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本文通过对遵义铝土矿中的主要铝矿物——一水硬铝石矿物学特征的研究,初步阐述了不同生长条件下的一水硬铝石其形态、颜色、杂质元素有一定的差异。  相似文献   

廖友常 《中国地质》2012,39(5):1387-1396
对于高铁铝土矿的应用,在以往的文献中,大多需先进行增铝降铁或铝、铁分离后才能利用.本文介绍了遵义仙人岩铝土矿床一水硬铝石型高铁铝土矿的物化特征,采集了含Al2O353.61%,A/S 7.63,Fe2O321.96%的XCK5和Al2O351.71%,A/S 7.16,Fe2O3 24.89%的XCK4高铁铝土矿样,经拜尔法溶出试验,XCK5得到了绝对溶出率83.98%和相对溶出率96.65%,化学碱耗为57.9 kg(NaOH)/t(Al2O3);XCK4得到了绝对溶出率80.02%,相对溶出率93.01%,化学碱耗为34.9 kg(NaOH)/t (Al2O3);且赤泥沉降性能良好的试验结果.从而缩短了此类矿石需先进行增铝降铁或铝、铁分离后才能利用的工艺链,为该类矿石的应用和研究提供了一条新的途径.  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了11号煤层粘土岩夹矸的层位、分布及岩矿特征。粘土岩夹矸中的一水硬铝石晶粒常呈平行于层理面的细纹、似薄层状聚集于富含碳质及有机质的粘土岩条带中。晶体呈板状,晶粒粗大,晶形完好,连生晶发育,结晶程度高。淡褐色,透明─半透明,镜下无色透明,正高突起,最高干涉色二级蓝绿。晶胞参数为:a0=0.4406nm,b0=0.9435nm,c0=0.2847nm,α=β=γ=90°。  相似文献   

梁绍暹 《西北地质》1997,18(2):66-71,T001
本文简要叙述了11号层粘土岩夹矸的层位、分布及岩矿特征。粘土岩夹矸中的一水硬铝石晶粒常呈平行于层一是面的细纹、似薄层状聚集于富含碳质及有机质的粘土岩条带中。  相似文献   

廖友常 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):274-279
以黔北铝土矿为例,对沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿勘查评价中的4个问题进行讨论,并提出:(1)将勘查类型按普查、详查、勘探阶段分别用初定、暂定、确定来进行定性;(2)用"菱形孔"而非"矩形孔"的布置方法来解决勘查类型的变更与工程控制间距非整倍数的问题;(3)"地表工程间距加密一倍"的适用范围是:露采且处于"剥蚀区"内的矿体。地表露头线呈线状展布且上覆有岩层或虽也强风化,但仍保存原岩层层理迹象的范围,则可与勘查类型和勘查阶段同距同网;(4)普查、详查阶段中工程矿体边界A/S的取值可在1.8~2.6之间,以保证块段矿体中的A/S值达到工业要求即可。  相似文献   

刘长龄  陈新邦 《沉积学报》1997,15(4):165-168
《矿物学报》1995年第4期发表了何宏平的“天然烧变高岭石中水铝英石发现”一文。该文用核磁共振谱中-79.0×10-6附近的谱峰,认为该信号来自水铝英石,而不是来自Al-Si尖晶石。这种说法较合理,因刘长龄早就阐明偏岭石在成岩阶段由水铝英石变来。但是我们不同意“天然煤烧变高岭石经后期水化作用变成水铝英石”的观点,而主张“水铝英石是沼泽相原生沉积的;在成岩作用中转变为偏岭石不是煤烧的,有一些理化性质与变高岭石的不同”  相似文献   

《矿物学报》1995年第4期发表了何宏平的“天然烧变高岭石中水铝英石发现”一文。该文用核磁共振谱中-79.0×10-6附近的谱峰,认为该信号来自水铝英石,而不是来自Al-Si尖晶石。这种说法较合理,因刘长龄早就阐明偏岭石在成岩阶段由水铝英石变来。但是我们不同意“天然煤烧变高岭石经后期水化作用变成水铝英石”的观点,而主张“水铝英石是沼泽相原生沉积的;在成岩作用中转变为偏岭石不是煤烧的,有一些理化性质与变高岭石的不同”  相似文献   

偏岭石及其有关的变高岭石过去用一般鉴定结晶矿物的x射线衍射分析定为“非晶质”矿物;后来刘长龄用x射线衍射分析粉末照相高功率长时间拍照,见到有中、低强度的衍射线条(背景发暗).4~4.1(弥散)等多条(偏岭石);4.4及2.2等(变高岭石),二者有区别(灵敏度高的x射线衍射仪强度曲线分析也有不同(图1),而均属于准晶质或半晶质。今后再鉴定为“非晶质”矿物,不符合事实,显然是错误的。又偏岭石及变高岭石的光学性质等也不是“非晶质”,而具有强非均质性及2V[1][2].  相似文献   

混合酰胺类药剂是反浮选软钾镁矾的一种选矿浮选药剂。它首次在国内对青海盐湖研制成的滩晒软钾镁矾和氯化钠混合可溶性盐使用,具有明显的分选效果。通过实验室试验,软钾镁矾品位达94%以上,回收率90%以上。这种药剂在制备过程中采用可溶性有机液体分离产生酰胺,酰胺再与浮选活化剂混合使用的方法,通过多种药方比较,达到预期分离效果。此类混合药剂原料来源广,制备工艺简单,成本低廉,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that formation of metal sulfides in anoxic sediments limits the bioavailability of several toxic elements. Our ability to quantify the processes by which these metal sulfides form is dependent upon our ability to determine the speciation of solid phase metals in sediments. Our work indicates that an entire suite of Cu-Fe and Ni-Fe sulfide minerals can form upon the exposure of mackinawite to aqueous Cu and Ni. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the solubility of pure metal sulfide minerals and their iron-metal derivatives in HCl directly correlates with the observed trends in the 'Degree of Trace Metal Pyritization' in natural sediments. Current extraction schemes cannot distinguish discrete trace metal sulfides from trace metals associated with pyrite.  相似文献   

微细粒低品位锰矿由于颗粒间的非选择性聚集、浮选药剂用量大、浮选效率低等技术难题而致使其利用困难,造成大量浪费。在品位低于13%的锰矿浮选技术研究中,捕收剂最受关注,前人已研究了多种类型的捕收剂,所得精矿品位在16.9%~18.3%之间,回收率为56%~97%,回收率比较理想,但精矿品位总体不高。本文将新型捕收剂RA-92应用于湖南凤凰-花垣地区低品位碳酸锰矿(锰品位为10.7%)的选矿工艺中,实验研究了磨矿细度、pH值、抑制剂和捕收剂用量对浮选效果的影响,在最佳工艺条件下,精矿品位由原矿的10.7%提升至17.4%,回收率达到80.2%。研究表明RA-92对碳酸锰矿具有良好的捕收性能,浮选工艺相对简单且捕收剂用量少,浮选成本较低,可为此种捕获剂在微细粒低品位碳酸盐锰矿选矿中的应用得到推广。  相似文献   

Effects of particle size and chain length on flotation of quaternary ammonium salts (QAS) onto kaolinite have been investigated by mico-flotation tests. The two kinds of quaternary ammonium salts [RN(CH3)3] with different chain lengths, dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) were used as collectors for kaolinite in different particle size fractions (0.075–0.01 mm, 0.045–0.075 mm, 0–0.045 mm). The anomalous flotation behavior of kaolinite have been further explained based on crystal structure considerations by adsorption tests and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The results show that the flotation recovery of kaolinite in all different particle size fractions decreases with an increase in pH when DTAC and CTAC are used as collectors. As the concentration of collectors increases, the flotation recovery increases. The longer the carbon chain of QAS is, the higher the recoveries of coarse kaolinite (0.075–0.01 mm and 0.045–0.075 mm) are. But the flotation recovery of the finest kaolinite (0–0.045 mm) decreases with chain lengths of QAS collectors increasing, which is consistent with the flotation results of unsifted kaolinite (0–0.075 mm). It is explained by the froth stability related to the residual concentration of QAS collector. In lower residual concentration, the froth stability becomes worse. Within the range of flotation collector concentration, it's easy of CTAC to be completely adsorbed by kaolinite in the particle size fraction (0–0.045 mm), which led to lower flotation recovery. Moreover, it is interesting that the particle size of kaolinite is coarser, the flotation recovery is higher. The anomalous flotation behavior of kaolinite is rationalized based on crystal structure considerations. The results of MD simulations show that the (001) kaolinite surface has the strongest interaction with DTAC, compared with the (001), (010) and (110) surfaces. On the other hand, when particle size of kaolinite is altered, the number of basal planes and edge planes is changed. It is observed that the finer kaolinite particles size become, the greater relative surface area of edges is, and the more the number of edges is. It means that fine kaolinite particles have more edges to adsorb less cationic colletors than that of coarse kaolinite particles, which is responsible for the poorer floatability of fine kaolinite.  相似文献   

对世界上已经发现报道的56个铊矿物种类、晶体化学和地球化学特征以及铊矿物产出的地质条件进行了系统总结。将铊矿物分为硫化物、氧化物和含氧盐等六大类,其中铊硫化物矿物占绝大多数。在低温还原环境下,铊表现出强烈的亲硫性,可以与As、Sb、Pb、Hg、Cu和Au等元素结合形成两种形式的铊硫化物矿物:①TlwBySz(铊作为唯一的金属元素),②TlwAxBySz(除了铊以外还有其他的金属元素)。低温成矿域中贱金属矿床是铊矿物的主要产出场所。对目前铊矿物学研究的现状、最新进展和存在的问题进行了综述和探讨。  相似文献   

A new method is introduced in this study to identify the microfabric (geometric arrangement of platelets) of cohesive soil using standard X-ray diffractometer. Various sampling techniques are used to prepare the Kaolinite clay samples with different microfabrics to assess the consistency and versatility of the proposed method. This method is based on identifying the presence of basal and prism peaks from the X-ray diffraction pattern and corresponding relative intensity values. The present study also demonstrates the conditions for which Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEM) are not capable of accurately identifying the microfabric of cohesive soils. The method proposed in this study uses relative amplitudes of basal and prism peaks avoiding difficult sample and surface preparation procedures, as used by previous researchers in their microfabric identification methods. The proposed method is found to be a rapid and accurate method for identifying the microfabric of Kaolinite clay and should prove to be valuable for routine implementation for studying structured natural clays.  相似文献   

周泳  洪汉烈  边秋娟  殷莉 《地球科学》2006,31(2):171-174
采用量子化学从头算起方法中的RHF (HartreeFockRoothaan) 具体方法, 利用STO-3G基组, 对磷灰石矿物表面的能级、前线轨道组成等性质进行计算; 并在磷灰石的特征结构下, 应用DV-Xα法考查了磷灰石的前沿轨道和Fermi能级等性质.通过对计算结果的讨论, 推知在磷灰石的Ca38和P39之间所形成的共价键最强, 也表明该成键的原子之间化学稳定性最强, 同时可以推知在磷灰石表面的其他位置例如Ca24和P25之间成键的位置上化学活性较强, 从而对磷灰石矿物表面吸附能力及表面活性进行研究.   相似文献   

钙钛矿—锶钛矿—钠镧钛矿三元系是钙钛矿族矿物的典型代表。常温常压下CaTiO3为Pbnm结构,但随温度增高可分别相变为I4/mcm和Pm3m结构;SrTiO3的稳定结构是Pm3m14/mcm相;Na/2Ln1/2TiO3的结构则随Ln代表的元素种类不同而有所差异。三个端员组分在压力下的结构变化均没有明确的结论。在三个二元系中,只有CaTiO3—SrTiO3体系研究较深入,并已给出了T-X相图。本从样品的合成实验及高温和高压原位测量等方面展望钙钛矿型化合物的晶体化学研究及其意义。  相似文献   

云南金顶异极矿晶体化学特征与颜色成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究云南金顶铅锌矿床中异极矿谱学特征和颜色成因,利用湿法化学全分析、振动光谱仪、X光粉晶衍射仪和电子探针对5组异极矿样品谱学特征和化学成份进行研究。湿法化学全分析得出了异极矿的化学成份,成份中出现了可能致色的铜、铁和镍元素;X光粉晶衍射和振动光谱分析得出异极矿晶胞参数和特征谱线表明样品蓝色和白色环带均为异极矿,5组样品的平均晶胞参数为:a=0.8372nm,b=1.0702nm,c=0.5116nm;红外光谱测试中获得了未见报道的452cm。以下异极矿晶体结构吸收峰,同时分析了异极矿中的结构水、结晶水吸收谱带;对红外光谱和拉曼光谱中的各吸收谱带和特征峰进行了归属。通过电子探针、红外光谱、拉曼光谱测试和分析认为异极矿的蓝色与Cu^2+的类质同像替代有关,白色异极矿不含铜元素,白色和蓝色异极矿结构相似,异极矿玻璃光泽和土状光泽与其含有较多的结晶水有关。  相似文献   

安康矿是一种柱红石类新矿物,共化学组成为Ba0.8(Ti,V,Cr)8O16。通讨X光单晶工作。发现其结构在平行c轴方向上,存在一维的不相称超晶格有序。亚结构同柱红石结构,修正的晶胞参数a=10.118(1)A c=2.956(3)A。不相称超结构属四维的布拉维类,可能的超空间群有。不相称超结构与大孔道中的空位、以及由空位引起大阳离子沿c方向上的位移有关  相似文献   

New sample preparation and ion-exchange separation methods as well as instrumental measurement protocols were established for the determination of trace-level Cd, In, and Te concentrations in geological materials by isotope-dilution mass spectrometry. High precision isotope ratio measurements were performed with a multiple collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS). The mass biases incurred for In and Te were corrected by adding and monitoring Pd and Sb standard solutions, respectively. Mass fractionation of Cd was corrected by using the mass fractionation factor calculated from the measurement of a standard solution. The measurement precision was better than 1 % for Cd, In and Te. Detection limits were < 1 ng g-1 for Cd, < 0.02 ng g-1 for In and Te. Using these new analytical techniques, the concentrations of Cd, In and Te were determined in six international geological reference materials. Concentrations could be reproduced within 3% for Cd, 4% for In and 10% for Te. Sample heterogeneity and volatility problems might have been the reason for the relatively large differences between Te replicates. Our results displayed excellent reproducibility compared with those of other techniques and agree well with data from previously published recommended values.  相似文献   

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