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The flexible rolling process (FRP) is a novel three-dimensional (3D) forming process that combines the multipoint and traditional rolling forming. The principle of FRP is based on thickness thinning, so the deformation path significantly impacts the forming effect. In this study, the multistep forming process with different deformation paths was introduced to improve the forming effect of FRP. For instance, with the convex surface part, three finite element models of multistep FRP (MSFRP) were established. The corresponding numerical simulations and forming experiments performed among different deformation paths showed the surface part with a longer effective forming region was obtained and the forming regions with more steps in MSFRP were smoother. Thus, the sheet-metal utilization rate was greatly improved. Moreover, the MSFRP can improve the longitudinal bending effect dramatically and thereby endowing the forming part with a better forming effect. Therefore, MSFRP is a prospective method for broad applications.  相似文献   

金属板件等离子体弧柔性成形技术基础研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水火弯曲成形和激光弯曲成形均存在一定局限性,而等离子体弧具有平均能量转换效率高、成本较低等优点.介绍了等离子体弧柔性成形技术的原理和特点,分析了等离子体弧柔性成形的两种基本形式——正向弯曲和反向弯曲的成形机理和控制方法,研究了弧功率、扫描速度、冷却方式、板件材质与几何尺寸等因素对柔性成形的影响规律.研究结果表明:等离子体弧可在工业环境下完成对不同厚度板材的柔性成形.在一定范围内,弯曲速度随着弧功率的提高而提高;可运用小的扫描速度提高弯曲速度,而采用大的扫描速度实现较为精确的弯曲变形;随着板件厚度的增加,相同扫描次数下的弯曲角度明显减小;导热系数大的材质,因难以在材料内部形成大的温度梯度而难以产生弯曲变形.上述研究对合理选择成形参数具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

冷轧压下率对IF钢的深冲性能有重要的影响.采用两次冷轧,在总压下率一定的情况下,两次冷轧压下率的分配是影响IF钢深冲性能的关键.通过冷轧实验,得出在总压下率一定时,两次冷轧比一次冷轧的塑性应变比r值要高;总压下率一定,一次冷轧压下率较小,两次冷轧压下率较大时,可使r值提高;同时,冷轧总压下率提高,也可使r值提高.  相似文献   

冷轧压下率对IF钢的深冲性能有重要的影响。采用两次冷轧,在总压下率一定的情况下,两次冷轧压下率的分配是影响IF钢深冲性能的关键。通过冷轧实验,得出在总压下率一定时,两次冷轧比一次冷轧的塑性应变比r值要高;总压下率一定,一次冷轧压下率较小,两次冷轧压下率较大时,可使r值提高;同时,冷轧总压下率提高,也可使r值提高。  相似文献   

In order to further investigate how cold rolling texture is produced in an extra low-carbon and high strength bake-hardening sheet steel (for short, hereafter, coiled ELC-BH sheet) with r value as high as 2.67, texture change in texture pretreatment and its effects on the cold rolling texture are researched by means of Orientation Distribution Funchon (ODf) method. Experimental results show that the cold rolling texture which Produces very strong {111} annealing texture actually is caused by texture change in the texture pretreatment, and the strong {111} texture obtained rough this texture pretreatment is an essential condition of engendering the cold rolling texture, while the stability of {111} texture components in cold rolling is a sufficient condition of emerging thes one.  相似文献   

板料成形过程中的质点变形不同步效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了板料成形时质点变形不同步效应这一新概念.通过有限元数值分析发现:在板料成形过程中,板料凸缘上到凹模口的垂直距离相等且相互邻近的一些质点,如果移动和变形状态不同步,就能有效地减小成形过程中的流动阻力,从而大幅度地提高板材的成形性能.对这一效应的原理给出了较为深刻的分析.  相似文献   

板料成形数值模拟的过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了板料成形数值模拟方法的一般步骤及零件工作参数的确定方法.应用DYNAFORM软件分析了底壳件的成形过程,预测了零件可能产生起皱和破裂的部位,提出了消除和减少起皱及破裂的工艺改进措施.  相似文献   

热轧工艺对CSP低碳钢冷轧板成形性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对某钢厂CSP低碳钢冷轧基板的生产数据的统计分析,研究了化学成分、卷取温度和终轧温度对CSP低碳钢冷轧板深冲性能的影响,观察了不同终轧温度和卷取温度下冷轧基板组织的变化.结果表明,适当增加Al元素含量和减少Mn元素含量以及采用高终轧温度和低卷取温度的热轧工艺有利于成品深冲性能的提高,且冷轧基板组织检验结果证实了该热轧工艺的有效性.  相似文献   

对比研究了采用包套轧制工艺及普通冷轧工艺制备的TA15 钛合金薄板的纵、横向微观组织及室温和高温拉伸力学性能。研究表明:两种工艺获得的钛合金板纵、横向微观组织的物相、尺寸、体积占比相似,纵向维氏硬度较横向的高。热轧工艺与冷轧工艺制备的钛合金板相比,力学性能更加优异、力学性能纵横向差异小、综合性能更好、室温屈服强度更高,呈现出“横向大于纵向、热轧大于冷轧”的对比特征。热轧工艺可弱化织构的方向,使成品钛合金板呈现出“强度高、屈强比大、纵横差小”的拉伸力学性能特性。  相似文献   

基于实体单元的板材渐进成形数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究渐进成形的成形机理及工艺参数对成形力的影响,应用三维实体单元对成形过程进行数值模拟分析和相应的实验研究.在解决数值模拟中运动轨迹加载等难点问题的基础上,合理简化有限元分析模型,提高数值模拟计算效率.采用坐标网格法实验,并通过检测板材厚度的变化,验证了模拟结果的准确性.通过对模拟和实验结果的研究分析,提出了一种不同于剪切变形的新的变形机理,即主要变形区的板材是平面内拉伸变形及局部反向弯曲变形的组合;对成形力的数值模拟正交实验表明层间距是成形力的主要影响因素,并且成形力随层间距的减小而减小.  相似文献   

压边力是薄板拉延成形过程中的重要工艺参数之一,变压边力可避免拉延起皱或破裂等缺陷.通过分析薄板拉延变压边力的力学机理,计算了指定圆筒形件采用多点压边变压边力加载装置时各压边点不起皱和不拉裂的临界压边力Qzi和Qli,分析了各压边点的变压边力加载曲线,证实了多点变压边力控制的可行性,认为变压边力技术在拉延成形中有较佳实践意义.  相似文献   

针对薄壁板材零件小圆角特征成形制造难的问题,提出了一种新型胀压复合成形工艺.其关键工艺参数为:预成形高度、预成形凹圆角大小和终成形胀形压力与背压凸模运行速度匹配关系.预成形高度决定了终成形小圆角的材料储备,预成形凹圆角的最佳值为充液拉深时凸模圆角可取的最小值,通过理论分析给出了预成形高度和预成形凹圆角的计算方法.建立了胀压复合成形过程力学模型,通过应力状态分析给出了不同胀形压力与背压凸模运行速度匹配关系下坯料圆角区变形状况.同时基于有限元模拟和工艺试验,研究了预成形高度和终成形胀形压力与背压匹配路径对试验件成形质量的影响,验证了理论分析的准确性,并证明了该新工艺的适用性.  相似文献   

The thermal-mechanical coupling finite element method (FEM) was used to simulate a non-isothermal sheet metal extrusion process. On the basis of the finite plasticity consistent with multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) FEM was applied to carry out the numerical simulation. In order to make the computation reliable and avoid hourglass mode in the EAS element under large compressive strains, an alterative form of the original enhanced deformation gradient was employed. In addition, reduced factors were used in the computation of the element local internal parameters and the enhanced part of elemental stiffness. Numerical resultsshow that the hourglass can be avoided in compression region. In the thermal phase, the boundary energy dissipation due to heat convection was taken into account. As an example, a circular steel plate protruded by cylindrical punch was simulated. The step-wise decoupled strategyis adopted to handle coupling between mechanical deformation and the temperature variation. By comparing with the experimental results, thenumerical simulation was verified.  相似文献   

有限元逆算法及其在板料成形工艺优化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用三角形单元开发了精度较高的有限元逆算法,算法中考虑了摩擦、压边力、拉深筋、背压力、曲压料面等实际工艺条件.方程组求解引入快速求解算法,比一般的LDLT解法快几倍,尤其对于大型复杂冲压件问题来说求解效率提高更多.用此算法对典型的L型件进行了模拟,并与增量算法和实验结果进行了比较.可以看出该算法已经达到很高的精度,而且模拟过程迭代收敛速度快,计算时间很短.在此基础上以工件的厚向应变作为目标函数,采用一种实用性很强的工艺参数快速优化算法,即黄金分割法对压边力进行优化.仍以L型件为例,优化过程的计算时间说明快速优化算法相对传统增量算法具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

说明了金属氧化物热力学稳定性与其生成反应的标准自由能变化之间的关系,分析了Ellingham图的热力学意义,讨论了金属还原反应的自发性,说明了选择不同金属氧化物的还原剂的热力学依据。  相似文献   

In the shaping process of cross wedge rolling (CWR), metal undergoes a complex microstructural evolution, which affects the quality and mechanical properties of the product. Through secondary development of the DEFORM-3D software, we developed a rigid plastic finite element model for a CWR-processed rear axle tube, coupled with thermomechanical and microstructural aspects of workpieces. Using the developed model, we investigated the microstructural evolution of the CWR process. Also, the influence of numerous parameters, including the initial temperature of workpieces, the roll speed, the forming angle, and the spreading angle, on the grain size and the grain-size uniformity of the rolled workpieces was analyzed. The numerical simulation was verified through rolling and metallographic experiments. Good agreement was obtained between the calculated and experimental results, which demonstrated the reliability of the model constructed in this work.  相似文献   

双金属板热轧复合模拟及最小相对压下量的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对复合板轧制过程中的粘合特性进行分析的基础上,采用了合理的轧制和界面假设条件,应用Marc有限元软件建立了包括上辊、双层金属在内的三维模型,对不锈钢/碳钢复合板的热轧复合过程成功的进行模拟,获得了不同相对压下量条件下,轧制变形区内应力应变的分布、界面上应力分布以及接触表面上轧制力的三维分布。在此基础上分析得出了最重要的轧制工艺参数,即不锈钢/碳钢复合板热轧复合所需的最小相对压下量,这与在某钢厂所作的生产性试验是一致的。  相似文献   

针对某CVC带钢冷连轧机启动阶段支持辊油膜轴承静压承载能力不足的问题,应用流体润滑理论,建立了轴承倾斜工作下静压承载能力的全润滑系计算模型,分析了轧机压下倾斜、油泵功率和节流器液阻对轴承静压承载性能的影响. 计算结果表明,压下倾斜过大会造成轴套与衬套的轴线出现倾斜,进而导致轴承的静压承载能力急剧下降,是造成轴承寿命缩短、连轧机启动频繁失败的根本原因. 在实际生产中,限定了轧机压下倾斜设定值上限,增大了润滑油黏度,从而有效提高了轴承的承载能力,机组启动成功率显著提高.  相似文献   

以不锈钢和灰铸铁材料为研究对象,在不同的压缩应力下,通过保护性四点测电阻法,测量模拟试样在反复拧紧和放松时两接触表面的微观变化规律,研究紧固件接头表面的变形.研究结果表明,被测试样表面在压应力远远小于其屈服应力时发生局部微塑性变形,可直接测量接触电阻的变化规律,对不便直接测量的局部微塑性变形进行研究.将变形时的实时在线非破坏性检测,间接运用到紧固件服御状态下的质量监控和耐用性的研究中.1  相似文献   

The analysis of bending in finishing rolling was performed. An asymmetrical rolling force model was established, and the upper and lower neutral points were determined. The bending which resulted from the asymmetrical rolling force at the roll gap was studied and related flexibility equations were proposed according to elastic mechanics. Moreover, material mechanics was used to analyze the effects of temperature difference and self-weight on the bending out of the roll gap, and the flexibility equations were constructed. The main factors on bending were summed up, and the bending rule in the rolling could be obtained. In addition practical calculation was made with the production data of ribbon steel from Laiwu Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd.  相似文献   

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