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分析了水凝胶作为摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)材料的独特优势,总结了提高水凝胶基摩擦纳米发电机(H-TENG)输出性能的方法。具有柔韧性、导电性、自愈合性和抗疲劳性的水凝胶组装的H-TENG能满足柔性可穿戴电子设备应用需求,生物相容性和降解性使其更贴近绿色能源的发展方向。主要通过制备高导电性、优异机械性能的水凝胶和优化摩擦层的表面特性以最大限度地提高H-TENG输出功率。但控制水分蒸发和结冰对保持H-TENG的机械性能和导电性仍然具有挑战性,也是维持H-TENG输出性能稳定的关键。最后,阐述了目前H-TENG在自供能传感、微纳能源和生物医学等领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

简单阐述了摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)的工作原理与四种工作模式及电极材料对摩擦纳米发电机的影响,重点介绍了垂直接触-分离模式结构和独立层模式结构用于水波能量收集的摩擦纳米发电机的结构设计,并对它们的性能与应用进行分析。介绍了电路管理模块用于水波能量收集的摩擦纳米发电机的设计,并详细介绍了它们的性能及作用。总结了近年来水波能量收集型摩擦纳米发电机通过收集水波能量在水波的作用下所实现的功能。最后,对水波能量收集型摩擦纳米发电机收集水波能量方面当前存在的问题进行了分析与总结,并展望了水波能量收集型摩擦纳米发电机未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

介绍了摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)的工作原理和特点,总结了从交流输出摩擦纳米发电机(AC-TENG)到直流输出摩擦纳米发电机(DC-TENG)的技术革新变化,根据摩擦纳米发电机不同的直流化技术原理,分别阐述了基于机械整流式、相位控制式、半导体聚合物的动态肖特基式、空气击穿式的DC-TENG近几年的研究进展,并重点分析了基于静电击穿式DC-TENG的工作原理、性能优化和应用方法等。讨论了AC-TENG和DC-TENG之间的异同,得出了通过两者输出性质的差异化来提高自供电传感器精度的结论。最后,对未来DC-TENG技术进行展望,认为DC-TENG与AC-TENG有相似的发展路线,将面临相似的不足与挑战,通过借鉴AC-TENG的改进过程,能有效减少在DC-TENG发展中可能出现的问题。  相似文献   

简单介绍了摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)的工作原理和垂直接触-分离式TENG的理论模型。概述了金属有机框架(MOF)材料在TENG领域的研究进展,重点分析了MOF作为TENG摩擦材料的几大优势。MOF的多孔结构、大比表面积、易于化学改性以及在复合材料体系中可以作为活性填料的特点能够有效地改善TENG的输出性能;部分具有生物相容性和可降解性的MOF对于TENG在生物医药领域的发展具有促进作用。此外,总结归纳了目前MOF-TENG在化学传感、运动监测、为小型电子设备供电、金属防腐和环境保护等领域中的应用进展。最后,对MOF-TENG当前存在的问题进行了分析和总结,并展望了未来MOF-TENG的发展方向。  相似文献   

为降低新能源汽车雨量监测系统功耗,提出基于摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)的自驱动、自清洁雨量传感器.利用微电子机械系统(MEMS)工艺制备了具有微纳阵列结构的硅片模板,实现了微纳结构柔性转移.基于表面具有金字塔微结构的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)薄膜构建了单电极模式TENG,研究了不同表面形貌对传感器输出性能的影响.利用雨量...  相似文献   

摩擦纳米发电机已经广泛用于日常生活中收集各种机械能并转换为电能,作为触摸屏和智能皮肤技术的自供能传感系统.为了提高能量转换效率,设计了一种单电极的摩擦纳米发电机(S-TENG).将表面含有微米尺度浮雕结构的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)作为S-TENG的摩擦层,一层厚度为20 nm的铟锡氧化物膜作为电极层,通过外部电路可以...  相似文献   

摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)可以收集环境中不同形式的机械能并将其转化成电能,具有材料选择广泛、制作成本低廉、可多功能集成等优势。详细介绍了TENG的基本概念,比较说明了TENG与传统电磁发电机的区别与显著优势,总结了基于不同摩擦方式TENG的详细工作机理,并从工作模式角度综述了TENG由单一模式向组合创新的混合模式发展的研究进展。另外,详细举例介绍了TENG在环境监测、便携式电子产品和自驱动传感器方面的应用。最后,针对TENG目前存在的问题及当今智能化、微型化的科技发展潮流,提出了TENG的三个发展方向:提高其耐高温性能、生物相容性能和灵敏度。  相似文献   

有效地将自然界中的能量转换为电能对于构建环境友好型社会具有重要意义。摩擦纳米发电机(Triboelectric Nanogenerator,TENG)是一种新型的机械能-电能转换装置,可实现将微弱机械能高效地转换为电能。在自然界众多的机械能中,风能因其分布广和储存量大而受到广泛关注。近年来,将风能高效率地转换为电能是TENG技术的研发重点之一。研究人员对此展开了细致的研究工作,获得大量研究进展。一般说来,风能收集型TENG的研究内容主要包括器件结构优化、摩擦起电材料的物理与化学改性以及电源管理电路设计优化。针对这些研究内容,详细介绍了近年来TENG在收集风能方面的研究进展,剖析存在的问题,并对其未来的应用和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

设计了一种多层薄膜颤振混合纳米发电机(MFFH-NG),能同时采集薄膜由于风致振动产生的摩擦电能与压电能。薄膜组成材料为聚四氟乙烯/银/聚偏氟乙烯/银/聚四氟乙烯(PTFE/Ag/PVDF/Ag/PTFE)。模拟分析了MFFH-NG中摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)和压电纳米发电机(PENG)的工作机理;实验分析了摩擦电极板之间距离变化时器件的开路电压,得出一个最优方案。MFFH-NG可以作为一种频率-风速传感器,传感精度为1.61 Hz/(m·s-1)。风速为10 m/s时,测出开路电压峰值平均值为189 V,均方电压为101 V,单位面积的开路电压峰值平均值和单位面积的均方电压分别为5.73×104 V/m2和3.06×104 V/m2;外接负载电阻为10 MΩ时,峰值功率密度平均值达到最大,为345.2 mW/m2,均方功率密度为23.6 mW/m2。MFFH-NG作为直接供能源可以点亮90盏商用LED灯,发出的电能可以存储到电容器中,在风能采集和自供电系统中显示出良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于新的力电转换机理,摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)将自然界中微弱机械能转化为电能,并为小型用电设备供电成为可能,而柔性材料的应用更为低功耗设备的便携性及适应环境能力提供了保证.基于聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)材料制备出柔性TENG,并研究膜内掺杂工艺对TENG输出性能的影响规律.通过系统测试可知,使用碳黑材料作为填充物可以...  相似文献   

Ocean waves are one of the most promising renewable energy sources for large‐scope applications. Recently, triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) network has been demonstrated to effectively harvest water wave energy possibly toward large‐scale blue energy. However, the absence of effective power management severely restricts the practicability of TENGs. In this work, a hexagonal TENG network consisting of spherical TENG units based on spring‐assisted multilayered structure, integrated with a power management module (PMM), is constructed for harvesting water wave energy. The output performance of the TENG network is found to be determined by water wave frequencies and amplitudes, as well as the wave type. Moreover, with the implemented PMM, the TENG network could output a steady and continuous direct current (DC) voltage on the load resistance, and the stored energy is dramatically improved by up to 96 times for charging a capacitor. The TENG network integrated with the PMM is also applied to effectively power a digital thermometer and a wireless transmitter. The thermometer can constantly measure the water temperature with the water wave motions, and the transmitter can send signals that enable an alarm to go off once every 10 s. This study extends the application of the power management module in the water wave energy harvesting.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel asymmetrical triboelectric nanogenerator (A‐TENG) to produce, detect, and analyze contact electrification and electrostatic discharge (ESD) in the atmosphere. Thanks to the asymmetrical structures, the direct and continuous ESD phenomenon without any external electronic circuits is, for the first time, discovered by our experiments in A‐TENG. Different from traditional contact‐mode TENG, asymmetrical contact pairs introduce an unstable state, which causes a continuous surface charge increase and eventually the air breakdown. The ESD phenomena have been simultaneously detected and confirmed by a low‐dark‐current photoelectric detector. Four different steps have been summarized to describe irregular ESD transition processes before their stable state. At the same time, the frequency and efficiency of ESD have been generally regulated and controlled by systematically investigating several key influence factors (contact materials, contact pressure, tilted angle, surface morphology, etc.). This asymmetrical structure has proved TENG as powerful and real‐time analytical equipment to explore fundamentals of contact electrification and ESD. Meanwhile, three necessary premises for ESD in TENG can be selectively avoided for the improvement of the stability of TENG.  相似文献   

Ocean wave energy, as one of the most abundant resources on the earth, is a promising energy source for large‐scale applications. Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) provide a new strategy for water wave energy harvesting; however, its average performance in realistic water wave conditions is still not high. In this work, a whirling‐folded TENG (WF‐TENG) with maximized space utilization and minimized electrostatic shielding is constructed by 3D printing and printed circuit board technologies. The flexible vortex structure responds easily to multiform wave excitation with improved oscillation frequency. A standard water wave tank is established to generate controllable water waves to characterize the device performance. It is found to be determined by wave conditions and internal structure, which is also revealed by a theoretical dynamical analysis. The WF‐TENG can produce a maximum peak power of 6.5 mW and average power of 0.28 mW, which can power a digital thermometer to operate constantly and realize self‐powered monitoring on the TENG network to prevent possible damage in severe environments. Moreover, a self‐charge‐supplement WF‐TENG network is proposed to improve the output performance and stability. This study provides an effective strategy for improving the average power and characterizing the performance of spherical TENG towards large‐scale blue energy.  相似文献   

A useful direction to solve the energy problem is the effective repeated use of biomaterial for mechanical energy collection and sensing applications. Here, a feather-based single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerator (F-STENG) by only sputtering copper atoms on the feathers are presented. The feather of F-STENG, as a natural material, has environmental friendliness, which is different from the polymer materials of other triboelectric nanogenerators. F-STENG has super durability due to its feather structure self-healing property. The device has a high output voltage of 90 V and an output current of 3.5 µA. After breaking and self-healing lots of times, the output performance is also 80% of the original. F-STENG has a high sensitivity to temperature, humidity, and wind speed, and the sensitivity is 0.50 V °C−1, -0.98 V RH−1, and 1.67 μA m−1 s−1. The output power of F-STENG is 0.62 mW g−1, which can realize global positioning and photographing to solve the module energy consumption problem. F-STENG provides an effective way for the application of self-powered sensors and equipment in military, industrial, transportation, and daily life.  相似文献   

The blind mainly relies on Braille books to obtain text information. However, Braille books with invariable content are ponderous and inconvenient to read. Hence, it is essential to find a safe, simple and effective method to develop new Braille devices. This advanced method promises to be the next generation Braille book that is refreshable, flexible, and portable. Therefore, a safe dielectric elastomer Braille device actuated by a triboelectric nanogenerator is designed. It is easy to fabricate, inexpensive, and safe without any potential hazard for blind people. For triboelectric nanogenerators, the friction between two thin films can generate a voltage over 3 kV with a current of just 2 µA to deliver a shape change of the dielectric elastomer membrane. In the meantime, with the support of the pressor air in the chamber, the membrane will be raised up to be a touchable Braille dot. In addition, a programmed switch matrix is designed to control the Braille device with multiple dielectric elastomer dots to realize complicated refreshable display, providing a possibility of a page-size and portable braille e-book for the blind in the near future.  相似文献   

Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG) are able to convert mechanical energy into electricity. In this work, a self‐powered electrochemical synthesis circle is designed, in which the electrode material of the TENG, polypyrrole (PPy), is prepared by the pulse output of the PPy‐based TENG itself. The TENG based on PPy from self‐powered synthesis (SPSPPy) presents a competitive performance compared to those made from commercial pulse sources. A supercapacitor that is fabricated from SPSPPy has a far superior performance than that synthesized by the conventional galvanostatic method. Furthermore, a self‐charging power system that integrates a TENG and a supercapacitor is demonstrated to drive an electronic device sustainably. Moreover, the polymerization efficiency is optimized in TENG‐based electrochemical synthesis because its high voltage can sustain multiple reactors simultaneously. Its upper limit is theoretically analyzed for optimal energy utility, and a maximum number of 39 reactors can be powered experimentally. Hence, TENG is validated as an effective pulse generator for the synthesis of PPy as well as other electrochemical technology, and this work greatly improves the understandings of TENG‐based self‐powered electrochemical systems.  相似文献   

With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), the power supply to trillions of IoT nodes has become a serious challenge. It is of significant importance to propose a rational power management scheme for constructing fully self-powered systems using triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG). In this study, as inspired by an embroidery hoop, a new type of TENG without the Helmholtz resonant cavity is developed for collecting sound energy, which can generate the Voc and Isc up to 500 V and 124 µA, respectively at a resonance frequency of 170 Hz and sound pressure of 110 dB. Furthermore, the sound-driven TENG integrated with a specially designed power management circuit derived from the universal power management strategy (PMS) can successfully drive a commercial narrow band-IoT wireless node, which realizes periodic temperature and humidity data acquisition and transmission. With the same strategy, an electric switch and a temperature and humidity acquisition system based on Bluetooth technology can also be powered by a contact-separated TENG and a wind-driven TENG, demonstrating excellent versatility, adaptability, and universality of the PMS. This study provides a novel solution for the application of TENG in the field of low-frequency IoT in local and wide areas.  相似文献   

Energy shortage and environmental degradation are two important challenges facing humanity. Here, a multi-layer stacked triboelectric nanogenerator (MLS-TENG) based on a rotation-to-translation mechanism is reported for fluid energy harvesting and environmental protection. The mechanism transforms fluid-induced rotation into a reciprocal translation of the MLS-TENG, enabling the conversion of fluid energy into electrical energy. In addition, benefiting from a multi-layer stacked structural design, the open-circuit voltage is increased from 860 to 2410 V and an efficient energy harvesting rate of 2 mJ min−1 is obtained in an actual river. Furthermore, with the assistance of the MLS-TENG, a self-powered wireless temperature and humidity monitoring system and a metal anticorrosion system are successfully established. Ambient monitoring data can be transmitted continuously at an interval of 49.7 s, and the corrosion rate of steel is significantly slowed down. This study provides guidance for efficient harvesting of ambient fluid energy, with promising applications in environmental monitoring and protection.  相似文献   

Making use of water wave energy at large is one of the most attractive, low‐carbon, and renewable ways to generate electric power. The emergence of triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) provides a new approach for effectively harvesting such low‐frequency, irregular, and “random” energy. In this work, a TENG array consisting of spherical TENG units based on spring‐assisted multilayered structure is devised to scavenge water wave energy. The introduction of spring structure enhances the output performance of the spherical TENG by transforming low‐frequency water wave motions into high‐frequency vibrations, while the multilayered structure increases the space utilization, leading to a higher output of a spherical unit. Owing to its unique structure, the output current of one spherical TENG unit could reach 120 µA, which is two orders of magnitude larger than that of previous rolling spherical TENG, and a maximum output power up to 7.96 mW is realized as triggered by the water waves. The TENG array fabricated by integrating four units is demonstrated to successfully drive dozens of light‐emitting diodes and power an electronic thermometer. This study provides a new type of TENG device with improved performance toward large‐scale blue energy harvesting from the water waves.  相似文献   

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