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胶州湾铅-210比活度的分布模式及百年尺度的沉积速率   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2006年6月在胶州湾采集柱状岩心并对岩心沉积物中铅-210比活度进行测试分析,结果表明,铅-210沿岩心的垂向分布具有两段、三段模式和异常的多段、倒置模式等。基于铅-210的CIC(constant initial concentration)计年模式和铯-137时标,并且结合历史海底地形对比,计算出近百年来胶州湾海域的现代沉积速率为1.49~24.96 mm/a,沉积通量为0.17~2.62 g/(cm2.a)。除沧口水道末端个别区域外,胶州湾多数区域(包含水道)的沉积速率较低,量级为100mm/a,湾内水道主要呈现出微淤甚至侵蚀,表明近百年来胶州湾沉积环境相对稳定,在可作为航道资源的湾内水道并未出现显著淤积。  相似文献   

利用多道α能谱仪,对2005年8~9月在海南岛近海采集的7个沉积岩芯进行了210Pb的沉积速率测定,探讨了海南岛近海陆架上现代沉积速率的区域性分布特征,结果表明:位于港湾内的B1168站位由于沉积物供应充足,有最高的沉积速率,达2.9 cm/a;位于河口海湾附近且受沿岸流影响的B289站位,有很高的沉积速率,可达1.6 cm/a,沉积环境较稳定;位于西南海底沙脊区北缘且靠近昌化江河口的B97、B135、B10站位也有较高沉积速率,分别达到1.0、0.89和0.47 cm/a,在表层都出现了210Pb放射性活度倒置的现象,表明所处区域有较强混合作用;处于西南外陆架的C4站位受北部湾环流影响,沉积速率为0.6 cm/a;位于东部外陆架的B377站位处于上升流区,沉积速率较低,为0.21 cm/a.可见,海南岛近海陆架上的现代沉积速率存在着明显的区域分布:在物质来源丰富的沿岸流作用区和河口区附近,现代沉积速率很高;在陆架环流沉积作用区,现代沉积速率也较高;在水深较大的外陆架上,由于沉积物供应相对匮乏,沉积速率一般较低;在近岸潮流沙脊区,由于水动力很强,无法形成现代细粒沉积.同时,在陆架上,沉积速率有随着水深的增加而降低的趋势.由此可见,海南岛近海海域的沉积速率与该区的物质供应、水动力条件和海底地形等因素有密切关系.  相似文献   

对巢湖、太白湖沉积岩心中210Pb、137Cs活度进行了测试分析。结果表明,137Cs活度均低于20 Bq/kg,但具有明显的1963年蓄积峰;210Pbex活度随深度增加呈指数降低,指示了较为稳定的沉积特征。采用CIC、CRS模式计算得到的沉积岩心210Pb年代结果均偏离137Cs时标,反映了源自大气沉降的210Pb的流域输入以及湖泊水体中210Pb河流输出的共同影响。根据137Cs的1963年时标深度,把沉积岩心分为上下两段,依据210Pbex活度变化,分别采用不同公式进行沉积岩心年代计算。由此得到的巢湖与太白湖近百年来的沉积速率具有相似的变化规律,反映了长江中下游地区自然环境及人类活动对湖泊沉积记录影响的一致性。其中20世纪60年代初期,巢湖与太白湖主要入湖河流上游地区水库的建成投入使用,对入湖泥沙起到调蓄作用,使得沉积速率降低;20世纪70年代末期、80年代中期以来,巢湖与太白湖呈现较高的沉积速率,主要反映了流域农业发展等人类活动的影响;1991年与1999年洪水事件在沉积物中也有明显的表现。  相似文献   

放射性同位素210Pb适于百年尺度的定年和沉积速率计算,已经在冰芯、土壤、湖泊、水库、河口、潮滩、潟湖、海湾和浅海陆架等多种环境得到广泛应用。目前,210Pb测年方法的应用有两种现象值得注意:一种是“延年”,即根据测算的沉积速率回溯定年的时间,有时回溯的时间跨度可达二、三百年;另一种是“折寿”,即根据测算的表观沉积速率计算得到的210Pb本底层位之上的时间跨度不足百年。根据210Pb测年的原理和有关仪器的检出限来分析,本文作者认为,210Pb直接定年的上限以110 yr~155 yr为宜。因此,“延年”的运用有一定的前提条件,即研究区的沉积环境在回溯的数百年尺度内应该保持稳定,同时回溯的定年结果最好有其他独立的定年方法(如历史文献记录或生物标志物等)来印证、以增加其可靠性。对于210Pb测年的“折寿”现象,可能的原因有四种。第一,沉积及取样的压实效应没有在分析和计算过程中得到校正。第二,210Pb活度测量的精度和不确定度影响了对本底的判断;为稳妥起见,研究者选定的本底层位一般会比真实的本底年龄要年轻一些,导致定年结果的时间跨度缩小。第三,210Pb定年计算模式决定了本底活度值的微小差异将带来计算出来的时间跨度产生显著差异。第四,沉积过程事实上发生了后期的侵蚀和迁移,导致保存在柱样中的沉积记录不完整。为了有效地减少210Pb测年法的结果误差,可以采取减小210Pb活度测量子样的间距、并同步测量226Ra活度等技术手段;另外,在计算时应该使用沉积通量而不是表观沉积速率。我们相信,210Pb测年方法的正确运用和解译将对物源判断、沉降后的侵蚀和扰动等问题提供一些有益的信息。  相似文献   

北黄海沉积速率及其沉积通量   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
黄海大陆架沉积物多来自黄河的输入,区域性环流模式控制着这些沉积物的输送过程。目前对浅海陆架沉积物沉积过程和沉积环境的研究很少,尤其是北黄海沉积物的堆积过程和沉积通量。我们对9个沉积岩心进行了210Pb分析测定,绘制了210Pb活度的垂直分布图,并计算了沉积通量,北黄海沉积通量为0 06~1 18g/(cm2·a),北黄海中部泥质区沉积通量低于0 33g/(cm2·a)。大多数的210Pb垂直分布呈两层分布模式,不同的垂直分布反映了水动力和沉积过程的时空变化。为了评价北黄海的物源和沉积环境,测定了10个表层沉积物样品的化学元素含量,测定结果表明北黄海泥质区沉积物是多源沉积,但其主要来源还是黄河的输入。  相似文献   

为建立一套海洋沉积物监测频率的设计方法体系,作者根据中国海洋沉积物趋势性监测的特点和存在的问题,结合国内外海洋沉积物监测方案的设计理论和经验,建立了依据沉积速率确定海洋沉积物监测频率的方法和标准;基于~(210)Pb测年法和IDW空间插值法,绘制了中国监测海域的沉积速率空间分布图,并设计了不同空间尺度的海洋沉积物监测频率优化方案。结果显示,中国近岸区域沉积速率高于远海,河口区域沉积速率高,海湾沉积速率差异显著。其中,沉积速率高于1 cm/a的海域,监测频率为每年1次,如黄河口、长江口等河口区域;沉积速率低于1 cm/a的海域,监测周期为5 a,如渤海中部,黄海、东海远海区域等;个别沉积速率极低的海域,监测周期为10 a,如南沙海域(≤2 cm/1 000 a)。监测频率高的区域主要集中在近岸沉积速率高的海域,而近海和远海沉积速率低的区域监测频率可适当降低。  相似文献   

闽北近海柱状沉积物粒度特征及沉积速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对闽北近海柱状沉积物的粒度频率曲线、粒度参数、粒度组成和沉积速率变化等特征分析,探讨闽北近海现代沉积环境条件变化.结果显示,闽北近海沉积物类型单一,以粘土质粉砂为主,粒级变化不大,粒度组成相对集中,粉砂级占绝对优势.频率曲线主要以主次双峰型为主,Zk1、Zk2柱样局部层位为主次三峰形态.Zk1、Zk2、Zk3柱样分别在78、69、87 cm处有不太明显的分段特征,上段平均粒径均略大于下段.研究表明潮流作用是该海域主沉积动力,沉积物主要以陆源物质为主,研究海域的水深整体略有变浅.研究区现代平均沉积速率为1.18~1.23 cm/a,里山湾和台山列岛附近海域沉积物平均沉积速率较快,分别为1.23、1.20 cm/a,大于七星列岛附近海域的沉积速率1.18 cm/a.海水动力条件是主要的控制因素,百年以来里山湾和台山列岛附近海域的水动力大小逐渐减弱,沉积物的沉积速率减小,台山列岛附近海域沉积速率减小幅度比较大;七星列岛附近海域水动力条件逐渐增强,沉积速率缓慢增加.  相似文献   

兴化湾西岸潮间带沉积物岩心放射性核素分布与沉积速率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2007年8月31日采集于福建兴化湾西岸的潮间带沉积物岩心样品,用γ谱方法测量了其放射性核素含量,对岩心中核素的分布及其成因进行了讨论,估算了研究区沉积物的沉积速率,探讨了沉积物的物源,结果表明:(1) 238U、228Th、228Ra、226Ra、210Pb、137Cs和40K的含量分别为35.0~60.6、52.6~69.3、49.0~66.5、22.7~36.2、26.3~84.8、0.5~1.3和775~831 Bq/kg;(2) 用238U、226Ra、137Cs和40K作为示踪剂进行物源分析发现,兴化湾潮间带沉积物主要源于邻近的福州和莆田地区的土壤,所占比率分别为54%和46%;(3) 用210Pbex和137Cs方法估算得兴化湾西岸潮间带沉积物的平均沉积速率分别为0.38 cm/a和0.36 cm/a.岩心中210Pbex分布表明,自20世纪末,研究区潮间带沉积速率加快.  相似文献   

对2001年采集的西南极阿德雷岛(Ardley Island)企鹅栖息地粪土沉积层的柱状样品进行了(210) Pb精确定年,同时采用气相色谱法对其柱状样品以及采自2001年和2006年微表层样品中的正构烷烃和脂肪酸甲酯进行了分析和研究,建立了西南极阿德雷岛企鹅粪土沉积层的类脂生物标志物时间序列(1926-2006年),...  相似文献   

In April 1997 and 1998 the significance of sedimentation as a sink for epipelagic dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) production and as a source for marine sediments was reassessed using a newly designed sediment trap. The behaviour of the traps in immersion was monitored continuously and the collection efficiency was evaluated with 234Th measurements. Net DMS(P) fluxes were corrected for some physical and biological losses during the whole sedimentation process providing reliable estimates of gross DMSP fluxes. It is shown that daily losses by sedimentation account for between 0.1% and 16% of seawater particulate DMSP (DMSPp) standing stocks, and between 3% and 75% of daily DMSPp production. In the Malangen fjord we observed temporal increases of DMSP production and standing stocks which resulted also in increases of DMSP vertical fluxes and DMS(P) concentrations at the sediment surface. This result illustrates how tight the coupling can be between pelagos and benthos, and confirms that DMS(P) concentration in the sediment was a reliable diagnostic indicator of vertical export from overlying waters in Malangen fjord. In Ullsfjord, however, DMS(P) concentrations in the sediment were poorly indicators of Phaeocystis pouchetii export during the early stage of growth of a bloom. The high load of DMS(P) in Balsfjord's sediments could neither be attributed to local vertical sedimentation nor to short-term lateral advection of fresh DMSP-containing phytoplanktonic material, and provides indication that this tracer sometimes also can be misleading. The highest loads of DMS(P) in sediments and the fastest rates of sedimentation occurred in the Southern Bight of the North Sea.  相似文献   

Trapping of fine sediment in a semi-enclosed bay, Palau, Micronesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Airai Bay, Palau, is a small (3 km2), semi-enclosed, mangrove-fringed, meso-tidal, coral lagoon on the southeast coast of Palau. It drains a small catchment area (26 km2) of highly erodible soils in an area with high annual rainfall (3.7 m). River floods are short-lived and the sediment load is very large, with suspended fine sediment concentration exceeding 1500 mg l−1. The resulting river plume is about 2 m thick. The brackish water residence time is about 7 days; during this period the plume remains a distinct surface feature even after river runoff has ceased. About 98% of the riverine fine sediment settles in Airai Bay, of which about 15–30% is deposited in the mangroves during river floods. This mud remains trapped in Airai Bay because the bay is protected from ocean swells and the tidal currents and locally generated wind waves are too small to resuspend the mud in quantity. The mud is smothering coral reefs, creating a phase shift from coral to fleshy algae dominance, and is even changing habitats by creating mud banks. The persistence of Airai Bay marine resources may not be possible without improved soil erosion control in the river catchment.  相似文献   

Sediment grain size, and specifically changes in the percent mud content (i.e. the fraction <63?µm) over time is often used as an indicator of estuarine environmental health. Using sediment samples from three distinct estuarine systems, we determined that different analytical methods (laser diffraction and wet sieving) gave significantly different results in terms of percent mud content. These differences are also ecologically meaningful when considering the influence of mud on estuarine macrofauna. We propose an approach to measuring sediment grain size termed Environmentally Available Sediment (EAS), which advocates for the measurement of the sediment that biota are directly exposed to. For the purposes of environmental monitoring, it is also essential to monitor sediment grain size in a repeatable way which is likely to be achieved using consistent (or no) pre-treatment and the use of a measurement technique that is unlikely to change over time, e.g. wet sieving.  相似文献   

浙江象山港海域悬沙浓度分布变化及其水动力影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用冬、夏两季象山港15个同步连续站和60个准同步大面站实测悬沙浓度数据,结合实测潮流、盐度等海洋水文资料,分析了象山港海域悬沙浓度变化规律。结果表明,象山港海域悬沙浓度分布具有较明显冬季大于夏季、大潮期大于小潮期以及湾口向湾顶逐渐减小的变化特征。这些特征主要受制于冬季高含沙量、低温、低盐的闽浙沿岸流与夏季高温、高盐、低含沙量的台湾暖流的交替作用和半月潮周期潮流动力变化的影响。在这种背景下,由于潮流动力作用,大小潮周期中底部沉积物与水体悬浮泥沙之间存在再悬浮与沉降的交换过程。  相似文献   

沉积物插管短柱样品于2013年4月采自大连湾2010年“7·16”溢油事故污染区,BQ050站与BQ007站分别位于生物分散剂和化学分散剂喷洒区。沉积物的可溶有机质含量(沥青A)、有机碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)和210Pb比活度分析结果表明:喷洒生物分散剂的重污染区(BQ050站),沉积物中TOC含量为0.58%~1.51%,平均为1.15%;δ13Corg值为-22.2‰~-20.5‰PDB,平均为-21.74‰PDB;沥青A含量为0.061 5%~0.566 4%,平均为0.174 9%;沥青A/TOC比值为7.0%~34.8%,平均为14.13%;210Pbex比活度存在异常峰值分布,垂向分布特征与沥青A相似;2~16 cm段沉积物的可溶有机质具有明显的外来输入特征。喷洒化学分散剂的较轻污染区(BQ007站),沉积物中TOC含量为0.61%~1.14%,平均为0.87%,除8~14 cm层段外,比BQ050站略低;但沥青A含量与沥青A/TOC比值明显低于前者;δ13Corg值较BQ050站轻;210Pbex比活度随柱样深度呈指数衰减,对数相关;外来有机质输入量较低。截至2013年4月,BQ050站溢油污染物在海底下16 cm深度处有特征信号,溢油污染物沥青A 组分垂向迁移距离约为15 cm。  相似文献   

Determination and control of longshore sediment transport: A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fishery harbor of Karaburun coastal village is located at the south west coast of the Black Sea. The significant waves coming from north eastern direction cause considerable rate of sediment transport along 4 km sandy beach towards the fishery harbor in the region. The resulting sediment deposition near and inside the harbor entrance prevents the boat traffic and cause a vital problem for the harbor operations. In order to determine the level and reasons of the sediment transport, the long-term observations of shoreline changes, the long-term statistical analysis of wind and wave characteristics in the region, and sediment properties have been performed. The data obtained from observations, measurements and analysis were discussed. The long-term statistics of deep water significant wave heights for each direction was discussed by comparing the results obtained from different data sources and methods. For shoreline evolution, the numerical study using one-line model was applied to describe the shoreline changes with respect to probable wave conditions. Initial shoreline was obtained from the digitized image in 1996 since there was no previous shoreline measurement of the site. The results were compared using the techniques of remote sensing obtained from sequent images using IKONOS and IRS1C/D satellites.  相似文献   

长江口泥质区18#柱样的现代沉积速率及其环境 指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对长江口泥质区18#柱样进行137Cs和210Pb同位素测年分析,得到了柱样站点的现代沉积速率。结果表明,近50多年来沉积速率较大,且呈现阶段性差异:由137Cs时标计年法得到柱样1954—1964年的沉积速率为5.9 cm/yr,1964—2006年减小为 3.36 cm/yr;沉积柱样的210Pb剖面呈两段分布,由此得到沉积速率120~225 cm为5.47 cm/yr,对应于18~100 cm减小为4.58 cm/yr。对比分析两种方法得出沉积速率开始减小的时间为1968—1972年,并且采样点区域表层可能出现侵蚀现象,为研究长江口泥质区环境演变提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过对东海近岸泥质区ZC13 和ZA3 柱状沉积物的210Pb 同位素测年和粒度分析, 分别得到了两柱状沉积物的沉积速率以及粒度特征。结果显示: ZC13 和ZA3 柱状沉积物低端对应的沉积年代分别为55 a(1955~2009 年)和140 a(1871~2010 年), 平均沉积速率为0.89 cm/a 和0.82 cm/a。ZC13 柱状沉积物以砂质粉砂为主; ZA3 柱状沉积物由顶部至100 cm 粒度组分及相关参数变化稳定, 岩性上表现为较细的黏土质粉砂, 显示较为稳定的沉积环境; 100 cm 以下岩性总体上表现为较粗的粉砂质砂, 粒度参数变化较大, 表明沉积环境受到一定的扰动。研究认为, 粒度随年代的变化受沉积物来源及沉积动力的影响。这些研究结果为研究东海近岸海域环境演变提供了研究依据。  相似文献   

波、流共同作用下的泥沙起动   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
对波、流共存时的床面剪切力及摩阻系数等作了探讨,根据泥沙起动试验,建立了泥沙起动Shields曲线,导出了波、流共同作用下层流和紊流时的泥沙起动公式和起动波高、起动水深.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, many attempts have been made to generate useful bottom erosion models for the study of cohesive sediment movement. This study addresses some of the key questions involved in determining the functional relationship between erosion rate and bottom shear stress. Current, wave, and turbidity data were collected from a bottom mounted instrument array in a moderately energetic estuarine environment. The bottom shear stress was calculated from a wave–current interaction model. The erosion rate was derived from the observed sediment concentration using a vertical mixing model. Examination of the relationship between erosion rate and bottom stress showed that the erosion rate varied at intertidal frequency. When averaged over the tidal fluctuation, the erosion rate remained approximately constant at low stress, but increased sharply when the shear stress rose above a critical value. This suggests two-stage erosion. The bed has a layered structure, in which a thin layer of loose, high water content material overlies a more consolidated bed. The top layer of high water content material (fluff) was easily disturbed and re-suspended by tidal currents, but the consolidated bottom layer was eroded only under conditions of high shear stress.  相似文献   

作者采用浊度计和声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)在近海区域连续、定点观测的应用中,利用浊度与悬沙浓度之间良好的线性关系,对潮汐半月周期内的浊度和ADCP后向散射声强数据进行相关性分析,讨论了小、中、大潮期间利用ADCP后向散射声强反演悬沙浓度的可靠性,反演过程中综合考虑了声学近场非球面扩散和本底噪声的影响。结果表明,在实验海域中,小潮情况下,各水层内悬浮泥沙成分较为稳定,ADCP后向散射声强与浊度变化相关性较高,达到0.91;而在大潮情况下,ADCP后向散射声强与浊度变化的相关性降低,悬沙浓度及成分容易在海流的影响下发生变化。  相似文献   

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