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Tissue culture, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and spectra analysis were used for studying the aggregation mechanism of protoplasts from Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux and the discrepancy between the protoplast-regenerated plants and the wild type. The aggregation of protoplasts from B. hypnoides was observed in natural seawater and artificial seawater with different pH values, and the location and mechanism of the materials causing the aggregation were also studied. Results showed that the protoplasts could aggregate into some viable spheres in natural seawater and subsequently grow into mature individuals. Aggregation of the protoplasts depended exclusively upon the pH value (6-11), and the protoplasts aggregated best at pH 8-9. Some of the extruded protoplasts were separated into two parts by centrifugation: the pellet (PO) and the supernatant (PL). The PO could aggregate in artificial seawater (pH 8.3) but not in PL. No aggregation was found in PO cultured in natural seawater containing nigericin, which can dissipate the proton gradients across the membrane. These experiments suggest that the aggregation of protoplasts is proton-gradient dependent and the materials causing the aggregation were not in the vacuolar sap, but located on the surface or inside the organelles. Furthermore, the transfer of the materials across the membrane was similar to △pH-based translocation (△pH/TAT) pathway that occurs in the chloroplasts of higher plants and bacteria. Obvious discrepancies in both the total soluble proteins and the ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b between the regenerated B. hypnoides and the wild type were found, which may be related to the exchange of genetic material during aggregation of the organelles. In the process of development, diatom Amphora coffeaeformis Agardh attached to the protoplast aggregations, retarding their further development, and once they were removed, the aggregations immediately germinated, which showed that diatoms can affect the development of other algae.  相似文献   

Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux was regenerated In vitro from the protoplasm squeezed out from wild algae and the regenerated Individuals had an advantage over Indlvlduala from the wild In terms of growth. Culturing of segments of thalll also showed that segments from the regenerated algae grew better than those from individuals from the wild. The segment that corresponds to a part of a cell, at least a part of the protoplasm, can develop Into a mature Individual, Including rhlzold and thallus, suggesting that a multlnucleate alga, such as B. hypnoides, Is different from higher plants, whose totlpotancy Is based on an Intact cell (or protoplasm). Further cultivation of mature Individuals from segments Indicated that the organelles In the thallus had two ways In which they could survive when the alga was on the decline: (Ⅰ) the organelles were transferred Into a ball with a gelatinous envelope through a formed pipe and the ball seemed to be capable of being propagated; and (Ⅱ) the organelles were aggregated In the thallus and then moved to the outside. An Interesting result Is that one organelle aggregation located outside the thallus germinated and developed Into a mature alga, although most organelle aggregations gradually lost vitality and died. The results of the present study reveal that the aggregation of organelles can regenerate a stronger organism than Individuals from the wild owing to the complete exchange of genetic material and may possibly enable organelles to survive in unfavorable surroundings.  相似文献   

Newly regenerated thalli were used to study the phototropism of Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux under different qualities of light. Positive phototropism in the thalli and negative phototropiam In the rhizoida of B. hypnoides were investigated and analyzed in terms of bending. Both thaiii and rhlzoids developed from thallus segments exhibited typical tip growth, and their photoreceptive sites for phototroplam were also restricted to the apical hemisphere. The bending curvature of rhizoids and thalli were determined with unilateral lights at various wavelengths and different fluence rates after a fixed duration of Illumination. The trends of bending from the rhizoid and thallus were coincident, which showed that the action spectrum had a large range, from ultraviolet radiation (366.5 nm) to green light (524 nm). Based on the bending curvatures, blue light had the highest efficiency, while the efficiency of longer wavelengths (〉500 nm) was significantly lower. External Ca^2+ had no effect on the bending curvature of thalli and rhlzolda. Blue light (440 nm) induced thallus branching from rhizoids, while red light (650 nm) had no such effect. Fast-occurring chloroplast accumulation In the outermost cytoplasmic layer of the blue light (440 nm)-Irradiated region In the rhizoid was observed, from which protrusions (new thalli) arose after 4 h of the onset of illumination, and this action was thought to be driven by the dynamics of actin microfilamenta.  相似文献   

The chloroplasts, mitochondria, and protoplasm devoid of mature chloroplasts (PMC) of Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux were isolated by low-speed and sucrose density centrifugation. The PMC aggregated in artificial seawater, and then protoplasts without mature chloroplasts (PtMCs) were formed. Transmission electron microscopy and cytochemical studies indicated that there were mitochondria, nuclei, vesicles, and other small cell organelles in the PtMCs. Scanning electron microscopy showed that there were holes on the surface of 1-h PtMCs and then fewer holes on the surface of 24-h PtMCs, suggesting that a healing process occurred. The plasma membrane was formed over the surface of the PtMCs. However, the cell wall was not regenerated, and the newly formed PtMCs were ruptured and died in 3 days. Light intensity during alga maintenance before use influenced significantly (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001) on the number of PtMCs formed; the highest number of PtMCs was formed at 20μmol/(m2 s). When isolated chloroplasts were transferred into seawater, there were only two or three chloroplasts aggregated together. However, isolated mitochondria and the mixed six layers of cell organelles (separated by sucrose density centrifugation) could not aggregate in the artificial seawater. This indicates that the conjunction of cell organelles is important for their aggregation. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2009, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 123–130. The text was submitted by the autors in English.  相似文献   

用~3H—葡萄糖饲喂矮牵牛叶肉原生质体,发现放射性集中在半纤维素部分,占整个再生壁的83%~90%,而纤维素中约占9%。纸层析分析证明,葡萄糖占半纤维素部分中性糖总量的70%,再生壁主要是由非纤维素葡聚糖组成。原生质体在含有~3H—葡萄糖的培养基中培养4d后,24h追踪表明,部分半纤维素转化成纤维素。加入香豆素,至少3d之内抑制半纤维素向纤维素转化;除去抑制剂,半纤维素含量迅速降低而纤维素增加。所以认为矮牵牛叶向原生质体壁再生过程中半纤维素是合成纤维素的前体。  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from leaf, petiole and stem segment-derived calli induced from one pistillate plant of Actinidia deliciosa line No. 26. Regenerated plantlets were obtained from protoplasts of leaf-derived and stem segment-derived calli, while only calli regenerated from protoplasts of petiole-derived calli. Seventy-six plants from protoplasts of leaf-derived calli and 21 plants from that of stem segment-derived calli survived after transplanting or grafting during 1987–1989. One staminate plant and two pistillate plants bloomed in May, 1991 and fruited soon afterwards. In all of those three plants regenerated from protoplasts of leafderived calli, sex differentiation occurred from somatic cells of Actinidia was verified. Somaclonal variation on leaf shape and plant morphology was obviously appeared. Chromosome number identified from 16 plants varied from 116 to 180.  相似文献   

Fruiting bodies were induced from mycelium regenerated from Pleurotus ostreatus protoplasts. Mycelia originated from protoplasts conformed to parental strain mycelia in morphology. Six strains selected at random from the dikaryotic regenerants were able to form normal fruiting bodies, yielding 18% more than the parent.  相似文献   

双歧杆菌原生质体的制备与回复研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进行了双歧杆菌原生质体的制备与回复相关技术研究 ,为其基因操作及相关研究提供技术基础。采用浓度分别为 1 ,5 ,1 0mg/LMutanolysin(变溶菌素 )对长双歧杆菌进行脱壁处理 ,以探讨其原生质体形成与时间和酶浓度的关系 ,然后选用较适宜的酶浓度 ( 5mg/LMutanolysin)制备其原生质体 ,并将其倾入自制的双层再生培养基上 ,观察其在不同环境条件下培养时的回复生长情况。结果表明 ,长双歧杆菌的细胞壁对Mu tanolysin较为敏感 ,用浓度为 5mg/L的Mutanolysin处理长双歧杆菌 40min ,在普通光学显微镜下即可见90 %的原生质体形成 ,当Mutanolysin浓度为 1 0mg/L时 ,只需 2 5min其原生质体形成率就达此值。制备的长双歧杆菌原生质体倾入自制的双层再生培养基中 ,在厌氧条件下能很好地回复生长。  相似文献   

从硬紫草悬浮细胞系AR126分离原生质体,只有用葡萄糖作渗透剂经琼脂糖-液体双层培养才能获得可见的原生质体克隆,从中选择34个克隆,用两阶段法生产紫草素及其衍生物,测量了它们在两阶段的细胞生长量及生产阶段的色素含量,并比较了其分布规律,其中最好的原生质体克隆色素生产量是起始悬浮系的2.54倍,经培养40d达44.06mgg-1FW,而且其生产量在所测的80d内无明显下降。  相似文献   

茄子子叶原生质体再生可育植株   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将茄子子叶原生质体放在0.75%纤维素酶R-10、0.2%半纤维素酶Rhozyme和0.2%果胶酶溶液中分离。原生质体在培养基中诱导出小愈伤组织。愈伤组织在Ms+2mg/l KT+0.005mg/l NAA+2%蔗糖的固体培养基中,一个月后分化出芽。芽生长至3—4厘米高,转接在Ms+0.1mg/l 1AA+1%活性炭+2%蔗糖的培养基上,一个星期后可长出根,继而形成完整植株。随后移栽至灭菌的混合土壤中长到开花结果。  相似文献   

An efficient plant regeneration system was developed from isolated protoplasts of Echinacea purpurea L. using an alginate block/liquid culture system. Viable protoplasts could be routinely isolated from young leaves of Echinacea seedlings in an isolation mixture containing 1.0% cellulase Onozuka R-10, 0.5% pectinase and 0.3 mol l–1 mannitol. Purified protoplasts were embedded in 0.6% Na-alginate block at a density of 1 × 105/ml and cultured in a modified MS medium containing 0.3 mol l–1 sucrose, 2.5 µmol l–1 BA and 5.0 µmol l–1 2,4-D. Cell colonies were observed after 4 weeks of culture, and the protoplast-derived colonies formed calluses when transferred onto 0.25% gellan gum-solidified MS medium supplemented with 1.0 µmol l–1 BA and 2.0 µmol l–1 IBA. Shoot organogenesis from protoplast-derived callus was induced on MS medium supplemented with 5.0 µmol l–1 BA and 2.0 µmol l–1 IBA. Complete plantlets were obtained from the regenerated shoots on MS basal medium. The protoplast to plant regeneration protocol developed in this study provides the prerequisite for creating novel genotypes of this valuable medicinal species through genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

向日葵籽苗下胚轴原生质体,培养在含有BA0.5mg/L,2,4-D0.5mg/L,NAA0.1mg/L和葡萄糖0.55mg/L的改良Kao培养基中,24~28h后,原生质体开始分裂。包埋在琼脂糖0.6%中的原生质体,培养5d后,分裂频率达95%以上。生长旺盛的小愈伤组织转移到含有2ip0.1mg/L,IAA0.01mg/L,腺嘌呤40mg/L和GA30.01mg/L的Thompson液体培养基上13d后,原生质体诱导的少数愈伤组织发生根分化。  相似文献   

properties, pigment compositions, Chl a/b ratios and apparent molecular weights of chlorophyll-protein complexes were compared between spinach and a marine green alga, Bryopsis corticulans. The results are as follows: 1. Ten chlorophyll-protein complexes were resolved from spinach thylakoid membranes solubilized by SDS in a final SDS/Chl weight ratio of 10:1, and subjected to SDS-PAGE with 11% resolution gel. CPIa 1–3 and CPI belonged to photosystem Ⅰ, and the rest to phorosystem Ⅱ. The maximum absorption of CPIa2, CPIas and CPI were all at 674nm, but that of CPIa1 at 670nm, and those of LHCII and D2 at 670 and 673nm, respectively. Chlorophyll ia PSⅡ was 63% of the total. In PSⅡ, most of chlorophyll was in LHCII which contained 86% of the chlorophyll in PSⅡ. In PSⅠ, chlorophyll in CPla was 72% of the total. Chlorophyll a was the main pigment in PSⅠ components which have Chl a/b ratio over 15. 2. Eight chlorophyll-protein complexes were isolated from B. corticulans with a SDS/Chi weight ratio of 8:1 and 8% resolution gel. The maximum absorption of CPIa, CPI, LHCII and D2 were respectively at 671nm, 673nm, 669nm and 664nm. PSⅡ contained 77% of the total chlorophyll. LHCII chlorophyll was 95% of the PSⅡ chlorophyll. CPI held 77% of PSⅠ chloro~ phyll. There was more chlorophyll b in Bryopsis complexes, especially in LHCI1 (Chl a/b< 0.8). The molecular weights of Bryopsis complexes were higher than those of the spinach complexes. Bryopsis LHCII contained siphoxanthin and siphothin, the marked pigments of Siphohales, as functional pigments. The above results revealed three points of difference between these two plants. Firstly, Chl a is the main pigment in spinach, whereas in Bryopsis the main pigments are Chl b and siphoxanthin. This is in accordance with the suggestion that plants may change their pigment composition to adapt light regime in the environment during evolution. Secondly, in Bryopsis, chlorophyll is concentrated in photosystem Ⅱ, but in spinach chlorophyll is shared evenly by two photosystems. Finally, CPI in Bryopsis contained the major part of chlorophyll in PSⅠ, yet in spinach CPIa is the superior.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of Brassica napus, Altex and Canadian twins, were used as materials. Protoplasts isolated from petioles of plants grown in vitro were cultured in Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5mg/L BA, 0.5mg/L NAA, lmg/L 2,4-D, 100mg/L serine, 800mg/L glutamine, 4% sucrose and 0.4mol/L mannitol. After 2 days of culture, the first division was observed. The division frequency estimated after 10 days of culture was 30-60%. One week after transferring onto MS medium containing 6mg/L GA3. and 3mg/L BA, protoplast-derived calli regenerated into shoots. The regeneration frequency of the two cultivars was 24% and 31% respectively. It was found that the protoplasts isolated from petioles could float on the surface of the 3% sucrose contained solution which was very favourable both to purification, and culture of the protoplasts.  相似文献   

黄曲霉菌的遗传转化是研究黄曲霉菌致病相关功能基因的前提和基础,而原生质体是研究和建立真菌遗传转化系统的重要工具。本文分别以黄曲霉孢子和菌丝为材料,研究不同条件下黄曲霉原生质体的形成和再生,结果表明,黄曲霉孢子在酶液浓度为纤维素酶∶蜗牛酶∶溶壁酶=1.5%∶1.5%∶1.5%,30℃酶解3 h,原生质体制备率高达97.3%,再生率达89.2%;黄曲霉菌丝在菌龄为42 h,酶液浓度为纤维素酶∶蜗牛酶∶溶壁酶=1.5%∶1.5%∶1.5%,30℃酶解1 h,可获得最高原生质体产量为2.0×10^6个/m L,再生培养基中以1 mol/L蔗糖作为渗透压稳定剂时,原生质体再生率达5.5%。故本实验条件下,黄曲霉孢子原生质体的形成和再生优于菌丝。  相似文献   

Poplar NL-80106 (Populus deltoides×P, simonii) mesophyll protoplasts were isolated from leaves of 30 days-old sterile shoot, with 4 × 107/g fr. wt of protoplast yield after purification. The protoplasts were cultured in KM8p and MS liquid media containing 2 mg/L 2, 4-D, 0. 5 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L KT. Higher plating density and lower osmatic pressure (0.45 mol/L) were proved to be favourable to division of protoplast-derived cells. The first division initiated 5 days after culture, and the division frequency reached 4.5 % on the 10th day. A number'of cell colonies and microcalli was formed in 12 weeks. Using organic nitrates and glucose in protoplast culture medium was beneficial to increase division frequency and plating efficiency. The calli were allowed to grow to 4--6 mm in height with red colour and compact structure on the gelrite-sohdified NLZ1 proliferation medium in 3 weeks and were transferred onto NLF differentiation medium where the frequency of shoot formation could reach 100%. The 3 cm high shoots were then cut off from the callus and rooted on 1/2 MS medium.  相似文献   

Leaf calli of Silybum marianum Gaertn. subcultured for one year were used for protoplast isolation and culture. First division was observed three days after culture on medium M12, and the highest division frequency was 35.4%. One to three months later, small ralli were seen with naked eyes, and grew up gradually. Upon transferring them onto D6 differentiation medium, the green bud apices were observed two months later. However, no shoot differentiation was obtained. Hypocotyl calli were induced on MS+NAA 0.8mg/1, 6-BA 0.5mg/1. Two months after transferring calli onto D6 medium, shoots were regenerated from the surface of the calli. The freqency of shoot differentiation was 75%. On a MS rooting medium containing NAA 0.5 mg/1, IBA 0.1 mg/1, whole plants with healthy roots were obtained.  相似文献   

Newly extended leaves of in vitro seedling of Actinidia eriantha Benth. were used for protoplast isolation. Protoplasts were cultured in liquid MS medium (devoid of NH4NO3) supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.4 mol/L glucose. The plating efficiency after 3 weeks of culture was about 19.4 %. Protoplasts-derived cells divided sustainably and developed into calli of 2 mm in size in the original protoplast-culture-medium without adding fresh medium so to decrease the osmotic pressure. These calli regenerated shoots when being transfered to MS medium with 0. 5 mg/L zeatin and 0. 1 mg/L IAA. Regenerated shoots were rooted by immersion in 20 ppm IBA solution before culturing on half-strength MS medium devoid of growth regulators.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from potato mesophyll of two strains (Solannum tuberosum L. cv. Xiao Yie Zi x Duo Zi Bia and Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Wu Meng 601) were induced to callus in culture medium of protoplasts. The callus derived from mesophyll protoplasts were transferred to MS medium with 2 mg/l ZT+0.1 mg/L IAA. Shoots regenerated from the callus were detected after 70 days of culture.The shoots which had grown to a height of 2–3 cm were transferred to MS medium with 0.05 mg/L NAA. Roots were coming out in a few days.Complete plantlets were achieved. Stern segments with 1–2 leaves were then transferred to a mixture of sterilized soil and grown, and produced tuber.  相似文献   

A d ‐mannose specific lectin was purified from the green marine alga, Bryopsis plumosa (Huds.) Ag. The lectin agglutinated horse and sheep erythrocytes. Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, size exclusion chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) and two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) results showed that the lectin was a monomer with molecular weight of 17 kDa and pI 7.3. The agglutinating activity was inhibited by d ‐mannose (1 mM), α‐methyl‐D‐mannose (4 mM) and l ‐fucose (8 mM). d ‐glucose (125 mM) showed weak inhibition. The lectin did not need divalent cations for agglutinating activity. N‐terminal amino acid sequence of the lectin was analyzed. As the lectin was novel, we named it BPL‐2 (Bryopsis plumosa lectin 2). Full cDNA sequence of BPL‐2 was obtained using cDNA library. It was comprised of 624 bp of open reading frame and 167 bp/57 bp of 3′/5′ untranslated regions as well as N‐terminal signal peptide. No antimicrobial activity of BPL‐2 was observed in four bacteria strains tested.  相似文献   

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