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为研究建筑围护结构属性对同一热工分区不同城市节能建筑负荷影响的敏感性,以同属于寒冷地区的兰州和郑州为研究目标所在城市,在节能65%的前提下将4种外墙、3种外窗和4种窗墙比进行组合得到了48个可能的办公建筑围护结构计算房间。分别计算了这些房间的冷负荷、热负荷和全年总负荷并分析了各热工参数对负荷的影响。通过与基准房间负荷对比,获得了具有不同热工性能的计算房间的节能率及最优的办公建筑围护结构。  相似文献   

传统火炕建筑室内热环境差,不同热工分区所需的供热量差别较大,因此,各地区适用的节能措施也不同。通过对各热工分区下的传统火炕建筑室内热负荷及室内热环境进行研究,提出了增加生物质燃料量及改善围护结构热工性能的节能策略,并对其进行相应的影响分析。在此基础上,根据农村地区已有的供暖方式,分析了不同热工分区下所适用的供暖方式以及相应的生物质燃料量,既保证了室内热舒适,也避免了不适宜供暖方式的能源浪费,为农户选择适宜的供暖方式及燃料量的控制提供依据。  相似文献   

潘云钢 《暖通空调》2006,36(1):35-42
根据《公共建筑节能设计标准》(GB50189—2005)中关于建筑热工的规定,以北京地区某办公建筑模型为例,计算了冷负荷、新风负荷和耗冷量,分析了影响设计冷量的主要因素,给出冷指标的限制范围,并提出合理选择相关参数的建议。  相似文献   

本文以哈尔滨某办公建筑为例进行研究,结合有交互作用的正交试验法,应用Energy Plus对外窗、外墙、屋面传热系数和窗墙比四个因素进行模拟实验,计算不同组合工况下的建筑能耗数值。基于计算结果,采用方差分析法,解析外围护结构传热系数和窗墙比对办公建筑采暖、制冷与总能耗影响的相关强度,进而提出严寒地区办公建筑设计策略,以及在严寒地区办公建筑节能设计、研究中,应该将建筑制冷能耗独立考虑的结论。  相似文献   

《绿色建筑评价标准》GB 50378-2019对三星级绿色建筑新增了节能门槛要求,为研究夏热冬暖地区全玻璃幕墙办公建筑实现绿建三星节能门槛指标的可行性,通过典型案例分析,分别从权衡判断建筑负荷降低和围护结构热工性能指标提高两条路径探讨达标方法,得出降低建筑负荷15%基本不可行,围护结构热工性能指标提高可通过断热铝合金框加低透光双银/三银Low-E中空玻璃实现,为夏热冬暖地区全玻璃幕墙建筑三星级绿色建筑提供设计参考。  相似文献   

赵文学  安赟刚 《砖瓦》2014,(2):45-48
利用Desgnbuilder模拟软件对西部地域九个城市的典型办公建筑在自然通风和非自然通风条件下进行逐时能耗模拟,以节能率和单位面积节能量为指标,结合通风潜力计算结果综合分析各地区的自然通风节能潜力。结果表明各热工分区的自然通风节能潜力大小依次为温和地区、严寒地区、寒冷地区,夏热冬冷地区总体不具备自然通风节能潜力,但是在过渡季节仍有一定的节能效果。  相似文献   

文中以某办公建筑的设计为例,分析建筑供暖空调负荷降低和围护结构热工性能两个方面的指标,研究其是否达到节能要求。  相似文献   

为降低乌鲁木齐办公建筑采暖能耗,对办公建筑采暖能耗影响因素进行研究,进行了单因素分析,确定单因素变化对建筑耗热量指标的影响,得到各个单因素和建筑耗热量指标的量化关系,给出单因素和建筑耗热量指标的拟合曲线以及线性回归方程;分析了多因素对建筑耗热量指标的影响,确定各影响因素对建筑采暖能耗影响的主次顺序和显著性程度,以此来确定建筑节能改造中的主要因素,使节能工作能够做到主次有序,抓大放小。  相似文献   

利用能耗模拟分析软件eQUEST3.55研究广州地区办公建筑围护结构热工参数对建筑空调负荷的影响,分析其对建筑空调负荷节能率的贡献.结果表明,优化办公建筑围护结构是实现绿色建筑相关评价标准节能率比较有效合理的途径.基于目前节能技术,提出采用常规节能技术和较高端节能技术两种方案,分析得出围护结构节能贡献的合理范围为52%~54%.  相似文献   

超高层建筑的高层风速和温降都会影响空调负荷,其影响程度与建筑所处气候分区有关。选取分属5个气候分区的哈尔滨、沈阳、北京、上海、广州,研究了因高层风速和温降的影响对外墙、屋顶和天窗的空调夏季冷负荷和冬季热负荷的高度修正系数。结果表明,高层风速对夏季冷负荷的影响很小,因高层风速和温降综合作用减小的冷负荷可考虑作为空调冷负荷的安全余量,在计算中不予考虑;冬季热负荷受高层风速和温降的影响较大,南方地区的影响大于北方,哈尔滨、沈阳、北京、上海、广州500m高建筑的外墙高度修正系数分别为8%,9%,12%,15%,22%。  相似文献   

Principal component analysis of dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature and global solar radiation was considered, and a new climatic index (principal component Z) determined for two emissions scenarios – low and medium forcing. Multi-year building energy simulations were conducted for generic air-conditioned office buildings in Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming and Hong Kong, representing the five major architectural climates in China. Regression models were developed to correlate the simulated monthly heating and cooling loads and building energy use with the corresponding Z. The coefficient of determination (R2) was largely within 0.78–0.99, indicating strong correlation. A decreasing trend of heating load and an increasing trend of cooling load due to climate change in future years were observed. For low forcing, the overall impact on the total building energy use would vary from 4.2% reduction in severe cold Harbin (heating-dominated) in the north to 4.3% increase in subtropical Hong Kong (cooling-dominated) in the south. In Beijing and Shanghai where heating and cooling are both important, the average annual building energy use in 2001–2100 would only be about 0.8% and 0.7% higher than that in 1971–2000, respectively.  相似文献   

There are many factors that drive the energy consumption and demand in high-rise commercial office buildings. Understanding the effects of individual building parameters and two-factor interactions can be very useful for directing building audits and developing energy simulation models. A fractional factorial analysis was conducted to evaluate a large number of building parameters in an effort to quantify their effect on building energy consumption and demand. The analysis utilized building data collected from 22 building audits of high-rise commercial office buildings located in the downtown Chicago Loop area. Simulation results for three of the buildings show the effects of each factor and two-factor interactions on energy consumption and demand over a set of climate zones. The factors of primary importance include lighting and equipment power density, chiller efficiency, window U-value, the mass of interior furnishings and supply fan static pressure.  相似文献   

对重庆某高校办公建筑进行了实测和模拟分析,发现其存在节能潜力.对影响办公建筑能耗的因素进行了模拟分析,用正交实验和方差分析的方法分析发现,建筑窗墙比和室内设定温度对建筑能耗的影响非常显著.根据重庆市的办公建筑和气候特征,分别从节能技术和政策管理等方面提出了有针对性的节能策略.  相似文献   

严寒和寒冷地区冬季对化石能源需求量较大,“近零能耗建筑”是我国降低采暖能耗的有效途径。我国之前主要参照德国被动房的设计规范,但严寒和寒冷地区与德国的气候并不完全相同。文中利用DeST建立寒区居住建筑和办公建筑模型,以哈尔滨、沈阳和北京为代表城市,对基准建筑和“近零能耗建筑”进行模拟,结合中德两国近零能耗建筑技术标准,进行严寒和寒冷地区近零能耗建筑的能耗分析。结果表明德国被动房的能耗指标不完全适用于我国,同时应针对不同功能的公共建筑制定能耗控制指标。  相似文献   

广州地区办公建筑外围护结构的热工性能与节能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵立华  李宁  王钊 《建筑科学》2008,24(4):49-53
办公建筑的空调能耗是围护结构的温差传热、室内热扰、太阳辐射等因素动态综合作用的复杂结果。本文采用DeST软件对广州地区某办公建筑围护结构的各项节能措施的节能效果进行分析,结果表明:降低外窗的遮阳系数、外墙和屋顶的传热系数对减少建筑全年空调能耗和最大空调冷负荷是有利的,但降低窗的传热系数对减少建筑全年空调能耗和最大空调冷负荷不利。建议在办公建筑节能设计过程中,模拟计算全年能耗,确定能耗低且技术经济合理的方案,尤其要慎重考虑是否采用低传热系数的窗。  相似文献   

罗淑湘  许威  李俊领 《建筑节能》2009,37(11):42-46
利用DeST-c软件,通过大量的模拟分析,探讨了不同气候区门窗玻璃的热工性能参数即传热系数(U)和太阳得热系数(SHGC)对建筑能耗的影响.结果表明:从节能方面考虑,对于严寒地区(哈尔滨),应降低K值,增加SHGC值.对于夏热冬暖地区(广州),应降低SHGC值.对于夏热冬冷地区(上海)和温和地区(重庆),应降低K值和SHGC值.而对于寒冷地区(北京),当窗墙比较大时,应降低K值和SHGC值;当窗墙比较小时,应降低K值,增加SHGC值.门窗玻璃的SHGC值全年固定不变对建筑节能不利.理想的门窗玻璃SHGC值应能随季节变化进行相应调整.  相似文献   

郑竹 《钢结构》2012,(Z1):159-164
广州珠江新城为广州市的金融中心区,高楼林立,其中F1-1地块超高层建筑为广州侨鑫集团总部。地块开发分办公主塔楼,高227.7米,以及酒店塔楼、底部商业综合体及地下室。主塔楼采用框架核心筒结构,为超B级高度建筑。作为抗震构造加强措施的一环以及为实现建筑功能、提高空间利用率,对外框柱在塔楼底部区采用钢管混凝土柱。由于项目裙楼局部采用大空间结构、以及办公塔楼顶部"王冠"的建筑造型需要,结构上均采用了钢结构。本文将对上述各部位钢结构的应用情况进行介绍。上述应用说明随着现代建筑结构形式的发展,钢-混凝土混合应用的案例在工程实践中越来越广泛。  相似文献   

Daylighting has often been recognized as a useful source of energy savings and visual comforts in buildings. Occupants expect good daylight in their working spaces. The quality and quantity of natural light entering a building depend on both internal and external factors. In Hong Kong, commercial building accounts for the major building energy use and electric lighting is one of the major electricity-consuming items. This paper studies the daylighting performance and energy implications for office buildings. A total of 35 commercial buildings have been selected in the survey. Key building parameters affecting daylighting designs are presented. Two typical office blocks were further analysed based on a lighting simulation program. The daylighting performance was evaluated in terms of daylight factor, room depth and glare index. It has been found that the daylighting performance for office buildings is quite effective. About one-third of the office areas that are near the perimeter regions have an average daylight factor of 5%. For inner region of deep plan offices, some innovative daylighting systems such as light redirecting panels and light pipe could be used to improve the daylighting performance. In general, the office building envelop designs are conducive to effective daylighting and proper daylight linked lighting controls could save over 25% of the total electric lighting use.  相似文献   

Sustainable low-energy office buildings attempt to harness the buildings architecture and physics to provide a high quality working environment with the least possible primary energy consumption. A promising approach to condition those buildings in summer employs the utilization of the building's thermal storage activated by natural heat sinks (e.g., ambient air, ground water or soil) through night ventilation or thermally activated building systems (TABS). However, a certain room temperature cannot be guaranteed as occupants may influence the room energy balance by window opening, internal heat gains or sun shading control. Between 2001 and 2005, monitoring campaigns were carried out over 2 or 3 years in 12 low-energy office buildings which are located in three different summer climate zones in Germany. These climate zones are defined as summer-cool, moderate and summer-hot. The weather at the building site and the room temperatures in several office rooms were monitored by different scientific teams. The raw data are processed for data evaluation using a sophisticated method to remove errors and outliers from the database and to identify the time of occupancy. The comfort in all office rooms in each building is evaluated separately. For data presentation, these separate comfort votes per office room are averaged using the median instead of the arithmetic mean in order not to overestimate extremely cold or hot room temperatures. A comfort evaluation in these 12 low-energy office buildings indicates clearly, that buildings which use only natural heat sinks for cooling provide good thermal comfort during typical and warm summer periods in Germany. However, long heat waves such as during the extreme European summer of 2003 overstrain passively cooled buildings with air-driven cooling concepts in terms of thermal comfort.  相似文献   

通过对种植屋面能耗产生影响的土壤厚度、植物高度和叶面积指数(LAI)三因素三水平正交试验研究,分析影响种植屋面能耗的因素的主次顺序,判断因素的显著性,为重庆办公建筑种植屋面参数的选取提供参考。影响全年能耗的因素中土壤厚度、植物高度和LAI的影响为高度显著,土壤厚度×LAI、植物高度×LAI的影响为显著。重庆办公建筑粗放式种植屋面在土壤厚度为0.3 m、植物高度为0.3 m、LAI为5时,全年能耗最小,为59.57 kW·h/(m2·a)。  相似文献   

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