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通过室温下的中子衍射和磁性测量对多晶样品Nd0.5Sr0.4Pb0 .1MnO3 的结构和磁性进行了实验研究.中子衍射结果表明,该样品具有正交的钙钛矿结构,空间群 是Pnma,即结构发生了晶场畸变.由M-T和R-T曲线可知,居里温度TC=273 K ,其特征是随着温度的增加样品经历了从铁磁金属态转变到顺磁半导态,且转变温度T p=225 K;用锰氧化物晶场和双交换作用的竞争解 关键词: 结构 磁性 中子衍射 晶场畸变 p')" href="#">转变温度Tp 双交换作用  相似文献   

对Nd0 5Sr0 4Pb0 1 Mn1 -xFexO3系列多晶样品的结构 ,磁和转变特性进行了实验研究 .在x =0 0 0— 0 10的范围内获得了单相样品 ,Fe3+ 的替代并没有引起整个系列的结构变化 ,然而Mn位的掺杂却强烈地抑制了Nd0 5Sr0 4Pb0 1MnO3的铁磁性和金属—绝缘体转变 .在低掺杂情况下 (x≤ 0 0 6)Mn被Fe替代 ,金属—绝缘体转变温度TP 平均下降了 19K ,当x≥ 0 0 8铁磁金属态完全过渡为绝缘态 .这主要归因于Fe3+ 的渗入影响了化合物eg 电子浓度和抑制了双交换作用  相似文献   

The structure and magnetic properties of Nd0.5Pb0.5-xSrxMnO3 (0≤x≤0.4) manganites were systematically investigated. Significant changes in Curie temperature and metal-insulator (MI) transition temperature of the samples were observed. All samples exhibited a transition from paramagnetic semiconducting to ferromagnetic metallic state.Curie temperature Tc and the MI transition temperature Tp increased with increasing Sr content. We attributed these behaviours to the enhancing of both the double exchange mechanism and the Jahn-Teller electron-phonon coupling.  相似文献   

鲁毅  李庆安  邸乃力  成昭华 《物理学报》2003,52(6):1520-1523
对Nd0.5Sr0.4Pb0.1Mn1-xFex O3系列多晶样品的结构,磁和转变特性进行了实验研究.在x=0.00—0.10的范围内获得了单相样品,Fe3+的替代并没有引起整个系列的结构变化,然而Mn位的掺杂却强烈地抑制了Nd 0.5Sr0.4Pb0.1MnO3的铁 关键词: 磁结构 磁性 P')" href="#">磁转变温度TP 双交换作用  相似文献   

在低温条件下,随着搀杂浓度的增加,La1-X(Ca,Sr)xMnO3材料在x=0.5时会发生由铁磁态向反铁磁态绝缘体的相变过程.X-射线和中子衍射实验的研究进一步表明,在x=0.5时由于自旋、电荷和轨道序的相互作用,形成了La1-x(Ca,Sr)xMnO3材料的Charge-Exchange(CE)型反铁磁结构,因此出现了一些反常的磁学性质.本文对La0.5(Ca,Sr)0.5MnO3材料各种有序相进行了深入的研究.以多带Hubbard模型为基础,我们运用平均场近似和实空间Recursion方法,计算了La0.5(Ca,Sr)0.5MnO3材料中各种轨道序的铁磁态,G-型反铁磁态和CE型反铁磁态的态密度和能量.通过对不同状态之间能量的比较,得出在La0.5(Ca,Sr)0.5MnO3材料中CE-型反铁磁态将是系统最稳定状态的结论.同时对CE-型反铁磁态密度的分析,可以看出由于赝能隙的产生,系统将逐渐向绝缘体转变这一趋势.所有这些结论都和中子衍射和X-射线衍射的实验结果相符合.  相似文献   

采用基于柠檬酸体系的溶胶-凝胶法制备了Pr0.7(Sr1-xCax)0.3MnO3系列的多晶块材, 同时还用脉冲激光沉积技术(PLD)在SrTiO3(100)衬底上外延生长了同一系列的薄膜, 系统研究了它们的晶格结构和电输运行为. 多晶和薄膜样品都具有正交晶格结构, 电输运行为在居里温度TC以上的高温顺磁相都很好地符合了绝热小极化子模型. 用绝热小极化子模型对两者的电阻率温度曲线进行拟合, 多晶和薄膜样品的拟合结果在定性上是一致的. 随着Ca掺杂量的增加, 极化子跳迁能Ehop变大,ρ0先减小后增大. 实验结果说明, 只要多晶样品制备的质量好, 缺陷、晶界的影响可以大大降低, 多晶样品的电输运行为也能表现出本征的小极化子性质.  相似文献   

超微晶软磁合金的磁性和结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨国斌 《物理》1995,24(2):65-70
简要介绍了新型超微晶软磁合金Finemet的发展现状及应用,介绍了蜚 晶态合金的晶化概念以及微昌析出对非晶态合金磁性的影响,分析了Finemet的性能和结构的关系,并探索了Finemet优异软磁特性的根源。  相似文献   

采用Monte-Carlo模拟方法对六边形、正方形和三角形晶格结构磁性薄膜的磁学特性及磁畴结构进行了模拟,结果表明,磁性薄膜的磁性特征及其磁相变温度和薄膜结构密切相关并存在临界膜厚,当薄膜厚度大于临界膜厚时薄膜磁性特征稳定.在低温区,不同结构磁性薄膜的磁滞回线均出现台阶现象,结果同相关实验一致.  相似文献   

本文通过固相反应方法制备了具有钙钛矿结构的稀土掺杂锰氧化物La0.875Sr0.125MnO3(LSMO)块材,并用磁控溅射方法在LaAlO3衬底上生长了厚度为50nm的单晶薄膜.X射线衍射仪分别对LSMO块材和薄膜材料进行分析,表明薄膜和衬底具有相同的钙钛矿结构;通过研究该薄膜光诱导效应和磁场下输运行为,发现其输运性质明显改变,表明外场改变体系的电子自旋输运特性,引起双交换作用减弱和增强,分别导致电阻率的增加和减小.  相似文献   

实验研究了La0.5Sr0.5MnO3体系La位上Y掺杂对电荷有序相的影响。结果表明掺杂量为0.15以下时,样品均呈现金属—绝缘体转变行为;当掺杂量为0.2,0.25时样品中出现了电荷有序相,通过对样品的结构和输运特性的仔细研究,发现有三种因素对其输运特性具有重要影响:带宽即<rA>,eg电子的轨道,无序度δ^2,同时,实验结果表明电荷有序相的形成是因为电子之间的强关联作用的结果。  相似文献   

S. Kundu  T.K. Nath 《哲学杂志》2013,93(19):2527-2548
Detailed DC and AC magnetic properties of chemically synthesized Nd0.4Sr0.6MnO3 with different particle size (down to 27?nm) have been studied in details. We have found ferromagnetic state in the nanoparticles, whereas the bulk Nd0.4Sr0.6MnO3 is known to be an A-type antiferromagnet. A Griffiths-like phase has also been identified in the nanoparticles. Further, critical behaviour of the nanoparticles has been studied around the second-order ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition region (|(T?T C)/T C|???0.04) in terms of modified Arrott plot, Kouvel–Fisher plot and critical isotherm analysis. The estimated critical exponents (β, γ, δ) are quite different from those predicted according to three-dimensional mean-field, Heisenberg and Ising models. This signifies a quite unusual nature of the size-induced ferromagnetic state in Nd0.4Sr0.6MnO3. The nanoparticles are found to be interacting and do not behave like ideal superparamagnet. Interestingly, we find spin glass like slow relaxation of magnetization, aging and memory effect in the nanometric samples. These phenomena have been attributed to very broad distribution of relaxation time as well as to inter-particle interaction. Experimentally, we have found out that the dynamics of the nanoparticle systems can be best described by hierarchical model of spin glasses.  相似文献   

We have grown La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LNSCO/LSMO) bilayer structure on SrTiO3 (0 0 1) substrate. Both temperature dependences of resistivity and magnetization curves show anomalies between 60 < T < 80 K, where a low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) to low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) structural transition is observed in LNSCO bulk crystal. It is suggested that the formation of domains in LSMO layer can relax the strains caused by the LTO–LTT transition in LNSCO layer.  相似文献   

Optical reflectivity studies of the ferromagnetic metal (FMM) to antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) phase transition were performed on Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 single crystals in a wide temperature and magnetic field range. The formation of a domain structure in the AFI state was observed. On the basis of the experimental results and symmetry analysis we conclude that these domains are crystal twins, confirming the symmetry lowering of the crystal at this phase transition. The twin domain structure of the AFI state in the Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is visible in reflected unpolarized light due to a different tilting of the surface of the domains. We find no evidence for intermediate FMM+AFI stripe phase.  相似文献   

Srikiran  J. S.  Shinde  A. B.  Krishna  P. S. R. 《Pramana》2004,63(2):221-226
The structure and the magnetic properties of the doped rare earth cobaltite systems are of recent interest owing to the CMR phenomenon that occur in them. In this paper, we investigate the structure and magnetic properties of Tb0.5Sr0.5CoO3 solid solution, for the first time, using neutron powder diffraction technique. The sample Tb0.5Sr0.5CoO3 is found to crystallize in orthorhombic (Pbnm) symmetry. The unit cell volume and Co—O bond length reduce with temperature. The calculatede g bandwidth obtained from structural parameters turns out to be 0.989 eV. Low temperature neutron diffraction profiles exhibit a magnetic contribution to the fundamental Bragg peaks indicating a ferromagnetic ordering belowT c. The results are compared with Co—O—Co bond angles and Co—O bond length of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3, highlighting the ionic size effects on substitution of Tb ion for La in the compound.  相似文献   

We present results of an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of Nd1−xSrxMnO3 with x=0.5 across the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic, insulator to metal transition at 260 K (Tc) and the antiferromagnetic, charge ordering transition (TN=Tco) at 150 K. The results are compared with those on Nd0.45Sr0.55MnO3 which undergoes a transition to a homogeneous A-type antiferromagnetic phase at TN=230 K and on La0.77Ca0.23MnO3 which undergoes a transition to coexisting ferromagnetic metallic and ferromagnetic insulating phases. For x=0.5, the EPR signals below Tc consist of two Lorentzian components attributable to the coexistence of two phases. From the analysis of the temperature dependence of the resonant fields and intensities, we conclude that in the mixed phase ferromagnetic and A-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases coexist. The x=0.55 compound shows a single Lorentzian throughout the temperature range. The signal persists for a few degrees below TN. The behaviour of the A-type AFM phase is contrasted with that of the two ferromagnetic phases present in La0.77Ca0.23MnO3. The comparison of behaviour of A-type AFM signal observed in both Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 and Nd0.45Sr0.55MnO3 with the two FM phases of La0.77Ca0.23MnO3, vis-à-vis the shift of resonances with respect to the paramagnetic phases and the behaviour of EPR intensity as a function of temperature conclusively prove that the Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 undergoes phase separation into A-type AFM and FM phases.  相似文献   

Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 as a function of temperature in the range of 320–50 K, covering the paramagnetic insulator-ferromagnetic metal transition at 250 K and the charge-ordering antiferromagnetic transition at 150 K. The diffusive electronic Raman scattering response is seen in the paramagnetic phase which continue to exist even in the ferromagnetic phase, eventually disappearing below 150 K. We understand the existence of diffusive response in the ferromagnetic phase to the coexistence of the different electronic phases. The frequency and linewidth of the phonons across the transitions show significant changes, which cannot be accounted for only by anharmonic interactions.  相似文献   

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