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间歇精馏常规设计和优化设计的模型及算法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
建立了板式间歇精馏塔在恒馏出液组成操作状况下常规设计及优化设计的数学模型。常规设计模型用数值方法编程求解,对二元理想及非理想溶液均适用。优化设计模型以间歇精馏系统年效益最大为优化目标,用菲波那契法求解单变量优化问题,用复合形法求解多变量优化问题。模型同时考虑对整个间歇精馏系统(包括塔主体、塔顶冷凝器及塔底再沸器)进行优化,更符合工程实际情况。求解模型可得到间歇精馏过程最优的一系列设计和操作参数(如理论板数,塔径,操作回流比,塔釜蒸发量,釜残液组成,冷凝器传热面积及冷却水出口温度,再沸器传热面积及加热蒸汽温度等)。算例表明,对恒馏出液组成间歇精馏单变量及多变量优化设计比常规设计分别提高年效益2.6%和18.9%。  相似文献   

在合理假设的前提下建立间歇精馏过程的严格动态模型,此模型按精馏塔的结构分解为:再沸器、塔板、冷凝器、回流釜、分配器及产品罐模型等6个子模型,塔板子模型考虑了液相持液量。基于Cape-Open标准采用面向对象程序设计方法,实现各个子模型程序,将各个子模型的参数及解算方法封装在各自的类中,利用四阶龙格库塔积分方程,采用逐板计算法由塔釜至产品罐自下而上地求解该模型。最后引入一3组份混合物间歇精馏实例,模拟结果较好地反映了该物系间歇精馏的动态特征,表明该模型准确可靠,所开发的系统稳定。  相似文献   

间歇精馏过程模拟优化研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文讨论了描述间歇精馏过程的严格模型及其基础上的各种简化模型,包括简捷模型、分段模型、半严格模型和降阶模型。总结了求解刚性微分方程的各种方法,其中各类BDF方法在解刚性方程时效果较好。分析比较了优化间歇精馏过程的两种方法以及综合优化问题的两种方法—二层法和SA法。  相似文献   

用Visual Basic5.0语言开发多效蒸发系统优化设计软件   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
利用Visual Basic5.0语言开发多效蒸发系统优化设计应用软件。软件有两大功能模块,一是多媒体学习模块,利用模块可以学习不同流程的多效蒸发系统优化设计建模思路及模型求解算法;二是设计计算模块,利用该模块可以对不同的多效蒸发流程(并流或逆流)及设计情况(常规设计或优化设计)选择适宜的算法进行设计计算。软件采用了Access动态数据库和面向对象的编程技术,可在Windows9X操作平台下独立运行。软件界面友好、操作方使、运行可靠稳定。  相似文献   

为除去DEM粗产品中的少量乙醇,获得高纯度DEM产品,测定乙醇-DEM体系的汽液平衡数据,采用间歇精馏法将体系分离精制.确定了精馏工艺条件,考查了原料组成、填料高度等因素对分离的影响,采用理论板数n≥28的填料蒸馏塔,当原料中乙醇含量等于2%时,产品DEM纯度町高于99.6%,回收率超过88%.为以后的工业装置设计及工业化生产提供了充足的实验依据.  相似文献   

通过分析软件逆向工程数据的特点,提出了建立面向对象的软件逆向工程数据库系统,介绍了针对软件逆向工程数据而构造的数据类的形式,最后讨论了软件逆向工程数据库的结构和维护等技术。  相似文献   

采用"瞬间稳态"法计算恒回流比多组分间歇精馏过程.提出操作初始态馏出液组成的设定依据,减少回流比和理论板数设计的盲目性.程序完善多组分间歇精馏回流比和理论板数的计算方法,简化馏出液瞬间组成、平均组成及釜残液瞬间组成的计算过程.  相似文献   

对于恒回流比操作方式的间歇精馏,过程计算量大且公式应用相对复杂,用计算机完成间歇精馏的过程计算及操作仿真已经成为许多国内外学者的研究课题。为了满足系统的响应速度,提高动态釜液量误差,用Excel的VBA、函数、图表及重算等功能,实现间歇精馏的计算机仿真的新方法。在Excel中,建立了间歇精馏过程的数学模型与“数据处理表”,完成多项式拟合,由递推公式确定塔内各塔板液相组成xn与时间t的动态响应关系。获得的六次拟合曲线接近于实测的平衡数据,其相关系数达到0.999,各塔板液相组成xn与时间t的动态响应关系与实际计算吻合较好,获得了较满意的结果,为设计提供有效依据。  相似文献   

基于COM的工控软件数据库的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘铭  乔昆  施仁 《计算机工程》2002,28(4):219-221
介绍了基于面积对象技术和COM组件技术的工控软件数据库的设计,一方面保证了工控系统运行的实时性和稳定性,另一方面实现了系统的开放性,满足了信息化发展的要求。  相似文献   

VBA实现恒馏出液组成间歇精馏的计算机模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于恒馏出液组成操作方式的间歇精馏,过程计算相对复杂,计算量很大。在常用软件Excel中利用VBA实现塔内各塔板液相组成xn与时间t的动态响应,完成间歇精馏的过程计算及模拟,具有可视化、即时化、自动化等优点,可行且有实用意义。  相似文献   

A novel, rigorous and efficient solution technique for multicomponent batch distillation modelling equations is proposed. Model predictions using the technique are shown to be in close agreement with experimental batch distillation data for a ten sieve tray, 15 cm diameter column separating ethanol and water. The results also show improved accuracy over commercially available programs for batch distillation. The method incorporates rigorous dynamic energy blances as well as accurate representation of both tray hydraulics and non-ideal mass transfer. The technique is based on a functional approximation for liquid enthalpy and makes a difficult-to-calculate temperature derivative implicit in other terms in the equations, eliminating the need for iterative solution techniques. The numerical efficiency of the method permits its utilization in model-based optimization and control calculations. The modelling approach is applicable to both batch and continuous dynamic distillation models.  相似文献   

A batch reactor may be combined directly with a distillation column by distilling off the light component product in order to increase the reactor temperature or to improve the product yield of an equilibrium reaction. The same amount of the light product should be removed as the amount being formed by the reaction at any time. A linearized model has been developed which describes the process behaviour satisfactorily for control analysis purposes. The controllability of a combined batch reactor/batch distillation column is found to depend strongly on the operating conditions and on the time during the run. In general, controlling only the reactor temperature (one-point bottom control) is difficult since the set-point has to be specified below a maximum value in order to avoid break-through of an intermediate component in the ditillate. This maximum value may be difficult to know a priori. For the example considered in this study, control of both reactor temperature and distillate composition (two-point control) is also found to be difficult due to large interactions in the column. As with one-point bottom control, the reactor temperature has to be specified below a maximum value. However, energy can be saved since the heat duty can be decreased with time. Controlling the temperature on a tray in the column (one-point column control) is found to give good performance for the given process with no loss of reactant and a high reactor temperature, although no direct control of the reactor temperature is obtained.  相似文献   

以板式吸收塔系统的年总费用为目标函数,建立了优化设计数学模型,以吸收塔的液气比为决策变量,用单变量优化算法(菲波拿契法)求得最优解。用Visual Basic6.0开发出板式吸收塔优化设计软件。软件运行于Windows 9x系统,界面友好,操作方便。算列表明优化设计比常规设计节省生产成本。  相似文献   

地震多属性分析(Seis2A)系统采用现代数学、信息学工具,实现了多种地震属性提取分析方法,是用于高精度地震勘探和油藏描述的自主研发软件.基于面向对象的设计分析方法,介绍了需求分析、系统框架设计,类详细设计和C++/Qt/Coin3D代码实现的全过程.项目管理采用敏捷开发过程,进行了以人为中心、结对编程、快速原型、单元测试、代码重构、多次迭代、持续集成、小型团队的开发实践.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper describes the development of a prototype expert system for the selection of design patterns that are used in object-oriented software. Design patterns provide one method of software reuse, which supports the goal of improved software development productivity. The prototype system represents an initial step towards providing an automated solution regarding the design pattern application problem, i.e. leading a designer to a suitable design pattern which is applicable to the problem at hand. The feasibility of using expert system technology to aid in the selection problem is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the simultaneous optimization of a batch distillation column design and its operation, for single and multiple separation duties, each involving different multicomponent mixtures and complex operations with intermediate cuts. For operation structures selected a priori, the formulation presented permits the use of general distillation design and cost models. The objective function and constraints include capital and operating cost. In particular, the number of internal plates is optimized along with the most significant operating variables (recoveries in various cuts and reflux ratio profiles and times). The multiple duty formulation presented accounts for the different importance of each duty and setup time between batches. Application of the method to single duty multicomponent separation from the literature shows that significant profit improvements can be achieved within acceptable computing times. For multiple separation duties (two binary mixtures), the method clearly shows the importance of including allocation time to each duty and setup time for each batch in the objective function.  相似文献   

以正庚烷-正辛烷体系为例,根据R=f(n,XD)=nRmin,以假定最初的馏出液组成XD,0和n值,交替进行两次迭代试差,最终确定最小回流比和适宜回流比,修正了文献所给出的不妥之处。另外,用解析计算取代面积积分,求解釜液量。  相似文献   

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