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Objective To investigate the prediction of anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies (HLA) and anti-major histocompatibility complex class I-related chain A antibodies (MICA) to the development of acute rejection (AR) and kidney allograft function. Methods Forty-one kidney transplant patients were prospectively tested for anti-HLA and anti-MICA. Thirty-seven patients were screened using Luminex/single-antigen beads to determine the HLA and MICA-specific antibody levels at 0,30,90, 180,360,720 and 1080 days post-transplantation. The patients and donors of HLA and MICA allele typing were determined by PCR-SSOP, and donor specific antibody (DSA) and non-donor specific antibody (NDSA) were identified.Simultaneously,their serum creatinine (SCr) levels and clinical data were analyzed. Results Nine patients (21.95 % ,9/41 ) had pre-existing anti-HLA and(or) anti-MICA, including 6 cases of anti-MICA,2 cases of anti-HLA, and one case of anti-MICA and anti-HLA. Nine patients had pre-existing DSA and NDSA. In the 37 patients, 6 patients (16.2% ) developed de novo anti-HLA, and 3 (8.1%) developed de novo antiMICA. In patients positive for de novo anti-HLA, the titer of antibody was gradually increased during the follow-up of three years. Four patients out of 9 patients with pre-existing antibodies were suffered from AR (44.4%); In 6 patients positive for de novo anti-HLA,three cases (50.0%) were suffered from AR; In three patients positive for de novo anti-MICA,no AR occurred (P<0.05). In two patients positive for DSA of HLAⅡ antibody detected at the third and seventh day after transplantation, the renal grafts were renovecd due to rejection. The Scr levels in patients positive for pre-existing MICA with AR were higher than in those positive for pre-existing MICA without AR at each scheduled time point during the follow-up period (P<0.05). The Scr levels in patients negative for antibodies pre-transplantation and having AR were higher than in those having no AR at each scheduled time point during the follow-up period (P<0. 01 ). The Scr levels in patients positive for de novo HLA and MICA and having AR one month following transplantation were higher than in those negative for antibodies and having no AR (P<0.01 ). Conclusion Pre-existing and de novo anti-HLA were the irnportant factors for the development of AR, but the mismatch of HLA and MICA alleles in donors and patients was primary causes for generation of de novo antibodies.  相似文献   

目的 探讨抗HLA与抗主要组织相容性复合物Ⅰ类链相关基因A(MICA)抗体的表达对移植肾功能和急性排斥反应的预示作用.方法 采用免疫磁珠流式液相芯片技术检测41例肾移植受者移植前后的抗HLA和抗MICA抗体,其中37例接受了1、3、6个月及1、2、3年的动态随访.分析抗HLA和抗MICA抗体的特异性,及其与血清肌酐和排斥反应的相关性.结果 移植前共有9例(22.0%,9/41)预存抗HLA或(和)抗MICA抗体,其巾抗HLA抗体阳性2例(4.9%,2/41),抗MICA抗体阳性6例(14.6%,6/41),抗HLA和抗MICA抗体均阳性1例(2.4%,1/41).另外有5例抗MICA抗体可疑阳性.除1例的抗MICA抗体为供者特异性抗体(DSA)外,其余均为非供者特异性抗体(NDSA).37例随访者中,6例新生抗HLA抗体(16.2%),3例新生抗MICA抗体(8.1%),新生抗HLA抗体者的抗体滴度在随访3年中呈现上升趋势.9例预存抗体的受者,有4例(44.4%,4/9)发生排斥反应;6例新生抗HLA抗体的受者中,有3例(50.0%)发生急性排斥反应,而3例新生抗MICA抗体的受者均无排斥反应发生,二者间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).新生抗HLA抗体产生较早(术后3 d和7 d)的2例受者均检测到抗HLAⅡ类DSA,其移植肾均因排斥反应而切除.预存抗MICA抗体,且移植后发生排斥反应者在随访的每个时间点上的血清肌酐水平均高于预存抗MICA抗体但无排斥反应者(P<0.05);移植前抗HLA和抗MICA抗体均阴性者,术后发生排斥反应者在随访的每个时间点上的血清肌酐水平均高于抗体阴性且无排斥反应者(P<0.01);无论是新生抗HLA抗体还是抗MICA抗体,移植后1个月发生排斥反应者的血肌酐均明显高于抗体阴性且无排斥反应者(P<0.01).结论 预存和新生抗HLA抗体是移植后发生急性排斥反应的重要因素,而供、受者HLA和MICA基因错配是产生新生抗体的重要原因.  相似文献   

目的 探讨致敏肾移植受者抗主要组织相容性复合物Ⅰ类链相关基因A(MICA)抗体的表达对术后早期排斥反应和肾功能的影响.方法 致敏患者(群体反应性抗体>20%)29例,肾移植前采用蛋白A免疫吸附柱进行处理,检测吸附前后患者体内的抗MICA抗体表达情况.受者术后采用他克莫司+吗替麦考酚酯+糖皮质激素预防排斥反应.分析抗MICA抗体表达水平与排斥反应和移植肾功能的相关性.结果 29例受者中,抗MICA抗体阳性者8例(27.6%,8/29),表达6种抗体者1例,表达3种抗体者1例,仅表达1种抗体者6例.抗MICA抗体阳性组急性排斥反应发生率为37.5%(3/8),抗MICA抗体阴性组为38.1%(8/21),二者间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).群体反应性抗体(PRA)≥40%者抗MICA抗体的表达率为43.8%(7/16),明显高于PRA<40%者的7.7%(1/13,P<0.05).抗MICA抗体阳性受者的血肌酐水平在术后1周时为(135.4±21.4)μmol/L,明显高于抗MICA抗体阴性者的(108.6±31.6)μmol/L(P<0.05);术后2周时,抗MICA抗体阳性者的血肌酐降至正常范围,与阴性者比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).全部患者经蛋白A免疫吸附处理后,其抗MICA抗体持续降低.结论 抗MICA抗体在致敏患者中表达率升高,对术后早期移植肾功能的恢复有影响;蛋白A免疫吸附可有效去除致敏患者体内的抗MICA抗体.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the expression of anti-MICA antibodies and evaluate its influence on acute rejection and renal function in early period after renal transplantation. Methods A total of 29 sensitized subjects (PRA>20 %) were enrolled in this study. All the patients underwent protein A immunoabsorption treatment and the expression of anti-MICA antibodies was detected before and after treatment. Triple immunosuppressive regimen consisting of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and steroid was given to prevent graft rejection. The correlation between the expression of anti-MICA antibodies and acute rejection or serum creatinine (SCr) level was analyzed.Results The expression of anti-MICA antibodies was detected in 8 candidates (27. 6 % ,8/29) ,and 6 kinds of anti-MICA antibodies simultaneously expressed were found in one individual, 3 kinds in one case,and sole kind in 6 patients. There was no significant difference in acute rejection rate between positive anti-MICA antibodies group and negative group [37.5 % (3/8) vs 38. 1% (8/21), P>0.05). The positive expression rate of anti-MICA antibodies in the recipients with PRA ≥40% was higher than that in those with PRA <40% [43. 8 % (7/16) vs 7. 7 % (1/13),P<0.05]. The SCr level in patients positive for anti-MICA antibodies was markedly higher than that in those negative anti-MICA antibodies at the 1st week postoperatively ( 135.4 ± 21.4 vs 108. 6 -+ 31.6 μmol/L, P<0.05). The SCr level in the patients with positive anti-MICA antibodies, however, was reduced to the normal range at the 2nd week after surgery (P>0.05). The levels of anti-MICA antibodies were continuously decreased in the candidates undergoing protein A irnmunoadsorption treatment. Conclusion Higher expression of anti-MICA antibodies exists in sensitized recipients and possesses an influence on the recovery of renal function in early postoperative period. Protein A immunoadsorption can eliminate anti-MICA antibodies effectively in sensitized recipients.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the expression of anti-MICA antibodies and evaluate its influence on acute rejection and renal function in early period after renal transplantation. Methods A total of 29 sensitized subjects (PRA>20 %) were enrolled in this study. All the patients underwent protein A immunoabsorption treatment and the expression of anti-MICA antibodies was detected before and after treatment. Triple immunosuppressive regimen consisting of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and steroid was given to prevent graft rejection. The correlation between the expression of anti-MICA antibodies and acute rejection or serum creatinine (SCr) level was analyzed.Results The expression of anti-MICA antibodies was detected in 8 candidates (27. 6 % ,8/29) ,and 6 kinds of anti-MICA antibodies simultaneously expressed were found in one individual, 3 kinds in one case,and sole kind in 6 patients. There was no significant difference in acute rejection rate between positive anti-MICA antibodies group and negative group [37.5 % (3/8) vs 38. 1% (8/21), P>0.05). The positive expression rate of anti-MICA antibodies in the recipients with PRA ≥40% was higher than that in those with PRA <40% [43. 8 % (7/16) vs 7. 7 % (1/13),P<0.05]. The SCr level in patients positive for anti-MICA antibodies was markedly higher than that in those negative anti-MICA antibodies at the 1st week postoperatively ( 135.4 ± 21.4 vs 108. 6 -+ 31.6 μmol/L, P<0.05). The SCr level in the patients with positive anti-MICA antibodies, however, was reduced to the normal range at the 2nd week after surgery (P>0.05). The levels of anti-MICA antibodies were continuously decreased in the candidates undergoing protein A irnmunoadsorption treatment. Conclusion Higher expression of anti-MICA antibodies exists in sensitized recipients and possesses an influence on the recovery of renal function in early postoperative period. Protein A immunoadsorption can eliminate anti-MICA antibodies effectively in sensitized recipients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性排斥反应时移植肾组织中正常T淋巴细胞表达及调节因子(RANTES)、单核细胞趋化因子-1(MCP-1)、γ干扰素诱导的单核因子(CXCL9/Mig)、γ干扰素诱导蛋白10(CXCL10/IP-10)及其受体CCR5、CCR2、CXCR3的表达及意义.方法 以52例肾移植受者为对象,移植后常规进行移植肾穿刺,所取材料一部分进行组织学观察,另一部分采用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测各趋化因子及其受体的mRNA表达.结果 52例中,17例为临界改变,21例为排斥改变,其中I a级18例,I b级3例(以上38例为排斥组).另14例肾功能稳定,移植肾组织无明显病理变化(非排斥组).排斥组RANTES、CXCL10及CCR5的mRNA表达明显上调,其mRNA表达量分别是非排斥组的2.70倍(P<0.01)、3.76倍(P<0.01)和6.88倍(P<0.01);两组间CXCL9、MCP-1及CCR2 mRNA表达的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 急性排斥反应时,移植肾组织中RANTES、CXCL10和CCR5表达升高,提示它们在肾移植急性排斥反应中可能起重要作用,它们的高表达可以作为移植肾急性排斥反应的标志之一.  相似文献   

MICA分子是非经典的HLA-I类基因MICA编码的膜结合蛋白,为应激诱生性抗原,具高度多态性,主要表达于上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞和成纤维细胞的表面.MICA分子不但与某些肿瘤、感染及自身免疫性疾病相关,而且可能在肾移植的排斥反应中发挥重要作用.MICA通过与其受体NKG2D的特异性结合而启动体液免疫和细胞免疫,参与移植肾的急慢性排斥反应,导致移植物失功.  相似文献   

HLA配型与肾移植术后早期急性排斥反应的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究HLA配型与尸体肾移植术后早期急性排斥反应的关系。方法 将262例尸体肾移植受者按HLA配型的误配率(MM)进行分组,统计各组术后1~2个月内急性排斥反应的发生次数。结果 当MM〉3时,若接受的器官HLA抗原/基因为可接受性,术后急性排斥反应的发生率为16.4%;若供体器官HLA抗原/基因具免疫原性,则急性排斥反应的发生率为33.1%,两者比较,P〈0.05。结论 供受者间HLA配型越好  相似文献   

目的 比较ELISA法和LABScreen法检测HLA抗体结果的差异性,并分析两者对移植肾排斥的影响.方法 选取2008年11月至2009年12月期间在本科做肾移植和随访发现肌酐异常并且有肾穿记录怀疑移植肾排斥或者临界改变的患者,用莱姆德抗原板(LAT)和混合抗原板(LAT-MIX)通过ELISA方法检测HLA抗体,并与LABScreen技术检测的HLA抗体结果比较,研究两种方法对肾移植排斥检测结果的差异.结果 共277例患者被纳入研究,其中新移植230例,随访47例,术前HLA抗体阳性病例ELISA法为27例(9.7%),LABScreen法为145例(52.3%).其中ELISA法阴性而LABScreen法阳性的病例为118例(42.6%),ELISA法阳性的病例LABScreen法均阳性.未出现LABScreen法阴性而ELISA法阳性的病例,LABScreen法阳性而ELISA阴性的118个病例中,术后出现移植肾排斥的病例为41例(34.7%).两者均阴性的132个病例中,出现术后移植肾排斥的病例为24例(18.2%)(P=0.003).排斥组术后两周HLA抗体荧光强度不低于术前的占31%,而在非排斥组,术后两周HLA抗体荧光强度不低于术前的比例仅占12.8% (P< 0.01).结论 LABScreen法在对HLA抗体检出率及敏感性上远高于ELISA法,并与移植肾排斥密切相关.  相似文献   

移植肾急性排斥反应非侵入性诊断方法的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当前肾移植发展十分迅速,但移植后的急性排斥反应,仍然是影响长期存活的重要因素。如何通过非侵入性方法尽早诊断急性排斥反应,还是人们研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

Objective To explore the relationship of serum anti-MICA antibody and development of chronic rejection (CR) after renal transplantation. Methods The enrolled 105 patients included 43 cases of CR, and 62 cases of functioning renal allograft as controls. Data including PRA level before transplantation, HLA mismatch, cold ischemic time, SCr at discharge, immunosuppressive regimen,and months after transplantation were analyzed. Blood samples were collected immediately after grouping for anti-MICA antibodies, SCr determination. Acute rejection episodes and renal allograft function which was evaluated by △SCr/M [(SCr at present - SCr at discharge) /months after transplantation) were compared between anti-MICA-antibody positive patients and anti-MICA-antibody negative patients. Results There was no significant difference in gender, age, HLA mismatch, cold ischemic time, immunosuppressive regimen, SCr at discharge, months after transplantation between CR and control groups (P>0.05). Serum creatinine level and number of antiMICA-antibody positive patients in CR group were significantly increased as compared with those in control group (P<0.01 ). Acute rejection episodes during the first 3 months after transplantation in anti-MICA-antibody positive patients were significantly more than those in anti-MICA-antibody negative patients (P<0.05),and the △SCr/M in the former was higher than that in the latter (8.3 +3.6 vs 2.4 ± 2.6, P<0.05). Conclusion Humoral immunoreaction mediated by MICA partly participates the development of CR after renal transplantation. MICA antibody is a risk factor affecting long-term allograft function.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the relationship of serum anti-MICA antibody and development of chronic rejection (CR) after renal transplantation. Methods The enrolled 105 patients included 43 cases of CR, and 62 cases of functioning renal allograft as controls. Data including PRA level before transplantation, HLA mismatch, cold ischemic time, SCr at discharge, immunosuppressive regimen,and months after transplantation were analyzed. Blood samples were collected immediately after grouping for anti-MICA antibodies, SCr determination. Acute rejection episodes and renal allograft function which was evaluated by △SCr/M [(SCr at present - SCr at discharge) /months after transplantation) were compared between anti-MICA-antibody positive patients and anti-MICA-antibody negative patients. Results There was no significant difference in gender, age, HLA mismatch, cold ischemic time, immunosuppressive regimen, SCr at discharge, months after transplantation between CR and control groups (P>0.05). Serum creatinine level and number of antiMICA-antibody positive patients in CR group were significantly increased as compared with those in control group (P<0.01 ). Acute rejection episodes during the first 3 months after transplantation in anti-MICA-antibody positive patients were significantly more than those in anti-MICA-antibody negative patients (P<0.05),and the △SCr/M in the former was higher than that in the latter (8.3 +3.6 vs 2.4 ± 2.6, P<0.05). Conclusion Humoral immunoreaction mediated by MICA partly participates the development of CR after renal transplantation. MICA antibody is a risk factor affecting long-term allograft function.  相似文献   

肾小管泌氢功能试验在肾移植监测中的价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对36例肾移植患者肾移植前与术后8周内的肾小管泌氢功能,包括尿pH、可滴定酸(TA)、NH4+、酸净排出量(NAC)及HCO3-浓度进行动态监测,以探讨该试验在术后监测中的价值。结果发现,移植前pH及HCO3-明显高于正常,TA、NH4+及NAC明显低于正常。移植后肾功能稳定恢复组的五个参数均逐渐恢复,其中完全恢复正常者占62.5%;排斥组出现排斥反应时TA、NH4+及NAC合量下降,随排斥逆转而有所恢复,完全达正常者占37.5%;肾失功组患者TA、NH4+及NAC始终波动于低水平,而pH与HCO3-增高。结果表明,肾移植术活动态监测肾小管泌氢功能对了解移植肾功能状态、预测排斥反应的发生以及判断疗效和预后具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植受者的抗MICA抗体水平与慢性排斥反应的相关性及其对移植肾功能的影响.方法 共有105例受者被作为研究对象纳入分析,其中发生慢性排斥反应者(慢排组)43例,移植肾功能正常者(对照组)62例.记录两组受者术前群体反应性抗体(PRA)、HLA抗原错配数、供肾冷缺血时间、出院时血清肌酐(SCr)水平、术后免疫抑制方案以及入组时间(入组时距肾移植手术时间)等资料,并进行比较.受者分组后,抽取受者外周血,检测SCr及抗MICA抗体水平,抗MICA抗体的检测采用Luminex 100免疫磁珠流式细胞仪技术.观察与比较抗MICA抗体阳性受者和抗MICA抗体阴性受者间术后3个月内发生急性排斥反应(AR)的次数和移植肾功能的差异.移植肾功能的评价采用血清肌酐变化率(△SCr/M),即(入组时SCr值-出院时SCr值)/入组时间.结果 两组受者在性别、年龄、HLA抗原错配数、供肾冷缺血时间、术后免疫抑制方案、出院时SCr水平及入组时间的比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).分组后,慢排组受者SCr水平和抗MICA抗体阳性受者比例均明显高于对照组,两组比较,差别均有统计学意义(P<0.01,表1).抗MICA抗体阳性受者术后3个月内发生的AR次数明显多于抗MICA抗体阴性受者,二者比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).抗MICA抗体阳性受者的△SCr/M为8.3±3.6,明显高于抗MICA抗体阴性受者的2.4±2.6,二者比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 抗MICA抗体的表达与慢性排斥反应的发生相关,移植前进行MICA配型可减少术后移植肾慢性排斥反应的发生,有助于延长移植肾的长期存活.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eight cadaveric renal transplants were analysed to establish the effects of acute rejection in the first 90 days and delayed graft function (DGF) on graft outcome. There were 120 patients (39%) with no DGF and no rejection (group 1), 101 patients (33%) with rejection but no DGF (group 2), 41 patients (13%) with DGF but no rejection (group 3) and 46 patients (15%) with both rejection and DGF (group 4). The actuarial 4-year graft survival rates for groups 1,2,3 and 40.4%, respectively. The acute rejection rate was 101/221 (46%) in patients with initial graft function compared with 46/87 (53%) for those with DGF (2=1.02, P=0.31). Cox stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated that DGF was a more powerful predictive factor for poor graft survival (P=0.001) than acute rejection occurring in the first 90 days post-transplant (P=0.034). Further efforts at improving graft outcome should concentrate on reducing the incidence of DGF.  相似文献   

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