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朱意秋 《珠江水运》2006,(12):17-17
尝试发布中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜是一件好事,我国有几百个港口,值得做这一事情。初始,做的相对粗糙一点,应该给与宽容。再说,也不要将它对中央决策或社会的影响力给予过高的期望。重要的是用同样的方法一年一年坚持下去,比如像财富世界500强排行榜,胡润的中国首富排行榜那样,才能获得社会声誉。  相似文献   

2007中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由中国国际海运网与大连海事大学世界经济研究所联合推出的“2007中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜”于2008年1月25日正式对外公布。为了更真实、更具指导性地反映中国港口的情况,排行一改中国各类港口排行中吞吐量唱主角的局面,分别从投资趋势、吞吐量增长率、港口作业能力、港口财务状况和港口自然条件这5个方面进行评选。研究机构推出的港口排名,可谓仁者见仁,智者见智。此文不代表本刊的观点,请读者细细品味。  相似文献   

中国国际海运网与大连海事大学世界经济研究所于今年8月15日联合发布我国首个“中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜”,一时成为我国航运新闻热点,先后被新华社、人民口报、国际商报、经济参考报、路透社、大公报、中央电视台、网易、新浪、搜狐、各行业门户网站等国内外500多家媒体争相报道,引起航运业界广泛关注。其实公布港口排行榜并不是一件新鲜事,给港口排序是多年来国内外航运界的通常做法。中国国际海运网与大连海事大学世界经济研究所联合公布“中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜报告”,  相似文献   

1宁波一舟山港 2008年宁波-舟山港货物吞吐量增加10.63%,集装箱吞吐量增长达15.8%。集装箱吞吐量已突破1000万标准箱大关。标志着宁波-舟山港成为我国又一个千万标箱级的世界性大港。  相似文献   


港口竞争力排行榜一发布,便在港口业界掀起波澜,而对于中国港口竞争力排名测算方式的争论也随之展开。由于榜单的发布牵涉到各方利益,争论是难免的,也只有在大家的共同探讨下,港口竞争力排行榜才能不断完善。榜单的发布能引起较大的社会反响,正说明研究成果密切联系社会才能创造良好的社会效益,这种立足于服务社会的研究理念值得业内学术界同仁学习;同时这种强强联合的研究模式也值得学术界借鉴和推广。  相似文献   

日前,某网络媒体和某知名大学的研究所联手发布了《中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜》报告。排名前10位的港口分别是上海、深圳、青岛、宁波、广州、天津、厦门、大连、连云港和营口。据悉,此次中国港口综合竞争力评比从5个方面、13项指标进行分析,5个方面分别是:投资趋势、吞吐量、港口作业能力、港口财务状况和港口自然条件。  相似文献   

徐剑华 《珠江水运》2006,(12):15-16
8月15日,中国国际海运网与大连海事大学世界经济研究所联手发布了《中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜》报告。排名前10位的港口分别是上海、深圳、青岛、宁波、广州、天津、厦门、大连、连云港和营口。据悉,此次中国港口综合竞争力评比从5个方面、13项指标进行分析,5个方面分别是:  相似文献   

●我国集装箱吞吐量超过美国,跃居世界首位. ●上海港吞吐量突破3亿吨,位居世界第二大港. 2003年我国港口生产取得了令人瞩目的成绩,再创历史新高.快报统计显示,2003年全国主要港口完成:  相似文献   

在利用新型天然生物质填料生物膜反应器(BBF)进行城市生活污水处理的小试研究时对其自生蠕虫的产生及其影响效果进行了分析。当反应器稳定运行至20d时,反应器生物膜上出现大量蠕虫,反应器出水TP值有明显上升,其他出水水质指标影响不大。植物中空纤维填料生物膜反应器自生大密度蠕虫对污泥减量的效果明显。是值得利用的一种污泥生物处理手段。  相似文献   

应用化学涂敷法制备了铜离子螫合纤维,考察了其对铜离子的平衡吸附过程及pH值对吸附性能的影响,对比了螯合纤维及D113树脂吸附铜离子的速率,并用准一级和准二级动力学方程对实验数据进行分析拟合,从而得出结论--在相同的pH值和浓度下,螯合纤维的吸附速率是D113树脂吸附速率的十几倍.  相似文献   

The role of copepods in the colonization and emigration processes of benthos and drift of an irrigation canal were studied. During the 3 first years of existence of the canal, fifteen species of copepods were recorded (1 diaptomid, 11 cyclopoids, 3 harpacticoids). Copepod succession in the canal was initially represented by lentic species, then by predatory species like Macrocyclops albidus that developed with the proliferation of filamentous algae and epibionts during the first two years. Primary consumers appeared from the beginning of the flowing conditions but started to dominate only from the third year. Smaller species associated with the bed sediments like the harpacticoid species Nitocra hibernica, were late colonizers. The latter as well as Paracyclops fimbriatus and Eucyclops serrulatus were the dominant copepod species in the canal. Total copepod density in the benthos ranged from 15,800 to 68,000 ind./m2, with a mean of 7.6% of the total zoobenthos. Copepods constituted up to 25% of the total faunal drift density, ranging from 50 to 140 ind./m3. Their highest abundance was observed around midnight. A three-fold increase of the discharge temporarily affected the drift density, but did not change the diel rhythm of the drift. Cyclopoid copepods namely P. fimbriatus (54.77%), copepodid cyclopoids (20.76%) and E. serrulatus (16.11%) formed the main part of the drift samples. The harpacticoid Nitocra hibernica was a minor participant in the drift processes.  相似文献   


There is increasing concern regarding the impacts of recreational four-wheel driving (4WDing) on sandy beach environments. The ghost crab Ocypode cordimanus is a widely distributed Australian species that utilizes beaches and dunes for constructing burrows and for foraging. Comparisons of ghost crab abundances (using burrow counts) in areas “open” and “closed” to recreational 4WDing were conducted on exposed sandy beaches on North Stradbroke Island, off the coast of southeast Queensland. Beaches where recreational 4WD activity is present had significantly lower ghost crab abundances than beaches where it is absent. The most plausible reason for this difference in abundance is that ghost crabs are highly vulnerable to being crushed by beach traffic when feeding on the beach at night. To mitigate the impacts of recreational 4WDing on ghost crab population management intervention is needed. Possible changes to the management of recreational 4WD activity include the setting aside of areas free of recreational 4WD activity for the conservation of biodiversity, or a prohibition on driving on the beaches between dusk and dawn. There is also a need for a consistent and transparent approach in Queensland for quantifying and monitoring 4WD activity in sandy beach environments.  相似文献   

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