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小流域综合管理信息系统集成研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文介绍的小流域管理与决策支持信息系统 ,是以小流域综合治理与科学决策为目标 ,以地块为基本操作单元的土壤侵蚀模型、生产潜力模型、成本效益模型与GIS的集成系统。该系统具有数据管理、查询、更新、处理、模型分析和输出等多种功能。分析模型与GIS集成的基本单元是地块 (landunit) ,在地块上实现模型参数的提取与传递、模型计算及显示与分析。在分析各种集成方式的基础上 ,选取了动态连接库及其扩展方式 ,实现了土壤侵蚀模型、生产潜力模型、成本效益模型、规划模块与GIS的紧密集成 ,以统一的图形用户界面 ,服务于水土保持的现代化管理和小流域综合治理  相似文献   

The integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS) is a promising but challenging topic to solve problems in construction industry. However, loading and rendering rich BIM geometric data and large-scale GIS spatial information in a unified system is still technologically challenging. Current efforts mainly simplify the geometry in BIM models, or convert BIM geometric data to a lower level of detail (LOD). By noticing that only exterior features of BIM models are visible from outdoor observation points, culling BIM interior facilities can dramatically reduce the computational burden when visualizing BIM models in GIS. This study explores the outline detection problem and presents the OutDet algorithm, which selects representative observation points, transforms & projects the BIM geometric data into the same coordinate system, and detects the visible facilities. Empirical study results show that OutDet can cull a large portion of unnecessary features when rendering BIM models in GIS. The use of outlines of BIM models is not an alternative but rather a supplementary approach for current solutions. Jointly using LOD and outer surface can help improve the efficiency of integrated BIM-GIS visualization.Because OutDet retains BIM geometry and semantics, it can be applied to more BIM-GIS applications..  相似文献   

With the ubiquity of advanced web technologies and location-sensing hand held devices, citizens regardless of their knowledge or expertise, are able to produce spatial information. This phenomenon is known as volunteered geographic information (VGI). During the past decade VGI has been used as a data source supporting a wide range of services, such as environmental monitoring, events reporting, human movement analysis, disaster management, etc. However, these volunteer-contributed data also come with varying quality. Reasons for this are: data is produced by heterogeneous contributors, using various technologies and tools, having different level of details and precision, serving heterogeneous purposes, and a lack of gatekeepers. Crowd-sourcing, social, and geographic approaches have been proposed and later followed to develop appropriate methods to assess the quality measures and indicators of VGI. In this article, we review various quality measures and indicators for selected types of VGI and existing quality assessment methods. As an outcome, the article presents a classification of VGI with current methods utilized to assess the quality of selected types of VGI. Through these findings, we introduce data mining as an additional approach for quality handling in VGI.  相似文献   

日益增长的无人机飞行需求与有限的低空空域之间的矛盾愈发激烈,世界各国都在推进无人机管控政策和技术手段研究,即便在最自由的美国G类非管制空域,管理当局也在制定更为严格的无人机管控措施。无人机云端管理系统作为一种新型的数字化监管手段,其系统建设框架和技术路线得到了国内外学者和监管部门的广泛关注与研究。地理信息技术作为云端管理系统的应用技术之一,具体体现在以下几方面:利用全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)实现无人机精准空间定位;通过遥感技术(RS)获取影响无人机飞行安全的地理约束要素信息;基于地理信息系统(GIS)对低空地理空间数据进行组织管理以及构建低空虚拟地理环境等。论文结合团队在无人机低空应用上的研究进展,指出地理信息技术可以在云端管理和航路规划方面为无人机运行管理提供解决方案。  相似文献   

This article presents an innovative approach to citizen-led production of Web-based geographic information where new and/or existing digital map features are linked to annotations or commentary and citizens engage in synchronous and/or asynchronous discussion. The article discusses the relationship of the approach to public participation geographic information systems (PPGISs) and the emerging challenges associated with volunteered geographic information. A custom-developed, open source software tool named MapChat is used to facilitate the citizen inputs and discussions. The information generated from applying the approach through a series of community workshops is presented and discussed in light of current issues in PPGIS and volunteered geographic information research.  相似文献   

当代计算机、互联网、航天航空、自动化和传感网、环境和生态修复等技术发展很快,并渗透到许多基础与应用基础研究学科。以综合性、交叉性和区域性为特点的地理学借力于新技术应用,学科发展得到有力促进,突出表现包括:① 研究时空拓展到近实时和全球,基本解决异域和极端地理环境数据难获取问题;② 数据获取方式和渠道多样性促进了数据的爆发性增加,对规律和格局的分析从依赖有限时空表观信息发展到依靠新技术获取高时空动态数据开展大数据挖掘;③ 研究内容从静态知识获取、机理分析拓展到包括生态修复和环境治理等能动性的工作;④ 学科发展呈现领域拓展和新技术学科交叉趋势,地理学通过与新技术进一步融合发展获得新生命力。借助新技术和地理大数据“燃料”的注入,新时期地理科学发展将在全球和区域社会经济建设过程中通过提供“复方”解决方案而发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is crowdsourced information that can enrich and enhance research and applications based on geo-referenced data. However, the quality of VGI is of great concern, and positional accuracy is a fundamental basis for the VGI quality assurance. A buffer-zone method can be used for its assessment, but the buffer radius in this technique is subjectively specified; as result, different selections of the buffer radius lead to different positional accuracies. To solve this problem, a statistically defined buffer zone for the positional accuracy assessment in VGI is proposed in this study. To facilitate practical applications, we have also developed an iterative method to obtain a theoretically defined buffer zone. In addition to the positional accuracy assessment, we have derived a measure of positional quality, which comprises the assessment of positional accuracy and the level of confidence in such assessment determined with respect to a statistically defined buffer zone. To illustrate and substantiate the theoretical arguments, both numerical simulations and real-life experiments are performed using OpenStreetMap. The experimental results confirm the high significance of the proposed statistical approach to the buffer zone-based assessment of the positional uncertainty in VGI.  相似文献   

王玥  汪涛 《世界地理研究》2022,31(2):225-235
以地理信息产业为研究对象,使用授权发明专利数据,在地理信息产业链的基础上,提出产业创新链结构研究方法。进而,从总体结构角度和特定地域结构角度对创新链发展现状进行量化评估,对世界各国,特别是中国、美国和日本的创新链结构完整性和领先环节展开比较分析。结果表明:①从总体结构看,全球创新链因下游环节创新能力的弱势而呈“倒三角形”结构。从特定地域结构看,大多国家和地区的地理信息产业创新链并不完整,存在断环或孤环,除中国外的全球创新链因中游环节的相对弱势而使上下游间存在裂隙,呈上部宽、下部较窄,中部细窄的“沙漏形”结构;②相对而言,中国产业创新链较为完整,中游环节在全球市场中具有显著比较优势,但创新链的产学研合作薄弱,市场化程度低,技术竞争力与美国相比存在落差。  相似文献   

本文基于S.Beer空间分辨率圆锥,应用等级体系理论,结合地理学有关研究成果,探讨建立一种具有尺度单元结构性质的区域地理系统模型———区域地理系统单元等级圆锥。研究认为,区域地理系统单元等级圆锥由地理最小结构单元、地理基本功能单元、地理景观单元、地理景观类型单元与地理景观类型组合单元组成,它们分别实现地理学“最小空间粒度划分”、“基本空间过程分析”、“空间过程共轭分析”、“类型划分”与“类型间相互作用”的研究方法,分别体现地理学“还原分析”、“过程分析”“整体分析”、“类型分析”与“综合分析”的研究思想。  相似文献   

In crowdsourced cartographic projects, mappers coordinate their efforts through online tools to produce digital geospatial artefacts, such as maps and gazetteers, which were once the exclusive territory of professional surveyors and cartographers. In order to produce meaningful and coherent data, contributors need to negotiate a shared conceptualisation that defines the domain concepts, such as road, building, train station, forest and lake, enabling the communication of geographic knowledge. Considering the OpenStreetMap Wiki website as a case study, this article investigates the nature of this negotiation, driven by a small group of mappers in a context of high contribution inequality. Despite the apparent consensus on the conceptualisation, the negotiation keeps unfolding in a tension between alternative representations, which are often incommensurable, i.e., hard to integrate and reconcile. In this study, we identify six complementary dimensions of incommensurability that recur in the negotiation: (1) ontology, (2) cartography, (3) culture and language, (4) lexical definitions, (5) granularity, and (6) semantic overload and duplication.  相似文献   

The geospatial skills shortage in New Zealand requires the development of more undergraduate geographic information system (GIS) courses. However, the internationalisation of New Zealand's tertiary education system has resulted in an increasingly diverse tertiary student population, which makes it challenging to teach GIS in a way that maximises relevance to all tertiary students. One approach to this challenge is to make use of the recent proliferation of openly available GIS data, and to internationalise GIS curricula by using open‐ended assessments that provide students with the opportunity to learn GIS by constructing their own geographies of relevance.  相似文献   

David M. Mark published his first journal article in 1970. Since then, he has written or coauthored more than 220 publications over a period of 40 years as of 28 May 2012. Based on data from Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar, Mark’s publications have been cited over 7410 times by researchers in more than 80 countries or regions as of 28 May 2012, when this paper was first prepared. The geographic extent of Mark’s scholarly influence is truly global. An examination of his 20 most cited articles reveals that his work in diverse areas as digital elevation models, geomorphology, geographic cognition, and ontology of the geospatial domain enjoyed a lasting impact worldwide.  相似文献   

面积辽阔的南海是中国未来重要的能源接续区与资源基地,也是涉及国家海洋权益最为集中的区域。本文针对地理信息技术支撑下的南海岛礁研究现状,从南海岛礁现有基础数据成果、遥感手段岛礁基础地理信息提取方法及提取成果所做的岛礁分析与评价3方面,系统地回顾了国内外涉及南海岛礁资源环境研究的相关进展,评述了现有研究技术方法存在的不足,并对未来的研究进行了展望,在此基础上,提出了3个主要方向作为未来研究的重点:①促进遥感数据获取多源化,构建海量多源、多尺度南海岛礁遥感数据仓库;②加强技术协同创新,结合地理信息技术的发展,提升岛礁信息提取与监测的准确性与可靠性;③提升遥感分析智能化,研究并建立综合分析与情势推演平台及战略决策辅助支撑系统,以期为南海岛礁的进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   


More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. This article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published in 24 international refereed journals in GIScience between 2007 and 2017 have been reviewed. The review has uncovered varying levels of popularity of VGI research over space and time, and varying interests in various sources of VGI (e.g. OpenStreetMap) and VGI-related terms (e.g. user-generated content) that point to the multi-perspective nature of VGI. Content-wise, using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), this study has extracted 50 specific research topics pertinent to VGI. The 50 topics have been subsequently clustered into 13 intermediate topics and three overarching themes to allow a hierarchical topic review. The overarching VGI research themes include (1) VGI contributions and contributors, (2) main fields applying VGI, and (3) conceptions and envisions. The review of the articles under the three themes has revealed the progress and the points that demand attention regarding the individual topics. This article also discusses the areas that the existing research has not yet adequately explored and proposes an agenda for potential future research endeavors.  相似文献   

In the context of OpenStreetMap (OSM), spatial data quality, in particular completeness, is an essential aspect of its fitness for use in specific applications, such as planning tasks. To mitigate the effect of completeness errors in OSM, this study proposes a methodological framework for predicting by means of OSM urban areas in Europe that are currently not mapped or only partially mapped. For this purpose, a machine learning approach consisting of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms is applied. Under the premise of existing OSM data, the model estimates missing urban areas with an overall squared correlation coefficient (R 2) of 0.589. Interregional comparisons of European regions confirm spatial heterogeneity in the model performance, whereas the R 2 ranges from 0.129 up to 0.789. These results show that the delineation of urban areas by means of the presented methodology depends strongly on location.  相似文献   

滑坡负样本在统计型滑坡危险度制图中具有重要作用,能抑制统计模型对滑坡危险度的高估。当前滑坡负样本采样方法采集的负样本可信度未知,在负样本采样过程中,极有可能将那些潜在滑坡点错选为负样本,这些假的负样本会降低负样本集的质量和训练样本集的质量,进而影响统计模型的精度。本文基于“地理环境越相似、地理特征越相似”的地理学常识,认为与正样本有着相似地理环境的点极有可能是未来发生滑坡的点;与正样本的地理环境越不相似的点,则越有可能是负样本。基于此假设提出一种基于地理环境相似度的负样本可信度度量方法,将该方法应用于滑坡灾害频发的陇南山区油房沟流域,对油房沟进行滑坡负样本可信度评价制图;使用油房沟流域的滑坡发生初始面来验证该方法的有效性。结果发现:滑坡发生初始面上所有栅格点的负样本可信度平均值为0.26,超过95%的栅格点的负样本可信度都小于0.5,说明本文提出的负样本可信度度量方法合理。  相似文献   

我国西部地区生态地理区域系统与生态建设战略初步研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
生态地理区域系统是根据代表自然界的生物和非生物要素地理相关性的比较研究和综合分析,按照自然界的地域分异规律,划分或合并而形成不同等级的区域系统。其主要研究的对象是自然要素的空间格局,及其与自然资源的匹配。生态地理区域系统所体现的温度、水分等立地条件地域差异,是认识生态环境的宏观框架,可以也应该成为制定治理措施的基础,对植被的恢复和保护有重要的指导意义。我国西部在生态上受到西北地区的沙漠化和盐碱化,黄土高原、西南地区的土壤侵蚀,青藏高原的草场退化,西南地区的滑坡、泥石流等的胁迫。管理上也存在许多问题,如盲目的退耕还林,盲目强调植树造林等。因此,西部地区的生态建设在认识自然环境的基础上,解决管理上的问题,包括在指导思想上的误解,即“生态建设 =种树”,“退耕必定还林”;局面上避免开发的无序状态 ;工作措施上,则要防止“一刀切”的方式。本文综合西部地区的温带、水分、植被、土壤等因素,将西部地区生态地理区域系统划分 8个温度带,2 5个自然区。通过综合西部地区的环境胁迫特点,植被恢复和保护与自然环境和生态区域系统的关系,从西部地区的生态地理区域系统,合并构成西部地区的生态建设格局的 6个区域,并且提出各个区域生态建设的主要措施。  相似文献   

The representation of geoscience information for data integration   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In mineral exploration, resource assessment, or natural hazard assessment, many layers of geoscience maps such as lithology, structure, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, slope stability, mineral deposits, and preprocessed remotely sensed data can be used as evidence to delineate potential areas for further investigation. Today's PC-based data base management systems, statistical packages, spreadsheets, image processing systems, and geographical information systems provide almost unlimited capabilities of manipulating data. Generally such manipulations make a strategic separation of spatial and nonspatial attributes, which are conveniently linked in relational data bases. The first step in integration procedures usually consists of studying the individual charateristics of map features and interrelationships, and then representing them in numerical form (statistics) for finding the areas of high potential (or impact).Data representation is a transformation of our experience of the real world into a computational domain. As such, it must comply with models and rules to provide us with useful information. Quantitative representation of spatially distributed map patterns or phenomena plays a pivotal role in integration because it also determines the types of combination rules applied to them.Three representation methods—probability measures, Dempster-Shafer belief functions, and membership functions in fuzzy sets—and their corresponding estimation procedures are presented here with analyses of the implications and of the assumptions that are required in each approach to thematic mapping. Difficulties associated with the construction of probability measures, belief functions, and membership functions are also discussed; alternative procedures to overcome these difficulties are proposed. These proposed techniques are illustrated by using a simple, artificially constructed data set.  相似文献   

Within societies, information availability is a key issue affecting society's well‐being. For geographic information, a geographic information infrastructure (GII) facilitates availability and access to geographic information for all levels of government, the commercial sector, the non‐profit sector, academia, and ordinary citizens. Although the importance of access policies in the development of a GII is commonly understood, research that has assessed the impact of access policies on this development is scant. This article adds this perspective. Based on information acquired from case‐study and literature research, the author argues that open‐access policies do not always promote GII development and in specific instances are counter‐productive. These findings may explain why many nations still adhere to cost‐recovery policies instead of following access policies recommended by research. The article provides alternatives for changing current policies into new access policies that promote GII development.  相似文献   

基于GIS的山地交通地理信息分析方法与技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐京华 《山地学报》2004,22(3):378-382
在分析讨论传统山地交通地理信息分析方法弊端的基础上,对基于GIS及GIS-T的山地交通网的建设、管理使用等所需的相关地理信息的分析意义、技术方法等问题进行了探讨。以成都市域的相关数据和MapInfo平台为例,研讨了基于GIS的山地交通地理信息分析基本步骤及山地交通网自身及其主要环境要素的分析内容和方法。研究得到了基于GIS的山地交通地理信息分析方法在可视、实效等方面明显优于传统方法;相关研究的难点及今后进一步深入研究的方向及内容等结论。  相似文献   

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