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针对我国中医科普知识可视化设计的现存问题,探究更具针对性的设计策略,以提升中医知识在非医学背景普通民众中的认知度,指导大众健康生活并弘扬中医传统文化。多角度论证中医科普知识可视化设计研究必要性,结合具体史料缕清发展脉络并总结历史特点,为后续设计策略研究提供参考,进行大量实地调研以分析发展现状,根据调研结果指出现存问题,最后结合心理学、传播学等理论并分析案例,以引出四大设计策略。四大设计策略有助于增强中医知识在非医学背景普通民众中的科普效果。中医科普知识可视化设计应做到简洁、权威、准确,具有针对性;不得忽视层级秩序与视觉流向的重要性;应注重融入创新思维以提高民众记忆留存率;还需协调整体风格,和谐中揉入适度变化,应以发展的眼光积极探索技术媒介带给中医科普知识可视化的可能性。  相似文献   

As one of the most valuable assets in China, traditional medicine has a long history and contains pieces of knowledge. The diagnosis and treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has benefited from the natural language processing technology. This paper proposes a knowledge-based syndrome reasoning method in computerassisted diagnosis. This method is based on the established knowledge graph of TCM and this paper introduces the reinforcement learning algorithm to mine the hidden relationship among the entities and obtain the reasoning path. According to this reasoning path, we could infer the path from the symptoms to the syndrome and get all possibilities via the relationship between symptoms and causes. Moreover, this study applies the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) idea to the computer-assisteddiagnosis of TCM for the score of syndrome calculation. Finally, combined with symptoms, syndrome, and causes, the disease could be confirmed comprehensively byvoting, and the experiment shows that the system can help doctors and families to diseasediagnosis effectively.  相似文献   

随着国内设计产业、设计学的迅速发展,设计史在设计学研究领域的地位和价值进一步凸显,成为设计学研究领域的重要单元,以文献计量方法和知识图谱的形式分析和研究国内设计史现状与进展。以中国知网数据库收录的441条核心期刊论文数据为样本,应用CiteSpace文献计量数据分析软件,构建和分析国内设计史研究知识图谱,从文献数据的总体发文趋势、主题、引频、  相似文献   

目的 青瓷是中华民族传统文化的重要载体,为了更好地促进青瓷领域的研究发展,对我国青瓷领域的发展现状和热点进行总结研究。方法 以中国知网(CNKI)数据库中SCI、CSSCI及北大核心期刊为对象,运用文献分析软件CiteSpace 5.7对我国青瓷领域近30年的作者合作、相关研究热点及其发展趋势进行可视化呈现和分析。结论 我国青瓷领域发文量总体呈波动上升态势;作者和机构在该领域的研究受青瓷地域影响呈现明显的区域性分布;研究热点主要包括青瓷基本信息描述、历史及文化内涵、国内外影响和微观分析四个方面;发展趋势总体呈现从宏观到微观、从个体研究到整体联系、从传统文化保护到文化传播弘扬的变化特征。  相似文献   

本文通过研究中国知网上关于跨境电子商务文献,运用可视化分析工具CiteSpace进行知识图谱分析,采用作者、机构、关键词的引文分析,了解目前我国跨境电子商务领域具有影响力的代表人物、研究机构以及研究热点,并提出发展建议,为国内相关的研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

黄滢  陈晨  张青萍 《包装工程》2019,40(16):281-289
目的 随着研究者们对中国传统村落的深透研究,涌现出了大量的相关研究文献,为了能够更好地把握其发展动向。方法 以信息可视化软件Citespace为研究工具,将1998年至2017年间 CSSCI数据库中有关传统村落研究的253条文献作为研究对象,制作并分析近20年间我国传统村落文献共被引图谱、期刊共被引图谱、作者共被引图谱以及关键词&主题词共现图谱。使用Citespace绘制出的图谱可以很明显地看出我国传统村落的研究前沿、与研究相关的范畴和重要文献、该领域具有影响力的作者及其研究的热门要点。结论 研究表明:在研究的方法和视角上包含多个学科交叉的特点,研究对象由单一转为多元化,更深入地挖掘和剖析了研究内容;在CSSCI数据库中对Citespace软件分析出的前5位高被引作者,以“传统村落”、“古村落”、“传统聚落”和“历史文化名村”为关键词进行检索、整理和分析,挖掘文章的优势,对文章中的不足进行剖析;“古村落的保护发展与传承”、“历史文化遗产的多重价值与可持续发展路径”、“景观规划和活化机理”等成为热点研究领域,以传统村落综述研究的角度与手法,对以后的研究人员更好地了解传统村落领域的前景有一定的参照、借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在中医外科常见病诊疗指南的制定的方法学研究中,为了在证据等级极低的情况下保证指南的科学性与实用性,我们提出了以GRADE证据分级和推荐意见标准为基础,以古代文献、专家经验为参考,以专家共识为依据,最后综合考量的方法学思路制定指南。这样既遵循了循证医学的理念,突出了古代文献、专家经验在中医外科临床中的重要性,又保持了中医外科学的特点。  相似文献   

于瑛芝  宗立成 《包装工程》2023,44(22):299-308
目的 为了更好地促进凤鸟纹研究的发展,利用知识图谱对凤鸟纹相关文献进行可视化梳理,探索凤鸟纹研究的热点及未来趋势前沿。方法 以CNKI数据库收录的凤鸟纹相关研究的期刊论文数据为样本,利用Citespace、VOSviewer将该研究主题的文献产出、  相似文献   

Mining penetration testing semantic knowledge hidden in vast amounts of raw penetration testing data is of vital importance for automated penetration testing. Associative rule mining, a data mining technique, has been studied and explored for a long time. However, few studies have focused on knowledge discovery in the penetration testing area. The experimental result reveals that the long-tail distribution of penetration testing data nullifies the effectiveness of associative rule mining algorithms that are based on frequent pattern. To address this problem, a Bayesian inference based penetration semantic knowledge mining algorithm is proposed. First, a directed bipartite graph model, a kind of Bayesian network, is constructed to formalize penetration testing data. Then, we adopt the maximum likelihood estimate method to optimize the model parameters and decompose a large Bayesian network into smaller networks based on conditional independence of variables for improved solution efficiency. Finally, irrelevant variable elimination is adopted to extract penetration semantic knowledge from the conditional probability distribution of the model. The experimental results show that the proposed method can discover penetration semantic knowledge from raw penetration testing data effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

李祎  肖敦逸  吴岳忠  孙翱魁 《包装工程》2021,42(19):243-253
目的 运用知识图谱可视化呈现智能包装目前研究现状,并探究其未来发展趋势,为行业相关从业者提供参考.方法 以CNKI数据库"智能包装"中文核心期刊文献为研究样本,利用CiteSpace知识图谱可视化分析软件,对研究样本数据从作者、机构、关键词、时间等维度进行整体分析,再结合传统文献分析方法,进行重要文献内容的深入分析.结果 总结得到智能包装3个发展阶段(缓慢起步期、快速发展期和回落稳定期),目前4个重要发展领域(智能包装、包装技术、传感器和包装设计),以及信息系统集成化的发展趋势.结论 智能包装的发展将与虚拟现实技术、物联网、系统集成等进行融合,在可预见的未来仍具有可观的发展前景,为包装行业差异化竞争、可持续发展和转型升级提供参考和启示.  相似文献   

目的 针对当前产品适应性设计过程中缺乏需求与运维知识的融合、设计案例知识难以有效组织、设计知识重用率低等问题,提出一种基于知识图谱的产品改进设计辅助决策方法。方法 建立产品适应性设计辅助决策框架;采用知识图谱构建的方法,通过对产品运维知识数据源的特性分析,完成本体建模,实现知识图谱模式层的定义、知识实体与实体关系的抽取以及知识融合数据层的构建;在运行环境-故障模式映射关系与子图的匹配下,实现新的产品运行环境中潜在故障模式的推理,以及案例数据与CBR适应性设计措施的匹配,生成潜在故障模式下改进设计方案的候选集,并对改进设计方案进行多属性评价,实现改进方案的排序和决策。结果 以工程盾构螺旋输送机产品的适应性设计过程辅助决策为例,验证了该辅助决策方法的可行性和有效性。结论 采用知识图谱技术构建产品全生命周期数据实体关系,能够较好地解决知识融合、知识组织以及知识重用率低等问题,提高了设计效率。  相似文献   

中医的渊源和对中医学发展的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
传统的中医学源远流长,博大精深,疗效显著,由于种种历史原因,加之自身流派众多,传承艰难,流传至今,已不能满足现代社会的发展与要求。中医要发展,须走“医学衷中纳西”的与时俱进之路。中医自身要统一理论认识,统一辩证纲领,统一到“五脏阴阳”之中,以“三维守恒”指导辩证,要明确医学的目的,认识生命的本质和生命运动的机制;要宏观与微观相结合,整体与局部相统一,以唯象涵盖唯物,以辩证指导分析,以调为本,以平为期;要司岁备药,先法制病,对中药剂型进行改进,以适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune condition with an elusive etiology. Conventional and biological disease-modifying drugs sometimes fail or produce only partial responses. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has long been used in China as a treatment for RA and is achieving ever-increasing acceptance worldwide. TCM treatments are traditionally guided by the theory of treatment based on TCM syndrome differentiation; however, they remain a matter of empirical practice relying on TCM theories and doctors’ own experience, which places severe restrictions on worldwide TCM application. Nevertheless, TCM is a treasure trove for drug discovery, particularly as a treatment for complicated human conditions. The discoveries of artemisinin as a treatment for malaria and of TCM–arsenic trioxide (As2O3) combination therapy as a treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) are excellent examples of the great value of TCM. Regarding RA treatments, many Chinese medicinal herbs and their formulas, extracts, ingredients, and even single compounds have been used in clinical applications. Several Chinese proprietary medicines (CPMs) derived from TCM formulas or herbal bioactive components, such as the controlled-release ZhengQingFengTongNing (ZQFTN) Tablets, Tripterygium Glycoside Tablets, and Total Glucosides of Peony (TGP) Capsules, have been included in the National Health Insurance Directory of China, and show comparable therapeutic efficacies to those of western chemical drugs with fewer side effects. As TCM research has advanced, particularly in the use of multidisciplinary technologies, the scientific foundations and characteristics of the use of TCM to treat RA have been revealed, and the quality of TCM treatments have been increasingly enhanced. However, TCM generally lacks sufficient clinical and laboratory data to be consistent with international standards for quality, safety, and efficacy in order to support its application worldwide. Therefore, intensive basic and clinical studies on TCM are required. In particular, investigations that use cutting-edge technologies in analytical chemistry, biology, and biomedical sciences, and the development of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and personalized pragmatic randomized controlled trials (PPRCTs) are necessary. Researchers should also collaborate to advance TCM from empirical practice to evidence-based therapy, thus consistently promoting TCM development and globalization in a vital, beneficial, and contributable manner.  相似文献   

段金娟  宣艾祺 《包装工程》2021,42(6):162-170
目的 量化分析并探讨国内非遗产业化保护领域的研究动态,为非遗产业化保护研究提供数据参考.方法 基于文献计量统计与知识图谱可视化,以中国知网数据库收录文献为信源,选取2003至2018年间关于非遗产业化保护研究的1586篇期刊论文作为研究对象,从历年发文、期刊发文、作者合作、关键词共现4个方向,绘制"非遗产业化保护研究"聚类知识图谱.结果 我国非遗产业化保护逐步受到学界的关注.从期刊发文来看,国内目前已逐步形成较为集中的理论阵地;从作者合作来看,学者间、地区间的合作尚需加强;从关键词共现来看,国内的研究热点主要集中在"文化产业"、"生产性保护"与"数字化保护"等方向.结论 借助可视化数据,可以帮助研究者厘清非遗产业化保护研究的现状与问题,挖掘当前研究的核心热点,探索并研究其未来发展策略,推动非遗产业化的深入良性发展.  相似文献   

目的 为了厘清触觉设计在国内外的研究脉络,把握触觉设计的研究基础领域和国内外研究热点,并根据科学知识图谱结果推测其研究发展趋势。方法 通过搜集中国知网CNKI数据库和Web of Science核心合集数据库里关于触觉设计的文献资料,运用CiteSpace软件进行数据可视化分析,将国内外对于触觉设计的文献  相似文献   

目的 针对目前包装产业存在的产业链长、数据大而散、包装领域知识信息检索不精准等问题,设计一个基于知识图谱的包装领域智能问答系统.方法 采用知识图谱、智能问答、自然语言处理、深度学习和个性化推荐等技术,对互联网上各类包装领域数据进行采集汇聚、抽取知识、融合计算,最终形成一个包装领域混合型智能问答系统.结果 系统主要功能包括知识图谱、文本相似匹配、图像识别和自动问答,实现了包装领域大数据的知识卡片、语义搜索和沉浸问答.结论 该系统使用方便,通过问答方式,一站式快速按需获取多视图、多维度包装领域数据,提升了行业的数字化、信息化和智能化水平.  相似文献   

针对中药三维荧光光谱信号非线性问题,应用局部线性嵌入算法(LLE)对补虚类中药三维荧光光谱信号进行特征提取。使用荧光光谱仪测得不同浓度的24味补虚类中药的三维荧光光谱和等高线光谱图,并利用总体平均经验模态分解(EEMD)算法进行降噪处理,在此基础上,采用LLE算法对经过降噪处理后的三维荧光光谱数据进行特征提取; 然后,应用随机森林(RF)算法对提取的特征向量进行分类识别。为了验证LLE算法的有效性,将其与主成分分析(PCA)算法进行比较。实验结果表明: LLE-RF组合算法分类准确率达95%,比PCA-RF算法分类准确率高,从而验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   


In this study a sustained-release formulation of traditional Chinese medicine compound recipe (TCMCR) was developed by selecting heart-protecting musk pills (HPMP) as the model drug. Heart-protecting musk pellets were prepared with the refined medicinal materials contained in the recipe of HPMP. Two kinds of coated pellets were prepared by using pH-dependent methacrylic acid as film-forming material, which could dissolve under different pH values in accordance with the physiological range of human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The pellets coated with Eudragit L30D-55, which dissolves at pH value over 5.5, were designed to disintegrate and release drug in the duodenum. The pellets coated with Eudragit L100–Eudragit S100 combinations in the ratio of 1:5, which dissolve at pH value 6.8 or above, were designed to disintegrate and release drug in the jejunum to ileum. The pellets coated with HPMC, which dissolves in water at any pH value, were designed to disintegrate and release drug in the stomach. Finally, the heart-protecting musk sustained-release capsules (HPMSRC) with a pH-dependent gradient-release pattern were prepared by encapsulating the above three kinds of coated pellets at a certain ratio in hard gelatin capsule. The results of dissolution of borneol (one of the active compounds of the TCMCR) in vitro demonstrated that the coating load and the pH value of the dissolution medium had little effect on the release rate of borneol from pellets coated with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), but had a significant effect on the release rate of borneol from pellets coated with Eudragit L30D-55 or Eudragit L100–Eudragit S100 combinations in the ratio of 1:5. The pellets coated with Eudragit L30D-55 at 30% (w/w) coating load or above had little drug release in 0.1 mol/L HCl for 3 hr and started to release drug at pH value over 5.5. The pellets coated with Eudragit L100–Eudragit S100 combinations in the ratio of 1:5 at 36% (w/w) coating load or higher had little drug release in 0.1 mol/L HCl for 3 hr and in phosphate buffer of pH value 6.6 for 2 hr, and started to release drug at pH value 6.8 or above. The release profiles of lipophilic bornoel and hydrophilic total ginsenoside from HPMSRC, consisting of three kinds of pellets respectively coated at a certain ratio with HPMC, Eudragit L30D-55, and Eudragit L100–Eudragit S100 in the ratio of 1:5, showed a characteristic of pH-dependent gradient release under the simulated gastrointestinal pH conditions and no significant difference between them. The results indicated that various components with extremely different physicochemical properties in the pH-dependent gradient-release delivery system of TCMCR could release synchronously while sustained-releasing. This complies with the organic whole concept of compound compatibility of TCMCR.  相似文献   

司亚丽  王泽艺  贾丽 《包装工程》2024,45(14):308-323, 344
目的 利用科学知识图谱,对比分析国内外儿童绘本研究热点与趋势,总结出研究现存问题,提出未来研究展望。方法 运用可视化文献分析软件Cite Space 6.2R1,选取中国知网数据中的北大核心、CSSCI、SCI期刊文献和Web of Science核心集合数据库中收录的儿童绘本相关文献作为研究对象,对当前国内外儿童绘本研究的发文量、发文作者、发文机构、研究热点、前沿与趋势等方面绘制科学知识图谱并进行可视化分析。结论 国内外儿童绘本发文量均呈波动上升态势;国内发文作者、机构间合作不密切,国外合作密切且形成完整的合作团队;国内整体研究趋势侧重于绘本本身的创作、阅读、出版研究,国外侧重于儿童自身行为特点与成长发展的研究。国内外均存在缺少对儿童非认知能力内容研究、社会问题关联性领域研究、长期影响回顾方法研究等问题,且国内还存在缺乏对跨语言和跨文化的研究。未来展望于研究对象多样化、内容多元化、方法创新化、方向科技化,多维度提升儿童绘本研究的深度与广度。  相似文献   

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