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以鄂尔多斯盆地西北部二叠系下石盒子组致密砂岩为研究对象,基于铸体薄片、扫描电镜观测结果,采用核磁共振和氮气吸附孔隙度、渗透率测试等方法,分析下石盒子组致密砂岩储层特征及质量影响因素。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西北部二叠系下石盒子组储层主要由长石岩屑砂岩及岩屑砂岩组成,属于典型的致密砂岩。快速埋藏是储层致密化的最主要原因,压实作用是造成储层质量降低的最主要因素,原生孔隙度下降率为58%;胶结作用进一步使砂岩储层致密,是导致储层质量降低的次要原因,原生孔隙度下降率为24%;成岩作用形成方解石和铁方解石并充填粒间孔隙,储层质量降低。长石的溶蚀提供广泛粒间孔隙,以及刚性石英颗粒的抵抗压实保护部分原生孔隙,改善储层质量。该结果为其他河流相致密砂岩盆地的储层研究提供参考。  相似文献   

山洪灾害时空分布规律及其影响因素研究,是山洪灾害研究领域中重点关注的问题。本文利用重庆市1950-2015年历史山洪灾害数据,采用平均中心、标准差椭圆、核密度分析和M-K突变检测等方法分析了重庆市历史山洪灾害时空分布规律,并在此基础上分析了山洪与各影响因素的相关性。结果表明:① 1950-2015年重庆市历史山洪灾害发生频次总体呈先稳定后上升的趋势,山洪灾害主要集中在5-9月发生,山洪灾害发生频次按年代际整体上呈指数增长趋势;② 重庆市山洪灾害发生具有明显的集聚性,相邻县域山洪发生频次较为相近,其中九龙坡区、南岸区、北碚区、璧山区山洪灾害密度均超过50次/1000 km 2,属于山洪灾害高发区域;③ 山洪灾害整体呈“西南-东北”分散,“西北-东南”聚集的空间分布格局。2010年前,山洪重心主要集中在涪陵区一带;2010年后山洪灾害分布方向向西北倾斜,重心移至忠县,聚集程度降低,山洪发生随机性变强;④ 2002年是重庆市山洪灾害突变的年份,突变以增多为主,主要集中在铜梁区、璧山区、九龙坡区、巴南区、彭水苗族土家族自治县和开县;⑤ 山洪影响因素探究表明高程和河网密度与山洪灾害密度呈正相关关系,而植被覆盖度与山洪灾害密度呈负相关关系,短历时的强降雨对山洪的发生有激发作用。研究结果对重庆市山洪防灾减灾具有重要意义。  相似文献   

微观孔喉结构是影响砂岩油藏特征的重要因素,但致密砂岩孔喉复杂,非均质性强,常规测试难以对其进行有效表征,需要利用分形理论对致密砂岩孔喉结构进行深入研究。以鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬地区长7段致密砂岩为研究对象,通过高压压汞和分形理论研究了致密砂岩孔喉结构和分形维数特征。讨论了分形曲线转折点与孔喉结构关系,并结合铸体薄片和扫描电镜,分析了孔喉分形特征形成原因。结果表明:致密砂岩分形曲线具有明显转折点。转折点为孔喉分布峰值,代表连通性好的大尺度孔喉向连通性差的小尺度孔喉的转换。致密砂岩小尺度孔喉分形维数平均值为2.24,大尺度孔喉半径分形维数平均值为4.65。大尺度孔喉非均质性明显强于小尺度孔喉。小尺度孔喉分形维数与孔喉结构相关性较好。致密砂岩小尺度孔喉主要为喉道和晶间孔,这部分孔喉连通性差,半径较小,受成岩作用影响微弱,因此分形维数小。致密砂岩大孔喉主要为剩余粒间孔和溶蚀孔隙,该类型孔喉半径较大,受成岩作用改造明显,因此分形维数大。   相似文献   

贾光华 《东北石油大学学报》2013,37(3):48-58,126,127
东营凹陷南坡古近系孔一段和沙四下亚段发育以水上氧化环境为主的碎屑岩沉积.针对红层砂体储集特征,综合应用岩心、薄片、X线、压汞等资料,分析岩石学、成岩作用及储集空间特征,研究控制储层物性的主要因素.结果表明:红层砂体岩石成分以长石、岩屑为主,主要经历早成岩A期至中成岩A2期的成岩作用,原生及次生孔隙是主要储集空间.储层物性受沉积作用和成岩作用影响,其中沉积作用控制储层原生孔隙,成岩过程经历碱性和酸性的流体环境,早成岩B期溶蚀作用最强,形成大量次生孔隙.综合沉积相、成岩相及构造特征将红层砂体划分为高孔中高渗型、中孔中渗型、中低孔中低渗型和低孔低渗型等4类储层,明确优质储层的发育规律.  相似文献   

The important role of spatial scale in exploring the geography of poverty as well as its policy implications has been noticed but with limited knowledge. To improve such limited understanding, we mainly investigated the spatial patterns and influencing factors of rural poverty (indicated by poor population and poverty incidence) at three different administrative levels in the Liupan Mountain Region, one of the fourteen poorest regions in China. Our results show that from a global perspective, poor areas are clustered significantly at the county-, township-, and village-level, and more greatly at a lower level. Locally, there is spatial mismatch among poverty hotspots detected not only by the same indicator at different levels but also by different indicators at the same level. A scale effect can be found in the influencing factors of rural poverty. That is, the number of significant factors increases, but the degree of their association with poverty incidence decreases at a lower level. Such scale effect indicates that poverty incidence at lower levels may be affected by more complex factors, including not only the new local ones but also the already appeared non-local ones at higher levels. However, the natural conditions tend to play a scale-independent role to poverty incidence. In response to such scale-dependent patterns and factors, anti-poverty policies can be 1) a multilevel monitoring system to reduce incomplete or even misleading single-level information and understanding; 2) the village-based targeting strategy to increase the targeting efficiency and alleviate the mentioned spatial mismatch; 3) more flexible strategies responding to the local impoverishing factors, and 4) different task emphasises for multilevel policymakers to achieve the common goal of poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The summer weather characteristics of the Grove Mountain, East Antarctica, are presented based on the data obtained by Chinese National Antarctic Expedition (CHINARE) in January 1999. The result shows that the pattern of daily variation of temperature and the prevailing wind direction in Grove is similar to that of Zhongshan Station. However, the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than those of Zhongshan Station. The change of wind direction is close to the weather system that impacted the Grove Mountain. The warm and wet air from northern parts often causes the precipitation. The clear weather appears when controlled by eastern winds in January.  相似文献   

根据铸体薄片和扫描电镜观察,研究雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩颗粒包膜的赋存状态,分析颗粒包膜的成因及其对物性的影响。结果表明:雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩颗粒包膜为伊利石膜和蛋白石膜。伊利石膜具有充填状和环边状两种赋存形式,充填状伊利石膜由沉积作用形成的团块状蒙皂石转化而来,环边状伊利石膜由沉积作用形成的环边状蒙皂石转化而来。蛋白石膜来源于长石和火山岩岩屑溶蚀提供的硅质流体,沉淀在次生石英加大、次生长石加大、方解石胶结物等颗粒表面。环边状黏土膜发育的粒间孔全充填方解石,SiO_2流体含量过高,胶结物发育的粒间孔适宜蛋白石微粒沉淀。自生矿物的形成取决于成岩环境,颗粒包膜不能抑制次生石英加大和方解石沉淀而保护孔隙。含油气沉积盆地砂岩中普遍发育颗粒包膜。该结果可为研究区优质储层分布规律研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The Permian is an important period for the deposition of siliceous rocks on a global scale,but the genesis of chert is still controversial.To better understand the mechanism of chert nodules deposition from Qixia Formation(P1q)(Lower Yangtze Plate,China),we analyzed the major,trace and rare earth elements of these chert nodule samples(CN)and surrounding rock samples(SR)using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(ICPMS)and X-ray fluorescence(XRF)technique.The redox state,siliceous sources and depositional environment analysis show that CN have higher contents of SiO2,Fe2O3 and MnO comparing with SR,and their geochemical properties are different.Trace and rare earth elements characteristics reveal that nodules were deposited under the action of biochemistry in the basin,no terrigenous materials contamination was observed and the contribution of upwelling was emphasized.The Al/(Al+Fe+Mn),Fe/Ti and Al-Fe-Mn discrimination diagram indicated the chert nodules are influenced by hydrothermal action.Evidence from redox-sensitive elements such as Th,U,V and Sc suggests that nodules were deposited in a reducing environment.In the convective mixing of hydrothermal action and normal seawater,excessive dissolved silicon and nutrients are absorbed and precipitated by biological action,and then transported by upwelling to shallow water for deposition.All the evidence comes from the trace elements enrichment characters,Rare earth elements and Y(REY)distribution patterns and La/La*,Ce/Ce*,Eu/Eu*,LREE/HREE,Y/Ho and∑REE characteristics.  相似文献   

Duetoregionalhydrogeologicandclimaticconditions,inthewesternSongnenPlain,themostdistinctcharacteristicofwaterenvironmentinlimnicwetlandsisthatmanywaterbodieshavehighsaltcontentsandpHvalues,andsomelimnicwetlandsbelongtosaltmarshes.Thelimnicwetlandsofthisregionarespecialnaturecomplex.Itisimportantfortheutilizationofwetlandresourcesandtheintegrateddevelopmentofsaline-alkalinesoiltostudychemicalcharacteristicsofwaterenvironmentinthisregion.1NATURALENVIRONMENTCHARACTERISTICSOFTHEWE…  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported that treelines are moving to higher elevations and higher latitudes.Most treelines are temperature limited and warmer climate expands the area in which trees are capable of growing.Hence,climate change has been assumed to be the main driver behind this treeline movement.The latest review of treeline studies was published in 2009 by Harsch et al.Since then,a plethora of papers have been published studying local treeline migration.Here we bring together this knowledge through a review of 142 treeline related publications,including 477 study locations.We summarize the information known about factors limiting tree-growth at and near treelines.Treeline migration is not only dependent on favorable growing conditions but also requires seedling establishment and survival above the current treeline.These conditions appear to have become favorable at many locations,particularly so in recent years.The review revealed that at 66%of these treeline sites forest cover had increased in elevational or latitudinal extent.The physical form of treelines influences how likely they are to migrate and can be used as an indicator when predicting future treeline movements.Our analysis also revealed that while a greater percentage of elevational treelines are moving,the latitudinal treelines are capable of moving at greater horizontal speed.This can potentially have substantial impacts on ecosystem carbon storage.To conclude the review,we present the three main hypotheses as to whether ecosystem carbon budgets will be reduced,increased or remain the same due to treeline migration.While the answer still remains under debate,we believe that all three hypotheses are likely to apply depending on the encroached ecosystem.Concerningly,evidence is emerging on how treeline migration may turn tundra landscapes from net sinks to net sources of carbon dioxide in the future.  相似文献   

Many factors can affect the sediment deposition and soil erosion process in riparian zone, including terrain, sediment transport and water level fluctuations. Clarifying the factors influencing sediment deposition process in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoirs is an important problem to determine the key area of sediment deposition and its trend of development in the study area. In order to reveal the influence of these environmental factors on the sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, this study investigated 1) the amount of deposited sediment in different environmental conditions, 2) the potential factors affecting sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, 3) the relationship between the deposited sediment amount and these factors previously mentioned using correlation analysis, and 4) the influence of human activities considered as an additional factor. This study found that 1) slope gradient, elevation, inundating duration and human activities were the main factors influencing sedimentation in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, and 2) the impact of each factor varied with spaces. Specifically, in the upper reach from Jiangjin to Fuling, human activities such as gravel dredging, bank revetment and ports and wharfs constructing disturbed considerable amounts of deposited sediment, as a result, there was no natural law to dictate the distribution. In the middle reach from Fuling to Fengjie, slope gradient and inundating duration were the controlling factors, and the sediment deposition amount was greater in the areas with a gentler slope or lower elevation. Water flow on gentler slopes generally had lower velocity, resulting in more sediment to deposit. Sites with lower elevations would be drowned by sediment-laden flow with a longer duration resulting from hydrologic regime controlled by the operating strategy of the Three Gorges Reservoir, leading to a larger amount of sediment deposition. In the lower reach from Fengjie to Zigui, slope gradient was similar to the middle reach, performing a primary factor, while other factors showed little relationship with sediment amount.  相似文献   

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