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A new computational method for cable theory problems.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
We discuss a new computational procedure for solving the linear cable equation on a tree of arbitrary geometry. The method is based on a simple set of diagrammatic rules implemented using an efficient computer algorithm. Unlike most other methods, this technique is particularly useful for determining the short-time behavior of the membrane potential. Examples are presented and the convergence and accuracy of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that electromagnetic fields cause mechanical forces. If one applies an electrical field to a suspension of microscopic particles, these particles realign themselves along the direction of the field and form pearl-chain-like aggregates. These chains are mostly single stranded but they are frequently multistranded. This phenomenon has been investigated by a number of groups. Here we discuss the dependence of threshold field strength on particle size and frequency. Also, pulsed fields have been thought to be more effective than continuous fields of the same average power in evoking biological effects. Our measurement of the threshold power requirement for the pearl-chain formation indicates that pulsed fields require as much power as continuous fields. The biological significance of pearl-chain formation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon uptake rates for glass fiber-filtered samples are higher than those for membrane-filtered samples because of adsorption of dissolved organic matter to the filter substrate. Experimentally derived values for adsorption onto filters were as follows (relative units): GF/F filter, 1, quartz filter, 1.1, GF/C filter, 0.6; GN-6 Gelman filter, 0.1; Nuclepore and Poretics filter, 0.0; Anodisc filter, 0.4 to 1.9.  相似文献   

Saposins are small, heat-stable glycoprotein activators of lysosomal glycosphingolipid hydrolases that derive from a single precursor, prosaposin, by proteolytic cleavage. Three of these saposins (B, C, and D) share common structural features including a lack of tryptophan, a single glycosylation sequence, the presence of three conserved disulfide bonds, and a common multiamphipathic helical bundle motif. Saposin A contains an additional glycosylation site and a single tryptophan. The oligosaccharides on saposins are not required for in vitro activation functions. Saposins A and C were produced in Escherichia coli to contain single tryptophans at various locations to serve as intrinsic fluorescence reporters, i.e. as topological probes, for interaction with phospholipid membranes. Maximum emission shifts, aqueous and solid quenching, and resonance energy transfer were quantified by fluorescence spectroscopy. Amphipathic helices at the amino- and carboxyl termini of saposins A and C were shown to insert into the lipid bilayer to about five carbon bond lengths. In comparison, the middle region of saposins A or C were either embedded in the bilayer or solvent-exposed, respectively. Conformational changes of saposin C induced by phosphatidylserine interaction suggested the reorientation of functional helical domains. Differential interaction models are proposed for the membrane-bound saposins A and C. By site-directed mutagenesis of saposin A and C, their membrane topological structures were correlated with their activation effects on acid beta-glucosidase. These findings show that proper orientation of the middle segment of saposin C to the outside of the membrane surface is critical for its specific and multivalent interaction with acid beta-glucosidase. Such membrane interactions and orientations of the saposins determine the proximity of their activation and/or binding sites to lysosomal hydrolases or lipoid substrates.  相似文献   

Improving the statistical mechanical model of Jacobs et al. (Jacobs, R.E., Hudson, B. and Andersen, H.C. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 72, 3993--3997) we have constructed a model which describes not only the temperature but also the external field dependence of the membrane structure of phospholipid bilayers. In addition to the interactions between head groups, between hydrocarbon chains, and the internal conformational energy of the chains (which were considered in Jacobs' model), our model includes the energy of deformation and the field energy as well. By the aid of this model we can explain the phenomenon of dielectric breakdown, the non-linearity of current-voltage characteristics, and the mechanism of membrane elasticity. The free energy of the membrane, the average number of the gauche conformations in the hydrocarbon interior and at the membrane surface, gauche distribution along the chain, the membrane thickness, area and volume are calculated at different temperatures and voltages. The calculation also gives the temperature dependence of Young's modulus and that of the linear thermal expansion coefficient.  相似文献   

Gibbard's theory of rationality is evolutionary in terms of its result as well as its underpinning argument. The result is that judgments about what is rational are analyzed as being similar to judgments of morality — in view of what Darwin suggests concerning the latter. According to the Darwinian theory, moral judgments are based on sentiments which evolve to promote the survival and welfare of human societies. On Gibbard's theory, rationality judgments should be similarly regarded as expressing emotional attachments to behavioral norms which originate and function to coordinate social interaction. Consequently, Gibbard's theory of rationality might be used to illuminate Darwin's theory of morality, and vice versa. Additionally, as argued in the present essay, both can be further elaborated, and defended, by developing related themes in philosophical ethics: viz., connected with Hume and 20th-century emotivists. The main problem is that this general Darwinian approach faces widespread opposition nowadays, not only in ethics but in philosophy of science. The purpose of this essay is to analyze Gibbard's theory, critically and constructively, with emphasis on the pertinent commonalities in Darwin, Hume and the emotivists, while also critically addressing their common enemies. The pervasive methodological orientation is to relate this analysis to (philosophy of) science in general, and biological science in particular.  相似文献   

A genome project focusingon the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has demonstrated thepresence of eight cDNAs belonging to the major intrinsic proteinsuperfamily. We functionally characterized one of these cDNAs namedC01G6.1. Injection of C01G6.1 cRNA increased the osmotic waterpermeability (Pf) of Xenopusoocytes 11-fold and the urea permeability 4.5-fold but failed toincrease the glycerol permeability. It has been speculated that the MIPfamily may be separated into two large subfamilies based on thepresence or absence of two segments of extra amino acid residues (~15amino acids) at the second and third extracellular loops. BecauseC01G6.1 (designated AQP-CE1), AQP3, and glycerol facilitator (GlpF) all have these two segments, we replaced the segments of AQP-CE1 with thoseof AQP3 and GlpF to identify their roles. The functional characteristics of these mutants were principally similar to that ofwild-type AQP-CE1, although the values of Pf andurea permeability were decreased by 39-74% and 28-65%,respectively. These results suggest that the two segments of extraamino acid residues may not contribute to channel selectivity orformation of the route for small solutes.


We present a theory for estimation of the dendritic electrotonic length constant and the membrane time constant from the transmembrane potential (TMP) induced by an applied electric field. The theory is adapted to morphologically defined neurons with homogeneous passive electric properties. Frequency characteristics and transients at the onset and offset of the DC field are considered. Two relations are useful for estimating the electrotonic parameters: 1) steady-state polarization versus the dendritic electrotonic length constant; 2) membrane time constant versus length constant. These relations are monotonic and may provide a unique estimate of the electrotonic parameters for 3D-reconstructed neurons. Equivalent tip-to-tip electrotonic length of the dendritic tree was estimated by measuring the equalization time of the field-induced TMP. For 11 turtle spinal motoneurons, the electrotonic length from tip to tip of the dendrites was in the range of 1-2.5 lambda, whereas classical estimation using injection of current pulses gave an average dendrite length of 0.9-1.1 lambda. For seven ventral horn interneurons, the estimates were 0.7-2.6 lambda and 0.6-0.9 lambda, respectively. The measurements of the field-induced polarization promise to be a useful addition to the conventional methods using microelectrode stimulation.  相似文献   

Conduction of an impulse in the nonmyelinated nerve fiber is treated quantitatively by considering it as a direct consequence of the coexistence of two structurally distinct regions, resting and active, in the fiber. The profile of the electrical potential change induced in the vicinity of the boundary between the two regions is analyzed by using the cable equations. Simple mathematical formulae relating the conduction velocity to the electrical parameters of the fiber are derived from the symmetry of the potential profile at the boundary. The factors that determine the conduction velocity in the myelinated nerve fiber are reexamined.  相似文献   

M G Blewitt  L A Chung  E London 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5458-5464
The pH-triggered change in diphtheria toxin conformation and the physical properties of the toxin above and below the transition pH have been examined. Exposure to low pH (less than or equal to 5 at 23 degrees C, less than or equal to 5.3 at 37 degrees C) triggers a rapid (t1/2 less than 30 s) change in toxin conformation; the transition occurs over a narrow pH range (0.2 unit). Below the transition pH, buried tryptophans become exposed, and the toxin becomes hydrophobic, binding very tightly to detergent. Aggregation is observed at low pH, probably due to this extreme hydrophobicity. Circular dichroism and fluorescence properties show that the low-pH conformation is not extensively unfolded. Therefore, the toxin "opens" at low pH without becoming a random coil. The conformation change is partly irreversible, and the degree of irreversibility parallels the degree of aggregation. Reduction of the disulfide bonds does not increase hydrophobicity at neutral pH. Furthermore, none of the structural variants of toxin (monomer or dimer, bound to ApUp or free, and nicked between subunits or intact) are hydrophobic at neutral pH or differ in transition pH markedly. Therefore, these factors do not mimic the effect of low pH. These observations are consistent with a functional role for the pH-triggered changes during penetration of the membranes of acidic organelles. The toxin may have adapted a conformational change similar to partial denaturation for a critical role in function. The possible nature of the pH-sensitive interactions and the effects of aggregation are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

In prefixed by 1 mmol/l OsO4 human erythrocytes, the discocyte shape was preserved upon heating to temperatures which include the denaturation temperature of the main peripheral protein spectrin. Nevertheless, the suspension of fixed cells displayed threshold decrease in its capacitance and resistance at the temperature range where spectrin denaturates. The same changes were established using intact cells and their resealed ghosts. For packed cells (ghosts), the capacitance and resistance decreased about 17% (31%) and 30% (19%). These data indicate a decrease in the beta dispersion of erythrocyte membrane associated, according to a previous study (Ivanov 1997), with the heat denaturation of spectrin at 49.5 degrees C. The amplitude of the 49.5 degrees C decrease in beta dispersion was reversibly reduced in intact erythrocytes and white ghosts following reversible decrease in the phosphorylation of their membrane proteins. It was fully eliminated in ghosts following their resealing with alkaline phosphatase (0.1 mg/ml) which dephosphorylated membrane proteins. These findings are discussed in relation to similar changes found in normal and tumour tissues and cells during hyperthermia.  相似文献   

The convergence of multiple inputs within a single-neuronal substrate is a common design feature of both peripheral and central nervous systems. Typically, the result of such convergence impinges upon an intracellularly contiguous axon, where it is encoded into a train of action potentials. The simplest representation of the result of convergence of multiple inputs is a Poisson process; a general representation of axonal excitability is the Hodgkin-Huxley/cable theory formalism. The present work addressed multiple input convergence upon an axon by applying Poisson process stimulation to the Hodgkin-Huxley axonal cable. The results showed that both absolute and relative refractory periods yielded in the axonal output a random but non-Poisson process. While smaller amplitude stimuli elicited a type of short-interval conditioning, larger amplitude stimuli elicited impulse trains approaching Poisson criteria except for the effects of refractoriness. These results were obtained for stimulus trains consisting of pulses of constant amplitude and constant or variable durations. By contrast, with or without stimulus pulse shape variability, the post-impulse conditional probability for impulse initiation in the steady-state was a Poisson-like process. For stimulus variability consisting of randomly smaller amplitudes or randomly longer durations, mean impulse frequency was attenuated or potentiated, respectively. Limitations and implications of these computations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Journal of Membrane Biology - Microcapillary electrodes filled with a variety of salt solutions, including 1m KCl, have been used to measure the membrane potentials and resistances of spherical...  相似文献   

The interaction between six class C beta-lactamases and various penicillins has been studied. All the enzymes behaved in a very uniform manner. Benzylpenicillin exhibited relatively low kcat. values (14-75 s-1) but low values of Km resulted in high catalytic efficiencies [kcat./Km = 10 X 10(6)-75 X 10(6) M-1.s-1]. The kcat. values for ampicillin were 10-100-fold lower. Carbenicillin, oxacillin cloxacillin and methicillin were very poor substrates, exhibiting kcat. values between 1 x 10(-3) and 0.1 s-1. The Km values were correspondingly small. It could safely be hypothesized that, with all the tested substrates, deacylation was rate-limiting, resulting in acyl-enzyme accumulation.  相似文献   

Electrooptical measurements on purple membrane containing the wild-type and 10 different bacteriorhodopsin mutants have shown that the direction of the permanent electric dipole moment of all these membranes reverses at different pH values in the range 3.2-6.4. The induced dipole moment and the retinal angle exhibit an increased value at these pHs. The results demonstrate that the bacteriorhodopsin protein makes an important contribution to the electrooptical properties of the purple membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Life-history theory is usually based on an animal's age or size. McNamara describes a general technique for finding the optimal life-history when an organism's strategy is allowed to depend on other aspects of its state. In this paper we describe the technique in the context of previous work in life-history theory and discuss how it can be used to look at decisions on a finer time scale than the usual annual decisions. We show how it can be used to model optimal clutch size when there is a trade-off between number and quality of offspring. It is shown that the optimal clutch size is typically less than the most productive clutch size. Measuring the value of a clutch in terms of the number of offspring that survive to breed or even the number of grandchildren that survive to breed may give misleading results.  相似文献   

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