and individual consumption data were combined. Usual intake of nitrate/nitrite was calculated using the Nusser method. The mean usual daily intake of nitrate was 1.38 mg kg(-1) bodyweight (bw) day(-1) and the usual daily intake at the 97.5 percentile was 2.76 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1). Exposure of the Belgian population to nitrate at a mean intake corresponded to 38% of the ADI (while 76% at the 97.5 percentile). For the average consumer, half of the intake was derived from vegetables (especially lettuce) and 20% from water and water-based drinks. The average daily intake of nitrate and nitrite from cheese and meat products was low (0.2% and 6% of the ADI at average intake, respectively). Scenario analyses with a higher consumption of vegetables or a higher nitrate concentration in tap water showed a significant higher intake of nitrate. Whether this is beneficial or harmful must be further assessed.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to assess the dietary intake of caramel colours and their by-products 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) and 2-acetyl-4-tetrahydroxybutylimidazole (THI) for the Chinese population. Based on the typical and maximum reported use levels of caramel colours in 15 food categories, the dietary intakes of combined and single-class caramel colours of Classes I, III and IV were estimated with the food consumption data from the China National Nutrient and Health Survey. Using the mean values of 4-MEI and THI contents in Class III and Class IV Caramel colour samples, the exposures to 4-MEI and THI from dietary caramel colours were derived. The results showed that the combined and individual average dietary caramel colour intakes for the Chinese population of different age groups were estimated to be 232–60.3 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for combined caramels, 5.9–29.2 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for Class I, 7.7–29.6 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for Class III, 21.2–54.3 mg kg?1 bw day?1 for Class IV, which were far below the group acceptable daily intake (ADI) and respective ADIs. The combined intake of 4-MEI from Class III and IV caramel colours was estimated to be 3.8–5.2 μg kg?1 bw day?1 on average, and 12.9–27.1 μg kg?1 bw day?1 at 95th-97.5th percentile for the general population. The anticipated exposure to THI from Class III caramel colours was estimated to be 0.1–0.3 μg kg?1 bw day?1 on average and 0.5–1.7 μg kg?1 bw day?1 at 95th–97.5th percentile for the general population. The dietary caramel colours intakes and the exposures to 4-MEI and THI from dietary caramel colour for the Chinese population were considered to be of low health concern based on the present toxicological data. Soy sauce, vinegar and compound seasonings were found to be the main contributors to the dietary intake of caramel colours.  相似文献   

In order to address the issue of excessive intake of aluminium (Al) from Al-containing food additives in the Chinese diet, this study conducted a dietary exposure assessment of Al in the general population based on the national surveillance data of Al content in foods and national food consumption data. It was found that the mean dietary exposure of the whole Chinese population to Al from Al-containing food additives was 1.795 mg kg?1 bw week?1, not exceeding the PTWI, while high dietary exposures (e.g., 97.5th percentile) to Al were 7.660 and 2.103–2.903 mg kg?1 bw week?1 for children, respectively, both exceeding the PTWI. It was found that the dietary exposure to Al for 32.5% of the total Chinese population and 42.6% of children aged 4–6 years exceeded the PTWI. Wheat flour and wheat-based products are the main source of dietary A l exposure (85% of the total intake); and puffed foods are the major source of Al intake for children. These findings suggested that consumption of Al-containing food additives could be a health concern for consumers with high food consumption (97.5th percentile) and children under the age of 14 years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the Al dietary exposure of young Chinese children aged 0–3 years via formulae, complementary foods and wheat-based foods. Al residue data were obtained from the national food contamination monitoring programme from 2013 to 2016, encompassing 13,833 samples of 12 food items with a detection rate of 76.0%. Food consumption data were gathered from the China National Food Consumption Survey conducted in 2015, comprising 20,172 children aged 0–3 years old. The mean dietary exposure to Al for the general population of young Chinese children was estimated at 0.76 mg/kg bw/week, which does not exceed the PTWI. The 97.5th percentile intakes of Al reached 3.42 mg/kg bw/week, more than 1.7 times the PTWI. Wheat-based foods contributed 80.5% of the Al intake for the general population of young Chinese children, while formulae and complementary foods accounted for 19.5% of the total intake. The dietary intake of Al from formulae and complementary foods accounted for 6.0% and 1.6% of PTWI, respectively. These findings suggested that dietary exposure to Al among the general population of young Chinese children was lower than the PTWI and that there are no health concerns related to this level of Al intake. However, more attention should be placed on the health risks associated with Al exposure from wheat-based foods for young consumers with high food consumption in China (97.5th percentile)  相似文献   

A study was performed to evaluate the estimated daily intakes (EDI) of benzoates for the average and high (90th percentile) consumers by age and sex categories in Korea. The estimation of daily intakes of benzoates was based on individual dietary intake data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey in 1998 and on the determination of benzoates in eight food categories. The EDI of benzoates for average consumers of different age groups ranged from 0.009 to 0.025 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1). For high consumers, the range of EDI of benzoates was 0.195-1.878 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1). The intakes represented 0.18-0.50% of the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of benzoates for average consumers and 3.9-37.6% of the ADI for high consumers. Foods that contributed most to the daily intakes of benzoates were mixed beverages and soy sauce in Korea.  相似文献   

An estimate of the dietary intakes of nitrite, nitrate and N-nitroso compounds is presented, based on the analytical data supplied by the Finnish Food Quality Control. Figures on the food consumption of the Finnish population, taken from a national dietary survey, and food consumption of 1768 children and adolescents over a 48-h recall period were used. The mean daily dietary nitrate intakes were estimated to be about 55 mg for the total population and for children and adolescents. The mean nitrite intakes were 1.88 mg for the total population and 1.07 mg for children and adolescents. The intake of N-nitroso compounds (NDMA) was estimated to be 0.08 micrograms for the total population and 0.02 micrograms for children. Nitrates were found to originate mainly from vegetables (80%), nitrites from meat products (97%) and nitrosamines mostly from fish products and beer. A comparison of the estimate of dietary intake of with ADI values indicated that the nitrite intake of the total population was 23% and by children 39% of ADI. The average weight was approximately 60 kg for adults and 20 kg for children. When measured average weight (39 kg) was used, and the nitrite intake was found to be 28% of ADI. Nitrate intakes from food additives were 2.5% and 1.4% of the ADI value, respectively. When the total nitrate intake from various food sources was compared with the ADI (which is given only for food additives), the estimated nitrate intake of the total population was 25% and that of children 28% of the ADI value.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to establish the estimated daily intake (EDI) of antioxidants such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) in Korea. The EDIs were obtained from two sources. One of the estimations was based on the analytical determination of BHA, BHT and TBHQ in 12 food categories (ten food categories for TBHQ) and on individual dietary intake data obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Survey in 1998 (n=11 525, age > 1 year). The other EDIs of BHA, BHT and TBHQ were based on the maximum permitted levels specified in national food standards in Korea and on individual dietary intake data obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Survey in 1998 (n=11 525, age > 1 year). To establish the EDIs based on the analytical determination and on individual dietary intake data, 133 food samples in 12 food categories were selected from the foods considered to be representative sources of BHA, BHT and TBHQ in the Korean diet. Selected samples were analysed by GC with FID. BHA was not detected in any of the samples analysed. BHT and TBHQ were detected in the samples, but the levels were significantly lower than their maximum limits. The EDIs1 of BHT, and TBHQ for average consumers were 0.0156(-3), and 0.0012(-3) mg kg(-1) body weight bw day(-1) and as a proportion of the ADI were 0.0052 and 0.0002%, respectively. For 95th percentile consumers, the EDIs of BHT and TBHQ were 0.0080 and 0.0006 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1), and as a proportion of the ADI were 2.67 and 0.09%, respectively. EDIs for BHA, BHT and TBHQ based on the maximum permitted levels and on individual dietary intake data were 0.04, 0.04 and 0.04 mg kg(-1) bw day(-1), respectively. The EDIs of BHA, BHT and TBHQ for average consumers ranged from 6.00 to 14.42% of the ADI of each antioxidant. According to these results, the EDIs of BHA, BHT and TBHQ in Korea were significantly lower than ADI of these antioxidants established by the JECFA.  相似文献   

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